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r - Ord Township Library

r - Ord Township Library


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Jl"\· i 61 82 rArthur AI MohrI)Route 6Bun~el1,Nebraska"1 I I I". ,IFIRST PAY OF KINDERGARTEN: Miss Irlllil King, teacher, Left to r1Shi, Beckie Wa,lahoski,Karen j-hrhell.The ..natural expression was brought about because no flashlight was used in gellingthe picl~le ~nd Ihe children didn't know they were being photographed.Estab. April 1882• l<strong>Ord</strong> Cof COemands IK' I d t· I' 5 hi''U 1 Z :F(( TV Inslruction 'I . earney n US rrc . C 00.Course Be Sel Up ,_IE 'A t d B FBI<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr., Thursday. Sept. I, 1960 Val. 18 110. 24,dt'~~?,~~:~~~\t~!:'~~~;'1;;'~1~, seapees rres e y ., I' Ibraska's t\IO senators and Irom :Z Ik k e Ne k II All dAl I I PI Congressman 1)Oll :\ld.iinley that %,::,':;;':1':;:;);; Ill~ tl\ll boys 111111 stole a dozen automotive vehicles dfter, U OS I, Ie e owe umnl 0 an ,th~'y will pre~~urc the)'~'l: to hold'illi\~jii'~I';~ii,j:!li!)}~\"~:!!1:'(:i;)'\~Jrl]t,,!'?]i?t~j~,:-j~" e'L'dl':ng Iro.u the ludusulul SL'l100! at Kcur 11e) aren't ~'omi~g, , , , I a course oC instruction 1I1to the I "l ~ t ' \\ l '1 I ]3 II r tt' . I 1 f'61 H m"ng) I new 'rules regarding booster TV .lolL 0, C ~r d'~d 11,1 l' ':,I'C5 I : luger, supcrin enc cnt LJ, Fe I ,orneca I I ~tation~, in t,his sec~,ion of Nebraska .hc Kearney institution lei) much, . ,.'To PI dG el t P nes ,,', .:, immediately. , 'll1CDO:"RidldIJCll!U-:ko[DJII"", rn"t11JIJcllni'vl H -ea u~ y, e ay I Initiatory steps will be taken I The rcc has scheduled more ng of Louis\tlk, :\cbr" are in cuxtody at Oklahoma City, OkLi,for ~961 i <strong>Ord</strong> HomC"9 nl!ng ~t a than a SCOle oC such meetings ln f j IIf' I b't.1I pleetlng of ~he Alumni Commltt~~ western liSA, but they stop at the ,\11 eL era cnargc- 0 tr,lll'pl l ltlng sto en aUlL'!l10 I cs ano U~\-The final episode in the ease in- - - --I III the high school cafeteria Color ado-Wyoming line, U r oubtedly I\ll! be sent to a (CUCI,I) ldllllll,llot), Ettinger \\,I~ in-\ohing four, young men at a Cabin Thursday, September 8, at 7:30 I Aiding Hopkins was Sylvester .o.mcd'(amp last February 3, \"IS written I p.m, I " l Furtak chairman of the chamber's I r \0 other I..lJ, I\lW escaped at the S.II11C time - 1\1I:I\j,]in dl~\riCt court in <strong>Ord</strong> last Wed- IMonday Is Labor Day An attempt IS bell,l!? made to TV COj;lmltlee: The)' suggested to f, H Ib \ J 13 I II' f 0 I '>' • I ,Incsday aft,el'Hoon when t\IO of the compile a. master mailing h~t by Senators Hruska and Curt is and 'to " I u ":It, ,II! Cl!l,lll, alr~s,oll o m.. lei -- were recapture, J~,U

SunLlayofPAGE T\VO· ____~,,......!-'-- .·'::TjXI_~_O!~!:?_9~}~!---.91~I)~_~ID~1_~~S!(~I ,, .mil thrl'(' bruthel':;, Hichanl'" :1 s. 1", :ea., __ e IS n:,\l"~~el 10!1ll' ut'~c!"y \1C}'e 130b andt;( \ !vf Lus Angeles, eight gralld::llll- CUlll'llt l~ou"e bl~~st, lH.'l~, of lte,r,ruulC' (0 Svuth Cal'Ollna II here ap'f/Phone, ,382Only an "Independent AgentCan DIsplay Tills Se.:s.1PIERCE AGENCY<strong>Ord</strong>. Nebr.FALL BEDDING SALE...Odd Matt res'ses & Box SpringsFloor Samples -r 29.95 & up--~--_...'.'-__._l- -'_,_Values up to $79.00 at these low c,ostsAn Ext'ra' Good '1~~;-rs'p~-iI\9-M~ii'~~ss;A;'i;troc~~t-"4/6 si;;. O~ly-$29.95B~~k-B~ds :'::-W~9~~-Wh;~--StYle.-M~k~-;i~io-Twilt Bed~.C~mplete2 Beds. 2 Springs. 2 Innerspring Mattresses, Guard rail andladder. R~g. $139.00 Now Only $99.95Baby C~ib;~-ji4-;i;-;--:-~iih-i;';-;~~p~-i~9~M~,ttr~ss $23.95'B~~~e-t~;t-tes -. O'~Y'$1:95--~C-o'nt~~;C~ib S-h~;ts' $1.00 ea. - Full Size---r --~ - - ~ -'---- - - --- ---- ~--.- ~--- - ----~- _._---- -_.-_.- - . _._- -- - ~~ - ---A H4ge Display of Baby Furniture at Tren1e,ndous Savings'---- --_.----~---------. ---.---.-.. --~--.------"---._:- -- ---- ._- -- -- -- -See Our Hl:'ge Display of Novelties and Ash Trays___ _ 'Just Arrived from Fall Market PurchasesCL~~_~_0~:~~~_~'~-~L(f~~_~!~~t~I_~ UR~:_S~~ ~ -_0N _T HES~~O,ilJ>~:~-I~ C_E~JShop & Save atIPhofle 111 t, ,....rr=S"¥inX'enZlomk.e-Calvin Furniture<strong>Ord</strong>TrousersSi;tes 6·20NHanes Tee Shirts & Briefs• Levi Boys' JeansJackie .JuniperSports JacketsIe EIWe have moved our studio to (.l new localioll. It isnow in the 'fr9ye~ Bui!ding. At the present time, ~qare still in the 'process of moving and our facilities .alelimited~ hut we, will be a'yailqble to take sellingsstarling 111cxt\ Tuesday, Sept. 6. Wo would liko tot!runk all of our customers atid friends for th~irpt1tieJ~r~ like l!S. too! •.,~. i. - ,- ,. - /. \STAND. UP~ AND CHEER Itough~texturedNEBRASKA STATE'pur mellow-grained oxford takes the'blow·by·blow action of a l't1gged scasonikeeps its handsome glow thlOUghmonths of rough usage.Nuclear sole; rubber heel;best buy yct in thedress-casual eatrgory,Kingsway has tailored itfamously a\lU trimmedthe price to anastounding lowI-,..... '1"/ "3 h'.. '.....he return of the'leathe;o for fallBANK$7.95to$10.95\Vhether you're new in this .He:l or n\.'w1y rdurno::d _~lfter the sumlller vJcation S\.',lson - w~ want you to know tlutwe think te,lchers Jre wond12rful:thJt So lll,lIly of you bank with us.\Ve also think it's wonderfulIf you .H\.' new In the community, pIe-lse consider this ,1 speci,llinvitation to COllle in ,1nd get acquainted, You will filld us genu indyintefi:sto::din serving you helpfully and efficiently."Vie lIovf) Grown by Heipi/l(J OH,ers Grow"o InFor your chl'cking,1CCOUI'lt, your s,wings Jccount, s,lfl.' deposit box, personal 10Jns,Juto ffil,lncing. or oth(r services, COlll\.' Jnd se\.' us soon .' •• , •• ~~~_y!~~,~l,Bl~l~_ 1_~._~~~!( A I J II proclamation of isolation to Cas· I B&pU1 (I ~ D" 1"';';;""~"'~"""""""""'l H "' I R I I The three ,lit' grandchildren of! Attends Demo ''',eet ' -.\ \ll('l\cnl house Duc,t vf :\11'JOI nlenCan aun I!ll and ,1l1l'gL.tnLl' 10 the Vnitcll' n LID ISCUSS 1 f S) .. f C'"] I OSPI a epor I'the late Daby ~'l!\II,l1 ,md Hv,:oe l Fr.UlLl's ::\ll'\'a1l! \"llley Count; anl .\lrs All L.n;,;po \I;S tI;C1I:l:st~~es.. ',. I _ octo: JUl'cca.l I " " ",AIllVld vf <strong>Ord</strong>,.11elr parents ale,l!l.'lllOU.\tlc Chd~lllldil at(l.'llilcd,~OIl, Hobl'lt, of Salina, Kam HeI'he prosidcnt and his wife be- IPoss"lble Plans for Surge. '/, lal01)11 lIUW, i\Otlll, the Albl'l't Lcutholds of Portland. State Central Couunittee meet- IS employed there as it cit, hous-eSWmen "n 03 We 23 ks carneM·les Iak 000 -. gooc elfI 1" d 1us I a f th e .ve '-"[)I""s', • """"""""1"""""""" I, LOLl')' t, ,,'.l K'\tll'I'111" " Ro "'~' C' 0. I d: 'I • fie I young people were dinner ' I' ingc1' 111 0 !11.\ I 1.1. on Augus \ t 2~' (\11 Jng ' inspector , . .;, ~,\llS and Is~ul',d the \\Vtl::ll all . Junior Matrons, ~lrs, Elmer l,h~~l,loSLl Spl!1I1~k" S"Il, D1CgO, i gucsts Tuesday ill the Car! Olher: ~hs. ~1t?lal! ,Is a, 11lel~:ber of, -;\11' and l\lrs, '1'011)' Sdllllidtinvitation to t. hLlr horne till' corn- <strong>Ord</strong> Senler C"III"lenS Zlolllke, Sept. 2 Il,~lIl~: .1l.1l0Id Haines, Old, Anna 11~Ill~ at IIi0rth LL!up and after i ~L\le C?ll.lr,\I.lVlllll!ltl~e Irom the and CI11ldll'n of s., Payl wereI I e W~ holiday seasoll: Newcomers Club, lIalmony hilJC\,~ch, Old. ,,\bltlng the Dick FI)n:l~ at lll,llr 129,t h Lcglslativc DI,;tIltl. Pn·par·, wcckcud gUl"ts of her parents,J, ,. :\IIS, Xr~:~ I al11WUl,CC!llent of the birth of a' ~a) I ~ll3~p. ,S~ll \ 1\ VI,~ ll1clulI~ :Sc:olia hv:ne of :\Irs. :\Iac'dalene! 'A eek as hou~e °uests of :\lr. aud51 Dodge 3 -Ton4~Oll, Da\l(~ Lawrence, born Aug. I ~nut 1~1 SO~l, lecl.1 of ~,()rth L~lI!) Sauttl'r. 0 I ~Irs. Urban Stallill:';s at Ca~ er,48 Dodge 1.Tvll ~1 to :\h., anel ~Ir~. La\\ lel~ce ,u:d a, d,aughtu, ~I,ts, :'IIaxllle A joint mCl tind of the Dr,! W) u. They \\'ere joined ther/ by4!l Che\l'olet 1 .To n Sal;dell of Kent, \:ash, The .chlld213,'l1~Z',:\Oltl~ Loup: hlJ~cral ser· Gr..IL'e a'ld \\,0:n('71's :'I!issiv:ldry' the Stallings son, Larry, his wife46 1..'01'l1 ]'2.1'Ol} \H.'lghed 7 lbs. 11 1 2 oz. amI IS the ~Icbl ,\Illi hl.' held 11i. th~ :\Iethod· societies held TlIc,(.bv lwc! reo anu daughters of lloulder Colol' OI"lld"/llll of f'l-ll' 'I' I' -"'lclclltS I,t c lure 1 ',t i\vrtu LOUI) at 'J • " ' ':S8,CheHvlet 12 .1'011 ., d . l l" ,0 Il ~-. :' _ . ' .. " _. , .... .:' pvrts frum COll\Lri:'lli:e gi\l'll by Larry grdduatE'd Friday froml\1r. and ~hs, .1Ll1ph Holmes, nv\\ P.l.ll.. tVdd) (Ihu~~d.\~,). lIa:,:t~lo~" :'Ill'S. Svper and l\lrs, :\lel1lV Ful.. the Unh~r~ity of Colorado atof Ol~lllPla, \\ash. l'edl~vn mvlludl) IS III ch,uoi: vf, leI' SOJlle u,ed cI0thiw" to be'sent Bouldl'r "ith a mdster's de0ree'1 . S" d II . tl f' arT'l11'oements. ,'.. . ,0 ,,0 • ,Uctl~ Jo Holmes and attended I}o I' S t' tl taxtllest, bl'Vuoht Ihe eOIPmlltcc IS Ilurk· 1 for SaCldillenlo "hel" h"'I h I I, f . t· lIle n co la 1(' P% tree, "'., , - '-Or d Ihg 1 sc 00 u~ ore mO\lng o. \ _'ek" p,.' , t ti _t ~1' lllg on plans for the l'opeolll day \\J!I te,lch mdth and music, TheNelSOn AlJtO ' CO. '\ IS. ,ll, e IS, le, Oll1\er, Sheo hall been at the y- . to the m!SolOn 11l ~yas~\lallc1 \\ as: tIe and hIS, family left Casper•\ aT'_iD_..._..... "\ fIrst chtl'J for the coupll'. , 1 al,l i ~ 1', • S\-· i IllLl ll .ll tz .at . Wiberg SO:l Pr91l1oled' !lngs, Jr_, is a dau" hter of the<strong>Ord</strong>. Nebr. the \\est to,lSt \\lth her, p~rents ~~, " h- Jtbl,VU~, _~ I f l,~ b :hl~: stant! in the u~ll.ll pL:ce, 10I1\ers and Vodt'1lluls rctllllled'; _ Phone 161 :'I.bout t1:1'l'e )ears ago. ThiS IS the d,na gl 1 p(. ,1 ~1 e~en ,c\,at!-l . °lll, ,J d ------~--~- I ~om.: the same day. :'I11's, Slid·_-. lei WI.ll(~. ll' lal )een an lll· DOll \"1....1

ago.-_._~ ----~-----~ ---PAGE fOUlf '.// THE ORD ()UIZ. ORD. NEBRASKJ\ ' SEPTEMBER 1. 1960S~W{i9C lCl900nS C~.Il1 B" I Icct per 100 Icct. The inlet pipe'A NI ' - '._- . Nays Vacation ago contracting was relatively Newconiers Meet Postponed~ i can discharge into the lagoon goes .BRIGHr ACRES Ju l4e #dls-ond INti t heavy,. . ,I 'Ih: X('\\lOm(:rs ~'lub, schCl~uledUsed On farms AlsOlaboH' the surface of the water. i v n or leas, Because of light conn-acting to meet Monday, \\111 postpone theS\\ in': producers can eliminate I Here an' some other suggcs- I Elm Leaf Beetles (. Another Onl couple who have there should be plenty of free sessron for one, \\ cck because of thecosts of spreading manure b)' ~ tious for planning and building a: Elm leaf beetles have been re- L.- vt11----t. returned home from' vacation is cattle to btl)' this year, Weights' Labor day holiday, 'buildin j a lagoon for manure dis·' manure disposal lagoon: . ; ported in D.o:lgh!s and .:\el1wln I v~' ~. Mr. and Mrs. George Nay who of fall delivered calves arc ex-;po: al. I -Pro\1ue at least 15 square counties which skeletonize elm, ./ ' joined their son in-law and daugh- peered to be Iightcr than last r------------~-.Lagoon disposal is a method ~cet of water-surface area Ior leans and, in scvere cases" can: tel', Rev. and Mrs. N. K. Reck year. Ithat clues away ,,'ith the storage I each hog, It: general, the more, cause the foliage 10 turn bro\\n'l and family at Orange City, Ia. According to figures worked'tank [IS well as pumping and Ithe manure IS diluted, the better, The Ian ae are about one-half, ;f~tes~ trip into northeastern out by the Economics Departspreadingequipment. The liquid A. l~gOO!1 that IS, larger than the, inch long, ) ellowish in color with, ~ --'" Their itincrarv took them into ment,400 pound calv es bought Im.mu re flows into a lacoon or' lllUll:llI.tIl1 will allow for later .ex-, dark spots and stripes, states, ri:e>' ,--,,) '1'", \ .. ,~., :l I for 28 cents and fed on gram,pend where it is ~tal)lfLed by' ,~anslon of the hog eutcrprise. Robert K Hosclle, Extension', " inncsota, " 'nsco~lslll an l to I costinz 1') cents a pound until •bacterial action. ! I'hrec test. lagoons ~t tl;e Ulmer·, entomologist at the Ag Colkge,: Mackiuac lit)', Mich. ,1Icre they they brea~h a thousand pounds'"lhe {utilily value of the man,' Sl{~' of :1l1l1?1~ provide 20 square The Elm leaf beetle can' be' ~V~I~t.,by b?~t. to ,!llac:'kl,nac lsbn~: would need to retu;';l $18.40 to •ure is wasted, but the savings in: r~l.:,I, 40 _l,l,u"I.t:feet" and GO squale, controlled with a mixture of 1 \L1H i -,surreys with .frlllg~d. tops, cover purchase, Iced, market;"equipment ami labor offset most (t.:~t o~ 1\at~l-sudac(' ~rea ., Ihe~~, quart of 25 percent DDT ernul- anc ' b cycles bUrI~~{o~.t\\O, ~re the I Intel lest and normal death loss •of the loss," Leo Lucas, Ex- .Iagocns have not been !nS it's a goud idea to I -BUlh:l embankme,nls mth Slue, Wh, t gr '\ 'l" will comp'te 1 Recks went on to Niagara l' 'Ills Berghly. The two tame to Onl lplelce hog operations" including slopes, o.f.~. f~et lrvl'l,LonbllY to 1, fol' ~"nu!Jlb~'~ ~ of priLes a'nd ~'AN It. where th(,~', spent two da~ 8 and Satul'lb)'. 1'.lrs. UeeE;hl)' retum0d Ithe lagoon, on the Side of the foot \e!hcall), }'lakt the ~op of awards at the Nelll';1ska \Vheat' ,':"~~ ~ on to Da1l\llle jN, Y. Ihe Recks hoine Sunday. IGENTLEMEN.BE SEATeD!Theatre Barber ShopJ.lck DU\

1 \lSit--"-..I)TF~mFI~ 1. 19(i() ./ r THE ORO QUIZ. 0RD. NEBRI\S[(;\_.,'to:]ILct:::t QUal~€.'r ~n1 all that 1>;'lltj\{' :\l'~th',\'t'~t QU'::(rlf'r lJ111g {h)lthI (,,,,t of the I ight of way of the;";0, BurlilLgton a.1d qU!tl

..,J, •jISECTION TWO.•U1Z~ Curtis Comments:Reclamation Bureautlas New Chore:,Detect Fall Out"Established April 1SS2Elyria:~~§~~~NOHrHJ,.OC/PThurs...Fri.• Sat. - Sept.,1 • 2 • 3/. ~·COLOR, \1yelJoWSfONe fleU,"~~/~Cnht WalKer Edward BYnJesSun.• ~on~ ,~. Tue.• Wed. --; Sept. 4·5·6·7~~~~\\.~~~,_'iI'MARm' IGBlm SM1url,\\~~~~a"'N,ll1 BEWONffHYN/·mNffllS_. ~ . '. . . " e , '\ ',.... ,,' ..: ~. . {NQW ---: ,think about your.' "fall fertilizing"" .t '.$4.98 Gerltol Liquid .:.•.••.•. ; .. : ..•• ! $3.89$1.50 lilt Home Permanent .'•..••••.... $1.05Plus 1';\"$2.00 Desert Flower Hand &'Body LoHon $1.00, '\ " Plus Tax.'$LOO Desert Flower CQlogne ..• ~ • • • • ••• j59c; , ' , , Ylus 'boXI$1.59 Metrecal ••••••••••• '••• I:.••'•••••• $1.2~$1.23 Nou~ma Cream .; .•..• '.. (. . • . .• 99cGillette World Series Ralor' Special,onlyRINGlEINDRUGLOANS,.l"iL..~ Til':89c;'Ir-\I,, ,DryPhone 185 -.• ' I. ."f ",N or ICE\ )',, "<strong>Ord</strong>(,; LiquidFERTILIZER~ , ~. ~ tl t," r- " -t : ~., ' "',, \ ~ ," ,.' 'Fo;r"Wheat .. . ; t~.\~~,.,'t,: '.See usfirsf '-...:..'BOILESEN SEED CO.,Office ClosingDANCE,. 1 "••\;! .:: ,, "~tArc(ldl~' ~~,Cjlo~ ,¢'Iub.. ~:. " '•• < , •Safu~dayS~p.ember 3.-Music by"syl Boroand his Polka ComboIDue to the remodeling of the General Telephone Office, the" /Business Office .wlll be : " ,,' ." ,...,CLOSED STARTING SATURDAY, SEPT. 3REMAINING CLOSED EVERYSATURDAY THEREAFTERj.....I.',. ,'!READ THIS FREEi TRIAL OFfER! \\,~~ \\111 seud (0 ')Oll tyr NoIU.k. 10,000 :\111..... 1'1t~ I rial 0:\":ltt'"bt

