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PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 1WELCOMEENABLING BUSINESS GROWTH…TOGETHERAt <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>, we recognise the critical role played by our Value Added Distributors and System Integrators.As our Value Added Distributor, you play a critical role in turning our channel strategy into revenue. We rely on your focus,expertise, execution and value-added offerings to help bring our products to market quickly and effectively.As our System Integrator, you help organisations employ our technology in innovative new ways. You bring deep insight intomarket needs. You create the end-to-end solutions today’s customers demand. You offer essential professional services.That’s why we’re focused on ensuring your company’s success through the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> PartnerEmpowerProgram (“PartnerEmpower”). The foundation for how we go to market together with our channels around the world,PartnerEmpower positions you for business growth through access to top-ranked products, tools that help you drive sales,and insights that enable you to take advantage of new opportunities.VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTORSLearn how this program empowers Value Added Distributors through our focus on:GROWTHDRIVING GROWTH AND PROFITABILITY• A rich set of benefits supports you throughoutthe sales cycle, increases the effectiveness of yourmarketing and enhances your customer support• Our focus on your success drives the creationof benefits, promotions and initiatives designed toimprove your profitability• The extensive PartnerEmpower ecosystemenables you to make connections betweencomplementary companies and, in turn, meetmarketplace demand for comprehensive,end-to-end solutionsEXPERTISEREWARDING EXPERTISE• The PartnerEmpower structure recognises yourexpertise and investments in key technologies• World-class training and certification provideyour sales and technical team with the additionalskills needed to help resellers address customerrequirements and provide increasingly complexsolutionsWe designed PartnerEmpowerto enable you and <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> to better respond totoday’s evolving marketplace.This program is driven by carefulstudy of industry best practices,along with ongoing feedbackfrom our channels.We look forward to workingwith you. Together, we willprovide customers withinnovative solutions thatconnect individuals withinformation and colleagues inmoments that matter. We hopeyou’ll take advantage of all thatPartnerEmpower has to offer toyour business.DIFFERENTIATIONHELPING YOU STAND APART IN THEMARKETPLACE• Your relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> andyour focus on certain technologies help youdifferentiate yourself from your competitors andgrow your reseller base• <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ legacy of innovation, qualityand product leadership helps you strengthen yourvalue proposition to resellersVALUEPROVIDING A RETURN ONINVESTMENT (“ROI”)• PartnerEmpower is designed to help you generaterevenue, cut costs and go to market more effectively• A rich set of benefits increases the effectiveness ofyour marketing, accelerates sales, and enhances thesupport you provide to resellersPAGE 2

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SYSTEM INTEGRATORSLearn how this program empowers System Integrators through our focus on:GROWTHDRIVING GROWTH AND PROFITABILITY• A rich set of benefits supports you throughoutthe sales cycle, increases the effectiveness of yourmarketing and enhances your customer support• Our focus on your success drives the creationof benefits, promotions and initiatives designed toimprove your profitability• Collaboration among PartnerEmpower membersfacilitates the development and delivery ofend-to-end solutions that meet customer demandEXPERTISEREWARDING EXPERTISE ANDSPECIALISATIION• A special tier of benefits recognises your expertiseand investments in key technologies and markets• World-class training and certification provideyour sales and technical teams with the additionalskills needed to address customer requirements andprovide increasingly complex solutionsDIFFERENTIATIONHELPING YOU STAND APART IN THEMARKETPLACE• Your relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> andyour specialisatiions help you differentiate yourself fromyour competitors, take advantage of new opportunitiesand make connections with other PartnerEmpowermembers• <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ legacy of innovation, qualityand product leadership helps you strengthen your valueproposition to customersVALUEMAXIMIZING RETURN ONINVESTMENT (“ROI”)• The structure of PartnerEmpower rewards you forinvesting in your relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>• PartnerEmpower’s benefits and channelfocusedresources are designed to help yougenerate revenue, cut costs, accelerate sales and goto market more effectively• Selective product access protects yourinvestment in your <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> relationshipand ensures customer satisfaction, as only qualifiedPartnerEmpower members can access the vastmajority of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> offeringsPAGE 3

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 2<strong>PROGRAM</strong> STRUCTUREOVERVIEWThe <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> channel ecosystem comprises a wide array of companies, each with a different go-to-marketstrategy and each focusing on a different subset of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products. PartnerEmpower is structured to enable<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> to successfully team with a wide array of companies in bringing innovative, market-leading solutions toour mutual customers. The foundation of this program is based on two key components:COMMUNITYPartnerEmpower members are categorised into communities based on the business model they have adopted to best servecustomers.VALUED ADDEDDISTRIBUTOR COMMUNITYThe community of Value AddedDistributors is available only tocompanies with business modelsfocused on:- Selling <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>products to other companiesthat resell products to endusers- Offering related servicesin the areas of fulfillment,technical support, professionalservices, financing, sales andmarketingAs a Value Added Distributor,your company must meetthe business conditions andrequirements associated with theDistributor community.SYSTEM INTEGRATORCOMMUNITYThe community of SystemIntegrators recognises theunique business model andneeds of System Integrators. Thiscommunity is available only tocompanies that:- Are large and have broadfinancial resources- Deliver management andtechnology consulting,business process engineering,integration and outsourcingservices- Serve Global 2000, mid-tierand smaller companies withina region- Focus on hardware integrationservices- Bring strong industry-specificor technology-specificexpertiseAs a System Integrator, yourcompany must meet the businessconditions and requirementsassociated with the SystemIntegrator community.Other PartnerEmpowerCommunitiesPartnerEmpower also includesmany other communities thatplay a unique role in the channelecosystem.In 2012, PartnerEmpower hasprogressively launched to thesecommunities:• Value Added Reseller• Dealer• eTailer• Application Partner• Value Added Distributor• System IntegratorOver time, PartnerEmpower willalso include communities suchas Global System Integrators,Alliance Partners and Carriers.Please note that there are othertypes of companies that sell orinfluence the sale of <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> products but that arenot part of PartnerEmpower.These companies include OpenResellers, which are companiesthat resell <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>products but have access only toClass 1 products. To know moreabout Product Classification,refer to Section 8, ProductAccess.PAGE 4

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>TECHNOLOGY<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> recognises the unique expertise of PartnerEmpower members by segmenting PartnerEmpower intomany different technology areas. These different technology areas accommodate <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ wide range of productofferings.Value Added Distributors and System Integrators may participate in one or more PartnerEmpower technology areas.Participation in a technology area provides access to products1 in that technology portfolio. Each Value Added Distributor orSystem Integrator works with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> to identify the PartnerEmpower technology areas it will participate in.PartnerEmpower Technology Areas• Advanced Data Capture• Mobile Computing• RFID• Converged Communication• Wireless Local Area Networks• Wireless Security• Wireless Outdoor Networks• Business Radios• MOTOTRBO Systems• Professional & Commercial RadiosYour company’s participationin a particular PartnerEmpowertechnology area(s) is defined aspart of your PartnerEmpowerTerms and Conditions. If youare interested in expandingyour relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> by participating inother technology areas, pleasecontact <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>Account Manager to discuss.Information about all of thesetechnology areas is containedin this program guide for theconvenience of our ValueAdded Distributors and SystemIntegrators, as many participatein multiple technology areas.1 Access to individual products depends onproduct class.SPECIALISATIONOne of the core elements of PartnerEmpower is Specialisation. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> recognises a company’s competencyand its market success. Achieving specialisation provides access to additional benefits and can also help Value AddedDistributors establish greater credibility and differentiation in the marketplace.PartnerEmpower Specialisations include:PartnerEmpower’s specialisationis optional to Value AddedDistributors and SystemIntegrator. If you are interestedin specialisation, pleasecontact your <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>Account Manager.TECHNOLOGYSPECIALISATIONSA Technology Specialisationrecognises expertise in one ofPartnerEmpower’s technologyareas.To achieve a TechnologySpecialisation, a companymust meet criteria such asdemonstrating sales andtechnical competency.APPLICATIONSPECIALISATIONSApplication Specialisationsare designed to recognise thesuccess of companies thatdevelop applications for acertain technology area.These applications not onlydrive demand for <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> devices but alsoenable <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> andPartnerEmpower members todeliver comprehensive solutions.MARKETSPECIALISATIONSMarket Specialisations recogniseexpertise in a particular industrythat is critical to <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong>’ business strategy,such as retail, warehousing andgovernment.(Launching in 2013)PAGE 5

