Exclusivefocus Summer 2012.pdf - National Association of ...

Exclusivefocus Summer 2012.pdf - National Association of ... Exclusivefocus Summer 2012.pdf - National Association of ...


ing group and know immediately that itis not for you. Drop the group and saveyour time and money. If you are unsure,go a few times to see if you feel at homewith the group. If you join an organizationremember these pointers:You will not get business immediately,so don’t let this discourage you.If it seems like it is not working out,then trade it for another organization.Always remember you are not marriedto the group.InvolvementBecome a leader as soon as you can.This puts you front and center. I canhear the excuses now… “But I don’tlike speaking in front of others.” Or, “Iam not extroverted.” Or, “But, I am notcomfortable with this or that.” It is timeto get out of your comfort zone becausethese excuses will not get you morebusiness; they will only serve to inhibityour growth as a successful agency owner.If you have these fears there are remedies.Consider a Dale Carnegie courseor join Toastmasters International. Thisstep will take a little courage and sometime and effort, but the results could farexceed your expectations. If this is toobig a step, then consider becoming thetreasurer or secretary, which will exposeyou to the group, yet limit your speakingtime. I use the word “expose” here inthe most positive manner, so please donot go out and do something silly thatincludes drinks and a table.Being involved and interacting withthe group at this level is much moreproductive than just throwing moneyat an event or sponsorship. Being seen(and heard) at the group’s meetings andfunctions is crucial to getting referrals.The more you are seen, the more businessyou will cultivate.If you can’t attend, send a representativeof your agency. In my case, peoplewould come up and say, “Lezlee, youare everywhere!” It was true and afterI thought about it, I realized that Ineeded to do it again because it works.There were even other Allstate agentswho got frustrated with me because Iwas “everywhere.” Some of them wouldstay away from organizations that I wasa part of because they said I was “takingthe business.” That is ridiculous! Thereis plenty of business out there for everyoneand people gravitate to differentpersonalities. So if the group allows it,get three Allstate agents into the fold,and be a “force to be reckoned with.” Byteaming up, you may be able to force outthe major players from other insurancecompanies.Remove the Ball and Chainfrom your StaffFind an organization for staff to join.Obviously, there are different types ofstaff; some that can effectively marketand some who are best left in the office toperform administrative functions. This isnot to disparage those who remain at theoffice because they are the glue that keepseverything together. They complete thepaperwork properly and perform otherfunctions that keep the office hummingalong. Those staff that can handle themarketing end, however, will love thefreedom and trust being offered, whichbuilds morale. Go with them in the beginningto demonstrate how to networkand help them feel at ease. After a coupleof meetings, set them free.Set expectations for them, such as collectingat least three business cards ateach meeting and have them share theirconversations with you. Whenever youare all together at one event or party,your modus operandi should be to DI-VIDE and CONQUER. Too often, Ihave watched two or three employeeshuddle together rather than working theroom to gain referrals. This is a waste oftime and money. They can talk in the officeall day long, so huddling together innetworking situations should be bannedduring these events.Everyone – including and especiallythe agency owner – must be making newconnections. There is no greater trainingtool than “leading by example,” whichcan only be accomplished when theagency owner jumps into the trencheswith his staff, get his hands dirty, andworks the crowd.We must all remember that this iscalled NetWORKing, not NetSO-CIALizing. That is why it is called“work.” These are not meant to be la-didasocial affairs with no purpose; you arethere to accomplish something and thatis to build relationships, gather referralsand close business.Start back at the roots and grow fromthere. And always be sure to thank yourreferrals in some special way! EfLezlee Liljenberg is an active Allstate agentin Arlington, Texas and is a proud memberof NAPAA Board of Directors.Call us at 1-888-547-8877 or email TPPLoans@amgnational.comMember FDICEqual Housing LenderExpandYour AgencyorRefinanceat a Lower Rate• Lending up to 80% of TPP at competitive rates• Experience helping Allstate agents grow their businesses• Community bank service with national reach and resources• Strong and stable national institutionAMG National Trust Bankwww.amgnational.comSummer 2012 Exclusivefocus — 17

