22 - Fusion Catamarans

22 - Fusion Catamarans

22 - Fusion Catamarans


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FUSIONNEW WEB SITE . . . .NEWSLETTERwww.LaPassionBy<strong>Fusion</strong>.comYou may have noticed some changes happening at the web site, fusioncats.com over the pastcouple of weeks, well these changes are an ongoing process that will certainly help in gaininginformation on the <strong>Fusion</strong> “La Passion” Kits, and it will be of even more benefit to owners andbuilders. If you haven’t checked it this week go back again,as every second day, something newis added.PARIS BOAT SHOWLa Rochelle Agents, Herve and Muriel Favre, saidthe Boat Show was an amazing success with genuinekit and production Boat enquiries keepingthem very busy.Muriel said they were very surprised by the numberof people that came up to the booth that alreadyknew of the <strong>Fusion</strong><strong>Catamarans</strong> fromdown under.Their Demonstrationboat is underconstruction inLaRochelle andsome of the earlybuild pics can beseen on theLaPassion web sitegallery.OWNERS . . . .The new web site is as much for the ownersas it is for people looking for information,so what a great way to show off yourbuild photos and also your Cruising andSailing shots. Some owners have suppliedpics of their vessel and they can be seen inthe Gallery, so come on, we don’t want tohear anyone say, “why isn’t my boat upthere”. It doesn’t have to be finished, everyoneis interested in the variety of build locationsand also the different layouts andideas.NAME PLATESAs <strong>Fusion</strong> interest crosses many vocations,I am hoping that someone may beable to help with the name of a companythat can produce Stainless Steel NamePlates, similar to our logo.We felt theroadside sign,beware of thekangaroos wasa nice touch, Ihope this waspurchasedfrom a storeand not from aroadThey must be high quality, moulded orlaser cut, so if you can help us find areliable company please contact us.No <strong>22</strong>, page 2

FUSIONNEWSLETTERFeatured Products:WATERMAKERSA Watermaker today is almost essential on acruising cat, and this one may be the answer foryou. It produces large volumes of fresh waterand won’t break the bank.An additional pulley and space for the quite smallhigh pressure pump on the motor is required.The supplied U-brackets help to install the pump onthe engine like a second alternator.The Belt Driven Systems are ideally suited wherethe main engine runs more than once a week. Theyproduce 8 - 60 gallons per hour of fresh water evenon a small yacht without a generator.Instead of draining your batteries you will chargethem every time you run the engine and make tonsof water at the same time.ECHO Tec. belt driven watermakers are equippedwith a 316Ti automatic pressure regulating valve,that ensures constant pressure on changing engineRPM. All wetted components including the highpressure pump head and all high pressure fittingsaremade from 316 Ti stainless steel.For economical maintenance they do not use proprietarycomponents that bind you to purchaseexpensive consumables only available from theoriginal manufacturer.Standard filters, chemicals and membranes can beobtained anywhere.Water production ranges from 76 litres an hour @$4,150 US to 230 litres an hour for $6,820 US.For more information www.watermakers.netFURNITURE KIT:A new flat panel pre-cut furniture kit hasbeen designed on the lines of thecurrent interior GA. The components areDiab core cell Foam with woven glassbonded either side. The major benefit ofthis kit is the price of 15,000 Euro and ifordered at the time of the kit, freight isincluded.No <strong>22</strong>, page 3

NEWSLETTERFOR SALEFOR SALE<strong>Fusion</strong> 40 motoraway with extras.A wonderful opportunity for the person who doesn’twant to assemble their own.Plumbing, crossover fuel systems, stainless appliances, allready for your preferred interior call 0414 246 535 for appt.In Queensland. Price $325,000 neg.Owner going overseas.An excellent example of fine craftsmanship, detailedplanning and a production moulded, performancecruising craft. Just completed its shakedown cruise,this vessel is brand new in every way, and availablefor immediate purchase. Ph 0414 246 535Large Inventory available on request.In NSW Price: $695,000No <strong>22</strong>, page 4

FUSIONNEWSLETTERWith all the news on the Jules Verne around the worldraces at the moment we thought we'd do an update forall our readers that didn't know too much about it.So for those that don't know the Jules Verne is a nonstoparound the world record. It has two classes thatare being competed against at the moment, fullycrewed and solo.The course departs Brest on the Western AtlanticCoast in France from there you must pass south of thethree great capes. Cap de Bonne-Esperance or Capeof Good Hope in South Africa, Cape Leeuwin, WesternAustralia's most Southern point and the famous CapeHorn of South America.Another NewWorld Record???????????????????????????It’s Multis like these that lead to the newtechnologies we will enjoy in the future!On the 23rd of November Francis Joyon departedBrest on the Atlantic West coast of France for hisattempt at the solo around the world record and hewas the first of this year's season to depart.Your probably wondering why they depart this time ofyear and the main reason for this is due to the weatherin the Southern latitudes being a little nicer thannormal. It gives them a blast out of the Atlantic anddown South as well as it's middle of winter there andstrong winds are the norm for the Northern Latitudesthis time of year.Francis in the Southmaking miles.From what I have beenable to find on the webFrancis Joyon the olderof the single handers isthe hard one. Not to sayeither of them isn't hard! He sails on the simpler boat,which is a little shorter (2m) and has no rotating wingmast, no heater for the low latitudes! And due to it'ssimplicity it is a ton lighter. It's even got the simple redpaint to match.On the other hand Thomas Coville and Sodebo arethe newer and more high-tech. He has the most up todate boat from BoatSpeed in Australia, where one ofthe latest <strong>Fusion</strong>s is being built! It's a little longer,heavier and more high tech than Idec and it has thefancier paint job!The bad news is that Thomas has just had to retiredue to hitting an iceberg or something else hard. 5mins after breaking the 24hr speed record he noticedhis starboard crash box had been damaged and hethen made the only decision he could and retired. Heis now on his way back to Cape Town another 1,300nm to the North West fromhis current position.wrong) by about 10 days.We will be sure toupdate you in the nextissue and please followthe links below for moreprecise information.www.trimaran-idec.comFrancis Joyon has had hislead reduced to 2,600 nmahead of Ellen MacArtherwho holds the record atpresent.He should be aroundanother 10-14 days outand will be beating herrecord (should nothing goFrancis Joyon rounding Cape Hornhttp://www.sodebo-voile.com/actu/news-eng.htmlNo <strong>22</strong>, page 5

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