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 3VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTOR CRITERIAAND REQUIREMENTSOVERVIEWValue Added Distributors must accept the terms and conditions defined in their Value Added Distributor Agreement. Thisagreement in conjunction with this program guide, define key business model criteria of companies participating in theValue Added Distributor community. Compliance with these business conditions will be reviewed regularly. For all newPartnerEmpower members who join on or after January 1, 2013 will have their compliance set to January 31 of the year inwhich at least 12 months of participation has passed.VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR CRITERIAPlease refer to your PartnerEmpower Value Added Distributor’s Agreement Terms and Conditions for complete details.CRITERIANO MIXED-MODEL SALESUnless otherwise specified in the applicable addenda/schedules, Value Added Distributors are only allowed to sell<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products to resellers or other PartnerEmpower members. Sales to end-user customers are notallowed, except with prior written approval on annual basis from <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>.SALES TO AUTHORISED <strong>PARTNEREMPOWER</strong> MEMBERSValue Added Distributors may only sell Class 2 and above <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products to companies that are membersof PartnerEmpower with appropriate levels of product access.REPAIR/BREAK-FIX OPERATIONSUnless otherwise specified in the applicable addenda/schedules, revenue 2 generated by the operation of a Repair/Break-Fix service, specifically on <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> equipment, may not exceed the threshold below for eachtechnology area in which a Distributor is participating. Service must be provided by an authorised service center.Mobile <strong>Solutions</strong> 0%Radio <strong>Solutions</strong> 5%Wireless Networks <strong>Solutions</strong> 0%SALES OF “NOT NEW” EQUIPMENT 3Unless otherwise specified in the applicable addenda/schedules, the sale of “not new” <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> productsand offers to sell “not new” <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> product(s) will not contribute to the achievement of the revenue 2threshold for each technology area in which a Distributor is participating. If otherwise, Distributor may disqualify fromPartnerEmpower. For purposes of the program, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> equipment shall be considered “not new” if:- It is acquired from existing customer installations, liquidations, bankruptcies, lease terminations or expirationsand any other similar resources, that at any point in its lifecycle has been used by an end user, used asdemonstration equipment or considered defective (per manufacturer’s specification).- At one time or another has been loaded with software, sold to, leased, rented or shipped to any party by theoriginating party and then returned, whether it was used or not.INTERNET PRICE ADVERTISINGAs specified in the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Internet Price Advertising (IPA) Policy, Value Added Distributors may notadvertise pricing of specific <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products online except in the Shopping Cart area of an e-commercesite or on a password-protected Internet site.2Includes revenue generated by any wholly/partially-owned subsidiary and/or by an affiliate.3Non-refurbished” (i.e., products that have not been updated with any hardware, software or repair work since they were originally shipped by <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>) trade-inproducts and demo equipment after six months from purchase date are excluded and may be sold as “used,” not as refurbished or new.PAGE 6

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>REQUIREMENTSALL VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTORSMOTOROLA SOLUTIONS TERMS & CONDITIONSACCEPTANCE OF MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS <strong>PARTNEREMPOWER</strong> <strong>PROGRAM</strong>DISTRIBUTOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND APPLICABLE ADDENDAValue Added Distributors must accept the PartnerEmpower Program Distributor Terms andConditions as well as any applicable addenda/schedules. These documents specify whichPartnerEmpower technology area(s) the Value Added Distributor is participating in, anddetail the requirements for acceptance and annual requalification into PartnerEmpower.BUSINESS/CONTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTSANNUAL REVENUE COMMITMENTValue Added Distributors must commit to a minimum annual revenue target for eachtechnology area in which they are participating. These targets are identified in an annualbusiness plan developed jointly by each Distributor and <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>. Progressagainst targets is assessed at quarterly business reviews.Value Added Distributors are encouraged to include a <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Services revenuegoal of x%. Services revenue is defined as revenue generated from the sale of servicescontracts and services contract renewals as a percentage of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> hardwaresold. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> and the Value Added Distributor will review the Distributor’sperformance against this metric as part of the quarterly review process.Track x%Mobile <strong>Solutions</strong> 7%Radio <strong>Solutions</strong> 5%Wireless Networks <strong>Solutions</strong> 5%INVENTORY LEVELSValue Added Distributors must maintain target inventory levels. These levels are set jointlyby each Value Added Distributor and <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> and are based on the Value AddedDistributor’s role, the technology areas in which it is participating, and anticipated marketdemand.PORTFOLIO SALES ENABLEMENT TRAININGA minimum of 2 designated personnel within each Value Added Distributor’s organisationmust complete portfolio training for each technology area in which they are participating.UP-TO-DATE VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR PROFILEValue Added Distributors must provide current and accurate information in their ChannelPartner Profile to ensure correct Partner Locator information, facilitate reseller referralsand support communications. This profile must be updated at least annually.SALES-OUT AND INVENTORY REPORTINGValue Added Distributors must capture accurate sales-out data at the time of resale toresellers. This information, along with details on inventory status, must be provided to<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> on a regular basis. Specifications for reporting can be found on yourchannel partner portal.TrackFrequencyMobile <strong>Solutions</strong>WeeklyRadio <strong>Solutions</strong>MonthlyWireless Networks <strong>Solutions</strong> WeeklyMONTHLY FORECASTValue Added Distributors must provide the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> account manager with arolling quarterly forecast and update the forecast on at least a monthly basis.DEMO EQUIPMENT <strong>PROGRAM</strong> PARTICIPATIONValue Added Distributors must participate in the PartnerEmpower Demo EquipmentPurchase Program, providing PartnerEmpower members with discounted access to productsfor demo and development purposes.PAGE 7