ing group and know immediately that itis not for you. Drop the group and saveyour time and money. If you are unsure,go a few times to see if you feel at homewith the group. If you join an organizationremember these pointers:You will not get business immediately,so don’t let this discourage you.If it seems like it is not working out,then trade it for another organization.Always remember you are not marriedto the group.InvolvementBecome a leader as soon as you can.This puts you front and center. I canhear the excuses now… “But I don’tlike speaking in front <strong>of</strong> others.” Or, “Iam not extroverted.” Or, “But, I am notcomfortable with this or that.” It is timeto get out <strong>of</strong> your comfort zone becausethese excuses will not get you morebusiness; they will only serve to inhibityour growth as a successful agency owner.If you have these fears there are remedies.Consider a Dale Carnegie courseor join Toastmasters International. Thisstep will take a little courage and sometime and effort, but the results could farexceed your expectations. If this is toobig a step, then consider becoming thetreasurer or secretary, which will exposeyou to the group, yet limit your speakingtime. I use the word “expose” here inthe most positive manner, so please donot go out and do something silly thatincludes drinks and a table.Being involved and interacting withthe group at this level is much moreproductive than just throwing moneyat an event or sponsorship. Being seen(and heard) at the group’s meetings andfunctions is crucial to getting referrals.The more you are seen, the more businessyou will cultivate.If you can’t attend, send a representative<strong>of</strong> your agency. In my case, peoplewould come up and say, “Lezlee, youare everywhere!” It was true and afterI thought about it, I realized that Ineeded to do it again because it works.There were even other Allstate agentswho got frustrated with me because Iwas “everywhere.” Some <strong>of</strong> them wouldstay away from organizations that I wasa part <strong>of</strong> because they said I was “takingthe business.” That is ridiculous! Thereis plenty <strong>of</strong> business out there for everyoneand people gravitate to differentpersonalities. So if the group allows it,get three Allstate agents into the fold,and be a “force to be reckoned with.” Byteaming up, you may be able to force outthe major players from other insurancecompanies.Remove the Ball and Chainfrom your StaffFind an organization for staff to join.Obviously, there are different types <strong>of</strong>staff; some that can effectively marketand some who are best left in the <strong>of</strong>fice toperform administrative functions. This isnot to disparage those who remain at the<strong>of</strong>fice because they are the glue that keepseverything together. They complete thepaperwork properly and perform otherfunctions that keep the <strong>of</strong>fice hummingalong. Those staff that can handle themarketing end, however, will love thefreedom and trust being <strong>of</strong>fered, whichbuilds morale. Go with them in the beginningto demonstrate how to networkand help them feel at ease. After a couple<strong>of</strong> meetings, set them free.Set expectations for them, such as collectingat least three business cards ateach meeting and have them share theirconversations with you. Whenever youare all together at one event or party,your modus operandi should be to DI-VIDE and CONQUER. Too <strong>of</strong>ten, Ihave watched two or three employeeshuddle together rather than working theroom to gain referrals. This is a waste <strong>of</strong>time and money. They can talk in the <strong>of</strong>ficeall day long, so huddling together innetworking situations should be bannedduring these events.Everyone – including and especiallythe agency owner – must be making newconnections. There is no greater trainingtool than “leading by example,” whichcan only be accomplished when theagency owner jumps into the trencheswith his staff, get his hands dirty, andworks the crowd.We must all remember that this iscalled NetWORKing, not NetSO-CIALizing. That is why it is called“work.” These are not meant to be la-didasocial affairs with no purpose; you arethere to accomplish something and thatis to build relationships, gather referralsand close business.Start back at the roots and grow fromthere. And always be sure to thank yourreferrals in some special way! EfLezlee Liljenberg is an active Allstate agentin Arlington, Texas and is a proud member<strong>of</strong> NAPAA Board <strong>of</strong> Directors.Call us at 1-888-547-8877 or email TPPLoans@amgnational.comMember FDICEqual Housing LenderExpandYour AgencyorRefinanceat a Lower Rate• Lending up to 80% <strong>of</strong> TPP at competitive rates• Experience helping Allstate agents grow their businesses• Community bank service with national reach and resources• Strong and stable national institutionAMG <strong>National</strong> Trust Bankwww.amgnational.com<strong>Summer</strong> 2012 <strong>Exclusivefocus</strong> — 17

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