SEPTI1l\Il3E [~ 1, 1960 p A(:;,E .THRE~---'-----------------------'-~---_ ...----;--------------Arcadia:Hayes Creek 10Have School~ and school began Wednesday, Aug, Gloria Shetler Benson'Dies 'I Lincoln has been >pcnding P~lrl of: \\'cc1nl'Seby and Thur"da{' at the i Receives Degr~e .': cheski horne. ~Irs. 1\111\3 was ' Pinafore Pals 4·H Club ,iust 31st. The Wards haxe fi\ e chit- 1\lrs, Gloria Rc nson ,50 died un- I, h,~r vacation at home: Last wcck ,home of ~lr, and Mrs, \'V in. Ram- 1\Irs, 1Ia L, Williams recclv ('d the recouuncudcd to teach school in I' . Pinafore Pals 4·11 club held'I dren Leo and Leonard age 11, expcclcdly at' her hOlJlc' iii lla~t-I ~k and Mrs. Elmer 'Vibu!es and I scy. The ladies an' sister~, The, Bachelor of Arts l)l'f,;r,eC .in }

e ,...~.';" ,~'- jPAGE' FOUR,j..~ ~-Ericson Noles,E~i($onites To Wedding:Mr, and 1\lrs. Fay Patrick attendedthe wedding of theirgrandson, Jay K. Hackett ofKearney 'and Miss Mary SueHerbck of Lawrence at the lattertown' 011' Aug. 24. They wereaccompanied by' 1\1r. and Mrs.Bill Patrick;' North Loup: Mr.and Mrs. Don Vogeler, Scotia;and' Mr. and Mrs. Donald PatrickThe couple will make theirhome' in Sidney, Nebr., where he.,is a member of the Sidney JuniorIligh staff. I. Doran 'i~amil;Reunion ..'.." "Sixty-Jive pcrs.on~, . Including :several: from Encson," attcndedthe anoual reunion of the Doran!family 'in Elgin Aug. 21. The I.gucsts .came from.' NebraSka'l1Iowa 3/1'd South Dakota. .'; ", \ IEricson Teachers Named :!-'.The Ericson High school and.,dlde .' school opened Monda,'.with the Iollowing teaching staff: .High school, Supt. Charles Priest-:ly, John Newman and MaryannWatson.' Grade school: Blanche:Pierce, 'Nadine Hooper and Mrs. Illol}is Wagner .._.... Mr. Jim Usasz and daughter of:,Ne\\port, W. Va.,' arc guests ini ~Q.e home \)f his brother ~net fam·11y~·Mr. and ~lrs. TQny Usasz.·\ 'tuesday CYening guests in the IJ\rt:hie Watson home were lIlr'land . ~Irs_ Cu?ter 'cal:l Gather the family antI.enjoy the last big "fl,ing" in the great outdoors. Make Safewayyour headquarters for all your holiday needs, Also, don't forget~xtra Breau, Milk, Buttel: anll Bggs for the lOllg.:r week-end ahead!Fl,J~LY.< ·1..' • .? ~ .~C()OI\ED l:iA~l~~,.~~:n~l1,LQ .. 39c''. .' Full POI tion 'Lb. Uk . . Center Sli~es ., ,.'" Lb. 830 .Arlllour Star or'SwIft's l'rclllium-H to 16 poun,l an'r8ge .VEAL'or P\>R.I( ·STE.AKS .. ·:;.L,69~. Manor IlO'-lfc-frozen, 1·oz, bull, l)ortionst .t JPORKSPP.RERIBS ... '..... :J:~b·55eFresh, small, leal\ and meat>', perfcct for barbecuinge:'.~. ~:f;l"... . ~) 'f;;; , '" :;. "; . '. 'Colorauo..groWll,· Elberta variety, .enjoy them now in,many ways. Perfectfot caimihg, freezing, jams and jellies,• l I1$T'k G Mil

SEPTEivlBER 1. 1960 THF ORD OU17. OHn NFP,H ASK f\ PAGE FIVB--------------·-------------------------.:...------T--+r--,.:~_:_ .North Loup' Boise, Ida, visited his mother 'o\l:r! aprons :JIll1 th .... older clubs 111o~ld·' Cur their home in Phoenix, Ark' CJ~dC' Kco-x us and ~~['I:l"t Whiting", I work in the Clarks ,("1Ou1 I_____-'-__' the weekend. IeLI skirts and blouses, street cloth-I !ll'; b"'" u~,~ ... ~~,' "'- -, - " , --' Ireturned Tlnu'sday to her h0111e in' Mr. and 1\lrs, Charles Harmon.'Ouiz Want Ads Gel Results~_~ es and loungin~ and sleeping gtiln r111loth-:r, Mrs. Gertrude Nau- Des :'Iloilic's, lof Oxford were Frlda\ nignt anti I(everal YOllng " . -k - 1clothes, Donna Th0111as gave the euburg I Sunday dinner guests of ~lr, and Satui day guests of rel alives here. --J L1ii s r~e:Jr":fl~ (',S"t~t Ic" Joll! U'l Iconuncntartes on the modeling I 1\Ii,s Alice Thorugate of :.\1acli- ,:-'11'5. 13111 Earnest were 1\11', and i 111ey were house aucsts of l\Iar·''. r. :' J.... 11 ,~ 1." :JI NJdene Babcock, Gretchen Schu·' son, WIS, was a guest last week of :\Irs, Guy J; ,.' II}'rolll the first barrd brewed, back in 1876 to the hundrpdsof thousands of barrelsbrewed today, Storz has dependedon Nebraska £e.1'1nersfor quality grain necessary tofine brewing. 17 millionpounds of Midwestc-rn barleyand corn go into the brfwingof qtor7;-that'~ 48.7 poun~for every barre~, AlthoughStorz is sold in seven &t~{e3, .'it's Ii Nebraska prod~et, 'thanks to your 10j'aity and' .. :.',(:'patronage.~, "":' ,..,..,-"''''~~\';.-'' '". ,";f' . "ur'8GYU SOO,OOO WORt,S Of CLEA~, SIMPLE TEAT-' pe0~', .,,, lo·n."y p,,,'denl 0111. ~,at ora: CO,"printe\f In·1arie, c;e.i .,.~.e At !d~t t~e yours (eJ':~( ell on E en en~J:Y Scence and ed~ ..at Gr lor::" 'a ~C~n t'la,t" h;s 'wet'j oftn" eos>, to urger::,~a ld enc~cjo" fOf U",e ColurT'b a School uf tl-IeA,rped', an~ ,t.n "nbc ~ ....pt ~ """',a..--r-.-.----..--~-~~,:. TRUIN~ .:~._--~~._~_..._~... ~r·-·--·~--~-----r-.':. BALANCING • I~--_._-_._-------..~:r·-----·-·-----_·--,L. •__...._. SIPING _._. •.:~.,ri.-BRAjtiw·oi"Kil". _. I1 Adjvttine· R.liftlnt~_.-.-.._--...._...-IOK IUIIEIWELDE"S1~"" .•IPCft/~((itof an Alnerica'n whoisn't served by Trucks",..You don't see an) one Oll thiscanvas because actually there isn't anyone in thisbruad land of Nebraska \\ho isn't served by trucks,Trucks keep the shoppin,g c~;~{~'r stocked\\ ith merchandise of all kinds, •• take the farmer's livestock,milk and ClOpS to market. , • feed raw materials andpalts to the manuractulin~ plant and m9v~ out finished plod.ucts ••• provide goods and services {Of everybody's business,Yes, the housewife, the farmer, the manufacturer, thebUslllessman-YOU-everybody in Nebr~ska needs and benefits fromthe services 01 the motor truck.:Oll~ 01 .. S~(J·es 01 Ad\'1 tJ!

Pr\nE SIX • !.- ~rHE ouo QUIL, ORD, NE13Ri\SKA '_______~__~ , . ~ ..-. ..... ~~___......_~ __ . ~.......".~ -..~.~-Z • ,- =~_ -.- ~~ ~ • ~ ~_-'---_ ~~_~ _~_ SEPTb\lDEItG ";: / td&S1!\.~it -. l~!l..f'·W";·· ~'fi.·~'~l.~; S"'.JJL'A.lu.J..l.lf~~DANCEFeaturing Ron lltQmp~on andDick Allison. Stagc', r!i~k11'. and in Lincoln, \1(1e \Icekc!,,j gc:es('s ;eut Sllljl!dV \Iith the Joe and .\1· ------ - ----.-------- ----------------------- .--.---. -- --.fA lUI A M ft~lniC was held .this year in Grand the summer \1 QrI-,1J ' g Ior the 'Ill'. and ~Irs. Joe :'>li,kJ aud l ~!l~s Anna 'I1oltel~sl'n \1111 stay I a beginner I --.---------most of the sUlIlmer in Alaska,31,11\. e~ l' 111 0• rd last \\ eek to join, "'IllS \-'-Ife, VIol." who has been tQ,Music by. hl:ll~e gu\:ot uf a sister l\lis~I! Josie Wozl~i3.k, and other' IGem­.bL'!'s of her famtly. They plan tQ'I fdu,rn to. ttdr Sc'attle home thi~ II \\eUL' I '1Other 'visitors 0\'('1' the weekend, \1 cre 1\11'. an,.1 1\lrs. Dale, l11'5, HO\\':lr'.l Fauss' !.In ;";t~1 ness 0 •••and Mrs. Dean Gross and chll-, to. enter his senior ?car at 01".1 and family spent Sunday in <strong>Ord</strong>" 1 dlC,n.. . ,I Iligh school. Lyle will work ~n- with her folks, Xlr, and :\lr~.AFe Bwy 110.\1.1' IDlI'orak Guests ; Frein Ravenna were Ihe JIm" other ~\IO weeks before begin- \Valld.e Dutcher, ,)11'. a,llll 'Ill~, Albert P4rkos, Mr. and ~.irs. Bo.b Dworak ,are Joe, ,~lld~lp~l a~1d. Louie Psotu n.m). his flesh;l:an ~ear at the, :Ill'. anll ~Irs, Guv :\Iullioan'sr., ~crc busy weekend hoots. hosts this week to house auests I f amilics. I'he men ate all broth- Uni , llolly of ;'\lbI.t~kd. , t c, I . after . ~ lth 0", ..T hursc ay arr iva s at t lor nome rom F J ~,(kJ,: ua, Misses Chris- ~ v .'", '--' v'. "~, _.- I '·' . I 1 '1 l, r 'h'l h: . Q." crs of '11'~ LIllI "I'O"S 1'1"11" spcn Sunc dJ a eruoon \11 • v·were :'.Ir. aud Mrs. Peter Ben- tina and Julia Larke n. The worn- I,\1 lire. made to, holrl the Iamily af·, \f 1'11'1111' lJ -r ~...',...."'.-,-..---".......,.ben of Chicago who visited re la- en are aunt., of :\11's. Dworak. ' Iair III Old next summer. . (I, ic ( etiH:s here last wrck. 'lhl'~' 1'C-' LIst week the Dworuks hosted: ---- Mrs. Claire Marshall and threc:malncd overnight. :'.11', B'21l!JL~n a family ,dinner at their country 'Cook-Olit .G{(C~t\ Icl ll .ldretl, . w

Iii'SEPTE~lBER 1. 1960 ,----.,---------_._---------------.-r THE ORD QUIZ, ORD. NEBRASKA J PAGE SEVFN--------------_.--------------- -------- -- - - -- -------_._._--------- ------.----~---------_.._-_._------- ----_._ ... _._------ --_.-._-----. .I"~-FollowFALLwithFLOWERSAdd e.xcuiug color dnd(1)\ eliness II) vour homeH ith .autumn C/.'I/In pieces,bouquets or a co!Suge forthe OIlC )Vl/ II)\c.-PHONE 185On the farm located 4 miles 110rl.11 ancJ '2 east of Loup Cfly,Nebr. on Saturday, Sept. 10, af 2 P.M., 1960.-1 100m house, pantry and closet, 2 porches one story'withcement block Ioundation; barn 30x32, large t'ny mow, gableruof, shiplap floor, drop Siding, outside grain bin. Stanchions for10 cow s. Stalls for horses 2 chicken houses, granary with haymow, 2 grain bin", a Jc.1l1 to machine shed Granary 12x16. Feedracks, old lumber, fences, 8 ft. stock tank 36 ft. steel tower, 8ft. airmotor wheel, pump and pipe. 2 rolls wire crlbbing. Laneirrigalion pump. 6" 150 it. silting with 3 Bowles-Johnson gearhead. 170 ft. 18" steel casing, l\BI stationary motor. 360 ft.tl" gated pipe 2 elbow". Ditcher, etc. This is under the ShermanDarn and must be sold, no doubt at a sacrifice, so plan to attend.r..BollesonFlorists.........""¥_.__~TheTerrific Value 011 TheseFresh, Armour's Star..-will tell you ..'.\Vines .... Liquors - BeersIccCubes - Mixes.,:·MAlOTTKE'S;':" Use Our Drive-in WincJow'FRYINGC~'IlCKEI~Scur UPU"'_D¥ rcanil:: 1.:......'12 Lb,. IQ 2':. 1.1,••Ib·37cIt~~-~~:::::::=:=:~~. ,,~:Oelitio~swith l;hickenOl;eun SpCQYWhole 01 Strained,.Get a Loadof'Extra Miles27,.01.2 49'finsI~-• IJl;OI.I ,tIns~~."''IJ ..~..ț\!,SV'1itch to Standard Gasolines with....1Cleens FOlter. Ea\ier, BetterBABO 2~~~. 33 c '2 t~;t 49 c[le9C'~tOvol Beou'y SoopSWEETHEART ~ tis~~~ 48 CPry-For Dishu Qnd Fi~e Fqbric.sTREND g~~;: 49cLi'Juid-Your Money Sovin3 FriendTREND 22~f:~ 49cWexcd PeperWAXTEXN~rlhern BQlhqomTISSUE100-ft. 23croll4-rcll 37cpkg.ReynoldsALUMINUM FOILFrench's Sol~dMUSTARD25·ft. 35croll9 ,01. 15c[er-3·1~.ior6,or 10ctinReduce your motoring costs with the built-ingas-savers ill Standard Gasolines->M;zP G additive removes deposits from dirtycarburetor throats to give extra miles. Itboosted Standard Gasoline mileage G~~ in 2~2million test-miles of city-tratlic driving!BALANCED OCTANE stops gas-wastingknock at all speeds.'SPARK-PLUG REJUVENATOR in GOLDCROWN restores most misfiring plugs to fire.Switch to Standard GOLD CROWN Super.'.Premium or BED CROWN King-Site Regular,'. m.p.g. means miles per calion. .Standard's M,P G-namedno! for what it is. but for) _ what i! dce s-c-me ans m;xe ~ -~, • mil .., per lIallo.n. -Yc7u ex/Zec! mero ficm•..newest Built-InG S~Liquid BltQc.bPUREXPry BleachBEADSJ)·ConMOUSE0' BLEACHRUfF90155 c1Ik,. 43cpkg.Golden Volley Wh~te CillPICKLES . qt. 25cOur Fcn;ily Thrown' M~n%t~illaSTUffED OllVfS ,Nr~r8 29 tDi~mon:f Pic.nic-'-in,"PAPER' PLATESNorther,lNAPKINS...", ""(.r..,...,""W .......~plo.g. 15(:ne U\t It:ghl to Lima Q\J,an!it~c,• Fe;'es gccd lh,o.g'c Sept. 3. 19~3-.•..,....1"---~, -,~ --.....,.,...---.... ~_~ ... __ v~·_ ...SYANDARD SERVICE• Washing • Greasing +. Mufflers15th & M Streets. <strong>Ord</strong>. Nebr.

OTH E:EDEstab. April 1882•U1,Z--------------.;----.....;...---~-'-, contest Is being staged by the I E I<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr., Thursday, Sept. 8, 19604 61 82, .Arthur A I MohrRoute 6Burwell, Nebraska.. "!.~;:':!:rd=·Co~~.~~t.r· !Ellis Carson's 8·Year Old Dream of a SupermarketI DOd nt I Abt T B . I) r ~Chief Rich Rowbal of the <strong>Ord</strong>Volunteer Fire Department an- I nI ~e::::~fi£~ii~:~C::~~~~~~~,i!\it: i ow own r S ou 0 ecome a I\CiUitY____________________________~ _"...------ sociation, but the winners are to ..,;. OJB ItVol. 78 No. 25 State Volunteer Firem,en'5 .As- ' ,.,~"1xpanswn 1) c~~~n;~:e~n~~1nc;:pr 2t~e a~~-Sai~~Bea~Pay Hike,I Within IW3 VJ~cksDemand.s the firemen's convention in 'fChaclron in October, There al5q" " '[ he el:;!lt ~ l'ilr 01" III t :1"1 uf "'will be contuts'n "Firelna'n. I EllIS1JISOI1,O,o!l1\C'111l'tl(,[II·t1Plague (0. Board,) !ship," and "Herolsm.' The Qr'd c"(.1 I ' \' , h' Hilt "f a ler5" ,~p ts \lOC buoJed up ,by, at the beJinning of the n~w e1s \I!len General purl'ha~ed SOI!le TlamPlllil;c jUll1Vil1" has bc(ullie r ,.Ig an ra e :Slollell lIdS chv"en f?l' a se.cct lIe is th, 22 bu)s;' the alluLidl POpCOl1l Vd)oS cele· di'Lltes IIlLl~t I\ill thh fall"from the f~rms to make room for nele . ,x,>' "I3ro\\ I; Gr'lin ('omp'an)' or' Arcadia c, I tlOn 31''.1 alld ~th gralle CLi~S.CS; I x"~ ': " '" j,~' ,

PAGE T\VO SEPTEi\lLH~R 8, 1960me .,29cGt. Sitelb. box 25c Louis Dldke en- good fu:d but (he gldln )letL! 111 plt-cn(l) set for OrL!. One is aGlalid bL\t\'1 Ek.lloll of offlcel" 'OIl.\\aS, ll\ cl1.lq,e of :\Its GOldoll tuta!l1ld lI\lusdel~ at a 13,'r~e- IllJn) Istanll' I\o~lld be leI) slll,lll small c1\11 casechvosill:;' of qUtell cJndida(e for :\Ich.ellLlc~ Ullthda)s o{ Jul), Aug, que ll\ honor of :111':;, 1I01lll'l' ,\\l~' !Ill' a~ld :lhs Guy B,llr of 13ur fhe o(hel' ,!l1,0;les the appe,ll of1I.1IH'~1 of ILtln,oll) .Uld choooll1g ust ,1I~d St'ptemucr \lelC honOled. s~r II hose home IS H1\t'lSldc', ldli! bank, C,lllf, and, :III' ,wd :lIts Kenneth J, S\\ett flom,hls COl~n!)vi n:3juldtp \\111 be done 011" Ihe bllthda) c,1kc \\.1, b;.Jked and Gue,ts \Hle :.\11' and :lIt," Les(er lIallt') B,lll' of ;'\olth LOllp Visit COUlt C01l\lullon for d1l1ll1~ I~llll('\Hek lhe 1l:':111bus uf the b,me! de,olil(ed b) :.\IIS, Le!:llid 13 \lIhdld 131), :.\lr ,U1L! :lIts :lIalUn L)bar- ed at (hc' Otto LueLl, hOllll' fues undc'r the ll\f!uellcc of llquur'_ .Hl' ,\OIJ:;.lll" fOl leHus unuer (he 110,teoses ;\('Ie !lIts, John Alllund gel', :\IIs. fhelm,\ Drdke anu her d,,) ., Ifflit S)'('II thl' )eU' SClI, :\Its. lIalellLe Potlcr and :.\Ils l1\othcr, :.\lls Pldtt, (hc Velbelt .\Ilss JULIe Leach took fll~t plJtc Advanced To Presidency\' ; l I , c." GU) E Lutz Dlakes Jnd l~le D,\llell Dlakes III (he gills balld r3ceo> at the P L Ch1l'(lnocn, supelintlndR,id1alJ NOHhr;~~ Buried Sunday --- I ~Il' ~nd :.\Its. Bill John and fan1- COUllt) Fall' HI St P,HlI Wnlt,cs ent of the Comstock PubliCl!,id13lLl ~onlstIlJll1, bl'uthel of !Ill'. and !l1I