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR REQUIREMENTS (continued)REQUIREMENTSALL VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTORSPARTNER SUPPORT REQUIREMENTSSALES AND TECHNICAL RESOURCESValue Added Distributors must make sales and technical resources available to support theneeds of the resellers served by the Value Added Distributor. Resource quantity (i.e., fulltimeequivalent) is based on volume of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> revenue. Sales and technicalresources should participate in training curriculum customised for distribution personnel.LEVEL I HELP DESK SUPPORT (PRE/POST-SALES)Each Value Added Distributor must provide Level I help desk 4, 5 support to PartnerEmpowermembers and other resellers purchasing through the Distributor. Support must be providedduring business hours for all time zones supported. Minimum coverage is 8 hours a day,5 days a week. Offering services such as configuration assistance, support for “how-to”queries, diagnostics and installation support, the Help Desk serves as a first line of supportin resolving technical issues. Information on how to contact the Help Desk must be easilyaccessible on the Distributor’s web site and/or in documentation.LEVEL II HELP DESK SUPPORT / HELP DESK ESCALATION (PRE/POST-SALES)Each Value Added Distributor is expected to provide Level II 1, 2 Help Desk support toPartnerEmpower members and other resellers purchasing through the Distributor. Supportrequests only from PartnerEmpower members can be escalated to <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> forLevel II support after assessment by the Value Added Distributor.GUARANTEED CALL BACKValue Added Distributors should respond to support, sales and service requests within4 hours of receipt (during business hours) via email, phone or other common supportresponse method. If the customer requests technical support, the response should be froma technical team member.TOLL-FREE LOCAL LANGUAGE SUPPORTValue Added Distributors’ support phone number should be an in-country (preferably tollfree)number. Calls should be responded to in the local language wherever possible.CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTSSALES COMPETENCYValue Added Distributors must achieve a specific number of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> salescertifications in each technology area in which they are participating. Visit the LearningManagement System at http://learning.motorolasolutions.com/ to register for certification.TECHNICAL COMPETENCYValue Added Distributors must achieve a specific number of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> technicalcertifications in each technology area in which they are participating. Visit the LearningManagement System at http://learning.motorolasolutions.com/ to register for certification.2 Sales Professionalcertifications in eachtechnology area1 TechnicalProfessionalcertification in eachtechnology area4Unresolved Level I issues are considered Level II only after basic troubleshooting configuration and “how-to” assistance is provided. Level II support issues are usually defined asin-depth operating system or product functionality questions that may require engineering assistance. Environment and application troubleshooting, advanced configuration andengineering escalations may be employed.5<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> training courses can help Value Added Distributors improve their help desk support competency levels. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> reserves the right to conductscheduled, periodic quality audits to measure and assess Level I support provided by Value Added Distributors. The purpose of these audits is to help diagnose any root causebehind issues and provide resolution. Audits may be triggered by either an increase in the number of calls coming into <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ Level II Support that have not beenappropriately diagnosed at Level I, or an increase in the number of Level I calls coming directly into the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> support center from the Value Added Distributor’scustomers, or customer satisfaction issues.PAGE 8

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR REQUIREMENTS (continued)REQUIREMENTSALL VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTORSMARKETING & SALES REQUIREMENTSINTEGRATED MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS BUSINESS AND MARKETING PLANWorking in conjunction with their <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> account manager, Value AddedDistributors must develop an annual <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> business and marketing plan,detailing <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>-related business and marketing strategies and objectives.Updated quarterly, the plan must address all PartnerEmpower technology areas in whichthe Value Added Distributor is participating. Annual plans are due January 31 of each year.DESIGNATED MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONTACTValue Added Distributors must designate a business development resource to engagewith the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> account manager and sales team to drive business planningand field-level engagement, ensure effective usage of PartnerEmpower benefits andmanage the Value Added Distributor’s <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> pipeline. This resource doesnot need to be dedicated to <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> full time, but should be accessible to the<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> team and should be compensated on the success of the Value AddedDistributor’s <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> business.MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS VISIBILITY ON CORPORATE WEB SITEValue Added Distributors should promote their expertise and their relationship with<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> as a member of PartnerEmpower on their corporate website.PAGE 9

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 4VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTOR BENEFITSOVERVIEWAs a PartnerEmpower Value Added Distributor, your company gains access to a strong set of benefits designed to help youdrive revenue growth, strengthen your market presence and your base of resellers, operate your business more effectively,and achieve significant ROI on your relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>.Please note that <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> reserves the right to cancel or amend program benefits at any time.VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR BENEFITSContact your <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Account Manager or the Partner Interaction Center for details on eligibility criteria forspecific benefits.BENEFITSALL VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTORSProduct Access BenefitsPRODUCT ACCESSBring resellers market-leading products. Value Added Distributors can access all <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> products in product classes 1 through 6 and can resell them in accordance with thePartnerEmpower product access model criteria. Like other PartnerEmpower members, ValueAdded Distributors must achieve any product-specific training or certification requirementsassociated with products in Class 4 and above in order to access those products.For details on product access model and requirements for each product class, see Section 8.SEED UNITSGet a jump start. Value Added Distributors can take advantage of free access to a limitedpool of select new products prior to general availability. These seed units can be used fordemonstrations to resellers, testing and troubleshooting, and training of technical teams.In general, one unit associated with each major new product launch will be made availableto each qualifying Value Added Distributor.Product accessbased on specificrequirements foreach product classEligibleCompensation BenefitsPROMOTIONSTake advantage of opportunities for growth. Value Added Distributors can drive revenueand compete more effectively through special programs that may include solutionpromotions, incentive programs and product discounts. These programs, which aredesigned to drive growth in certain markets or for specific products, may include targetedsales force incentives, back-end rebates, upfront incentives, or demand-generationactivities for select <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products, services or solutions.INCENTIVE REBATESEarn rewards for success. Value Added Distributors are eligible to receive rebates (eitherpaid directly or applied as account credit) for performance achievements against specifictargets.FUNCTIONAL REBATES/DISCOUNTSBe recognised for your contributions. Value Added Distributors may earn additionaldiscounts or rebates in return for offering specific value-added services.EligibleEligibleEligiblePAGE 10

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR BENEFITS (continued)BENEFITSALL VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTORSRelationship BenefitsMOTOROLA SOLUTIONS ACCOUNT MANAGER (AM) SUPPORTCollaborate more effectively with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>. To ensure a productive businessrelationship, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides a central point of contact. Value AddedDistributors collaborate with their AM on business development planning and activitiesand can leverage the AM for assistance with any aspect of their <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>relationship.EMPOWER CIRCLEEarn rewards for success. Limited to our most successful PartnerEmpower members,membership in the Empower Circle represents significant contributions not only to<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> revenue but also to customer satisfaction and investment. Thehighlight of Empower Circle membership is an all-expenses-paid annual trip that rewardsmembers for revenue attainment, growth or achievement of other sales goals.EXECUTIVE BRIEFINGStrengthen relationships. Value Added Distributors can host a visit at one of <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong>’ Innovation Centers. Providing potential resellers with an opportunity to see<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> technology in action and meet <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> executives, thisvisit provides a unique way to strengthen relationships. Value Added Distributors can alsoextend the invitation to resellers’ customers to help close sales. Approval for ExecutiveBriefings will be at <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> discretion.CUSTOMER ADVOCACYDo business with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> more easily. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides ValueAdded Distributors with a defined path for escalating and resolving administrative (nontechnical)issues related to deliveries, shipments, returns, product quality, stock/stocktransfers, product recalls, product life cycle management, DOAs, mis-ships, materialobsolescence, change orders, service contracts, etc. Contact your <strong>Motorola</strong> ChannelAccount Manager to arrange for this support.ADVISORY COUNCILEnsure PartnerEmpower evolves with your needs. Technology-specific Distributor AdvisoryCouncils are important forums for soliciting feedback on how <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> canbetter serve the needs of Value Added Distributors. Members provide input on <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> strategy, program benefits and requirements, Distributor resources, andmore. An online community augments in-person and phone meetings, enabling ongoingcommunications between members. Value Added Distributors are nominated by their<strong>Motorola</strong> Channel Account Manager for participation.EligibleEligibleEligibleEligibleCHANNEL PARTNER PORTALAccess the important information and tools you need. Your password-protected onlinechannel partner portal features sales tools, product information, communications archives,and details on upcoming events, all in one place. (See Appendix for portal details.)DISTRIBUTOR COMMUNICATIONS & WEBINARSDiscover new growth opportunities. Newsletters, news alerts, online communities andwebinars help Value Added Distributors take advantage of all PartnerEmpower has to offer.Topics include PartnerEmpower news, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> news, new products, growthstrategies, new tools and resources, and more.CHANNEL EVENTSIncrease your insight, your visibility and your network. Events held throughout the yearprovide Value Added Distributors with updates on products/services, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>strategy and industry trends, while offering the opportunity to network with <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> executives, sales team members and PartnerEmpower members.PRODUCT/TECHNOLOGY ROADMAPSBe proactive. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides Value Added Distributors with insight intoits product roadmap, facilitating planning. Value Added Distributors are also eligible toinfluence the development of products and services by providing input into the productroadmap. This also helps to ensure products evolve to meet marketplace needs.EligibleEligiblePAGE 11

