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FREEMASONRY AND KNIGHTS TEMPLARbered among <strong>the</strong> gods, <strong>and</strong> as such had divine honors<strong>and</strong> veneration, <strong>and</strong> was buried at Memphis,where <strong>the</strong>y show her senuldhr^ at this day in <strong>the</strong>grove <strong>of</strong> Vulcan."The sacred rites which Osiris is said to have institutedreceived many additions in course -<strong>of</strong> time,<strong>and</strong> finally were divided into two degrees. These,as in <strong>the</strong>ir copy at Eleusis, Greece, were called <strong>the</strong>Great <strong>and</strong> Less, <strong>the</strong> former being <strong>the</strong> Mysteries <strong>of</strong>Osiris, <strong>the</strong> latter those <strong>of</strong> Isis, <strong>the</strong> latter being apreparation to <strong>the</strong> fuller revelation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> secretscontained in <strong>the</strong> former.In <strong>the</strong> Great Mystery was represented <strong>the</strong> allegoricalhistory <strong>of</strong> Osiris, which <strong>the</strong> Egyptians regardedas <strong>the</strong> most solemn mystery <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir religion,<strong>and</strong> which Herodotus <strong>and</strong> all o<strong>the</strong>r ancientwriters mention with great caution. To be initiatedin <strong>the</strong>se was <strong>the</strong> great privilege <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> priest, thoughthis caste were not all admitted indiscriminately tothis honor. This was reserved for <strong>the</strong> heir-apparentto <strong>the</strong> throne, <strong>and</strong> for such priests as excelledin virtue <strong>and</strong> wisdom.The principal seat <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Egyptian Mysteries wasat Memphis, in <strong>the</strong> neighborhood <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> great Pyramid.The legend was as follows: Osiris, a wiseking <strong>of</strong> Egypt, left <strong>the</strong> care <strong>of</strong> his kingdom to hiswife Isis, <strong>and</strong> traveled for three years to communicateto o<strong>the</strong>r nations <strong>the</strong> arts <strong>of</strong> civilization. Duringhis absence his bro<strong>the</strong>r Typhon formed a secretconspiracy to destroy him <strong>and</strong> to usurp his throne.On his return Osiris was invited by Typhon toan entertainment in <strong>the</strong> month <strong>of</strong> November, atwhich all <strong>the</strong> conspirators were present. Typhonproduced a chest inlaid with gold, <strong>and</strong> promised7

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