sprained her wrist la~t,\\cd-was se!',\ed.SEPTE~mER 8, 1960 '1'1 IE ORO QUIZ. ORD, NEBRASKA.PAGE TIIREB-~~~--=--..~_ ..... _.....,..~~.~~. __ .....-.-..---------_.,------------_._---~--------------- -- ---- -------------.->--------.~----- --~--- ----.------------- ~~-------·---·--------~--\-·r:..T1":'""""T:-~----,-·-,-""""11111"1111111111111111"" R. L. Lincoln Moving Back I ;c:(', .: ;:Ef;~tk'I' Norfh Loup: IMI'ra Valley leyslde fell from a swing at ~~~ool' day, Sept. 16, A no hostess lunch-: Randal JamesCJ t q I To Old Ho e in <strong>Ord</strong> II f.:: ',':' .,'f\;2-\t5* - andButterCream - Eggs - Poultry<strong>Ord</strong> Co·op Creamery... .._......_...*:Jf-$4.95• ... ~YOUNG FEETr ARE IN VELVETIVelvet's suprE'me onthe teen sodal scene and wethink our sYelte j~tflat is positively thepIettiest thing on two feet.NeYer mind thewear 'n tear. , , thevelvet is washable,dUlable nylOll,that most beautifllllybehaved fabric,It's one of thefamous Genl.S,)'ou\'e se~n in"Seventeen" lI1fl\:azine.STOCK CAR RACESSunday Evening Sept. 11Valley County Fairgrounds.<strong>Ord</strong>. NebraskaTime Trials Begin at 7:30 p.m.Admission - 90cChildren under 12, Free40 Cars From Cenlral NebruskaCompeting 011Nebraska'sFastest Did Truck.Sponsored byLoup Valley Stock CarRacing Ass/n.r----.......---_................. iIIU.I'dames Archie BOj'ce, John !.\Ieese,I !.\lrs, GonIon Haslllussen anJ sonE,lsie Sautter of Sc.otia, .,Walter' of Aurora wl'I'e Sunday dinnerLmke; Bill ilulger, Jlln \\ Illiams, I guesls of ~Ir, anJ ~Irs, John Has·Clay Cook, and host husbands,: l11us,en,:\Ir, Clark anJ !.\Ir, Carson, IThe group pla~ ed canIs with, prizes going to ~Ir. CI:uk amI !.\Irs, ~HilltopllJebbie Celebl alesDebbie Willi,HIlS celebrated her10th birthJaj' Satunlay with a jtht=atre party for neighborhood Iftiends, She is the daughter of',~Ir. and !.\Irs. Carroll Williams. :Fint Fall .\feeling1 Mrs. Elmer Zlomke was host-;ess for the fint fall mceting ofthe Junior !.\Iatrons at her home II Friday. the afternoon Tllirt.:en visiting, women I\Irs. spent' E, L,yogelta_llZ \\ill ho~t the next s~s·SlOn, Srpt. 16,f'hifc,ddp!u'£!115 Hae!.\Ir. and ~Irs. Dominic D. MicandroanJ sons, William and DomlIlit',jr., arri\ cd Sunday' and arehou~e guests in the home of the Icouple's son, Walter Smith and Ifamily.Hospital ReportSurgery: August Kriewald, ",orth ILoup; LaVel'll:1 Nielsen, Elba; Hat·,tie Engle, OrJ; Anna Rajewich,:l<strong>Ord</strong>.IMedical: Robel t White, <strong>Ord</strong>; ~Adaline Wolgamott, Areadia; Rob-:ert P~ota, Arcadia; Ining Sheldon,'Am th Loup; Bet tha Waite, <strong>Ord</strong>;Jessie Russell, Onl.IDismissals: Charlotte Kaman.d,JOh~l GI'nnelm.lIl, August Kriewald,:JaIme Kusl.lk, Robert Whit.:, Vera:\Iach,I. Stork Feathers I1301 n to :\11', and !.\Irs, EugeneKuszak, Elba, (nce Janice Klein),:a son, Da\id Eugene, Augmt 31,'19tiO,iBOI n to ~Ir. al1L1 I\lrs. Leonai'llK,lInarad, Comstock, (nee Charlotte'Hansen), a son, Randal James, Sep- 'tember I, 19CO. ~Baby dec-eased I: 92 CO). I, DOL n to !.\Ir. anJ I\Irs. :'IIanin, :\1;,c-h, <strong>Ord</strong>, (nee Vera Dra\\blid"e),"::1 son, Russell !.\Ianin, September I......................J I 2, 19CO. . IILard IOleo IEchoesSugar ISept. 9·10SCG.\R FROS'JED BoxFlakes I I I I 2StBon Ami I2 lbs,I • I • 29cLb,II I I 1St10;+ sk.I I I 99c-- ------------_. - ~" galGlossfex I I SSelee (ream ICanI I 1ScBLl'E 2 lbs,Plulns I I I I 29cBe a POl-'COHN DAYSDooster, Buy a ribbc'nfrom us for $1.00 A"'DWE WILL GIVE YOU $5in NATIO",AL REDSL\!.\IPS FREE.Hill's TopMarketNorth Loup ,It Cuds nO more 10 Irade II •Itt.1I Sl',UIP S·IOH.:" gal.SSeC\Hi'jA 110:-;2 cansMilk I I I I I 27cB~H1LErrPears ILbI I I 1Sc,.1·":"".l4.rljrf!j·.....t=.'*~ ft' i'HE:ft••*YWwtt:ie. rtOtteonue.';Enjoy "Binaural" HearingSounds are more full and natural.. , clearer, eader '0 understand IYou can iudlle their distance anddirection.Now ... let Zenith bring jOlI thebrilliance, enjojll1ent and safetyof hearing better \\ ith bur" f,1I s!Come in for a thr Illing free demonstration.You'll find thatZenith ghes ~ou all the benefitsof this "(ll o-ear" method at leoscost than many "single-ear"heal ing aids!DR. GLEN AUBLEOptometristON(E~A·YEAR,MONEY SAVINGMicro·Mesh SeamlessFine mcsh constluetion98fol' longer wear, 400 Cneedle, 15 denier,\"'hite, beigelone, blushtOile,81~:ll,pro---- -~----------- --- - -- ----~----Twin Thread StretchLong \\('"ring t\vin98 Cthn'ad otq:tch, Petite,a\erage, and tall,Dress shee l' nj Ions in asmooth, seamless stjle,400 n('edle, 15 denier,I3ei~l'~one or blushlollc,Pettte, a\ er,'lg0, andtall.,Pr.IO-Day Monty·Bal.l(Gllaranlu, One-Year lI'al/al/if.l'ile·Year Senict Nan.SALEISilhouette seamless hosiery. ~ . tops in wear ahd style!Buy a box of 3 pairs for greater savin' I The Hastings Pearson ~Iortu·Hlidgettcs, MIS. Joe lluzit::ka, Jjil/IJdll)' !wllolee -- :\lenLO Fuller. Hopes are for H,ay Peterson, Joe ~o~orn,('Y, Fr~n· LaVellle, son of :\[1', and !.\Irs, 1 SundJ~', I a1>' of <strong>Ord</strong> h.ld chaq;e of the al--Sfpt. q " r:: I I\Irs. Rasalie Leggett celebI'd ted cooler. \~t:alher. , ),. CIS H~schun, ~~ El\lIl ~ohl\\eld, ~ldon LHlge \isited his un,cle, and, !.\Ir. ~11L1 ~[rs. T}leo, Doncheski lrangelllents,AmNlcan Leglcn, SE'pt.~;) . ,her bitthdJY :\Ionda\' \\ith Quests Votm" for the 19GO lopc.oln ",'.'., ,I ~unt, lIIr. and !.\Irs. HOll) Lange of AlhlOn, :\Irs, Gordull Rasllllls- - -- ------- -.---- -- --- -------G:l1den Club, 1\11'$, L. E, '\JI· fordinneratherholile The\"\\ere qUeen lakes pJ..:ce ~atul,LLlj' l11ghl, ~hs, Ge~l~e, ~?el!ln~ retlllne;l Ihulsday, .. , , Isen and son of Aurul':l, and' rr "AfI'llvtn~lluffjld, Sept. 15 Ih'!' alent~ :\11' and ':\Ir~'Louie' . ,at the S.:hudel blltldmg hOIll ~ollle S;ltlltd,a} from '\ood RI\et. ~lutu~l1I3enc!lt llllh meets \\lth :\Irs, Len3 Doneheski \\erc SitUI" UJeTJ"ff I.JUI)ior :\!:ltl on~, ~lrs. E, L, Vo- Bl.IIS· a s(s'te~' '!.\II'S. Gel a-id :\LlU.1 MISS Irene Bo~er , , , she will 7:30 ~o 9.;ig, A "'01 th Loup gl~'l She sp.c:nt tile weck at· hc~' SOli: ~Irs. Ifdg[,r Hoe ;It her home :\Ion· 'Jay SU1)pel' gu.:sts oC 1\11'.'al:l! ' r'\..0(8vE - PlOne 361geltllll, Sept. 1U Iriee 'hu~hJlld'and dalloht-'I"' of,be an October bride. \\~10 IS a hIgh school gl'dtlu.1te IS Alnol?s home calln~ {?I hel U.1Y, ~ept, 12 at 2 oclotk I\lrs. iluJ DOllchl'oki and Dall), I -d ve & d'x'e wafS01-Ill. L " C·t. • " < ~ , elIgIble to be elected queen,'gl'anl!d1tldren \\h,de ~II~s, Spl'rllng .;____ _ ~__ '_:___ a. '-I --._ ,__' f . ,. 1 OIP l~, , 'W dd' PI Better cast ~our lute for the \las 111 the hOopltal \\ith a baby -( f f' IdY 'I a) ulle~ts I llut aftemoon ~Irs, H. V. Sev, e Ing ans girl of ~our choice S;lturdlY' S011, 0 es Ie b,!.\It. and :\Irs, Cars,oll ~ogel's. ~nd e,no11 of Grand Is;and.' !.\Irs, Ken 11lght. The queen's identity ;e.' Relati\ es and friends recei\ c·d I . l 'A't.-II' , Hear tt 'th~~,I!~\lsliln t\I;~eho~~~ll~f~ he\~.eg~~n~ ~\el~lent ~ndl:\lrS',;?b0 fodsen c'all' l For<strong>Ord</strong> COllple main~ a s~~rc~ u!ltil the cru\\ning I worJ flom Gral:d IslanJ that !.\Iys. I !.\Ir, and !.\!rs,; HallS Boilesen 1'J\,7 VV • e er WIlId B' t ~. Ib t "1 Cl 0 ex enL gill' llloS,: on "edllbdaj night I John Dobb~'I~telIl, a fOlmer :\111'.1 left last ~IOIIJ.1Y for LaramiL' I -----ef•. ~lO an . elan, a d~ c a, - r. ,Tuesday aft~lIloon a group of, "',' Sheldon, V.1nHOln and Carl Ras· Valley re&ident is in the Luthelan W~o, to at lend thc \\eddin of aBel"n ~"d JU&t been leleased fro:11 fnends surpll&cd !.\Irs. Ll,ooelt! MI. and !.\11~. !.\Ilke Eo\\er al.l-,lllLl~~en \\111 pop the COil} 30000 Ho,pllal in thJt city She fell and 0' d g I ~a hosplt?1 \\ here h; was tr.eale~ \\ !1en t?~.~, appe~,red at her h~me nou~lce .the engagel!\ent of. their sacks full. The Ble,\ins pop~orn' bl ~ke her hip and' h:.!d surgl'r)' ,,1~li'ssonilerman Nielsen uncleI" Ifor ukel hemollha,,~., lIe IS re With buthday c::lke and coffe('. dau"hte~, Irene ~Lllle, to \\lllt.1ll1 poll \\111 be us.:d \\Ith the saeks 'lI11llSd:,v ,t 'c,,' t tl' 0 .1 h 't I -pmit'd to be much Impro\ed and Dean Kuby, ~on of :\11', anJ :\Irs. d t' 0 D' 't ,]) 11', I .' , l~~n SUJo~r~ a, It: ,~u OSPI~, .. ,..)

3011' lIePAGE FOUR:------------------------,------Agrkullure PictureIsn'l All Bad-OnlyIn Election YearsDUy more fO'f yOU!1200 fILL A BOOKl

SEPTE~1BER 8, 1960 . . TilE Ol{l) OUIZt 01~D. NFlm_ ..\Sl(f\ . Pl\(jE FlVE;: .GordOll GeodCard of Thanks, .We \\ish to exprt:'ss ourthanks to the l1l~lny friendsfor all the kindnes"es ShlJ\lllduring the illnc-ss and deathof our mother. We applwiateit \cry much,The family of1\1rs. Lillie KmppCard of l'hanksI am truly grateful to allneighbors, friends and rdathes for the 10\ ely can!,; anLIcalls rec.:h cd during myhuspitalizatioll this SUlllmt:'r.I'm Sllre they aided in myf('COlety.Fa~hion·ra\'oli{e;. 'cd in American mov ics. l Ie said I small to fit the narrow roads The I Om.rh« ~rl'~,' h'ich:>i ,Jo,on ' au.l I ~rr, au.l ~.I1I" Leon Wuucb l3i~ Raplds, Mich , I\!ll're they I b"nd, :\lr, and Mrs. Roger Litlc' Lake. The CIal"t"lS took the S,':>~ thvy IIl'rC all quick to learn: tole! Prince and the Toy pet are two suns and ~Ir. ai.d Mrs. Joe Lce . calkc! at the Frunk ~Ihka home spent ten days \Iith their in l3ig Rapids, Mich. They went Clipper ship fW1I1 JIu~kL'6'_'11 to....··r alice how to do a job, they got it big sellers, American made cars I Misk« and VeItH,1 ~lltt'll.1l'd the SUnILl) evening and llairy daughter and ~U"l)3I\lI, :Ill', ~nll fishi,\g in a motorboat se\erdl,·.\!li\\'aukee, a 6};oul' Irip, when"'1: clone quickly and efficiently, i arc considered a luxury, Blnck is club picnic .'It El'iDH1, St!ll,l:l)',. ,Sc:hdnlp \\'~s ~-i ~Iomla~' visitor' Mrs. Hoger Laue. " .. I' time'S, The fir"t weekend there' 01\.': returned I1U"jC, '.:) JIo"t of the men .wore lIesten~la Iavorlte color denoting prc'''~lge . :\11'.. and Jh~, Harry ~c:h"!11p \IS' .ncrc. ,. i ~Ir, and Mrs. Albt,rt' cIatl~t'il, \I'~\S spent ill the Kenny Laue . ----_- _,:, clothes while a great number of on the part of the owner rhc Ited Il1 the Frank Miska home :\11', and Mrs. ,~Ibl'lt Clauscn , r~t.lIrnell home SaturddY., :ll},'Y hou.e in ~IlI,kl'gon, He took them: Use Quit Want AUs for qulckthe Japanese women still dress in I poorer CLiSS is reduced to travel- Wednesday evening returucd home Saturday __f~um __ visited their daughter al)d ,J\US- In hIS_ m0(olbo~~_ ~1! __~~U~~e601~ t·i'sults.luti\e costume Practically all are ing by motorcycle arid bicycle. I -~ ------ -- - - __nu _A..-...-""'....ep'"MXof .sll1all sta~ure. I The divorce rate in Japan is ''.~ Gordol: said he took alh anlage , very low due probubly to the closeof.the fmc Iabrics and workman- i I~' knit family and respect of ther ......., S"'~ftA~ erUJUf'Mtbulky knits in easy-careorlan a:l'rylic-llE:H'l' lleeds blocking, won'tshdc!J, slu ink. Solid colors and stripe~Jwith smart collars, ~~shIp of the' J~pdllC'''C and b?ug~t i ~O'.l)1gcr gcncrauon have for theirIailor-made SUI(S for $37 which IS I elders.Itop price. He h.id cue tailored ill, • eirl 'I' "1 . ,,', c t'Italian silk for $25. I '~oU ~ aiuung mallla",~ IUU,S I'I heir homes a: e small and l ;,P01U a given knRth Qr tune 111,crudely constructed of a frame. ~ t}1e h~)I~~ of ~:er han,ce s p~trell\S'work held tozcthcr bv slats and. PIU\l11 o herself, She cleans,mud Tomi l\l~ts malle Ito m rice ~ cooks ami p~rfon~ls all the dutiesstalks COl er the floors. In I,into: I o! a hou,:\\~f~" Jo lo\\~r arrang1l1~hut coals plalet! in recessed pit';' I IS a. to.p ~" thdn It tp'! VtC:'" ~ tt:. I\~ , amused by this cmtom: If a gue,t I ~nd the costs of a settlement ISAfer f Nauy Duly Ito "cceiJt a set:'ond cup of tea, If I '" . Red May D~y .'. V the ho~t offers a third, it is also I. Iho flr;t of ~Iay w"s COP'lI\l"- i'in a Japanc~c home, it is coned I far greatt:'r. Ian im itation to lea\ e immediatt:'-! Imt Va?' 111 Atwgo and the Reds,'Iy, took OHr the Clly. ,~I! b~l"e 1'

PAGE SIX THE ORO QUIZ. URD. l\EBI{ASK A.,\SEPTEMBER 8, 196QTELEVI'SIONSALES & SERVICECOLOR AND BLACK & WHITEGooch's Best Feeds. Now taking bookings for Range Cubes Ior Oct., Nov.,and Dec, shipments. .Gooch's Best Range Cubes a Hi-Phos. range feed.-Supplics 40-200\(· More Phosphorus than most rangefeeds.Off Car Price Bookings To Date22% Protein . . . . . . .. 562.40 per ton.'32 O!Q Protein 569.60 per ton41 % Protein .. . .. .. . .. $78.80 per ton. I . . . .'Prices include 10,000 units True Vitamin A per pound,which is three- times as effective as Caroline from Alfalfa.. , NO SALTNO CALCIUM. NO' GROUND HAYNO SCREENINGSIN GOOCHS BEST RANGE CUBES- Prices Subject To Change -.- EconaolassA new economical, dry Blackslrap Molasses Product, use it inmixing feeds, for Silage. It's easy to use, economical, sweetensfeeds, and nutritional. You will be delighted with its uniformityand nigh quality. The convenience and ease of handling \\ illsimplify your molasses ope! ations,$5.30 per 100 lbs, $100.00 per tonWILSON & SONSPhone' 165Saturday. September 10<strong>Ord</strong>We will have our first special sale nedSaturday, September 10 and it will consist ofabout 500 head of the following cattle:CATTLE60 bucket and numbered calves125 head of 400 lb. whiteface steer calves,these are good . . .55 head of heavy whiteface calves20 head of 400 to 500 lb. black w.f. calves75 head of w.f. steers, wt. 600 to 700 lbs.55 head of 800 to 850 lb. whiteface steers,extra good quality50 c'utter and fat cows100 head of trucked in rrtlscellunccus cattle8 milk cows2 whiteface breeding bulls2 heavy bologna bulls1 choice whiteface registered breeding bullHOGS165 weanling pigs. 8 piggy gilts4 sows, pigs bySeveral boarsand heavy feeder shoahsideMARKET COMMENTOur hog sale starts at 10:30 sharp! Five buyers madea top of $16.70 on No. 1 butchers, S15.00 on the sows.We wish to thank all of you consignors for your coopera-.tion in getting our sule off on the new time of 10:30 sharp!Everyone seems well pleased with the anangemnt. Thissale has been widely advertised so plan to come in a't thenew time and watch the stock sell.SA~EDATESSEPT~MBER 8 - Max Savage furniture sale in <strong>Ord</strong>,S'EPTEMBER 22 - Kane 6. Lambert veterinary hospitalbuilding in <strong>Ord</strong>, Watch for the complete descrlptlouof. the property in next week's paper. ...SEPTJ;:f-.1BER 27 - 10e Anderson closing out farm salenortheast of <strong>Ord</strong>,Clyde Kelley Property at AuctionWe'reRISKINGOurFRANCHISEto give you thelowest priceswe've ever.efferedOnNEWPLYMOUTHSAndVALIANTS'el·irMost ModelsAnd ColorsAVAILABLEFORIMMEDIATEDELIVERYBuy NowThey Won't LastAtTheseLOWPRICES!-'--'AndersonIi;; r;fAotors, Phone 51;",~ t" " i ,." <strong>Ord</strong>• 7_ • ~\At AuctionHaving sold my business interes'ts in Burwell'and moving to Loveland, Col,arcido, I wi!' offer:the following items to be sold at auction, oil:~Saturday,' Sept:'10, 1960. Starting Cit 1:00 P.M.~9c.ATlON:, I~t hol.J~~ so~th, of Great, W~st.,...ern Gas Co. office In Burwell. "; . .:1949 Chevrolet i·Ton Pickup1955 Chevrolet 2·door. V·8, O.D.1953 Dodge 4-door, v-s. O.D-.1953 Dodge 4-door. 6-cy!.17 cu. ft. Upright Deepfreezer, 6 months oldCrosley Shelvudor Refrigerutor. automatic defrost. likenewDearborn 'BeCiuty Gas Range, like new8-Piece Dinelle Set. less than 1 year old2·Piece Sectional, niceBedroom Suite. Box springs and mattressG. E. Combination Washer and DryerBendix Automatic WasherRocking ChairPlatform RockerBaby Car BedT.V. StandiI-Inch Coroncdo Console TV17.I~ch Silvertone table model TVSeveral used House RadiosUsed Cur RadiosIS-Piece Dinelle Set1 Table and 4 ChairsPaint Gun and Hose1 Trailer Bottle36-InchGas RangePower MowerMiscellaneous ToolsMiscellaneous Light Fixtures and SuppliesUsed DishesUsed Pots and PensMany Hems Too Numerous to Mention.1 • , ~," ~ , .TOM HULMETERM~;, C.~SHOw~·er,. r i. -. ;'. tLAVERN SCARBOUR,GH. Auct.Read the Quiz Want Ads'.iBurwell5.1961 MODELS ON DISP.LAYCOLOR AND. BLACK AND. WHITE20 TO 30 SETS TO C.HOOSE FROM AT ALL TIMES90 Days Free Service On AU New SetsA FEW GOOD USED TV SETS - BUY ON EASY PAYMENTSOld. Nebr.ORD NEON SIGNS & TVSYL FURTAK1917 "0" Street'Phone 435....-_..._...-.._~_...._-----------------...",, ..... '111OPEN EVENINGSFeeder Sale.ySaturday. Sept. 10700 to 800 CattleStrictly choice Hereford steers und heifers. wt, 600 to700. These are from one of the top herds in the area.100 Strictly choice Hereford heifers. wt. 600 to 700. Open.one brand.75 Good to choice Hereford steers and heifers.- wt. SOOto 650. .60 Choice Hereford steers and heifers. wl, 600 to 800... one brand. . .50 Choice Hereford steers, wl, 600 to 650, one brand.40 Choice Hereford heifers. wt, 625 to 675. one brand.40 Good steers and heifers, wt, G50 to 750, one brand.3~ Crossbred steers. wl. 700 to 800.20 fancy 'Hereford steers. wt, 700, one brand.25 Hereford and Crossbred steers.Mcmy smaller consignments of calves, yearlings and cows.d-Sale Starts 1:00ERICSON LIVESTOCK MARKETPhone OL 3-2305L. 1. Walthers. Auctioneer O. 1. Walthers. ManagerFor latest information, tune to station KMMJ fridaynoon at 12:25.2/500 Choice Sandhills CattleSpecial Feeder AuctionFriday, Sept. 9th at BURWEll. This real hot dry weather has started the big fall run ofcaftle here in the Sandhills and we have a "wonderful offeringof top quality feeder cattle listed for tlJis big sale. Some ofthe listings for this Friday are:175 choice w.f. steers & heifers, 575 to 700 lbs.160 extra choice w.f. steers & heifers, 600 to 700 lbs.128 extra choice w.f. steers & heifers, 575 to 650 lbs.135 choice w.f. steers & heifers, 575 to 700 lbs.120 extra choice w.f. steers & heifers, 550 to 650 Ibs.105 choice w.f. heifers, 550 to 625 lbs., open.100 extra choice w.f, helfers, 550 to 600 lbs., open.100 choice w.f. steers. wt. 600 to 700 Ibs.100 fancy w.f. fall calves. 450 to 500 Ibs.·' :100 fancy w.f. fall calves, 475 to 550 lbs.110 extra choice w.f. fall calves, 425 to 475 Ibs.100 extra choice w.f. heifers, 600 to 625 lbs., open,80 mixed w.f. & cross bred steers, 750 to 800 lbs,76 choice w.f. steers, wt. 800 to 850 lbs,50 extra choice VI.f .. steers, wt. 850 to 900 Ibs.70 fancy w.f. heifers, 550 to 600 Ibs., open.65 extra choice ~/{.f. steers & heifers, 600 to 750 lbs,57 choice w.f. heifers, wt, 650 to 700 lbs., open..50 extra choice w.f. steers, wt. 650 lbs,50 choice w.f. heifers, 550 to 600 lbs, open.45 fancy w.f. heifers, wt. 600 Ibs., open.75 extra choice w.f. steers, wt. 650 lbs.45 choice w.f. heifers, wt. 575 to 600 lbs.45 extra choice w.f. fall calves, 450 Ibs.40 choice w.f. heifers, wt. 550 to 600 lbs.50 fancy w.f. steers, wt. 800 to 850 Ibs.35 choice w.f. steers, wt. 750 Ibs.40 fancy Angus cross fall calves, wt. 450 lbs.40 extra choice w.f. heifers, wt. 650 Ibs., open.25 fancy w.f. heifers, wt. 550 lbs., open.43~hoic.e \V.f. steers, wt. 600 Ibs. . .50. choice w.f. steers & helfers, 500 to 750 lbs,.3a"choice w.f. spring calves..Many more choice yearling steers & heilers, along with moregood fall calves, more heavy. steers and other cattle.• I· • '" •Sale will start at 12 noon. Please. plan to attend. NextSpecial Feeder sales are Friday, Sept. 23rd and Friday, Sept.30th. Ollr 25th Annual Calf & Feeder Sale will be held on Fri·day, Oct. 7th. Please phone Diamond 6·5135 if you have cattlethat you wisl1 to c:,nsigl1 to our auction..Special Notice: We are now broadcasting direct from ourauction ring every Friday afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m,over radio station KCNI Hroken Bow....." _ILivestock Market"One of The Sandhills Larger Cattle Auctions"P...I!' _.....-a-£ .-. £u