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR BENEFITS (continued)BENEFITSALL VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTORSMarketing BenefitsMARKET DEVELOPMENT FUNDS (MDF)Expand your marketing resources. MDF-funded activities enhance marketing investments.Covering a broad range of marketing and business development activities, these fundsare awarded on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> channelmanagement and marketing based on proposals submitted by Value Added Distributors.MARKETING SUPPORTPut <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> marketing expertise to work. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides ValueAdded Distributors with support for advertising, public relations, direct marketing, events,seminars, workshops and tradeshows. This assistance can help Value Added Distributorsto recruit new resellers, increase visibility in the marketplace, launch new products moresuccessfully to their reseller base, and educate resellers on the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> portfolio.Eligible uponapprovalEligiblePARTNER LOCATORIncrease your exposure to new business opportunities. The Partner Locator online directoryenables PartnerEmpower members and other resellers in the industry to search for ValueAdded Distributors by expertise, geography and other criteria. Value Added Distributorsmust keep their profile updated at all times, as its Partner Locator listing is key toshowcasing its value-add and expanding its reseller base.<strong>PARTNEREMPOWER</strong> CHANNEL IDENTIFIERDifferentiate your offerings. Value Added Distributors can use their PartnerEmpowerchannel identifier – or partner logo – on web sites, email marketing, collateral and more toindicate their position as an authorised <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Distributor. (Please refer to thebrand guidelines for information on using the channel identifier.)DISTRIBUTOR-CUSTOMISABLE MARKETING MATERIALSAlign your brand with the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> brand. Value Added Distributors cancustomise many <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>-supplied sales collateral pieces, including brochures,white papers and more. Value Added Distributors may also utilise the system to create,execute and track e-campaigns using <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> email templates.Sales BenefitsSALES TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONEmpower your sales team. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> offers Value Added Distributors a widearray of sales training courses and certification on both individual products and productportfolios. Both online courses and instructor-led courses are available and are designed tohelp team members increase their knowledge of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products and servicesand address customer needs more effectively.SALES INCENTIVE <strong>PROGRAM</strong>SCreate sales momentum. Value Added Distributors can motivate their sales team throughspecial market or product-focused programs that offer rewards for achievements inrevenue or competency.CONFIGURATION SUPPORTStreamline configuration. Value Added Distributors can take advantage of <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> product specialists or online tools to easily configure solutions.DEMO EQUIPMENT DISCOUNTSGain discounted access to <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products. Value Added Distributors maypurchase <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products from <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> at high discounts, subjectto availability. These products may be used by Value Added Distributors as part of theirown product loaner pool for resellers. Annual unit purchase limits are defined as part ofthis program.PAGE 12

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>VALUE ADDED DISTRIBUTOR BENEFITS (continued)BENEFITSALL VALUE ADDEDDISTRIBUTORSSales BenefitsSALES TOOLSGet the information needed for successful selling. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides ValueAdded Distributors with a full array of sales tools for every step of the sales cycle.Available on your channel partner portal, tools include: presentations for training yourteam, customer-facing presentations, brochures, application briefs, white papers, videosand more.Technical BenefitsTECHNICAL TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONEmpower your technical team. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> offers Value Added Distributors a widearray of technical training courses and certification on both individual products and productportfolios. Both online courses and instructor-led courses are available and are designedto help Value Added Distributors increase their knowledge of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> productsand address customer needs more effectively.PRIORITY LEVEL II SUPPORTResolve technical issues quickly. Value Added Distributors have the benefit of priorityaccess to the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Level II Support team to assist in the resolution of urgent,mission-critical issues. Providing an escalation path enabling rapid problem resolution,support is provided. Priority access to the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Level II Support team isprovided to designated Value Added Distributor representatives (generally, team memberswho are technically certified to support <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products). Representativesshould escalate issues to the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Level II Support team after they haveutilized their own Level I Support procedures and require additional assistance.<strong>PROGRAM</strong> ENHANCEMENTSPAGE 13

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 5SYSTEM INTEGRATORCRITERIA &REQUIREMENTSOVERVIEWYour company’s participation in PartnerEmpower as a System Integrator depends on compliance with baseline requirementsas outlined below. Compliance with these business conditions will be reviewed regularly. For all new PartnerEmpowermembers who join on or after January 1, 2013 will have their compliance set to January 31 of the year in which at least 12months of participation has passed. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> will make resources available to help you monitor your compliancewith program requirements.SYSTEM INTEGRATOR CRITERIAPlease refer to your PartnerEmpower System Integrator’s Agreement Terms and Conditions for complete details.CRITERIAEND USER SALESSystem Integrators may only sell <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products to entities that are end users. They may not sell toentities such as distributors, resellers, system integrators, solution providers, agents, brokers, catalogue wholesalersand direct marketers.REPAIR/BREAK-FIX OPERATIONSUnless otherwise specified in the applicable addenda/schedules, revenue 1 generated by the operation of a Repair/Break-Fix service, specifically on <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> equipment, will not contribute to the achievement of thresholdsfor each technology area in which a System Integrator is participating. Service must be provided by an authorisedservice center.SALES OF “NOT NEW” EQUIPMENT 2Unless otherwise specified in the applicable addenda/schedules, the sale of “not new” <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> productsand offers to sell “not new” <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> product(s) will not contribute to the revenue1 threshold below foreach technology area in which a System Integrator is participating. Exceeding the threshold may disqualify the SystemIntegrator from PartnerEmpower. For purposes of the program, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> equipment shall be considered“not new” if:- It is acquired from existing customer installations, liquidations, bankruptcies, lease terminations or expirationsand any other similar resources, that at any point in its lifecycle has been used by an end user, used asdemonstration equipment or considered defective (per manufacturer’s specification).- At one time or another has been loaded with software, sold to, leased, rented or shipped to any party by theoriginating party and then returned, whether it was used or not.INTERNET PRICE ADVERTISINGAs specified in the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Internet Price Advertising (IPA) Policy, System Integrators may not advertisepricing of specific <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products online except in the Shopping Cart area of an e-commerce site or on apassword-protected Internet site.CONSULTATIVE SALES MODELSystem Integrators must execute the majority of their sales through a consultative sales approach in which interactionwith the customer is either face-to-face, by phone, by electronic communication or by any other one-on-onecommunication method.1Includes revenue generated by any wholly/partially-owned subsidiary and/or by an affiliate.2“Non-refurbished” (i.e., products that have not been updated with any hardware, software or repair work since they were originally shipped by <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>) trade-inproducts and demo equipment after six months from purchase date are excluded and may be sold as “used,” not as refurbished or new.PAGE 14

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>REQUIREMENTSALL SYSTEMINTEGRATORSMOTOROLA SOLUTIONS TERMS & CONDITIONSACCEPTANCE OF MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS <strong>PARTNEREMPOWER</strong> <strong>PROGRAM</strong> SYSTEMINTEGRATOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND APPLICABLE ADDENDASystem Integrators must accept the PartnerEmpower Program System Integrator Terms andConditions as well as any applicable addenda/schedules. These documents specify whichPartnerEmpower technology area(s) the System Integrator is participating in, specify theauthorised territory, and detail the requirements for acceptance and annual requalificationinto PartnerEmpower.BUSINESS/CONTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTSANNUAL REVENUE/INFLUENCE THRESHOLDSystem Integrators must commit to and attain minimum annual targets for <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> revenue generation (or influence in situations where the PartnerEmpowermember does not transact or fulfill a sale but has influence over the hardware decision orgenerates the demand for <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products). (Includes revenue generated byany wholly/partially-owned subsidiary and/or affiliate)SALES EXPECTATIONSSystem Integrators must commit to and attain minimum annual growth targets for<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> revenue generation (includes influence revenue).Revenue > $50MAND 80% of thatcorporate revenueis derived from aspecific verticalmarketYoY growth target(10% growth) insubsequent yearsdocumented inbusiness plan.PORTFOLIO SALES ENABLEMENT TRAININGA minimum of 2 designated personnel within each System Integrator’s organisation mustcomplete portfolio sales enablement training for each technology area in which they areparticipating.UP-TO-DATE PARTNER PROFILESystem Integrators must provide current and accurate information in their Channel PartnerProfile to ensure correct Partner Locator information, facilitate referrals and supportcommunications. This profile must be updated at least annually.SALES-OUT DATA/INFLUENCE REPORTINGSystem Integrators must provide accurate sales-out data based on specifications providedby distributors or <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>.MonthlyPARTNER SUPPORT REQUIREMENTSLEVEL I HELP DESK SUPPORT (PRE/POST-SALES)System Integrators must provide Level I Help Desk Support 3, 4 to address basic “how-to”queries and questions about high-level product functionality from their customers. Thespecifics for Help Desk availability and services expected of each System Integrator arespecified in the System Integrator’s custom terms and conditions mutually agreed on by<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> and the System Integrator.GUARANTEED CALL BACKSystem Integrators must respond to their customers’ inquiries within a reasonabletimeframe by phone, email or other support method.PAGE 15

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SYSTEM INTEGRATOR REQUIREMENTS (continued)REQUIREMENTSALL SYSTEMINTEGRATORSCERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTSSALES COMPETENCYSystem Integrators must achieve a specific number of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> salescertifications in each technology area in which they are participating. Visit the LearningManagement System at http://learning.motorolasolutions.com/ to register for certification.TECHNICAL COMPETENCYSystem Integrators must achieve a specific number of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> technicalcertifications in each technology area in which they are participating. Visit the LearningManagement System at http://learning.motorolasolutions.com/ to register for certification.2 Sales Professionalcertifications in eachtechnology area1 TechnicalProfessionalcertification in eachtechnology areaMARKETING & SALES REQUIREMENTSINTEGRATED MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS BUSINESS AND MARKETING PLANWorking in conjunction with their <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Account Manager (AM), SystemIntegrators must develop an annual <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> business and marketing plan,detailing <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>-related business and marketing strategies and objectives.Updated quarterly, the plan must address all PartnerEmpower technology areas in whichthe System Integrator is participating. Annual plans are due January 31 of each year.DESIGNATED MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONTACTSystem Integrators must designate business development resources to engage withthe <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> AM and sales team to drive business planning and field-levelengagement, ensure effective usage of PartnerEmpower benefits and manage the SystemIntegrator’s <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> pipeline. This resource does not need to be dedicated to<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> full time, but should be accessible to the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> teamand should be compensated on the success of the System Integrator’s <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>business.MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS VISIBILITY ON CORPORATE WEB SITESystem Integrators should promote their expertise and their relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> as a member of PartnerEmpower on their corporate website. (Note: If SystemIntegrators include logos for other manufacturers’ partner programs, text about theirrelationship with other manufacturers, or descriptions of other manufacturers on theircorporate web site, they should also promote their relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> inan equivalent manner.)3Unresolved Level I issues are considered Level II only after basic troubleshooting configuration and “how-to” assistance is provided. Level II support issues are usually defined asin-depth operating system or product functionality questions that may require engineering assistance. Environment and application troubleshooting, advanced configuration andengineering escalations may be employed.4“<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> training courses can help System Integrators improve their help desk support competency levels. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> reserves the right to conduct scheduled,periodic quality audits to measure and assess Level I support provided by System Integrators. The purpose of these audits is to help diagnose any root cause behind issuesand provide resolution. Audits may be triggered by either an increase in the number of calls coming into <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ Level II Support that have not been appropriatelydiagnosed at Level I, or an increase in the number of Level I calls comiorsoirectly into the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> support center from the System Iotegrator’s customers, or customersatisfaction issues.PAGE 16

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 6SYSTEM INTEGRATORBENEFITSOVERVIEWAs a PartnerEmpower System Integrator, your company gains access to a strong set of benefits designed to help you driverevenue growth, strengthen your market presence, operate your business more effectively, and achieve significant ROI onyour relationship with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>.Please note that <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> reserves the right to cancel or amend program benefits at any time.SYSTEM INTEGRATOR BENEFITSContact your <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Account Manager or the Partner Interaction Center for details on eligibility criteria forspecific benefits.BENEFITSALL SYSTEMINTEGRATORSProduct Access BenefitsPRODUCT ACCESSBring your customers market-leading products. System Integrators gain access to <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> products in the technology area(s) in which they are participating, based oncompetency, capabilities and focus, as represented by the PartnerEmpower Product Accessframework. All products are placed into one of six different product classes, each with aspecific set of access requirements. This approach maps products to the PartnerEmpowermembers most equipped to deliver on customer requirements for those products.(For details on requirements for each product class, see the Product Access section of thisguide.)Product accessbased on specificrequirements foreach product classCompensation BenefitsPROMOTIONSTake advantage of opportunities for growth. System Integrators can drive revenue andcompete more effectively through special programs that may include solution promotions,incentive programs and product discounts. These programs, which are designed to drivegrowth in certain markets or for specific products, may include targeted sales forceincentives, back-end rebates, upfront incentives, or demand-generation activities for select<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products, services or solutions.DEMO EQUIPMENT DISCOUNTSGain discounted access to <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products. System Integrators may purchase<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products from the distributor of their choice at high discounts, subjectto availability. These products may be used for sales demonstrations or for developmentpurposes. Annual unit purchase limits are defined as part of this program and vary byProgram Level. Check with your distributor for details or visit your channel partner portal.EligibleEligibleRelationship BenefitsMOTOROLA SOLUTIONS ACCOUNT MANAGER (AM) SUPPORTCollaborate more effectively with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>. To ensure a productive businessrelationship, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides a central point of contact. System Integratorscollaborate with their AM on business development planning and activities and canleverage the AM for assistance with any aspect of their <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> relationship.EligiblePAGE 17