OTH E. l'WOltkHte«!ONPILLOW YOUR FEETOUR 3·WAY CUSHIONED INSOLE.,The ~prlngy softness ofthis cushiony in;;o!llsurrounds }"our foot illcomfort! Plumply reinfoll'eJat threL' vit,d spol$- at heel, 3rt'h,and mctatarcaltocu,hion th~. shockswith c\'Cry m'ovcll1entof )'our foot., This is IT for all·dayea~e ..• come infor a try·on,and start a greatnew expericnce inon-the-job comfort!" ,$10.95We Need Room!SU:lle New Fall FUllliture' Is Herel!Jc Resl Will Aniw Soon!BROWN'S ·Phone 98, ,Rcxall.'~,'FASTHOMEPERMANENT'Amazing New IdeaIn Hom!; Permanents., \\estrnJ ;;Iope to al'1 I!l in;;trl/l'Ill1g i sen l\"ill also alle'nd thenJ't·(.:tin" '~ii'c'n ' JOh'1 anll Cil1lh. spent the L $2te,~chrrs on .th~ ,western slope on Iand participate in a spccial pro~': sUl}1;llci'. in Gre.elcy \\1th him :\11', : •plllllalj edue~tlO.l. " , .. ,gl'atll for ladi('s dl/ring the busi· ~ Carrell IS teachu)g third grc,de hcrc ,, Her t\\.o daugh!CIS. ale. !:\1,y e'.(', .lunch will bJ served at the Vcter- born to l\1t'. and 1111'S, Gerald, tar, Linda Carson, Mari lyu Wie- 1:lJ1g to pLill :1 prugram of alii,'ans Club, I'he pi ogram there, J school. I th,tll 1,200 people from Iowa lNe·1 st~rs arc l\,larcla" l,arol, Nancy,., '... . . .1 brasb, South Dakota and \\ yom· ! VlI:kle al~d ~cnt. 1 hClr mO,thcr ha,~hs, 13O\c,n, ~as ."omln~l~d !.Ot I ing, the four slatrs sened by lhe: becn actl"e III the JQ{'al GIl'1 Scoutt~c Vallr). }o 01 ge a\\ al d u~ a prln, I feder;;]' Land B:lllk of Omah'!'. . pl"O"ram, Iclpal ~t Big ~hompson school who: This \ e;Jr's district confc;'ence' " ..,___ I~lac! hIgh praise for her ol~tstand· I the fint sillce 1932 replaces n"'~ <strong>Ord</strong> M th Te her 'lllg re~or~ ~~.a teach:~'and III com, I ional lileetinos usu;ill y, hrld eath a ac In~ul1,1(j .s~n,lc,e: !le"sal.d 11\ a ):e\\~' ! fall in the {our.state Omaha dis., Get,s Masters Degreepapl,f l,n.tel.lle\l" M1S, ,~O\e~l .IS Ilrict. ' , , , . , L10j'd 1I. Carrell., <strong>Ord</strong> High sch(~ol,c?,m~delccl. a top,JOtch tCdC?CI,. ~I. I Those attending from t!;tis area l math,

1,(... ,L-

,SEPTEMI3~R 8, 1960 ·THE ORD QUIZ, ORl), NEBRASKA,----------G '. J,rd&)HDon't Be Caught- DEAD -On The First FrostyFall MorQingLET US CHECKYOUR BATT£RY TODAYSee US For:Oil ChangeBattery Service• Cooling SystemService.New cS:. Uses! TiresLubricalionWash Jobs•ADAMEK'S"66" STATION-Phone 27'CEVJE! ',PHONE.'- ' 81_. -:.-.....---..-._-... _...-Or~will tell you , •. ,\Vines - Liquors - BeersIce Cubes - .MixesMAlOTTKE'SUse. Our Drive·in WindowAll Kinds of Tires,'CarTractor·Tr~ck·Sec Us Before You DealGoodyear & U.S. Tires---_..""~-....-"'!""'-----_...._,----_..~-'-..........-Vandalism ExpensiveVandals who have bccn removingground wires frum pOWer line Ipolc's or shooting off insulators'have {:aused the Loup Valley Rur~1Public Puwer distrid to offer a!H'\\,ard of $500, for the cOlniction 'of offenders. Such pructiccs arcexlremely dangerous, General !llan·agel' Wilbert Calvin explaincO. IWhen ground wires are cut or removedthere's no place for light·ning 10 go and this might result'in serious injury 01' death, he said.Shooting of insulators could cause'a scrious breakdolln in the lincs..,---- :'1r---------_......-Use Quiz Want Ads (Or Quick'Results. . ., I~ IFlowerssay if beste ,l\lal{e someone\ happier today!By Phone or Wireask your ,BOllESENFLORISTS___._._........__ .........<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr.•......_1....",~JUST HOW TENDER CAN TENDERMEAT .BE--BU'Y YOUR MEAT AT. ... ~'-~ JACK&JILL••YOlJ''LL SEE~ Open Nite's :,:10SIlOP of lIeoutiful WomenCAMAY 2:fl~' 23'for Dishes and Lowndr)'DUlMilcluf F\lr Your H,I",hLIQUID JOY .22-oi,size269 CIVORYb~lh 31 Csire\D;odoronf Beout, Soop .lEST 2~i::' 31' 2~~I~h 43 c, Penonol sire 4 for 29cIVORY SOAP 2 1~~I~e 35'Ro~in HoodFLOURJO-~b. bag 89c50-lb. Bag 3.49New Germosepti,DREFTJgi.l'nt 85'"Iegi.anf 85eSllewith ~o'or.Saft O~Y'ien IleachOXYDOL "~\~:t 85 C10-lb, $245bo~New Pine Green-With Germ·Fite~PIC &. SPAN 'l~i:t31cCI~onser With Chlorine! \COMET 2l~i::' 33' 2l:i~:I. 49 CMrs. Stewart',BLUING10:01. 2Ie$lie2~001. 69''lieHeir.1SPACHETTIHOT SPOOICSi 'nDQrkKARO) 9:30,: ",(".,"Sund,ay till" 100'SYRUP2 35 19 ~"-Ol. chns3-lb.~ottle4Ic, .'Gelatin. All Flayorsreg.JELLO 6 4'9cpkgs.Pure Gol~en Shortenin')FLUFFO 3i~' 85 cPllre Vegetable ShorteningCRISCO . 3~~. 89'• I •U.S. NO, 1 ILLltlOISfRES.H ciuSI' APPLESJONATHANS21bs·29cFour full years to pay•We Will DemonstrateSec Us First ~ See Us Last -:­But See Us Before You DealPACiE TIllU~eowned by the Lutheran Church 3ml, 1Scotia·North Loup' Homemaking . I made, . of what usc it is, how \~ei The second grade has 10 g:rIs o.r. 26, The Onl reserves willIS open to anyone.' ' -' The recent changes and new get history, and how it is meas.! and 12 buys, It is hard to study play the North Loup-Scotia reo~' . • . Two F,lI'S ago the village had N Ih L' f. additions to the home economies lured and organized. ' when it is so warm, but with the serves at Scotia, No';. 1. :only.40 residents. It now has 400 or Oup-Jcolla dopartmcut are a delight to those I There are two sedions of gcn-: room so nice and shiny it is, easier. All g,iines will be called at aand IS continuing to grow. .' registered for homemaking cours- ~ eral science this year, Mr. Ap·' There are . 28 enrolled In. the p.m, with the exceptions of the" h Sh I Nt es this veal'. l\\t'llt~· are eurullcd ' pkgate and !lIr. Gfeller are! third grade. Duane Leach, Cindy game with VNeiIl and <strong>Ord</strong> reoZikll/lilids Ellieriain Ig C 00 0 es in honil'J11,aking I, twenty in ~ teaching the two sections. The' f!asl1lus~~n,. N~iII. Thompson, and serves will begin at 7:30 p.m.1\11'. and !III'S. IIenQ' Zikmuud homemaking II, and sewn in' class was divided . accordmg to \l0.1c ne Vogeler joined this group , , . ,.' ' ..lee Crean: Furl)' . and daughter, !III'. and Mrs, Char- entertained at supper Monday night Class officers and sponsors homemaking Ill. . .!the. achievement tests taken last I this year. . . I Some P.~ ~h;g.a1l1es will be pl,!-~,1\Ir. and ~Irs. Lel~oy Payton and I Ie,s Glover and son, Terry, all of at their country home. Guests were have been elected for the ensuing All three classes are helping I spring. 1\11'. Applegate's' section, Cynthia Brcdthaucr was absent ef d01l1 ~ll~IJ 11l~11t, t1}esc... ahe 11).-Gr I I I 1 !III'. and Mrs. Herman Stowell and year as follows: with. the "(,ller'I)-- '.'1,""111'110' of tIl?': is beginning the co iusc by ae·: Thursdav and Fridav. 'cT,u e(l lIalIllose h way ,. rO\lu. °lme l ,c illdreu wert' hosts last Thursday anc s and. their son in law and daughter Lt Freshmen _ Allen Cox, presi- o' ~ ~,u 0 • ~ .' I' . tl t It, ··th ' •..: He oc coal' es car con rof' l t th . . '. . . (11'111', G")'Y' \\'0/'1"'11, "I''-'~l)I''''I'. department, unpacking, washing q~lalll lIlg .. re S uc e1.1 s \\1 some In the elementary grades of when the rarncs at horne \"/'11 beor all Ice cream parry a ell' Z f' A II ' and l\lrs. S. W. 1\IcKinne~' of Oma- u ~ •• ~ ~o and arrangement of all the : ot the terms US,t'tI III the course. the ]\'01'111 Loup-Scotia SCl100i 1· ~." b~ tgal .'~.~ . ~t ·'1 ". 'country home. Guests were !III'. u( I/lU5 n: (1.1 Is . 11'1 'dent,' Sherilyn Kiehl, secretary;..' ~ "1'1 18 t I I . thi ~, '" p aveu u rave no con ro over'I Alf d I k 'l\I I L Z I' ,. "'" , e(luipmcnl;. pots, p

, 'PI\GE FOUR"WORMING' SERVICE(~1" • II.~ (j" .'wormed (ill the' same tim""W oro • at your ·1."serv~ce!, Itl ~ JTI IE ORI) QUIZ, ORI),"Phonq 324. . " ~, .: : 1;HATCHERY, .'CORPORATION~_....u-.. -....,0'IIt e( ... wtoedI .we __oWe";" .....u.c ~ .......... .........,.~NEI\R!\SK Aor oup'L ! I I '1 C'l I I I I I easall "'.' r ersona 5 no. er eras a Irs.t To Business SchoolI " IN ' Ih L 'PI I VIlew '" 1and Dean, "II', antI "Irs. Hobert johnson had dinner II ith :\Irs To ~ "'1 ' 0 d P I I A th N 'b k F' I ." . UIH ,tt't t an. .\ rs ia:: e s .UI1l e-n and in, t ic ell ~ling :1 ell' sup-", k.•' ,,,,tedt ,pcnt'Sunda) in Lincoln at )(;1' guests III Mrs Cummins home, I ~-Llr]'\ Johnson '\1,,5 we ckvud Nebrask« school children lost I Darla Jean Nov es da ue hl er ofSharulyn King was ho me from the state Lllr, vlo.rday they went to the \\',\\ne I :\Irs Euc>e'le Auguslln and sons' host to Don Kapustka at the John-" f,cllcr sch~ol days bl~C':lll",e of ,th,: :\11'. and :\11'':;. :\'Ial~~in' I;'1:~rdhamher work, in Grand hlanc! from ?Clt. :.\11'. and :.\Irs, George JCl1O>cn , \\IO(nt all fl m "Ict )ok K 11 f O:l d ~I V II t th C! I ' 't d PI V· l I enroute to Greensfield S C 11,7 d,I)S, but AlllOna had 26.1,.') '. 'f C f" "1 ' '. • v. • ( 0 0 1'1 an . 1', c' e)a \Ien ~. 1'-1 \lpa 11';1 (' e,t",:lI1t lew Sh I Th W k \\}l"I'" tll{'.'· 1"1'11 attel1(j B")b J'V'11C~ Georo"ia" 22,' :\Iississinlli 28.7',• l'l'S from Coloraoo I allt! famIly, ~lr, and 1\Irs. John I dOIl't know about vou all but the Albert L' Fair, talent andj. :; I Etlo Cows f10m 1huI",da) to :\I~n- i ~upp('r guests of thC' 1.) Ie :\010- Konko,eskl and Dale Ilere after, spnng fed stn'arn that runs along qut(n contest, Other Judges \Iele,.Phone 185 --- -- .....T -- -- '''-:-.--- - \-------, . ;<strong>Ord</strong>GRAIN'-'MASTER H24"t ,. ,{" " dollar·savingf.~u,m·sized grain storage.' . ,for livestock feedersan,d cash.grain growers,LiquidFERTILIZER'" .'-1 ~ j,4 Fo'rWhedtSee us firsf> Eddie Clement, sO,n of the Don· :.\11', and :.\Irs. \\'alte-I' Holmes .1l1l1 clay annhtr:,uIY. Wa~ne Konkol, :\Ioms and me had so much fun' Ilhele they were JlIllgE's at the MAKEI $' ,,~ 'da> \\hl.le hIS p.trents Ilere at toe sads in OrL!. 'noon gucsts :\11'. and 1\lrs :\Iel\lO the cabin fronts ,Dr, and :\Irs. Don Abt'rneth,} andi AVE I st~te fall'. , I A family gathl'ling Sund,iY at Ebng"ton and d,lllghter anll :\11'. No\\' back at the n~\\'s de 11.' ~Ir, and ~Irs, Dale Housh, all of~"\ I 1 Ihe LlInlll' f;1lleks ,pent SlInda) the Charles t;oodri,ch h'ln1e inLllld· ant! :\!ls, Paul Johnso!1 Ilere also I\i~h ('I)' day "on> f'011 th~" Grand Island. :\Irs. HOll"h II:.IS'\' PAlNT! the,,~ . I 'at 13lllllell 1\lth the W. J. Cadeks,:ed the Claud n;,lrbers of Color.ltlo'callers. Ilork \\'e~k I lind mlsel! c1olulll\~ :\Irs. 1';1ebraska of 1959Frank and Albel t Cad~ks of I Spi ings Colo, the Ronalcl GootI· I ,:\Ir. and, ~Irs Lumir HIuha, Deh·' lcs~ and an ambftlolls edit~r' ,-l\Il"'~ Urpce Kokes aecompa·~ ...•.• Omaha well' al~o gue.,ts lJl the nch, ~terI)n VanHorn, Nels Jor·, ble and Kathy and ~Ir, and :\lrs, breathin Cf dOlln my neck Ther> Illled MISS Carol Pocock to <strong>Ord</strong>...) ::." p:.~ental h01\]C', Igensen families and :.\11' amI :'III's,' Joe 13,lrtu and D\\ain wele Sun, IS a big fat space on his pa,'~' 1\!1ere ~oth spent the holid:!)'~ ,,;- I :Sunday supper guests of, ~II'. i (ltff Goodllch . day e\ening \isi,tors of :\11' and I that 1 am SliPJl~)Se I to fill De- With thell' parents, l\Irs, Helen G.~ SAVE :;, and Mrs, Bat,es {opl'lallll 1\('n O I l\lr, and :\Irs, Dale l\Iulligan ancl' :\115, Ch:lrles 1'.tlder, \\'Ilnl.l and calise and} quote (flom th' late Kokes and the. Hay 1'ococks. Both, 1 ~-~ I.\Irs, .\Ierle ltels .and son" DOll, of, LallY and :\Irs Lee :\Iulligan lIent Cha!.lenC'., . I Cr;1\\(ol'd :\Iortenscn "time e is of are emplo.)ed In Omaha,I, \ l<strong>Ord</strong>, In the e\enl!1g the COI)el.illds to Lincoln Tuesd.l\' mornin rr L.lll\' \\lIma PaJdt'r spellt the Labor the essence" I stole the'e rev Others 10 the <strong>Ord</strong> Kokes home1 p{" I i ~nd tl~eir glles.ts \~ent to the Pete' has his ~ H c.alf at tht' fail' :'III'S. Day y.eekend \\ith her paH:llts, funnies from the paves 'of Ol\d i were the BIll Go~an8 ,of Scot,ts., AINT ! II :t>ntck home 10 J arrived 1 • -----...:- - -----, 1of, dont .~,ou ~,lsh ,evj!~ybodY Garnlck famIly and :\Irs AgnesAk S r R.a .s 'I Bartz hvmes l'lst Ileek the young home'rnda\ night from Batlle "'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' used 1;)1.11. ,Amon"" .the, Dodge. •- a -T""'f.J' L ,:stl'\,~~~\ bat~ll\? h"b1ls o(,~ncll'n~l -:\11', and :.\Irs. Charles \\'OClt!l~ lar~l111a 10 atknd Bob Joncs l nl·, ited :\Irs. Farley's brother, the 1 1\here Iand :\Irs. Peter «a~lllllSS~'lI, Ken·' ,P~~te an~l a cousm, :.\Ils ~Ial) bilthday Tue,day She h"s bcell In the oldcn dd)S a bl'llle and Owy ~blt~d bnelly Ilith. hernt;th and Charlol\~', ,lIenry K~n- Of llol~, and SOli, Delnle of Dell-' J residlnt of NebrclsKd '{or 7$ grool~1 Ilcre protcded flom the llcph~I\, Jack :.\b?dux of Llne-olnl\l,her and l\Ialtin Hansell ot Orc!. hI. ,', '. >E',lrS and makes her home at I elll 1I111uence, of I\ltches ,llld \Iar-: \\ho ,IS a l,lew pa~ll'llt at the sLiteAHhinv Saturd:.l)' nioht from Arn.\ln,g Fl'ltlay night hom Colo· ~ Gene\d, ' . ,locks by u~lnc1 gla): hor~~s to I tUbCl(·ul.vS1S ho"pltal. . I, !".n:mont ~\'t're :\11' and l\Ir s Com- ~yti~ Spnngs, Colo, I~ ere ~II'. and The Chri,ten;-;ells Sent floral' pull the bnddl cdlnage 10 Le -Holid,l) II eeke~ld guests III, (ort' C~lj1iinlns, Ron,lId and G,ti} , ~fyS" l'lfud ~:.IrbeJ'. Dixie and Bon· greetings b,11 dill Ilot attend the e~tre!nely IUl'ky tht'Y. IICle mar'i th:. hom; of th~ Ecn'l, Kricw"lcl~'indGlenThomds.Th('>'\lcrt'ou('sts'fll~, an'1, tltelr It',lr old grdnd,on"bilthdd~ (clel.Halion \\hkh in. r}(';iln a,n:,on~!1 t,h"t did not h,\ve J. el ;' th~ cO,uples son1l\law anduntil "Ionda)' eveninv of Mr~. :.\Ia.' son o,f ~Ir, and !III'S. Theron Bar., cludell three sons, 13 grandclll]' lJ;l' lettel:\ 1\one of t~e lIed.: a:I.. ~ltl1, :.\11 anci .l\Irs Henl) Dt'·bel Tolen and !\Irs "tar\' Cummins ber. 11w)' Ilere are \Ieckend gUC'sts dren 32 Olcat-oranddllldren a{HI cltng gU('s(", lIele to IIt',ll bbck laet and 1110 ch1lllten of Keal n('ySundn 'the C~I1111;1ill~ ':\Ir~ :\1'31'>: of :.\11'. and :\ir', l'hlf Goodl'l,;h.'sev·en o~(,'lt·"~e.1t."randchtldll';'n 01' green and It \\'dS con-itlered l' --"~' and :\!rs',Jcalllluntcr and;:--------.~"'""~----.,.1-~--~.......------:.· t;.P1~d.:aJ Ford Le.on,hd"'\\'ood, :\10. o~~e nlvre". n.. r~~ lU P b._-------------' I•CUllll;iillS and ;\Ir, ~\llcd ~lr~~ I~l~ d The B~lber's )oungest son, ~'h,lJ',1 " eo ~ o " bad luSk If the bride's engage,' t\lO c llclrcn of Omaha \\erc \1 cd;·; . " ) ,les, IS 11\ the 1.1, S. anm and IS 10" N I" d I 'c k ,', . pml'n~ lJog CCJl1ta illLlI (lncl aid or I el!d il l1 e:;(s, of h1S parl'n l s, thet b':t'\' opal stones. .' - f\\alter 1'\olls. Thcy IIt're joilled"I I I ','" -\" f..' ...""." I ,,0 Olle I\,!:s 1l1JUICC, U 01, . :\Ionddvbv a,nother SOil \ "'. 1NOW'.lh· k b f ,";\ rs.'· Hoy Leal'h Was In \\ yom· l',lrs Wt're badh' damaged wf1en; , his wife al '0 of 0 '. I" ' Itl) dnc ,- T.ln .a ou YOLJ.r. lllg.Fr!day and Satul'lhy to atlenlliautl!s drilcn b).· 1\Irs. Ed (~Iar.l An exchaniSe papl'l' of,50.years, -!\lr ''''1 !\I" ma.1.\. , . I, I ' lth~.fl./liepl of an, uncle. ' I vucrite) Whalen of 1'\01't1l Loup! ago ~old of the Iml10SSlblll1)' of .. d"1 'Ii-Ill : Is. Ildn "~len'~1l Ifa ' II"~ erfl"/I·z,l·ng" ":,;' ,II' ,I,:, tQ","j ,I,:,' ,'., ,. " ~ I D' ' D '1',1'1 k' f'O knO\I'lng IIhere the truublc re,lan (11 lCn ~pent the holIday lIl'< ' .lI, ant .\lIS, A, R. GIbson of I Jill tn!1Is ..lIl1a ~ I 0 I1lJ- !t." f .t'. " "11 1:\llnclen as 0ues(s of relutilcs I'.BOILESEN .SEED CO.8TRAN·STEEL IS A DIVISION5!i .. , • }~ I ., ¥ ~t, ,: '. \Have your flockfor appointment.ORD, .$tran-Steel's new Grain,Master "24" pre·engineered building ma"es commonsense for livestock feeders and cash·grain gro\\ers alike, It loads to capacityWIthout interior handlin·g. Steep roof slope matches' natural slope of piledgrain. Pick the siz.e tq f,t your needs-24' wide, any length in multiples of 16feet. Gr3ili·Master aeration system controls moisture migration-and it's alsoav'allable with drying systems for smaH grain and ear corn. Proven steelconstruction stops insects, birds and rodents. Choose from nine spar"lingne-.y Stran·Satin protective colors-and pay no mote for factory·appl'·ed colorthan you would for paintll1g. Use If for both grail1 and equipment storage"':"a movable bulkhead separates grain from other stored ,terns. Use It to holdgrain for, a marketll1g profit, end harvest,time ha>Jls and long walts at theelevator. Low dO"iIl payment With Stran'Steel Purchase Plan. Phone us fordetails today, , '","I,'" t.... r-~ ... ".....r··----··-·-~-~--,:. TRUING .:L ~_•• ._. •• ~Ir·---·-_·~--·_-·---~:. BALANCING.:~_._--_._--------_.~r------·------~---, :. SIPING .:~.-.--_._-..-.~--~rii-;AKEwouilI Adiv$fic\t. RejiAJnt :~---_._--------. __..HEADLIGHTCHECK..... ,...~la_...,.A.Ia t. .... aa4 Ie( • ~u.e-. no. .wr ~&cedooc....... ,rl -.OK IUIIIIWELDERS..........." ( .} ,* *SAVE.,..RALLY. \.• ..,-em. i', ,athai1960The - . .. Fune i al FlowersF1Bre{k - phone 361- dave & dixie watson -...............•.....• _~IShoe Repairs :1I...".ouaLle Ptlctl :Wayne's :yourself•promIseShoe Repair :...lth Turek f',DllIy Shue Stort~._ •••••••••• 4 ••••••••••A cerfa'in portionof your pay Icheck goes 'forSAVINGS each MONTH" 'Make It A MUSTJEnjoy unsurpassed solely and security.Score exIra profits that help savings. 'St.arl saving here this week!It's The American' \Vay To SllCC0SSPROTECTIVE SAVINGS 'andLOAN ASSOCIATIONPhone 59ee_ .......· rei'.A. ,l. Jefferie.5~ Secretary. 'MEET YOUR CANDIDATES~ ," < • i "7 COUNTYDEMOCRATICVAT OJtDSUNDAY,.· SEPTEMBER 11, IMEET & HEARCONGRESSMAN DON McGINLEYV FRANK B. MORRISON. CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNO,R~ RICHARD LARSEN, STAT~ TREASURERV W. O. BALDWIN" CANDIDATE FOR ATT'Y GE,NERALV& OTHER CANDIDATESFREE WATERMELON3 P.M,. AT BALL' PARKPUBLIC INVITED<strong>Ord</strong>. Nebr.,;.,:, ' ! ' .) ',! \ I~ (~, 13011' spellt \V~dnesda~ h~, coll!ded at a. county r~Jd ~1I JIllo lon1 a. ,,~~I ga~~ \VI ,~~~_~_.o__~_~~. ~~'.'~ ~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~~~_~~~~~~~~1\It )11'. and :.\Irs. Jim vogeler,l rl;tl'rSectlon two null'S south of, ellt, t~ man n)ol tod"cd Ills. ,~alvll1 'I .,• ' In the afternoon :\Irs. Ota "litehell :\orlh Loup at 5:30 p 11\. Sunrlav, ~? ,bu~ hiS \1 lfe some emllnoS.:\lrs, Fcrn ~Iax50li .and "Lir~ia [{t'o,i I ,ccording to a l'l'port. by State' the .\1 Ife ,took III I;'ashll\~~s ;0 ?ay Icallecl t6 see' :\II'~, Glb,on In the: rl'UOp('I', Otto Z,1pp th: Ill,tea,'t on th~ mOl~oaoe allJ.~ IPlenin" :\11' anti "II'S Yo"eler "e I .~ ~__ ,t~~ iust ~,l) lo",t one of the" "'.' I 'I ,..,' 0 a I' . 'dwlllOnds 1Il the soap suds InlvmJl,l~l..le( t 1e qlbsons home and l se Q\llZ Want Ads for quick de"p:lir she tried to Innc1 h~sel£~Jent thurSday III Broken Do\\', le'ults, 'in the b~,l'll but the ~'ope 'broke,..----- ~...._-"'-.. I :lnd she fell on a $150 Jer",evco\\' breaking hel' back• IAmI you think you hal e t~vuCULLING SERVICE'hies? .' IOn Nor! hern Tripi~Ir. and :'III'S. Leno)' \\"ells leftS;'lturd •• )' nening for a iishin"I rip in nvIthl'ln :\Iilllie,vta andNow is Ihe lime 10 huve 'lout (Jock culled. MukQ rOom CanalL,. '1 he) pbn to Lc gOI\(' a"eek. .fUI those pulle\s you will bo housing soon. Give them ugood st?rt. by. ye\,I.in~ riel of your bomdp'r hen~ and pulletstht~1 e'~i up 'profit.> !.l' , ,i . ".:, . , '.1 . ) J'it } . I ;;'.:J, ~••••••• ~ •• I••• ~ ~ 1NOON DINNER AT VETI'S CLUB. ,TICKETS $5.09,See FRANCES McCALLorGEO. DWORAK\....................... ,.1,- .. .;. .» .'SPONSORED BY:"VALLEY, HOWARD, SHERMAN, GREELEY. lOUP, WHEELER,'AND GARFIELD COUNTY DEMOCRATIC C,OMMITTEESj1I/' ;