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SYSTEM INTEGRATOR BENEFITS (continued)BENEFITSALL SYSTEMINTEGRATORSRelationship BenefitsCHANNEL PARTNER PORTALAccess the important information and tools you need. Your password-protected onlinechannel partner portal features sales tools, product information, communications archivesand details on upcoming events, all in one place. (See Appendix for portal details.)COMMUNICATIONS & WEBINARSDiscover new growth opportunities. News alerts, online communities and webinars helpSystem Integrators take advantage of all PartnerEmpower has to offer. Topics includePartnerEmpower news, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> news, new products, growth strategies, newtools and resources, and more.EMPOWER CIRCLEEarn rewards for success. Limited to our most successful PartnerEmpower members,membership in the Empower Circle represents significant contributions not only to<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> revenue but also to customer satisfaction and investment. Thehighlight of Empower Circle membership is an all-expenses-paid annual trip that rewardsmembers for revenue attainment, growth or achievement of other sales goals.CHANNEL EVENTSIncrease your insight, your visibility and your network. Events held throughout the yearprovide System Integrators with updates on products/services, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> strategyand industry trends, while offering the opportunity to network with <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>executives, sales team members and PartnerEmpower members.PRODUCT/TECHNOLOGY ROADMAPSBe proactive. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides System Integrators with insight into its productroadmap, facilitating planning. System Integrators are also eligible to influence thedevelopment of products and services by providing input into the product roadmap. Thishelps to ensure products evolve to meet marketplace needs.EligibleEligibleEligibleMarketing BenefitsBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT FUNDS (BDF)Expand your marketing resources. BDF-funded activities enhance marketing investments.Covering a broad range of marketing and business development activities, these fundsare awarded on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> channelmanagement and marketing based on proposals submitted by System Integrators.Eligible uponapprovalPARTNER LOCATORIncrease your exposure to new business opportunities. The Partner Locator onlinedirectory enables customers, other <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> channel partners and the <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> sales team to search for PartnerEmpower members by expertise, geography andother criteria. As a company’s Partner Locator listing is key to generating new leads andnetworking, System Integrators are required to keep their profile updated at all times.<strong>PARTNEREMPOWER</strong> CHANNEL IDENTIFIERDifferentiate your offerings. System Integrators can use their PartnerEmpower channelidentifier – or partner logo – on web sites, email marketing, collateral and more to indicatetheir position as an authorised <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> System Integrator. (Please refer to thebrand guidelines for information on using the channel identifier.)JOINT CASE STUDY DEVELOPMENTPromote your successes. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> works with PartnerEmpower members topromote key wins and customer success stories through case study development. Ingeneral, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> looks for successful implementations that align with <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong>’ market strategy and that resulted in efficiency and productivity improvements,recognizable customer names, end-to-end solution implementations, etc. If selected forpromotion by <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>, a customer win/implementation may be developed into afull case study or a mini-profile. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> may also promote the success story tomedia as a potential bylined article.EligiblePAGE 18

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SYSTEM INTEGRATOR BENEFITS (continued)BENEFITSALL SYSTEMINTEGRATORSSales BenefitsSALES TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONEmpower your sales team. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> offers System Integrators a wide array ofsales training courses and certification on both individual products and product portfolios.Both online courses and instructor-led courses are available and are designed to helpteam members increase their knowledge of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products and services andaddress customer needs more effectively.SALES TOOLSGet the information needed for successful selling. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> provides SystemIntegrators with a full array of sales tools for every step of the sales cycle. Available onyour channel partner portal, tools include: presentations for training your team, customerfacingpresentations, brochures, application briefs, white papers, videos and more.EXECUTIVE BRIEFINGStrengthen customer relationships. System Integrators can host an end user customer visitat one of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ Innovation Centers. Providing existing and new customerswith an opportunity to see <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> technology in action and meet <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> executives, this visit provides a unique way to deepen customer relationships.Approval for Executive Briefings will be at <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ discretion.SEED UNITSGet a jump start. System Integrators can take advantage of free access to a limited pool ofselect new products prior to general availability. These seed units can be used for testingand troubleshooting, or for training of sales and technical teams. In general, one unitassociated with each major new product launch will be made available to each qualifyingSystem Integrator.EligibleEligibleTechnical BenefitsTECHNICAL TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONEmpower your technical team. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> offers System Integrators a wide arrayof technical training courses and certification on both individual products and productportfolios. Both online courses and instructor-led courses are available and are designed tohelp team members increase their knowledge of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products and servicesand address customer needs more effectively.PRE-SALE/POST-SALE TECHNICAL ENABLEMENT SUPPORTGain a technical edge. System Integrators can improve deal success by leveraging theexpertise of the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> technical team during the pre-sale and post-saleprocess.EligibleTECHNICAL TELEPHONE SUPPORTSatisfy customers by resolving technical issues quickly. System Integrators can utilise the<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> support team to assist in the resolution of in-depth technical issuesescalated from the System Integrator’s Level I team. System Integrators should escalateissues to <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> only after they have utilised their own Level I supportprocedures and require additional assistance.TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATIONGet the answers you need. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> makes comprehensive technicaldocumentation available to PartnerEmpower members. These tools support thedevelopment, implementation, deployment and support of successful solutions.Documentation includes implementation guides, online documentation, technical manuals,white papers, and more.PAGE 19

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 7TECHNOLOGY AREASOVERVIEWTo recognise the unique expertise and meet the needs of Value Added Distributors and System Integrators focused ondifferent kinds of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> grants participation in PartnerEmpower by technology.Value Added Distributors and System Integrators must participate in at least one technology area and must be approved foreach technology area in which they wish to participate.Through participation in one or several of these technology areas, Value Added Distributors and System Integrators gainaccess to the products within the respective product portfolio(s) 1 .1Access to individual products depends on product class.MOBILE COMPUTING (MCD)Handheld computers, vehiclemountedcomputers, wearablecomputers,enterprise tabletsADVANCED DATA CAPTURE (ADC)General purpose scanners, ruggedscanners, fixed-mount scanners,Micro-KiosksRFIDFixed, handheld, mobile andpresentation RFID readers and RFIDantennasCONVERGED COMMUNICATIONWiFi badges, mobile extensionto PBX (over WLAN or cellular)instant PTT voice communications,2-way interoperability, VoWLANsmartphonesWIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKSWireless switches and controllers,dependent and independent accesspoints, bridges and adaptors, privatebroadband networksWIRELESS OUTDOOR NETWORKSMesh wide area networks andoutdoor access pointsWIRELESS SECURITYModular network design, devicemanagement, monitoring andanalysis, and network securitysolutionsBUSINESS RADIOSMagOne A Series PortablesMagOne Q SeriesXTNi Series PortablesMOTOTRBO SYSTEMSMOTOTRBO Capacity PlusMOTOTRBO IP Site ConnectMOTOTRBO Connect PlusPROFESSIONAL & COMMERCIALRADIOS (PCR)GM Professional Series,CM Commercial Series,GPProfessional Series, CP CommercialSeries, PR Professional Series,HT Professional SeriesNOTE: Business Radios, MOTOTRBO Systems andPCR are not applicable to System IntegratorsPAGE 20

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 8PRODUCT ACCESSOVERVIEWWith an extensive range of products available, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> carefully manages PartnerEmpower member product access.Within PartnerEmpower, access depends on participation in a certain technology area as well as on product class.<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> has grouped its products into a set of six different classes. Reflecting our focus on competency,this product access approach enables us to map products with the companies most prepared to deliver on customerrequirements for those products. While some products are available to resellers that are not authorised channel partners,the majority are available only to PartnerEmpower members. PartnerEmpower members gain access to specific classes ofproducts based on their competency, capabilities and focus.This approach benefits both PartnerEmpower members and <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> by:- Enhancing customer satisfaction. The product access model is designed to ensure that the right PartnerEmpowermembers are equipped with appropriate product access to better serve and support customers.- Rewarding competency. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> grants access to key products to PartnerEmpower members that haveinvested resources in developing high-value expertise.- Creating a higher level playing field. PartnerEmpower members with sophisticated skills and knowledge will competewith “like” companies, elevating the overall level of competency for companies selling <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products.- Recognising investment. The product access model recognises PartnerEmpower members that have invested indeveloping specific expertise.In addition, access to a certain product also enables PartnerEmpower members to resell new <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> servicescontracts and services contract renewals associated with that product. <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ channel-ready service offeringsare designed to meet each end user customer’s needs –and provide an opportunity for PartnerEmpower members not only todrive revenue but also to help them meet PartnerEmpower revenue goals.PRODUCT ACCESSAs a PartnerEmpower member, your company has access to products and associated services in all six productclasses. All PartnerEmpower members must achieve any product-specific training requirements associated with productsin Class 4 and above in order to access those products. As aPartnerEmpower Value Added Distributors, you are responsiblefor adhering to and enforcing PartnerEmpower product access requirements, providing products only to companies that havemet the proper product access criteria.PAGE 21

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>PRODUCT CLASSES<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> has assigned each of its products to one of six classes. Class 1 through Class 3 reflect the varied rangeof products in the <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> portfolio, while products in Class 4 through Class 6 are reserved for PartnerEmpowermembers that meet specific requirements.- Class 1: Open Products: Available to PartnerEmpower members as well as resellers not in PartnerEmpower, thesemature, plug-and-play products are ready for market and require very little value-add.- Class 2: Authorised Products: Available to PartnerEmpower members participating in a particular technology area,these mature products require little value-add.- Class 3: Authorised Products Requiring Value-Add: Available to PartnerEmpower members participating in aparticular technology area, these products require value-added expertise and, as a result, benefit from face-to-face salesengagements.- Class 4: Authorised Products Requiring Training: Available to PartnerEmpower members participating in a particulartechnology area, these more technically complex products require significant value-added expertise during face-to-facesales engagements.- Class 5: Reserved Products: These differentiated products are available only to approved PartnerEmpower membersparticipating in a particular technology area, based on defined business and technical criteria.- Class 6: Limited Products: These highly specialised, custom products are available only to specific, approvedPartnerEmpower members, based on product-specific criteria.To access <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products, PartnerEmpower members must meet specific criteria that vary by class:CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 CLASS 4 CLASS 5 CLASS 6OpenProductsAUTHORISEDPRODUCTSAuthorisedProductsRequiringResellerValue-AddAuthorisedProductsRequiringTrainingReservedProductsLimitedProductsResale/tax exemptcertificate requiredMust have agreed to<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>terms and conditions ofsale,including schedules/addenda,if applicableMust be a PartnerEmpowermember participating in thespecific technology areaMust execute the majorityof sales in a consultativemannerMust complete ProductAccess Training forspecified productsMust meet additionalcertification and trainingrequirements if applicableMust meet non-<strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> certificationrequirements if applicableMust be approved foraccess to specific productsPAGE 22

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>PRODUCTS BY CLASSThe following table indicates product class for <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> products in Asia Pacific as of June 2012. As productclassifications sometimes change, you should confirm a product’s current class with your <strong>Motorola</strong> Channel AccountManager. Please note that in the chart below, products are grouped into portfolio descriptions.CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 CLASS 4 CLASS 5 CLASS 6Advanced Data CaptureCS1504LS920xDS920xLS1203LS42xxLS2208LI427xLS3008DS42xxLS7708DS9808LS7808DS35x8DS670xLS35x8DS6878LS34x8All MS productsDS457CS30xxMT20x0CA50MK4x00MK5x0DPM N/A SE and PLMobile ComputingN/AMC10xxMC 2100MC55AxMC31xxMC95xxMC75AxES400MC91xxMC17xxMC90xxWT40xxVC50xxMC65xxRSxxxWT40XX-N MC2180FR6874ET1and other SoftwareVC60xxWT40XX-VMC31xx-DPMMC90xx-DPMMC91xx-DPMRhoElementsRhoConnectMobility ServicesPlatform (MSP)Bartec SKUsMobile PaymentWT4090-VRFIDN/ADS9808-RFIDFX7400FX9500MC9090-x RFIDMC9x90-Z RFIDMC3x90-Z RFIDXR4x0RD50XX N/A N/AWIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKS (WLAN)RFS XXXXNX XXXXAP62XN/AAP6511AP6532AP6521AP7131N/AAP65XLicenses for SwitchesPrivate BroadbandNetwork ProductsAll Products(LAN Planner, siteScanner)N/AN/APAGE 23

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>PRODUCTS BY CLASS (continued)CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 CLASS 4 CLASS 5 CLASS 6WIRELESS SECURITY & MANAGEMENT (AIRDEFENSE)N/A N/A N/AAll Products (Appliances,Licenses forVarious Modules)N/AN/AWIRELESS OUTDOOR NETWORKS (MESH)N/A N/A N/AAll Products(Motomesh solo,AP7181, AP7161)N/AN/ACONVERGED COMMUNICATION (TEAM)N/A N/A N/A All Products N/A N/APROFESSIONAL & COMMUNICATION RADIOSCarry CaseSingle Unit ChargerMulti Unit ChargerAntennaAccessories:Audio AccessoryBatteriesImpres BatteriesImpres Single/Multi Unit ChargerBattery MaintenanceSystemMobile Radios:Entry LevelProfessionalGM Series Mobile(GM3188/GM3688/GM3689)Portable Radios:Entry LevelProfessional GPSeries Portables(GP3188/3688/3988)CP Series Portables(CP246/CP1200/CP1300/CP1600/CP1660)GP2000 SeriesPortables (GP2000/GP2000s/GP2100)CB245Walka TalkaCB ProPacerPlusSKS245GL Series (GL2000/GL2500)Mobile Radios:Professional Series LTRMobiles(GM338 LS)ProfessionalSeries Mobiles(GM338/339/398/399)Professional SeriesMPT1327 Mobiles(MCX760/MCX780)Portable Radios:Professional SeriesMPT1327 Portables(PTX700/PTX760/PTX700 Plus/PTX760Plus/PTX800 Plus/PTX860 Plus)Professional Series LTRPortables (GP328-LS/GP338 LS/GP338 XLS/GP638 XLS/PRO5350/PRO7350)Professional SeriesGP Series Portables(GP328/GP329/GP338/GP339/GP328Plus/ GP338 Plus/GP628Plus/ GP638Plus/GP629 Plus/GP639Plus)Professional SeriesSmartnet Portables(MTX900/MTX960)Professional SeriesATEX Portables(PTX760Ex/GP329 Ex/GP339 Ex)N/A N/A N/APAGE 24

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>PRODUCTS BY CLASS (continued)CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 CLASS 4 CLASS 5 CLASS 6MOTOTRBO SYSTEMSXiR M8200 SeriesMobiles (XiR M8220/XiR M8260/XiRM8228/XiR M8268)N/AN/ADM3000Series Mobiles(DM3400/3401/3600/3601XiR P8200 SeriesPortables (XiR P8200/XiR P8208/XiR P8260/XiR P8268)DP3000 SeriesPortables(DP3400/3401/3600/3601)XiR R8200/DR3000SL Series Portable(SL1K)XiR M8600 SeriesMobilesXiR P8600 SeriesPortablesXiR P6600 SeriesPortables3rd Party <strong>Solutions</strong>Digital Features:Capacity Plus 1.5Enhanced Privacy 1.4IP Site Connect 1.4TX Interrupt 1.6DMMIP RemoteProgrammingDigital Telephone PatchRepeaters & Consoles:MTR3000N/ABUSINESS RADIOSMagOne A SeriesPortables (A6/A8/A10/A12)MagOne Q Series (Q5/Q9/Q11)XTNi Series Portables(XTNi/XTNiD)CP1100/1180N/A N/A N/A N/APAGE 25