SEPTF~ H~ER 8. 1960 THE ORD QUIZ, ORO. NEBRASKA PAGE FIVE .. ,."""He that would make his ownliberty secure must gll:lrd even,I 'I _his enemy from oppression." ,- Tho~,~~i Paine '!y,, ,A fried chicken supper will be served beginning al 5:30.Booths, amusement. games of skill. Bl\le rock shoot inthe afternoon. Dance in the evening. Music furnished byAdolph Nemetz and his orchestra. Everybody invite d.plusII"-One or the friendliest ways 10soy welcome fa yovr gves's is byserving frosty glasses of goldenbeer. It is the' congenial beverageolwo/$ in good taste. Enioyit oftenl,~--.'-,"- ----" ,t---'3"• ".J ~,",' 2-1. ,:,. t.)"....in~gar;mcnt leaks out 'ot our plant\I}thout a thorough inspcction.\Ve make sure everyitem ,11$5 .bcc n qry cleanedpi:upci'iy t .t. .~lHl=.,. .....""""11111111,,11,, l! 'l11'li'l'II"II'III'I"I'H ,i1II, 11.,1 Li ,I HIli) "11/1'11 !,'1 'LAUNDf~VBASKETS= p~:Y~nH--== EE\ 1! __ESE = -.=,=AVl

••..• II• tf j1'. I'* \ ;."..PAGE SIX-------*- -~-----_.. _~._----_.~,-.-_._-~-_._----_."SEPTE1\lI3ER 8,19G1Vernia Happ. 'llJe~' abo called on II Grabowski and Charlotte Kaso1\11'. and 1\11',. A! E\ nett. I spent Sunday at Farwell in thl{. L. Lincoln, ~Ir. ami l\lrs. Chas, : John Juri horne.SALE PRICES EVE RY DAYIfAaLFRIGIDAIREVJ~,/()U1lIJfotun,.~ lUtdteJIJ 1WJIISTEEL & WOODAPPLIANCE:SIJ•·"t'" •••APPLIANCEREPAIRS.Janus Electric21st & L St.ELECTRICMOTOR'andPhone 50Sr-,.,___ 4 LARG'E STORES IN A SMALL TOWN .~ STOCK and PRICES WI~L Surprise You - We TRADE. ---r-Carpeting & Appliance CompanyLukasiewicl Furnilure iWe DeliverOpen .We~.& Sat. Eve.Farwell. Nebr.II4• • ,tJ• ț• l• •t~I~',,t'.• tC,~,~\ tr••,,fI1IIIț .r,·, »; ,• t\,.~l,SfIi••..II•,r')I•"'I•presented byyour friendlyState Farm AgentIBiU frenchFirst Pluce West Of QuizPhone 425I1AU fAlMAFREE!BASEBALL BOOKHow WouldY9u P9Y,$155,OOO?The other tl.ly, nut far frulIl here, a jury a\\ allIed $155,000tll a pedestrj;;tll seripu~ly inJul'l'd in an auto!llobile accident.Chall('('s. are. the' JIloto,l'iot \\ as. only l'AHTLY cO\l'ret! byi:Jsurance, Cl,nd !llUdl of the $155,000 came OUT OF IllS U\VNI OCI{/ hat luul been intilldllROWBAL PLUMBING &HEATING• .• Rich l{o 1\ LalK K APPLIANCE CO,• , , U11! .\Idill);l'rday night; pra~'er mcctingFriJay evenings. 1\1;. nor G,Soper, pastor.'.This Pago Is Dedicated To The Building Of A More Spiritual And A Greater 'church-going People. b I." ,--- -Paid For By Firms Who Want, As Their Only Return, To See More People Going To Church... ., . ",.BANKVETERANS CLUB, !NC.KELLISON FARM .EQUIP., •• "\"our John DCClC Dl'a1cr"• .. O. A. KcllbonTHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK· .. 0,", \'c!H·.· , . :\kmbl'l' F. D. I. C.GOODRICH SERVICE STATION• •. X'olth Loup - Ph. BY G~3t3,j '",• •. lhUlk GoodrilhDARLEN;;'S COUNTRYBEAUTY SALON· •• D"dcllC Gall:CI' - Ph. :;~USCLEMENT OIL CO.• •. :llc" ill (IcmclltKENNE.THR. LEACH• ~ . Flonticr SCl\ j(~J. M. McDONALD• .• & .\"vt:.llcs- ICHURCH NOTESSt. John's Lutheran ChurchSunday, Sept. 11: Sundayschool. io a.I11.; worship, 11a.m, Harold Lachmann, pastor.Bethel Baptist ChurchSunday. Sept. 11: Sundayschool, io a.m.; worship, 11a.in. with speaker, Rev. HaroldHOII ard \\ ho 1\ ill also deliverthe e\ cuing address at8 p.m.Moriday-Friday, Sept. 12·16:Familv Crusade with Rev.BUllard. beginning at 8 p.m.each 121 cnini:{. Wilbur ~lat!·sen, pastor,Calvary Bapti$t ChurchNorth LoupSunday, Sept. 11: Worship,9:45 am; Sunday school, 10:­45 a.m., 12\ cning sen lee, 8p.111.'Tuesday, Sept 13: Pra~ crmeeting, 8 p.111. Wilbur ~Iad·sen, pastor:A$sembly of God ChurchSUI1lLn. Sept.' 11: Sundayschool, io a.rn.: worshlp, 11a.m.; Evangelistic sen Ice, I7:15 p.m.Wednesday, Sept., 14: Prayermeeting.' M. L. Hamburger,pastor.First Presbyterian ChurchSunday, Sept. 11: Churchschool. 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11a.in., sermon: Mountains andl\1olchills; Mariners, G p.m.Moriday, Sept. 12: <strong>Ord</strong>Ministerial Fcll.o,\~hip, 10:30a.m.: youth chou', 4 p.m.Wednesday, Sept. 11: Juniorhigh Icllowshlp, 6 p.m.adult choir, 7:30 p.m. Alvin.Ziuuncrman, pastor.Our Lildy of Perpetual Help:Suml,l~' ~Ia~~cs at 7.00, 8:30and 10.00. WcckudY Massesat 8:15 on school da~s. Saturday!\Ia~s at 7.UO. FathcrC01'.j k, pel'tllt·.Boleszyn ChurchFir:,t 3 Sunua~'s of themonth Masses at 10:00 a.Ill.Last Sunday of the month!\lass at 8:30 a.Ill. FathetZiolkolnkl, pastor.VALLEY GRAIN CO.• .. Ji1l1\\ cll & \'0. Loul'• . ~ J. U. t'CI gll~OJ1•L & H RE~AIR• , . (i"s - Oil - l'ircs• , . LI~ tia, Ph. coosCOOK'S GROCERY• •. :\11'. and :\Ir,. John CookFOX REPAIR SERVICE• •• C1,HClllC FoxPrayer Is .The Key To The Kingdom, But Faith Unlocks The Door. ,\! ...~....... l~t!:·· )-U '~~'~~~_~~'l"J!l.."'..Iit!l,.y'to...~.",,-~~~'~..l_~ •.'~::.:!':.~~ ~"';':'~:~..D'"~~. '.~~ ,;,,_.,;,-,,--,~_, __ ~~"',,-io!t~*,,!:, __~.:..,.l!.!~-...L ._.'. --...- __ :>...... .c ' __ ...lS..~liii~k...~~1-""""'_""' ~~""'_""""""""?"'?"""""""""'''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''Q ..q 'Phi "d'~~

4 61 82Arthur A. Mohr'Route 6Burnell, Nebraska.oEstctb. April 1882<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr.• Thursdcy, Sepf. 15, 1960'.U1Z"========'Conservation MeetSept. 21-13 {orRural TeacherslShPtguns Taken byI Escapees, Recovere(lI Two 5hotguns, taken from thehome of Jens Neilsen, living inthe last house on North 191hStreet in <strong>Ord</strong>, by escapees fromKearney IndustrIal school, havebeen recovered near Grand Is·land, Sheriff Wayne Turner an·nounces.The escapees, Richard Carlock,Dallas, Tex., and Dennis Goring,Louisville, Nebr., abandoned theweapons 111 a hedge a mile anda half north of town on Hiway281.The guns were identified byTurner and Neilsen and re turnedto their owner. Aside from becominga trifle rusty no harmwu done to the firearms. Theboys are in federal custody inOklahoma City. .'.,.,, \\ I\Low5t514t51334551Beerline Son \f/insRegenfs' Scho!at'ship II ":,,.,,,":,'""',,,,,,,,y',:,:::'(DlIn tn'llint'. son of ~Ir. ,l\lll!\~rs. {;I,,'11 U-.'ellillC', receivedv, ord lie hJS been' '1.-

Pl\C:;E T\VO------~~--,-_._~- _.~---, ,,. i. •: ,THE OR!) QUIZ, ORl), NEBR/\SKASEPTb\lBERJ 5,1960~':"-A....UI.:Ji~'~~l~~~I)._rt,':J J.--I1IL,Il'Iie iI.".'i'I I III,I III, III,IIIIIIIIIIII"anILl. ..- " '/A0" '1~BR()\J\jt~/SWitt, Fall FurnituresHiI arrivingOro. Ne~'ras!(at-.,', ..... " ,. , 1;: oJBUY ,N O,V~!T 1 XJp'-,:-6--"4~{('SI)I'IIII, IIIIII, IIIIII-IItIIII I,I,,,IIJ III I1,,IIII,I,I,, II. II~1 IIIIII,IIIIIIIIIIIPhone 900..'0""'-' ~n~'"It';""UI"Nulil)ll'SoTO[)SENC~IEVR6LET IINC.\\',No. 1 B~st 5\111(,(1/2 'Ton Pickup3J4 TO.1 Pickup2 'f 0.11 TruckthutM~s.1' Go!ALL LT~EI) CAHPHICESSLASHED FOH's DAYS'57 f •.H;d '18, report for ,1check up the last of November.LVRPPD Steak FryEmploy ccs of the Loup ValleyHiH,!" Public 1'0\\ er District with\\ i\ e, and husbands joined at th«\ eterans grounds Wcdnesdav c\ c· .ning for an outdoor steak 'fry. :A sudden thunder sho« erforced the group insldc lhe' quon- Iset ))llllding to finish the ste,lk ;nlling.ILater man.\ger WIILell ' Cal\ ill I,111ll ~Irs. Cah in \\ ere hosts for;dancijlg at their new hOlil~ in,\\e"t Ol'll.IGue~ts for the e\~nin'" \\ere'the Che~ter Auslins, Kenneth ICll'1I1ents, Bob Am!C'r~ons, Don IWagllers, Dan Klimeks, Charles. Ackles, Leonanl Suminskis, Stan·'ley PetSLIS, sr, Verlin SmithsallLl Cl~ de Pddduck.Rober! G. Hall Dies ' .[Bob Hall, CO-O\\ tll'r oC the <strong>Ord</strong>Hotc], recei\ ell \I ord ;\londay ofthc ue,ith of his father, Robe) t IG, Hall at Eugene, Ore. The de- IcC'"secl h,'\s bcen bedf:.lst in a'r('~t hOIlll' for a long time. Othel' ISUI \ i\ ors arc SOilS, Ralph of Eu- Igc'lle aIll! Simon of Shusholle, ItLl ';\11'. Hall plannel! to Ie,,, e for IShoshone \\hcre fUllcral sel \ ices:11lc1 burial alt' to be hdlk, todZI) Iior tOlllOllvw.,PRIVATE, ,SALEPAT FAFEITA318 No,. 18th St.STARTINGMONDAY,September 199:03 A,M.. .. " .",Running All WeekUntil ~verythi~g Is Sold" >' lComplete living roomDining room'set , •1l~25 carpet 'G,E. stove \ IDinette set1t ton Amana Air, ' conditio~er ..S1'· 'Baby !urmture .Antenna .and rotorLamps and drapesSO mm Kodak RetinacameraComplete Brownie 8 mmmovie outfit .t" Bleck and Deckerelectric: drill. sander.buffer and ca'rryi119ca::eElectric hedge trimmerLawn sweepLarge d09 houseYard furniture and, grillYo~d)oolsG'E'n~cmmctdo fieldgla~sesDishes, crystcl. silver.electric roaster. electricporla~le sewingmachine and electricalappliancesGuns and sportingequlp'ment.New Whirlpool washerDryerDouble tubsRadiosBedding. linensChildcraft BooksChristmas decorotionsSize 14-14 t new shirtsClothing. toys; ashtrays.footstools. planters andmiscellaneousChild's racerGas model airplaneequipment and planesOUt t .DIILY.oHANGE DRINK"17°. DiSCOUNT. LIGHT MEAT CHUNK STYLeSIAR~KISr lUNA ':. REULAR VALUE 3Sc .:.- SAVE ~(", ',. ., ,'I I. IsUP PLY 0NSOM[ ntMSl HI1 ITE0 SOUunRYG[T YOURI • I ~ ---~------r----.----- ...... -.. -'.----'" ~-----~.----~ -.-.----- ....-----. ..;..__, ' f ,' .. - ,.•• 1ROVND,LB.7'-0 ' ()'."''.-f Art~ A'~; ,t",'" ,d'CHIC\ .'\'\) 1, • ~ t, •.. ,,.'·fieinz ,BABY FOC)J,)5. '6~65C.,17°0 UiH,ount-M":ft~il HCl.lseBAKED BEANS 2NOti:~' '47 c20° 0 DiscoUrlt-N.~H:•..MORSELS, .. 1', ,14°:. Dlsto~nl--Plc,;lsmor While SalodMARSHMALl.OWS 2 :k~l; ~5(lO·,o Dis(o~"l-·S~s~crPEANUTS ~~l~~1h l~f:' 39 c13% DISCOUNTJ!l1-> GOOCH'S BEST ),,- GREAT NORTHERNBEANS~25C~~~ .:" C,f.;;;jj,sI.b. 69, ,\10. 79.c'''''49c-'

,IGRANDOPENING. iWe will have open house Saturday, Sept. 17;from .1 pm., to 8 p.m. Eve.ryo,ne is invitedfor FREE COFFEE AND COOKIES.We are offering a G,rand Opening special, a15% discount for all appointments for settingsmade on Saturda.y. ! !.Now located next to Coast to j Coast stor:eZabloudil Studiosr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'D'I S: CO' U"o, SAL E'-':..-----'----~------,AVINGS TO YOUSHARE OF SAVINGS AT JACK &JILL~--,---fresh from CaliforniaJfJ~GRAPESFresh CaliforniaBARTLETTLB.cPEARS,,'lb,19cFresh Calilorni'a PascalCELERY.I, "_.iIIlI'50f0 DIS~OUNT), .~, SWIFT NING~~m ll9 I':::Q~E sHORn~I~G '-"-. Value 7St67- S~vo 12e C. 3·111. ti" - ,23·,~ Di,cou~t-Fv!g"r'sINSTANT COFFEE 'i:~' 8g ePre~iumCRACKERS,1-lb.box 2'1eFrueh's.Wild.PICKLING SPICE 1'!;k~:' 17 eFor Me;tkil'lg Jams and JeiliesPEN-JEL 22~~~~~. 31 e....,19% DlSC?UNT)'§ Y LUXL19fJ10 ' ,. s:::w~: 33C41( Suo . IToile' $aapLUX 2:fz~' 23 2b~th '31 e51U\Carol eor WhiteUFEBUOY 2b~th 35csIzePRAISE 3:~z~· 31 eAll-Purpose Detergent-Save 10cB~EElE g~i:: 75 e......'9% DiSCOUN"r" - HANDY ANDY )-;' L19U10 OqERGENTc' 9, 1"9~Ia. l Vcdue l'3t"~~ ~:) CSpl'cial Pack-Save 10e3-111. 83eboxflt.8g eRAIN DROPS ,31~k~' 49 cSCUti Work-Sovas 'tIm.STAcpUF RINSE ,•. 47 e'THE OIZD QUIZ, ORD, NEBR1\SKA,~--_-:.......:...-_------------------_----:'_~l\1rs',.Ce:'l,l\IcCal!. ~1!ll fa,mil~~:!To_Lil/c~ll1. 'Ch ' hWddi f i9% DISCOUNTDAVID HARUM FLOUR• V ,., >Ruth Owens and her daughter, Mrs. Oyc e winners were Mrs. Bob Grove was also honored, Four birthday Iison, organist, accompunicd Mrs. I neighborhood fril"'ds Jast Friuay -Da\l I'immer rnm, employeeI wish to thafriends who renoduring my ho,also the neiglhelped in anyMarkley and thstaff for theIr exe(Bud\Makes groin drying easier than ever! No batches~ just simpfe, continuous drying. "Put wet grain in' .'the top-fakedry, coored grain out at the bottom. ' 1An M·e Grain Dryer on your farm will do a belterjob of quality drying. Here's a grain dryer thatreally improves groin cfualilY with no heat damage-no kernel checks or cracks-grain moves oncethrough--no scorching. The~e are some'of lh~ feat~PHqn1t available in the M-e Grain Dryer,. - . ~. -Swal1ek Heating Co.'<strong>Ord</strong>, NebraskaPh,)ne 236ONE GROUPLfJdies· GiI"dlesVO!U"3 10$3'-00,$?,9~ ,, .J'tf:g. 3.95New OnlyReg. 10.95Sizes 30-42For the family. Maki!19 spacefor new shoes corning in. ~c.my re·duced o,ver '12 price.ou: Ap.Ziil$ Surprised ro'd p; "'IThursday evening Mrs. Owens, Naeve. After lunch they came 0,1 and Mrs, Dale Stephenson. cakes highJighted the multiple Rehearsal Pari)' Dennis Kribc, .vocalist.:I aft~rnoon in hon~;' 'of the birth.! ~t ,thle J b , ~l.f l\1.(1)tOlllaltd storke, etn l·'1' d f I 't 0 'I PI I t h ld 'eelebl'otl·Oll. . .' , K' Sh" K' d 'h d" f 'I' l' J C k ~ I JO) ec a I'll' nSI :l~" wee' WI 1am I .\ rs, ""gnes Do ge urtll'l' 0 1(, . ans were mac e 0 0 a cou· ~ lvJr~,. Anna VO,dehnal was host· a~, 01101.1 entun an C. ar-: a~ 0 l' IS, \ , run, Guests, his p.1J'C'nls, the A. C. Timmerhonored~liss W"lcrman when' pIe's party Od. 23 \\tth Hallo\\'- The complete guest li~t fOI" th'2 t'ss h\day e\'elllng a~ her home lotte luma lIghted candles, Htld~l' fOI ..thl', cUllrte~y \\e1'0 M~sdamC's I InJns at Dill,:r.she was thyir dinl1C'r guest at the' Merry Circle ,\fCCIS een theme. In charge of final ar· affair indmled: ~Ir, and :\lrs, to m~mbers of the Vi,sek·~ovotn)' I :\1a~ Visek of Gl:and Island \yas i l!allY Zulko,kl, \\ ;:yne Zlomke'lV'etcrans (lub. ~ rangeluents \\dll. be", ~IesdanH.'s, Everett 13ursqn and farnil J ', :\lr. \redcllng part~· follov,:illP' rchei:ti·· In~lld of l:?nor. Karen J~[ln 81;n-: Eug,enc :\hller, H. E. 1~3In~

PACE FOUR '1'1 IE ORI) QVIZ, ORn. NEBRASKA SEPTE:-VIBER 15, 1960DO YOU KNOYJJ+2 3/5 Ibs.Farm GroinFeed for,1 dozen eggs~...-,--..-,....._"""",------..-------...LeIUsExplainHow.~ will help you Increase egg profits!FARMERSPRE aHARVEST.<strong>Ord</strong> • North' LoupELEVATORBUYS1 • Formoll 400 Diesel - loaded.like new,t\· Funnell 300 Gcrs - real sharp.;\ S~'veral Used M Farmalls.3·. Formcll H's':;'-" 'fepaL'lted, ready to go.1 - Farmall Cub with Rotary Mower.:3evcr~J.l 1:":1:11' 'good used Pickers.'.',; ..:. BUY E1\RLY - SAVE!J . Furmall 350. Diesel -.:. Reel g~cd .~~~d Elevator. .2" Use d .G~al~· qnd Boxes - real good., Specie! prk';',

--SI!PTEMBER 15, 1960 ,THE ORl) QUIZ, ,OgD. N'EBlZASKA PAGE FIVEC( EI ,. I\'oble: Lester Kizer, Venard i O' W I Ad :\!A1.E" iSfudenls Tcke . : mcnt as a waitress or a~ i1 clerk' comiug clcct iou :'III'S. Paul Wray I at Scotia where she is a guestAJ ec Ion w. Collins, Ben Wadas, H. A UtZ an S HELP WANTED I ~ , .'" I' in stores.' accordin~ to the police Will ho.t thl' grm.p o.i. 13. 'in a nur:,illg horne. Her sonditiollSwanson, Edward Novak. . i . Xl arricd man between the agls I Off t'J Co~!ege bulletin. Relatives do not fe"'l: _____. J he's been reported as critical,North Loup: Stanley Balf, El, Too Lote to Classify of 24 and 45 with at least a hl,11 , OrrJ )OUl1'" people h 1\R II A dl' bcen foul play. - ' K II' M I ' I . She suffered a stroke about threeesu s nnounce don Sintck, G,llbl'lt ~abcock, Lyle i school diploma, to sell full time pack iu; uP'" pcrsc 1.I1 l;don;il1gs '------ ' f e 150n, ot "", II years ago which left her partiallyEelg.tr \V, Roc, Edwin R, Leliz, !:,'rcshlPl'n _ Dale l\1el'.t _ ,i- See me for alf.tlfa "nt.! pra1l'lc· her husband lIke Onl already anJ ArB, lexas. IEureka,: Emil Cepleeha, Gil- dent;' Dale Nal1r~lek: VIIC'l'.~~'~~i' hay" A._~, A,lgaard, El:l\SOil,: ~r,e_ happy, to .. h,~le , b~cn . sentb~rt Sel?el, Robert. l?ealJllont, dent; Be\erly Anderson, 'secle- phone 2/00, 2\)-ltp' ~1Ele, l:e .~s ,espeua!~) llltCIl'stCJ See~ Mis5ing M.oth~r . I\\ lll, IIl!lubh, Joe ~1aS1I1, taQ'; Rod !'IItCall treasurer, FOB SALE' ::.. 7 ft ,,' d "lJ l~. ~lln~, .~ ~cy eXyN t 10\\ a tro la· NcIJrasK,;1 pol LCC .OUICl'lS ha\ l'Geral1llil1l: Gerald C, Krikae, Eighth GJade' D 11 Va 1- \V'k' d $150' gAl a 111 ll. tn es to 'ISlt dUflng the l1'.ll\~l1lg been asked to aid in findin:J l\Irs,:'l'l ., \\"1d' \\"11" I ' . -:J J . I 01 S goo , ,0, ,J, Au- Se'tSOll,Ronald Woooter, 2:!·)car oL!i1~lJ1as a, m~n!l, . I lapl P, Z~ndt, l?resld"nt; Lll1da Wilson,. gaard, 26.lt ' \mother of three sl11811 ~'hilcJl'(I1, IB,elall, Hobelt Sestak, EU6enc vlce·presldent- J can Gewekl', I -- -, --.. '- . - _P " '-,j--~---:--'7,-. ..who disapPo:ll'('d from her hOl.1e INovotny. . " se,retarYj Don Zikm.l:l1u, treas-' FOH SALI

2nll~ ....._~ _ ._ .....l\\CE SIX .~A.__~_~__•TIlE ORD OUIZ, ORD. NEBR,\SrC\' -._........__.~-'-'"--'__ • _ ... '- ..... ~~__._~. ~__..................... _, -1 " Ii'4"t;,f".! n~,~~n,'''''t' r,f r."J'~"!\I~!'~:~§>g Orf! c.·'m~IH'k\men Golfers PlanlHusker Fullbacl, ,J r,' ~e lJt C".nI1>r,' • the golf clubs, "'fOl' A~l'lll'>"eb' J" la'k~'l,~o. r"'

SEP I f0.mrR 15, \,-----~----------------------------CoNEBR"SK~------------------------ ------~----, Sunday Thc) abo visited l\1r fH , II ( kPAGE SEVENand 1\l1s Chas Stuber and ~onl aS~!et reeIII Lincoln I he Cook Iaruilv nusbeen having HUlllOI1S for· fifly I !'IIts (iu) Mull igan wu a gUc,t 1 t-· I I •Illl the 1l"llllec Porter hotllc HL II AC ~ieYenlen t~t1rland 1\fl,' Eel Cook and !'Ill Arcadi.t Iron: Wedlll',dal until I a~ IMrs Hall) 110th accompi h'u,l) monung ~hl' U'''''lcLl ,1 A ,J W·Reuben Cook til" home 1!1J!C l\11 and l\!t- warU Innersthe reunion at POI tcr attended the State Fair I1\II, \\111 }

•b)I,SEPTEMBER 15, 1960TELEVISIONSALES & SERVICE ,",,ICOLOR ANp B~ACK & WHITE1i~ , 1. ,,1 .1961 MODELS ON DISPLAYCOLOR AND BLACK AND WHITESeveral table models. censetes and portables to choose from., 90 Days Free Sqrvlce On All New SetsA FEW 0000 USED TV SeTS - BUY ON EASy"PAYME,NTSORD NEON SIGNS & TVSYLFURTAK1917 "0" Street'OPEN EVENINGSPhone 4351,250 "to l500 Sand~iII CattleFRIDAY; SEPT. 16th ~t', \, • " ' .._ i '.' I. .. .' ~ :.,,\ i;)'~ ,BURWELLWe had a 'ilice consig~lJl1Clltof stock last Saturday at'our special sale. 13ot11 consignors and observers said therewere a lot of buyers and a gLIOd market. . Our next specialsale will be September 24. There is a splendid cOll'ign-,mcnt listing up for this next Saturday's sale: It will include:Cattle.50 bucket and numbered calves40 head of whiteface steer calves37 whiteface heifer calves25 mixed yearlings32 head of mixed yearlings .27 head 600 lb. yearling steers ,21 whiteface yearling feeder heifers45 ~e~'~ of mixed yearling steers12 whiteface stock cows .10 milk c~ws including 4 choice t-1,olstein C~WSIr , 2 [us} fresh and 2 to freshenI Z c'ertifl~d Holstein milk cows, giving mllk, now \~' ~ .:1 thotce Wis'consin bred first calf heifer2 'whHeface breeding bulls:2 ~~~vy' b,ol.ogna bulls .''" .v. '- I' • Hogs140 weanli'ng' pigs and\ heavy 'feeder, shoats,We had the smallest number of pigs for vee-,clnation we have had in the past five yearslast Saturday.Market Comment. Five buyers made a $17.00 top on No. i butchers,$15.50 top on sows. Please remember our hog sale. startsprompty ?t 10:30.,. -Safe DatesSeptember 2~-Drs. ~arre'and Lahtbert. build.,:' ing on 14th and ~ S.treet. " " " "'., ,:'Sepfembe.r 27-Joe ~ ~,d e r son" closing" out". bui,ldi.ng~ 'and farm sale at his farm four. miles northeast of <strong>Ord</strong>. . " .. \ 'J . ,Sepfember 30-T~e,Clyde Kelleyf~rJ1iturea"~and residen,ce ~nd three lot~l Qn Highway.'11' . ~i,'i ';';, . l'i.' .', "" ,'" ~ . ~. ,.' . ~~ .\' ,. t ,'I" ,', : ~ . ,\ "~ ~ -'Read The Ads:i.•The market on wheat now is at highest level that it hasbeen on this crop. If yo\! care to ship for storage it willnow net y6u $1.75 per bu. for No. 1 hard winter wheat.If you have any wheat to sell 01 store contact our <strong>Ord</strong>or North Loup Elevator. '. ,.',Yellow Corn, \ ».~"'" ;t"' .' ,~We hcve rigo6d supply at this time Qf good y'ellowcorn at both our <strong>Ord</strong> and North Loup Elevators.' Call usif you are in need of com,FeedsMarket has been a .Iittlo stronqer on all feeds. Letus book at least port of your future requirements now.......FARMERS ELEVATOR, :, Phone 95" '•Calves and YearlingsSaturday. Sept. 17700 Heed of CCJttle125 Strictly choice Hereford steers, wt, 600 to 800. Theseare strictly green and erie .brund. '.100 Choice Angus and Crossbred steer and heifer calves,.wI. 400 to 500 lbs, 60 Angus, 40 Hereford-Angus cross.. All one man's raising. .50 Choice Hereford ste~rs, wt. 650 to 800, one brand.SO Blq

t~.OTH ESECTION rWO•U1Z.·r--~ ------- "E.stablished April 1882 <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska. Thursday, September 15. 1960Vo', 78O 0 I .f F Student Council 'Fi"llal RI"te r for Mrs. ! Ivan Holmes Honoredne 11 0 Oiir Holds EI~cf'ion J,On 28th Anniversary I' l ~rv (fl.U.f~!t~n'r ,The OrcI High school student I BQrl'na Wallie Held I Children of :\Ir. and ~Irs. Ivan 'Va I [t.... uV I ~ ItU IJ council chose the fol lowing dele· " Holmes decided this )'ear to hon·"gates at its organization lll.:'eli!lg:' " or their parents' weddinz anni- iirJ..IIO' Sophomores -- Cheryl Lenker,' In Loup C",Iy Sunday' versary with a night ollt. The IS a DtHlu \,;ner Bob Kapustka, Dennis 13rc'ckbil1 , cOl:,)le's daughters :'IIb>,(,s S:ll..· I.,' 1 • ., I Juniors - Leona Bogus Bar· ',,, .,,' _ Ior .. >" ley, LaVonne and Arlene, al~d:\"1 11oy ('('Ull'Y residents all' bara 13' bcock LaVerr.c Kowal- Funeral serx ices 01 :'Ill,. Ber- Dean Johnson of SCOlL! \" I(,'Jll~!.ly[uLI!C'LI, [!:'r, their part in, ski, Hon~'lIlIrJbt'lt."~ i t~iI Waile \\ere. held at ~hc Lou? ho~ts for dinner at D'01lt'r1'il'~'s'.H:llJllg U. S, Sa\lll[;~ Bund own· Seniurs _ Janet:' 13cnd:.l, Clay· llty Pn'sb)ten,an churd1 at ,3 Dincr and the Dri\e·In .movie at'crsh,p to ,a I:C',I' all t111~e high. ton Cook, Georgflle ~Iaoon, ~lJI)' , P',In, Sunday, wl,th, the Re\. Allan Xorth Loup, All retld'ned later inClad, \\ et',kbach, vol,unleer V~l- O'Halloran, Dale VodehnaJ, 1\\', :\Iarll~l o,jfll'la~ll1g~" " " ,the evening for light refresh·'l('y oC?lllll)' ',L1.'llf'ln:lll for, ,t~e, b~nd The follol\ing stullent~ were EI1~,n l h~lltOl~ cant> ,,:'IIy rask, ,ments. ,at th~ Holmes coul1t.r)' Ipro"',I,lr'l, said, th'\~ lldtlO,lIHde elN'ted officers: I~nd In ;~Ill' ,Galden, . S~e ,\\t :\!.n', er 110m ~,llook, aJ H 'd' f and past pl'l'sidents hOl'ored A On EUrOpe(i'l Tour '.1 ,PlCC'J, au!' He,OUl'lC3 for Free·, ,un , .:'J a 0 neal: Comstock I High school girls odett 1 fr' dr, " . , I', ;01'1,' b)' F! ,1Ilk ?llles of Deial,'d a 1t>latl\e of the Zadm" fam' \'oeal se'ect' t:' 0 ere, ~.r, am] l\JJs C,eo,gt> Zlomk\., ,\loll1l', Ia, an1 enterta!l1!lllntllies her(', left la"t month for "1O.1,lS: , i /f St~ Paul, p.u-ents of :'III'S C.a;,:\ b J WILJ;1m E, Koch, an accom·New York wherc he met his In, tI,lC ,ollgulal group there l~n (alvll~, He lllfrcnll: lounn~l plts;'ed !o:k bdlIaJ Sll1oer,daughter Darlene, A diama stu. IleH 46 \IOlllen, Of thdt number ,:.urope \\Ith Oll'r 30 olher per,1 , ~dent there, she had an offer to four h,lle deceased; four have ,ons, including :'Ill'S H I Alln- ~lt', HaHn Smith, ndtionall..p\ily in a picture to be m~de mo\ed