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>PRODUCT ACCESS TRAINING FOR CLASS 4A select group of products have been placed into Class 4 because they require a deeper technical knowledgeencompassing product-specific features, configuration and deployment, as well as a technical understanding of howproducts integrate into both <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> environments and non-<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> environments. To accessClass 4 products, you must meet a number of criteria, including Product Access Training. This training is designed toensure that PartnerEmpower members can sell these more complex products successfully.TRAINING DETAILS• Product Access Training for a Class 4 product comprises at least one optional course and a mandatoryassessment exam. Some products may have both a sales course/exam and a technical course/exam.• For your company to access a Class 4 product, one individual within your company must pass the exam or examsassociated with the training.• You do not need to request approval to take Class 4 product courses/exams. Once your company completes therequirements for a product, you will be automatically granted access to the product.• Training achievements are associated with the individual who completes the training. If that individualleaves your company, another team member must complete the training requirement within six months.• Training achievements expire after two years.• Product Access Training provides a strong base of expertise critical to <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> competencyrequirements. In fact, product-specific courses may be required as part of certain competency training. (For moreinformation on channel partner competency, see Section 9)• To register, please visit the Learning Management System (LMS) at https://learning.motorolasolutions.com.PAGE 26

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>PRODUCT ACCESS TRAINING FOR CLASS 4 (continued)CLASS 4 COURSE AND COURSE CODESCLASS 4 PRODUCTREQUIRED TRAINING COURSE(S)ADVANCED DATA CAPTURE DPM AMVTC0001MOBILE COMPUTING VC60XX AMUTC0002WT40XX-VMCXXXX-DPMRhoElements and RhoConnectAMUTC0001AMVTC0001AMFTC0004RFID RD50XX AMFTC0001WIRELESS LOCAL AREANETWORKS (WLAN)RFSxxxxNX xxxxAP62xAP65xLicenses for SwitchesPBNAWWTC0002AMFTC0001WIRELESS OUTDOOR NETWORKS Mesh SoloAWMTC0001(Mesh)Mesh DuoAWMTC0002AP7161AWMTC0003AP7181AWWTC0002WIRELESS SECURITY &Management (AirDefense)AirDefenseAMFTC0001CONVERGED COMMUNICATION VoLANAWTTC0001(TEAM)RLSAWTTC0002ExpressAWTTC0003BadgeAWTTC0004RADIO SOLUTIONS N/A N/APRODUCT ACCESS TRAINING FOR CLASS 5 AND 6Requirements for accessing products in Class 5 and Class 6 vary by product. For details, contact your <strong>Motorola</strong> ChannelAccount Manager.PAGE 27

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>SECTION 9SALES & TECHNICALCOMPETENCYBUILDING EXPERTISEChannel competency is a key component of the architecture of PartnerEmpower. As a PartnerEmpower member, you willbe required to build and maintain your competency and validate your expertise in specific technologies.<strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> has been working to revitalise our training curriculum to bring you enhanced and impactful trainingcourses. In addition, we are now in the process of rolling out our new certification program, which will comprise threetiers of certification – Associate, Professional and Master – associated with specific technology areas.Phases of this roll-out include:2012: Interim Competency Requirements Introduced; Training/Certification Courses Become Available• A set of interim competency requirements have been introduced as part of the PartnerEmpower launch.PartnerEmpower members must complete these interim requirements by March 31, 2013. These initial requirementswill be rolled into the final set of competency requirements.• PartnerEmpower training coursework and assessment exams will be introduced gradually. You will be notified asnew certification offerings become available within the new <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Learning Management System(LMS).2013: PartnerEmpower Certification Required; Master Certification Available• Master Certification curriculum and exams will be available later in 2013.PAGE 28

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>CERTIFICATION LEVELSThe PartnerEmpower certification framework comprises three levels that recognise increasing competency and knowledge:CERTIFICATION LEVELASSOCIATECERTIFICATIONPROFESSIONALCERTIFICATIONMASTERCERTIFICATIONGOALEnhancing product knowledge- Builds knowledge and confidence on products and solutions built upon <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> technology- Demonstrates how to position products in a complex sale- Illustrates how to set and meet customer expectationsExpanding skills and capability- Demonstrates how to select the best combination of products and applicationswithin a product family to meet customer needs- Shows how to incorporate products and applications into an optimally designedsystemEnabling end-to-end solution integration- Builds the advanced capability of selecting the best combination of productsand applications within multiple <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> product categories to meetcustomer needs- Shows how to combine products and applications to effectively design an end-toendsolution for a specified solution portfolioThe certification framework is structured so that students progress through each of the certification levels, building uponand strengthening their knowledge. Students must complete one level before moving on to the next. For example, anindividual who desires to achieve Professional-level certification must first achieve Associate-level certification:ASSOCIATE CERTIFICATION PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION MASTER CERTIFICATIONRecognising the existing expertise of individuals who have worked in the industry for many years, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>makes a test-out option available for most Associate certification courses. The test-out process enables experiencedpersonnel to achieve Associate Certification and move on to Professional Certification.COURSES & EXAMSFor details on the courses and associated exams required to achieve certification in a certain technology area, pleasevisit the Learning Management System (LMS) at https://learning.motorolasolutions.com.In addition to the courses required for certification, <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> offers a wide variety of optional courses thatyour company can take advantage of to further build sales and technical competency. These include vertical marketoverview courses, courses on driving sales success, non-required product courses, and much more. All courses areavailable from the Learning Management System. New courses are added on an ongoing basis.PAGE 29

PartnerEmpower Program<strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>APPENDIXONLINE RESOURCESASIA PACIFIC CHANNEL PARTNER PORTAL• To download any or all the resources referenced in this guide, please visit the APAC Channel Partner Portal locatedat: www.motorolasolutions.com/ap/partnerempower.• To access password-protected contents, you must use your PartnerKey access credentials. If you do not have aPartnerKey login or if you are having login problems, contact the Partner Interaction Center.LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS)• The <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Learning Management System (LMS) portal enables channel partners to pursue officialcertification and increase their knowledge of <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’ offerings through a wide array of online andinstructor-led training classes. The portal is located at: http://learning.motorolasolutions.com.• To access LMS, you must use your PartnerKey access credentials. If you do not have a PartnerKey login or if you arehaving login problems, contact the Partner Interaction Center.CONTACT INFORMATION: PARTNER INTERACTION CENTERIf you have any questions about PartnerEmpower, please contact <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> Channel Account Manager or the PartnerInteraction Center (PIC) at: pic.apac@motorolasolutions.com or these toll free numbers. Partner Interaction Center (PIC) supportis available in English, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese and Korean.Australia: 1-800-457-439China – Northern: 10-800-713-0885 or 400-645-6456China – Southern: 10-800-130-0867 or 400-645-6456China – Local in-country: +86 21 6108 6109Hong Kong: 30027861India: 000-800-100-3098Indonesia: 001-803-015-20-20530Japan: 00531-13-1127Malaysia: 1800812384New Zealand: 0800-448-472Philippines: 180014410546Singapore: 64155110South Korea: 080-681-0880Taiwan: 00801 14 8690Thailand: 0018004410950PAGE 30


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