, {, PAC;E T\VO"-~-'-------THE ORD QUIZ, ORl), NEBRASKA,--------------------- '---- SEP 1 b\lBJ:R 1:5 1960--- -- --- -----------~-------------..,\l/f;'. r,( II(~Phone 50SandELECTRICMOTORAPPLIANCERfPA:RSJCU1USElectric21st & L St.-_._-- -----~----'""fO~J1ELOANS FOR:*YOU PAY INTERES'T ON THEUNPAID BALANCE ONLY!• New Hume COl13truC!ic'llo PUlcflOsing Homeso Hemoddi.lg und Repairs*DIRECT REDUCTIONlWhat(Fourth in a Series onI_the Declaralioll of Indeper.der.ccl•makesAmei'ica" i~ ~Great?rlh~FouwJi!lg F.lthc'l~ in tlldr \\hJo!t1 klllW tkll if Ollr {111111 ofgOH'IlUlll'nt \; lIe to sunh e, mOl mu~t be fll e to uljuy lhe [Hub 1,..£ltd!Ld)OIS ,mel tLe pJi\;lk o\\llllship uf pW1J11;, to H~e JOllloIIl ell hellc IIllU ULLllcI11l11,l,J le 1 dll"'tiut in el f~\V \\ceks hi, he,11th bl?~.1I1 to fade He ~pcnt mULh Ilhom IIC h,ld m,llk fllenu, \\e' d~kcd UUj next dlllll Ill.?ighbul', Illg 1 1l1li1cr, took all ,I) the e'Hoil gIO\\IIJ; lIjluf his tiJl\c in I hos!)itt! bed or CO'l\dkscin,' elt homc lIc \lelS Lltc of Illinois Wc elskcd Pelll) Jl1d UII! ) dl,nn (the former and po,,(s flOAlll ,a Ilou B l1l1 tthl' , 01 IfI largest calfl']) of the )eeU' \Ihln I dlll l11c.re J)l~,tl[lul !o) thLJ~, • , • ,b", I P \ l' f 0 IiI' f' '1 13 1 ) I I SqU.ll e , " r al UIW < 0 h 11 1 9 I t f l' ft 1 II 11 1 1 f I [lurl.:cd to le,l\e thl.? excluti've dutlcs to 1115 ,1Unlllllstr,I(I\e ,1S- eltt) , C 1\:11 0 rl, l dug ltn 0 ,~IS eSS IL'ptUI" ,m,l tley \\01b.1Ch tuok Ollnershlp or the e pll el d pOUllll'l Od U 11,' gl U 1,1 1 ct {lit' 0 i1l\._c' UJ,isLIl1(,Rubl.?lt('ul1ldel.' , sh ll1l?d up tlWlr little ,on emd,d,lllghkr, ,md lIe ,111 elk blltl:lLy 0 .\f SClIl:. Spflll6d"le LIlI] ~~~~;)Clel~stgf~;~:11 EI;\I'~ ~'~~:~~t, ~~~ \t~l),d'\;J,~~,'''t~~trl:)e'go\\lt~In 'vic\v of elll thb thclc elI(' fell \\11ll I\lll S,ly thelt Gll\Cr- cdkc ,md '-ome of us h,ld ,I drink nf L!l,ll11Pdgl1e , ) hI.? ,Cel~e GC1'e I allangell\enb to fell III 1,200 dCle,110r tilOO!-.s' adminbtlltilln \1 IS not l good one oldcH:d O\er the phone, ,1lld It Cell11l.? cumpletc Illth 11k-Sized lld~nce onl\ mi klllpropcrty tu pJ1\.lte CI1(cIPrJSeS, the cost ther\:c)f {o bt: ddra,)ld cause thc gOHrl101 lIdS electcd Oil S(~te agcl 1 11 l' S all' SLlltll]s folk, ;>'1) uld j"lh ;,J\, thc olll)by ICIl!IUe bonds s~ulrcd b) a pledge th,lt lC\CI1UCS ,lClllll rcd Ithe Demolrd(lc tlcket "nd (he make thllr 1\ bIll' 0 kno\\1l l!J[fClc \Le blllllCIl lill' und SjlI r I 11 b II 'l:l tl) 1"'" b lek thc 10 1I1" !leuten,lIlt gOICrllor IS a Republt 1mOlle) thL' l\l!ll1lCc! [01 the 1 b thdt llo(etl\;ICILllll~l,1 e ~l "J' ' 3 {. \l ' 1 t' 1ft tl t th' 111' lsurc \Iould 11\e In much call (j pelWl ' s a l1\attet of fact 1\11stlri\\.ll\\lt lStell1llng tIl.? .ll.: lei 15 ~e, '\ tr ,I It hels been suggesled thdt some Reques1s of statc ell'l)'\ltl1~ Edit .r, 11\(' all I S\j dlffe'ls 1)1fL'r thl? pw,pelity of the ~(,ltl', thes(' bUSIIlCSS m"!l l li n le onc~,:1\ in£, to tbe II1dl~Idl',ll.m ,to t le ,11111)" ., ' ' , I _-- I I ~le !lst fo OIls, t!ley got nVII In thcm l'i1~ sIII time of dl'lstcr S,l\lll"S help to r~pLIll m.lkfl,ll losst:s W If P bl \\m :.\1 llluncr, l\lolth ~ (;randp:1 blung hUllle the nell::>., , i'" d I I t' ,'t , 1 I e are ro el11s L' 1 L' I '\ to I Klutl l flo'n tOI\ \ I" 1al'd to IcbuIld \\h,lt is deHllel"':l or CStIO)Cl n 11111,; 01 pt:f~Ol ,I I NeblaskJ's I\e!flle depaltment rOll r01LO~, ,n I _ ',1 • I 1 anC uliJl1lllla dlag·, . ~ ,co I r r I t tl' b \ ' , "f I Ph 4 Dr Sed Ro) StIne, nose( It for the '\ hole f llllll)or f.llllll) cnlt'rgencle', $,I\lngs le p Igl t:n 1e Url.:Ln, IS stud)lI1g I\hat el eds a aw cn LOup I"oll! Fal;lctl10 John' And "he u,ul11) ilocel l't tAnleril,ll1s tllda) o,ln nCclfl) 43-blllion dQII,lIs Ilorth of US, acted b) Congless \Iould ha\e on OIL! 'PI) Beh, 4 Dr Shl l about noht eXow I~~ g~\ 1, ou_ Is \\in,'s bonds about IS pl?r cent of thl.? t:ntilc public debt, I the l str tc, 1 t 'd fo e I I COChlal1, Old, FOld FOldol;' rnentdtel~" and \\1Jell thl)CU~II\, "1'ler" in 'Nt'bl 15k l' dtizens IM\c " he,l1(h) c,lsh It'scr\e of , 1 1 1e egls~ '11t:ontoProt\llI0s~S O\r e;:l ~5 L Dubas, BIll 1\ ell FOld, 1I1l0 J ugh I\e dOIl't knol\ f,om~ " e, ' U f 1 "I ,1 100 Ilca P3)111d ~ ,. " H b' t G rOd,Ul 0111 1 not 1111°one-bIllIOn 136-1111111l1l1 III sallngs bon ", 0 \\ 1111 n~,u) - \ )edl~ of age lhls lI1c1l1lles tho"e r D~ c~cd Hal Plc'lce 01 Fel' "'ll1c;tlnt both 1 (fmillion I\a's purcl1,ls.:d during 1950", on Icltcf lolls allll others ;lOt on FOlllol, Clwles HaLkel, has the "I~gl;ldr pldlfk d ab~~~t, U S Sl\in,'s bunds ,lie sh.llcs 111 Alllenl,1 ,IlH.t )Oll C,11l I tfhelll l bu~ 1\l ho dn~l:ld ftll1anb'lla1~ anI I r'ollI FOllior Coull1> of ba]anllng the budgct but one. ' , "'. l'u or lO'plt,\ an (OC or lSI 0 1 It' 'I.- 't ,I '1'1 u'k' of them c ( t 'IClOl\ll1l('nu them I\lth con I t'ncc I State Puulte \Vc1L\lt' 1)ll"c(or Ill" n el "a lIOn, 0 c 1 J ~d t1 t Jo!\1ll~cn a us explalll, 'd h ' , lOll) L A'llel::>on, ll, - Jd t1e SeUQti;\l) of th'...................................................................... rlank \\~o s estllnate~ t ,ell all V100 4 Dr Sed, Edlldl TleaSlll) d!l\a)::> considus thl~• 150,000 iIlebld,k,\lls 6J )ealS or m lkll' Old chtl 4 Dr j plank III the "abstl Jet on] , 1Subscription Blank I ayell,o: older ld 13 b !, h{f,s.~~sI lb~t thJ~ D' Le~, Ol~l, FUlll 4, D~ Il:lkon thdt l1le.ll1~ hc )alll'tI ll~e I\OU e a l>. C Vallcula, ComstuLk, Chl~ mUlh loncelhed 1\lth pdjlll" as• I egl' a Ion " S.:d, I;~o P AlLlll1lk, 0 I\C go Wcll, I allld)s flgg~r..... ~l Of the 150,000, \'vvuLh sta{cd, 4 Dr, 101ll L Al1lIClSOn, - th"t l\hLn lIlOlle) llldllclS IS..&.. c::...". 15,000 dIe 011 old age .1SSbLulll.' ant 4 Dr, Ste\lellt Kif I concclIild, :1 pOle Illdn ouahllolls and I\ould be ,lllcluduJ How I gent, 1"0111 FOlllol, Cox BIt to SOl tu tdke hI> cue flom theI m,lny of the lem,l.ll1der COUlll be I Loup, FOlll FOlllol, Leor llch, so 1\!tO am I to Sa) theaffected I\Quld dlpenlI upon \\ll.lt ak, 01l1, Che, 4 1)1' sq I Seud Il~ of the '1'lCiJSlll) I'i t)pe of statld,llLls l\o\.lld be sct b) Elnest H :.\1.1J), Old, F'i I\lU!\6' ThLIl) thelt I Olle PIl.:'elSC~I the sl:lte, f HIlll' C01Cllldl1, XOlth L~: take nvte,111e Legbl.1tllle I\uuld fllSt l,lal(, 4 Dr S12d, ;'II A \VA~, Al 1l1 to \I!l'd up the pollllcal1(v aut 1lUliLe NebI,t'kl PclltlClpat IFOld Cll~, Sed, 1)on,~lc1; Sltll,\(lOl1 fer tlJb l\lck, I see aIlI1g In the :'Ikdil.11 Cue Plu61clm all, Old, FVIlf40 Dr ('01'- pllce In thc pJIJllS Sd)ll1g (hdt!Ihen, the \\C!f.llC dcpaltlllcllt I \111 :'II cIe'l1Cl\t, O~I', l' olle out of eler 9 (;ll\elnlll.:ntIloulll h.lle to Cull,C up l\llh H!!,U Sl:ll, :\Ll~nHd Schull 1 el1'p!UJllS IS ll1]Ull'd e,lll! H,lllatiull' on 1\1,0 ~oul,1 lJe IIlclucleLl Luup, F,nd 4 DI' l'>ll1.\l~, I Jl bet Illl! uf 't'm glt, sPI:illllddl1LJIIg lhu,e 110t I1v\1 leLl!1 1116 ll' !ltOJJll t Olel D'IId< 1 " e1llklcs flUll IcltlllJ thell foullid p.ljmellts IDoclgbs W Pe II ~L'Jl, tf I Sill) v[f the I1c,k I\hlle (IJl \ 'Ie\1111 cOI1Cllld Wuods this '\lll Dr SLLl, GLUI';:l' J~ell, I ,kCplIlci 'b/ thJ mu,t dtflillilt j~lJ tI.l' l.:1e '4 DI' Sd, Ottu Z 'Pi), r j YOlJrs truly,....-: _;:, ••'.;~_• .;::.~;:,.~.-;.: -.~::-::-:. pcil(l1l12Ilt h.ls to fdLC', 1·1 Dr Sed '3era";vlll Joef• 4••I ~•.) c c••ț •~• « • •,•• f• ••, •,, ,• I lIII

' ..1 DozenSEP Ib\lBEIZ 13, 1960';......~~-_._-,--------G ' INorthPrOIll MiIH"llIkceAmong Oni house guc'sts'thisweek arc 1\11'. and Mrs. O. H. Ol'emight GuestsJacobsen of 1\liIwaukee. They an' Mr. and Mrs. Emil Olson of"isiting her brother-in-law and Chappell were overnight guestssbter, !Ill'. and Mrs. Vern Stark. I in the Archie Boyce home. The,_== ,on' ,women are cousins. The Olson'sare parents of Mary Jane Olson, IRexall .FA$T HOMEPERMANENTRegular, Super, Gentle\V"S $2.00 plus taxPhone 63Now 1.49...~-.pIllS t~xBeranekDrug Store,.._ ....-------......1...=--1 .....:cm bFrank :Ylasin. ICooper 2010. ':,£gg andBreeder' ,': Successful,' sustained, heav:y egg produ.ctibn is ~matter of vigorous, healthy blfds. By feedmg Cooper2001 ElJg and' Br(;:eder you give thepl the needed. lluf~ients, proteins, v,it'amins and minerals and th:disease fighting power necessary to get more eggsO\;er a longer period and more eg~s per pound .of.feed, and greater livability. Contau:s Th~lmaphll1,th~ amazing growth stimulant, and mfectIOn fight.ing Arsanilic acid. See your Coop~r dealer for th:right program for you-the one with more dolLusbuilt into it. ..EXTRA BONUS! J.w. GREEN STAMPS. WITH EVERY 'BAGFUL<strong>Ord</strong> . HC1tch~ryPhone 324\.who taught in the <strong>Ord</strong> Grade,school about five ~'ears ago. :The~' wcre enroute home from Itaking another daughtn to \Vahoowhere she will attend LutherCollege./lost Card Club: Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Witherw?xI were recent hosts to their BUZZIll ,card club, Prize winneIsfor the evening were Mrs. IvanSorensen and Dr. Paul Lambertfor high scores; Mr. ~I'\d Mrs.,Don Krick for low tallIes. l\~rs.'Sorcnsen also won the tl'a\'elll1g,prize. Mr. and lVII'S. Al Wallac~, 'will entertain the group Od,: U.," .. 1'Kids Hear Scientist , 'Students of district 12 and'their teachel', !\Irs. Beulah Sco- I! field wcre impressed by a visitfrom' Edward Zaclina, ~ho. g.ave Ia lengthy talk on atomIc fl~slOn,'ballistic missiles and s.atelhtes. !i !\lr. Zadina had done researchI work in these fields at Los Ala- II mos, N. i\1., for a number of:: years and now Ih es at .v.a~1 Nu~'~, 1',Calif, He has been vmtlI1g hIS I<strong>Ord</strong> 'allnt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.,:::=====---'----------11laboralor~ Tesled11 F1~?~~e~I~. !~ J ~~~~..v"III' 'FEEDSITIlE ORI) .OU1Z,ORD. NEBR,\SKA------------------- _._-----.------'--- Pl\GE THREeCHURCH NOTESMethodist ChurchSunday, Sept. 18: Sundayschool, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11a_.m-; seni9r ~'outh fellowship,6 p.m.Monday, Sept. 19: Juniorchoir practice, 4 p.m,Wednesday, Sept, 21:Youth fellowship, 6 p,m. AI·Ian Martin, pastor,St. John's Lutheran ChurchSunday, Sept. 18: Sundayschool and Bible class, 10a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.Friday, Sept. 23: Confirmationclass, 4:20 p.m.Tuesda~', Sept. 20: CouplesClub, 8 p.m. Harold Lach·mann, pastor.Bethany Lutheran ChurchFriday, Sept. 16: '"Churchwomen meet, _2. '. P,.Ill. at _,church parlors wlth .~~ ......Jeanine Butts hostess andMrs. Chris Johnsen studyleader.Saturday, Sept. 17: C.hurchWomen's distrlct meetlllg atBlair. .' .'Sund\lY, Sept. 18: SenIOrSunday school class, 10 a.m.;junior Sunday school ~lassand worship, 11 a.m. ChrIstenJeppesen, pastor.. Christian Church .Wednesday Sept. 14: ChmtianYouth fehowship, 7 p,m ;board meeting, 8:30 p.m.Sunday, Sept. 18: Sundayschool, 10 a.m.; worship andcommunion 11 a.m., sermon:The Testimony of the Gospel;leathercraft and CYH, 7 p,m.;eV('Bing worship, 8 p.m., sermon:0\ ercoming Difficulties.Dale Scheffler, pastor,Mira Valley EUB ChurchSunday, Sept. 18: Sundayschool for every age, 10 a.m.;worship 11 a.m., message:The School Of Prophets; allfellowships, 7:00 p.m.; evcningsenicl.', 8:30 p.m.Monday, .Sept. 19: Churchclean-up, 1 p.m.; Board ofChristian Education, 8 p.m.Wednesday, Sept. 21: (hairpractice, 8 p.m,Thursday, Sept. 22: WSWSFall Institute, 10 a.m. withMrs. Eldon Garrison, wife ofRev. Garrison, missionary toJapan, will be guest speaker,Robert ~liIler, pastor.Elyria Catholic ChurchFirst 3 Sundays of themonth Masses at 8:30 a.m.Last Sunday of the month at10:00 a.m. Father Ziolkowski,pastor.Geranium Catholic ChurchMasses • 7:30 and 9:00.This Sunday, mass is at9 o'clock.ORD BOWL• •. Don alUI Fun GOOdsl'lIlNEBRASKA STATE BANK· , • <strong>Ord</strong>, Xebr.••• l\lember f',DJ.C.VETERANS CLUB, INC.KELLISONFARM EQUIP.• •. "Your John Deere De~kr"• •• O. ,\. KellisonBOILESEN SEED CO.• •. Ho) d Hoile,en~ :'Ilonel,ly buth entered Cil'ancl IsLlIIclida1l6htcl', K'I)8 of Heno, :\C\"[ ~Ir. and :lIr:;, n-u Barber an I ~!r. and ~Irs. Dway no \Vert The Wayne Babcocks were SU\l'Loup: business colle:5.e. 'KJ~ e flew to Omaha and will ~Il's, Sheldon VanHorn went to and SallS, spent the \~'e~'kend III I dyy supper guests of !\Irs. Bonnie. • [Mlkl' Xccl IS on crutches be- IL\\I.' a two weeks vacallon at Grand Island Saturday aJtclllOoll Omaha with Dr, and :\11,. A. L. I Keown.. Celebrate Fortieth l'aus~ of su!'gcI) he held l'e(l'nLl: hOI:1C', , " II \\hel'l: they ,\\~re.suPl?~r guests ?r Larsen: I 1\11'. and ~lrs. Curtis Hu hes ofon his feet at the Orthopedic hos- larol Sue and Joan Sintek ga\l' the Clair 13.tlUI.'I,. :\11. and JII", R hIE t' J I AI'" eli'! were Saturday &: dinnerpital in Lincoln, their -t-ll bread demonstration :.t 1 Dell Barber's 43th \\ cdding '111111' u y ane s ,WI' en,e~~ la,: e : u~~t, \n the home of their dati hIYear Together Ani\' ing Suml?y. night at the the .~a.te fair on Tuesday and \ crSil!) was ce lebrated. fh;,g,ht tjh,e ,,~~' 10 ,Lllr~!l trilL) ll~, fer Klrs. Grace Jensen, ghome, of !\ll's.. Edltl! 13adz :\ ere \\L'n'" gl\.c:n, ,I ~!u.e n!)b;n on ~t A ste;lk fr~ planned for the Orc! al~d '~~\tlll 'Ithei~.c\10utI;l ~r kel~~i~ I _ ~~ ~_ __ _ _ _ ~ •!Ill' an I l\1rs Adolph Hellwcze !\Irs. 1'\e1l Helbig of Littleton, lolo, On I'hursday Carol Sue was in Park Wcdncsdav evcnms to ccle- 11 -, t til'I '1" ""' C' .. l. ,.0 d ~I' F' d 0'13'" of Denv 'I" the elI v c c- revue end modeled her' "Iwln 1 0 3 1 1, th \\1 move 0 le pale \\ len" 1'1 rr . ... orsagesBartleIt Couule G uests .Sturks 1/(/\ e 40lil celebrated their fortieth \\ edding an Is. Ie,. _ rreu '". l I l s~ ~ ;t \ j ., ,urate Pegs) vi lams t 1. ull : Lincoln \ acates It. The Jeuseus Ir~ ~n iU:.\II' and J Mrs Verlin Smith' !\Ir and :'III'S, Vern Stark, \\ ell I anniv ersary Sunday at the ZIOn 1 G l\~1 ~ asc.1 ~!1 ~" I~ohn ,~I;'r}, of , ,cl~hoJ d\c"j,of ~,o((on print , mack I d s 10d~ e 1)eesl I ~lr allLl :-Ir~, :'Ilal'll's. lIalbell . of 1\11', ancI 1\1rs. Earl \\ h1tne) a/lel W;::;W';';~0'0/;/:,m,//ij»;;; W/,i ':;;'//%'J;./$;Y/'l'/.////#////P/1/~'W/////-0?:'l'h/////////~1They . are formerly from teHan- h l'he) d' 10\ e ta G" I an d Isl'111d 'II Se\\'arej" York Staplehurst "!\1 \\ aco In or d OdP 1\1" Wor opc S h'1 n1",1J d ll'Iemon(, 1\11 s, lIiJllSlll IS the fOllll' SO'l ' J"rl' of PL1e"'o Colo The" ~@/////;';"//////,///'///'/(/;.;/,,//(///.//////((////,////// /////,'////// ////fi7/////fi. 7/,"7H'///7///NW»'AC J U. , . J W~ t ~"J1'",:dolph area 'where tlll'j' were joined by her St. Libory, farwell! Columbus, :\i· 1', ad :\! .I,S, C 1:1' S \.auc an I er Amy Thomscn, I al'lhecl Satunld), ~ . ~met, but the Olelites learned of: a!.ld Mrs. Albert Sorensen for Illlg al5,0 \,,:as Mrs: Emll.g1fellb\,e I N~r~on's fu"neral at PhIllips FII- Da\is of Bot.leler, Colo, are gUL~S.S, C rd of Tllanks the Kelchs \~hen they vacationecl dlllner at Dresbachs of SpllngfIeld, Ole. lIel lUS an de, d' , of the Vo;;l'1cr" Satulcldy e\enlllg a ~ _ ~The t\\'~ couples had ne\(,I" brothel" in law and sistcr, Mr.; ~almer and Grand I~ apd. Attend- ~t Klatie' ~{~rksa~ttel~eleaJlel~a:~ld !\II'S. Am~ Lllkin anel Dad'! 1 I ?J~ " , ORO SERVICE OIL CO ID'IIvery hongraph or chart which measures what we are. We have• •. s~ould (erybody's theme song. 'Time is ~no tune tr'Whatsoever thy hand fin?eth to do, do it with thy might," Ecles. 9: 10. Constantly striveto b.e a ~ather, mother, husband, Wife, son, daughter ... a better church member. There is alwaysa. frIend o\hbor less fortunate th~n you. ''He that kno:veth to do good and doeth it not, to him -it is~1I1. Jamer- If j'OU have had a kll1dness shown, pass It on; 'twas not meant for you alone •• , passIt on.IABOYE ;very hour" is God's gift. Wasting time is wasting God's Bounty. Keep on killing timeand t1l1;e '1!1 you. "Every man must give an account of himself to God," Romans 14: 12. Spend yourspare tIm me. at Church or on errands of mercy •.• "1 Need Thee Every Hour."eve nth Day B.aptist ChurchNorth LoupWorship service, 10:30m.; Sabbath school, .11:40a.m.; youth !ellow~hiD, 3p.m.; church social secondSunday each monthi Men'sBrJtherhood, each thIrd Sun-dar night; pra~cr mcetingFrIday e\·Cl1lngs. Mynor G.Soper, pastor.Thts ~a90 Is Decr d To The Building Of A More Spiritual And A Greater thu'rd,~goiIJO People. It isPaid For Blms Who Want, As Their .Only Retum~ To See More .Peoplo Golnlj To Church.Prayer Is The..----~---------CHURCH NOTESFirst P~esbyterian Church1

SEPTEl\lBER 1S,19()O'~Arcadia:\Members of 1960Class Enter t~1anffDifferent FieldsI returning to Ft. Sill, OkJa, 0.1i-Scpt. 16. " . ,~I ,,FINAL NOTICETOWI\TER USERSOFNORTH LOU~)PUDlIC POWERAND IRRIC.?ATION DISTRICT'II.WE YOU FOF,C;O ra::\" THE CCTOBEK r, ]soo. lJE.\DL1NEFOH SIGNING liP LAND 1'01\ lHIUGATlO0i? CHECK YOUHPINK SLIP AND CO:'-:T.\l'T TIlE DISTHlCT OFFICE IN ORD,r--;;':13EASKA IT IS r--;OW 01\ i'iEVEH-------_.-------------- --._--- ------ -----------:--=-f=-------- ,Inventory liquidationSAL. \SAVE $$$ BUY 'NOW - BARGAINSWe must move this inventory nowlGALOREFor the buy 01 your life come to Peterson lmpl. Co.• <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr.• dl!ring this Sele of Sales!/'J.iSATURDAY.~ept. 19th thruSept. 24thII~2').()5 l'or~k~) 1\\:w Sp.:.:L! 511,\\([\\il~l f'lL'~lticlg Iklds """"'-'".3 1/2 Lbs.'· ~ld·ll'..:;l1, On.;' Weeks. Supply I,', ~\ J.,"....S\.59 Lilt Home l'cun.mcut ..'16.887.491.05. .r--.'1 !- I f2100's \ \ .. 1 I II ~PIUIl c\) cts$').95 MYLOlI For I'oultry, 3 1/2Ills.$1.50 Lustre CrC111C Spray Nct . ,..'.49(8.4999cItemNo.101112,..,. 435SP 8 ft. f;o'r.Gruin. Corn.:r,::72SP 12 It. Id~([l {I)( COlll·G8'2~3P 11 !to Harvest Field S'NE:List404560457093Save500500500NQw3545554565'13•

~_...__..._-..~._-.,SEPTE0.1BER 15, 1960CotesfieldOut of line \\ hids dr~g tires~idc" a,}s· causing steering probknlSand nt('dll~s tire lAcar. Letus line )our "h~els and )ou'llgt.'t rt:"al dri\ ing pJt:'a.':iUH~'.r··················,:. TRUING .:~_.._..-~._-._-.-_.~: • BALANCING 6):~•••-_.-_•••_.-.-•• J~_._----_..._--_...,:. .SIPING 8:~._.-_.._...~_.....~f.-o-RAK-iviORKGl: Adjusting· Relining I~.------_..._---_.. ~HEADLIGHTCH.ECKSure 3'our lu.>adJights are right.Ainl to Ih e and let us. checktht.'lll. Tht· olll~' dUi.\1 ht:a0'1ightte~tiJlg cq~lpnw'l1t in the at"ca.OK RUBBERWELDERS....-\SEEusrORJ-;; ,, . .YO·L1,dOI).'t haveto stalld, ! ~ '.' It. ~. ,','-."; :'.. IJ onyour llead~ Car \Vu~hAI·)A-,·1\ffEI{'S,.". ... _.~ . J.."'/~ -",,,,,,,,,,,,,,Phone 27(TI IE ORD QUIZ, _Q!lD, _2'\JEB_R_J_\S_'1_\_1\, I - I' I . 1ma, Johanna Rasmussen, Anna E• Donald Dahlst cn and Jerr y lIor·' ~!Jr"i1 and EULle(n drove to XC\\," TI'~ Friendly !\eigh;J\lr" Extcu-. . I Clu iste nsc n, TIllie Mor-avec, In- i ncson wart made a business trip to lIas~' man Grove Sun.lay and attended sio.urs held their first fall meetgerPedersen, Maron Boilcseu, iugs Fl~id

\ .,.,-.'I,IPi\(3E SIX _____.._.. .__._.._._. .. __. ... . . __ . . ~1JJE OI~D Q!dl!~ .~~Ii,hcl:e' , 'Our 7th grade Science class has Call ulh ~'aI11C to S~1('rman Counly ~ coun(lies. In Dennhll'k \L1wre'l\1arkl€'{ ,ice plcsident ~t.ll1 eHolj st::r(cl1 the school )ear by read·, at the ag~ ?f 19 ~I(h her parenl'Il1.10st of. his fathl'l"s rc!athc'>'Sue Smtek secre("l). 1ho ne,,' in,5 accl stmJ)inJ Astronomy. from 111Sl3 c~,:rcd. :\~lolon, 'I'" 'l~' ' • I lr~e, he \Islted most of the1l1 HISchccr leadcls :.Ie Skll'i Kcep from our nL\iI Science textbooks. u1e \\d5 m2111~l tt? l ...l.t> ~al" \\1[(' ao;-comp.llliecl hUll also tothe'7th gr"lle, P2.n,I'1.' Hee,'!s frG.Ll' The next topic fl)r "tud:- will be rllth Sept, 1. ~890, 111 ~ollh l,tty. Paris, Holland Gelmany dndthe 8th gn,'.1e and Ph)llls ShehIun· tbe soil, and how it \\as formed, '~hey. l~la.de theIr hom.e Il1 t 11.' ~co- I BelgIUm,' '.and, Jl.l\iy Jess, 9th, gr~ders. I : t~a VI(,ll:I~·,t~~ she.lived ~er,e .f~r. ,--~- iTne lSorth Loup-ScotIa sthl!ols, 10tn Gr«de Bio!o~( 4~.J(,[1l:; ,,

\SD)"r~MBFH 15, 196() TJiE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA PAGE SEVEN, rNorthFarm Fire DClC, Daa'3ge IN til Lo p' 'al:e. ~\',o sets of boy twins, tbe l :\11'. an,l1 !\Irs J l{'~y, Cox ~II' :\11', Clayton Meyers ill Grand Isp1.

4 61 82Arthur A IMohrRoute 6Burwell, Nebraska\JiJ\'I J>\ \1The big battle (0 p,,,,S amell"mCllt 0:0 1 OIl th~' Odohl'l eltron h.dlolS l~ to Illdull' the lanUlllbcl of 1ll'I'Olls 1111ll falll'l'\ole at all on a '1ll1ilal' j)JlJ'III 1958 to I.ikc' 9" ;'- , 1\\011 thl' 'llhJed y -,l\\Is IS t111.' \\0\ 1\\tY1,1 dl' b~ tl'\' J\, I - 't o!CO'11,1I'ICc'llililtl' "qdl" of Ie ll\iu..\ t1lu' t,dIlle \lllJ bC!:.11l hele :\0\ H, to pJ\() OilC thlId of th' 22 lIlll;~~trdL h. 01 dlJo.It st\ U1 lill :t'~'13'1,,' J:\)' A'lllle :ltld,' I, "uun,1 ':lS J '·f'il"O, ...11)~e rt'qlb\~t ~II: h' (fthe othels I\cle not, allcl I fcdsure tlwt the' CUll1rlll';"O'l \\ ill cuttheII dem.ll\Lls co h,dll ~iJl~ 1,,1lJc'1\\ould me,w mOil' Ill') I") fur U3"Auble S31d the dcl( "eltiu I fdtIt'S \ el) pI e-,'Ill e at ti1t' Illc,lill]\\Ill I1lC,d1 thl, ,(;(110,1 \lIiI Ic'':U\C!bettci cOl1'illlcla(lCJn 11\ tl.l' fullil t'"rht:' COmtnb'JOl\ IS \C'lY ltkely10 g.\e SC:ltlt hd'd tu COI1l1 11'" ",k,mg for lO:ld tllOlI!':,' "i"lh uILI III t, "­scnd It'lJf( ~CI la,tlll'S 10 l!le Ilket·mg,' he SJid 'l hl''> al e Ilkc'l~ ,16gl\\.' lhC'!'l shuI ( S!l!Ifl, It JI IJthem thll! thl') apl',lltJltl~ \\CI\l(ContlnlH'tl 011 p.tl(t' 8)23<strong>Ord</strong> ChanticleersNeed HelpA drive 10 induce 01 d Hi:;lnre cters 1o go 1o Broken BowFriday to cheer for the Ch ant i­c lee rs has begun on Ihe <strong>Ord</strong>campus and downtown,<strong>Ord</strong> will be up aga i.lst itstovghest competilors for 1960when it tangles wI'h the Indians,who boost one of the s:rongestclass B teams in the stale.As amatter of fact they have led thatdivisicn until last week whenFalls City w~s t~'n last week,gained 187 yards in 18 tries, oran average of better than 10yards per downS~, lhe Ch~nts will need a lotof he'p Let's all try to g~t toBroken Bow Friday ni9'lt,Arcadia Plans lorDiamond JubileeAre Announced<strong>Ord</strong> Leaders Discuss..U1ZJhl1 Mc~allHanled<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr.• Thursday, Sept. 29 1 1960Osenfowski Scores TD for '<strong>Ord</strong>Estab. April 1eS2<strong>Ord</strong> Police \YorkFor Safe PedalingBy Bicycli1lsHearing Clinic to BeHe!d in Octoberlhe Vallc) Count, Crippled (1 11 1The N1" xnn Kennedydrvu S Soc ic ty I'lL! l'ue,L!.,: n':.:;ht ')I -at IL,!IllGIl\ HOd,C fOI din.ie: andbusiness 1\ Ith S Orson Perkins, Radl"o TV De~' ~testate cxccuuv- director, from Gllla'tll1lh.lp l• U b wcre cutlined fOI a he..r I The Iirst of J seJie~ of debatesuig clinic to be conducted here between t!H: I tv.o PI_bldl'lltl I! Cdl~somcume next mouth ill all Val didatcs, Ric lal (,I ~Ixun Hepuhlllevcounty schools IlNllllg of stu can and John F Kennedy, DCI:l0­dellls 1\111 be checked Iirst ll1 Ar- crd~, '!' a,s heard OHr a nat ionw idecadla ;'\01th Lou) SLvlia and the'l rad'o 1\ h )vkup ~Iondd: e\ ll1lng01 d,I I b.>' an l',tll11atell 7J llull [('n Alllell-He\' A,hlll ZllllmeIJl1~dl, ch,it C.l~s Iman of tht' coulll~ socle\) said fhe follo\\ 111J ('olllmcn!,; Ilel'ealleHlgell1clll~ I\lll be \\0, h',j out \OlullteuC'd b: Old pec)ple \Iht)tor H'lal 5tlldellt~ to be chc~kcd IIQU,C'd to the debote:I (111 j \\ilil II) III (It, dlUl An:olle ,l\Ib Ik!ep ,K,okes" plcs,dC',1t of\\ishing fUlthcl detaIls nL1~ check :'\el,'! asl\~ H&I \\ (luI),' ,IIll1 nllll Slll'cLle dale" P1.1 U:'S Doth clid a md',nlf cent Joband tiIlle 1\111 be alllollllCcd later AIC'1l t r IH' fOltulI,lte III halltl,; tl\?,n flte QUIZ >tIdl cdpdblC' mC'n, I un 11ill'S fOI pI esl______~_ _del,l? Ho v amallllg II IS 10 thinkI th,lt II e pow h.\\ e tLe faulltlesIIhuC' llel~ Aplt'lie,lll Citizen CanIJ,ten .lllli scC' thC,l' Illlll III actiollIt should m.ll.e C\el)one It'a:lze .\tC,1L 1ia IS ~gll~ 1\llh exutell1l'llthe or ,he h,l~ a dut.> to \ oIl' (:\It S l'blh ror the tU\\ll'S DI~lllonLI Ju·: Kokl~ hi,ld no COIllI,ll'lll Oil \\ho ollee allnl\els.dY are being Illudl'she Ihuughl 11011 Ihe deb ItC 01 Anton Welnial Kokl;'~ alt' cUIHntl) In Ildlllllll to makc' !l\~ Il?ab, cntelec! 01 Ihe dIVI-,OIl 1edd lUlllel, Colt,on IhlS dl,tlacled"hC'n hl'l' gldnd on thC' COlllmlttel' Koke~ did Ilot Ill' l\lll spC' 1,11ll']l>nl l ~lfr dnlll 2\!t, Y L Stod sC'ILlallloll IS IflC'ccsSal)" t • h I ~Y~~:ll1o; l~l~IC'a,~I(Jl ~';I~ J~"lles 13 anl111qn~ an.e! stflkll~g detalkdQuiz bUIlc!Jllg -rIl1S dangclolls plelC' lItH, a' 0 all I ealCl~ 0 COlhC'II,1 lUll ,1\C 011 ,'[ I ~I 11 'T ' p~~llDan,I1)SI3 of :lIr SlIcpes, POItlce h"s bCln plel,l!ent fur SOlllC In Cev,lly Court Fllcncls ;lell' \lho Illl,ht lIke to C1JSlO\tlcd th,t 11.C' 111o-I SUClC:~S 'I I',C' ~ (~n'l J'\I °tl.l Ct r~llls, trd)ee! as lllS \\Ifc 'C'l'~ h,m'" ful \\al to SI)I 'cd thell dodlllll' .,1" la'l UIL _,01 t.11,(,1, .,1,timC' .lnd IU2ktl.v so f,ll no one Cowll.1 Jl.d_c rJI,I\('lth Ball J'l', scnd Ill'.'''e' c', to 2\lr 2\Junil md\ .', t" , 11" D, k II \1 " I I' "Ir ------~---.. d" f - IS to Inducc lUll! tei.tChl'ls 10 Ill- u" l .l l, . )I"dl !lllt:,,' ,hd, beclI sctiou~l) \I1)uled Signs flllC'11 Eilts VoulllIt $10 and $1 0 ISO 111 call' 0 Hoom .20e> at ocu!1fp theil pupIl" IIho'ln IUlIl elllll :\!Is Vetn St.ok, :\Ir and ~lJ, <strong>Ord</strong> Well Representedh,IH bC'en poslC'd at Ihe COlllel Co~'s fOI SpC'c'dlng tUl111vn :\l~Pl:)llal lIu~pI(al pa-s'lhe \lOll] .1Iong 10 p,llcn(' John KoIl, ,:lll,"~ 2\!C11,1 JOl6tn-en Ai' ZCBJ State Meet'! I! 11 I' 'I 11 I I t f alld ~!l ~ \\ E LlIlc01n I" I ~ a oc, -ai' d l\1 II0 0 , 0 I ' tl u tl' t Ihel te.lc1'el' "ttenth-I! .11111 Ihe tY\o Otlll1~, alt' r,lls (;€lJlhC Z.k II. rll~O'? t~ C2(I£f Ll~I' a,etTJ'C'ntcls hall 10 Ilho expccted to undugo a sell idl'd I I~t dL't1l.111dl'Sl,3 blgglr DlI of the n,()I)I)~1 "n" ,110sea'on, H to 61he I ietOl ~('dille aftel the clock~PP,l1 t. Illl.>h. d ,,101'1 ed to l'nd theH'lond '-lUdltel 011 ,I P,h~ fll'm}< ranus O,C'nt(),I -kl 10 :lla~ lonVolf Old added th ti~eChd'lts Iud block·ed a Plllll dccp III AlblOll tCllitOI: alld Bob Stu,,\ ell fell on the!)a:I on aboul the AlblOll 5) alllline On the SClOl 1l1 attl'lllpt, Oscn1011>1..1 l\enl aClU~, on a qualtcrb,llk SllCe1k,\gc\lll conlel ,10n c.lmeIhl uugh ,I p.ISS !t om O~C'ntvlbklto Volf r I F" r , I\\ Ith Il.e

PAGE T\VO .' j,jSEPTEMBERSee our assortment of GLO,SIGNS .•,the brightest signs anywhere. With42 different signs to choose' from(FOR RENT, NO HUNTING, SOLD,etc,) you're sure to find iust what yOUneed. Available in two popular sizesat economy,minded prices. Stop illtoday, you can't miss our display.II's BRIGHT!.cE-:~~~~LOOK FOR THIS DISPLAY'. e OFFICELarge Sbe@ RESEBVED@ NO PABKINGe NO SMOKING• INfORMATION~e OPEN@ ROQMSo FIRE ESCAPI;;G KEEP OUTe fat~g,ue o!, the 1.1C'ck. :~:I:cl('s a state's size, Nebraska would Qe Ill}atcd 4,18·12illi?11 bl,shel crop II Ncbru ska Ia: mel'S will han estshould wrttc to the Pc rsun«l len- and of L.c C) c,:; It IS plL,e,1able, the nation s fourth largest, say, l'Slll,; the 1.:. S, Department of nWH' than 347 million bushels ­sus Sen icc Brunch, Bureau of for a. child to Sit In a chair SUited researchers of Cargill Hybrids" Agriculture's Sept. 9 fOlec",(,' 8 3 per cent of the IT, S. totalthe C~!1suS, ,Pltlsl)~lr:{, Kansas, to h\s, m~'., and dll"l',cl1Y 111 fl~o.nl seed firm, which compiled this: Ci\r.6ill re-drew the national m",l,: COL n crop - and will receive(or a l cnsus Records Search Ap- of Ll.e SLl ecn A good gcuc: al map to Illustrate state-by -statc ' gil 1I1g each state an area pro- I nearly $361 million in paJ mcntolicat iou Form rule IS to stay as far from the -- -- - - -- - ---- ----. , television sneen as visual com,'A fee of $300 is cllarget! for a fort permits. : Hunting Guides Ready The pockct-Iitting guide also' possibilities, were 3,000 feet ofseal'( h of not more than two cen- T "11 v I ' . .rca " The 19(;0 Guides to Ncbraskaland contains duck, and up laud-game '.\iring, cases of light bulbs, sevensuscs for one persou and for one ,oo.~ nh~, " 0 umh InClC, sCi' Hunting are now avaiLlble in mOst idenlification charts. Trclpping sell-, Illotors, and o\'er a month's \l'ork.Interior view of <strong>Ord</strong> McDonald stOre during their anniversary,copy..0 f th.e ,in,formati,?n foUl~cl. ~11~~~/JS' be fl:~:i~~~l' to th 1;t ofsol~~~' of ,the. slate, reports D!c~ H. SCh~lf-, sons a~e also set dOI\n in full, i Fucal piece ""'IS Intersta(e 80,AddltlOl1cll. C,OPI:S cost :;;1.0.0 e,lch 'mal speaking \ olume, I fer, ll1!orn~dt~on ecluc:tllOn dlld ,---- \ I IHlh ]'\ebraskans urged to act now1'" ' ' f Ih MD' Id ft ' James :\1. 1\lcDonald Jr". the An expedltcd se,u(h CO,sts $4.00 J

ilL3-lbCdn65cIb, 45c"lb. 43c10-Ol pk~2 for 35c300 size2 for 29;Coffee ..... 2..lb. can 1.29fAEATS - FROtE-N FOODSS\\ n'l S FHJc:\\l UIMinced ~Ianl . . . .. lb. 49cO':.E:.\.\lP,erc~1s,,~ Uo' 1s 3~\\ r.:ET H~\SliEH ---­Bacon ...•...•...JO'l:\ :so:,::; sc P~.HIL'\HD GLOSS610 C~a·t ..•. pt. can 49c--- ---- T ~- --~~-- - -~-- ~ ~ __1\E\.,. 0 lKD.\Hl ,,;,11 bu',u.' ",.\ ayEndust57cC\HSA1'1O); ll\SrA:>;r 1\0;.< FATDry Milk .. ' 3·qt~size 29cfE,\Sr46-0l can~_i~_~~~~~!_ ~_ul~~_._~:~}cSllOfn fe, I.:\G· 5c OF1'"SV/iftningCU1lH"-U_', 11)~!.\IOSo.up ........•VA~l'A~,lPPork & Beansplanode-wn metol (oldil1'] chairstca·:hcrs Je'3~{1211 el:cyc!opedia setMeLOY ll1is':,~Uane0'+S bool~3V"'u,zUan bEndsPROPOSED PLAN Of SALE:1. We will olIN the land, building, fixtures and contenlsc!s one unit to the higheEt bidder, or2. We will offer sepurately, the land, the building, eachfixture qnd each item of furniture.We will then sell under the plan brinping tho mostmoney. ,Cummins and Cummins of <strong>Ord</strong>, AuctioneersTERMS: Cash ~r plcr.>er settlement on the day o{ the sale.E. W. l\loehnerl, Sccrdary Boanl of EducaliontI( liud LJ,Slr.( lill, ::,ha," S,l>CU h & I),'; L.V.'SA"ar a e as, Lec MololS 2 14 125, ' d :-. ,t D' k' d D'troit "ele C 1,'1I1J?1OIIS 0 !.e, ~ ,l'lllldl- do \lb.tt ~uu can to remole t le111 elln,'!" 'l'l upon a ~erl(,S 0 rall sa:~.limt 125 for Sargent. Tou~h-I '!!gh Tcall' Se.l.ieo. K :1': P,dll'>O", 2:'06 Igroun ao"I=--_~~e an I: I HO'I alll Ledgu~ anLl ,L,O of the "Ihis c0opel"dth e uilllel t"kin$ will An,\1 el ing the GO\crnor's apd('\\l1s\Iere made by Kerchal (2), 'I·;!gll, ~r"d S~!l(S DKP\l,\C'p'J;1,551 87') /lc,lgur ,)1,1) ulf. t be [un anu \\Ill w'lke the clllldren peal the arln) put ,I CayaIlY ex,) d !\! t ' tl J tt' ,'g1 eam ,-,iJ, motor: . On the surface 15 00 .ns lUI 11lSkoSpo\tSlwp 9 7 563 slCa~e1 score·: Or; Bo,,1 . \\i'ol Lii't P621i,' countl)'S pheasant range, haH "e tbe m,.l!l told hlln, "HUll 0\'-'( loc"te the oil bUlller s\\i.tcl 1, and In selel:JI wa)~, FII:'~ It 'las .cue-,c,s ll~. the, fIrst, t\\0 pellods... In Old QII:': ,10 6 6;:3' shot p.hea'~{Jlt roosters dOlln tv ItdC. ',' ,. ., " ho'v to ,!J4t off the ~n~iln water ceo,fl'l In cle:ll"Il1g tne Republican I~ 1 e thlld, q.t~arl~l .!3~"le}l scoled, \I:al,lu( Gro,'c Fl~'d 9:, 6;, 5?4 the ,pulnt. \\here ,,\Ie affected th~ T(:.~. Aml'II

ofNorth Lnup' UJL':," wcr e guests of lIlr. and ~Irs, d3;,' the Frank No\ulll~s of Elba, :'Ill'. and 1\11'5. Bruce IsherwoodGrace Walker's bouievarJ\\ lodge is a won\lerfule'xample of the'n~\vwci~htk'snd,:>in shvcs.It's sleekly,softly June inS1I101;J' gr1' new I'ome I\\ere Sunc1av ('le'l'n o °Ut"ts 0 t 1('y are ,-tl'dl'nts at Clrbttan , . .)' b" 1. J " e,.,'I . P~' 1'"!II Il.'v: '" aO.J " !Ill' IIIioh s '1)OJ]" • l'lOllOred ray Patllc { s Irl1ua~. whcI e the 1\Ieh el n Fel rises form·" IS t:M • U I"an nu.:" " .tt (. Jeff '1l1 DO'IO Parber of Gfll'd I r 1 IMattie Gebauer. ' I SI1:lron BrU\\ll of Lincoln ,-pent . ii ,l '~- , ' ~k er ,) l\ec. '1\11'. alld ~1rs. Bob jIitehell spent a short time in :-.rorth Loup Sun.' IsLlnd 'P~llt sCHr,~1 da~.~ List IHl', fhe ,DonJld Jemcns h,lIC mo,cc1,SunddV aftern'_on in Scotia 1\ ith I day jlrs. Jenllie Bro\1 n is Ilork. \\lth tI.e T Dell B~rbel s and the to thcI!" new home, ~he former"., I'

P.AGE SIXTed Kennedy collaborates with editor Tom Ingoldsby. \The Natural Gas'Story as RelatedDANCEOscar's/ PaHadiunlThe al'oug:,ams.\l\\a~s a Crolltl in SaJgcnl­WhHc the, Big Xamc Uau,ls Pl;l~·.1tary rig - consisting basically of I: a denick, draw works, hoisting. sys- II tem, rotary table and lllud-un::u·,'latiol1 S\ste111 - is uscd to sink'the hole. The derrick is usu:illyfrom 81 to 176 feet high.IBy Ted Kennedv : °1h~uOs~~d S~~~~d. . '. I. A rather l~rgl' hole is drilled\, EDITOR'S !\OTE: WIth wmter I fli'st, penetratll1g tl1c cMth for scvcoming011 no doubt cvt:ry reader el'al hundled fret. Tl1e,1 a casingof The Quiz is interested in keep- !is' set to that deptb, encased ining warm \\hen thp northel'l1 i cement. As the driJ1ing continuesbreezes begin to blow. With this I to a final depth of several thouinmind. \\e have askc'~1 Trd 15en-: sand. fert, two more casings 0.1'12nedy, dIrector of publlc relatIOns, set III ceinent, rach smaller thanIor the Ka!lsas-~ebra"ka lIiatural i the other. Such c:Jsi:1gs are pL,t i,1Gas company, to inform us of what, the hole to pres(-J'vc it, to keepwe can expect from natpral gas lout water and other substancesas a fuel tbis winter. Lately the from other formations, and to proelectricpeople have started ex- vidc a means of treatin" a pos·perimenting with heating hy clec· sible "pay zone" and withdr~wingtrkity' and later we expect a sind- the oil or gas production from it.jar recital from the Loup Valleys Compressor St3ron~Hl'P District. - EDITOR I PUI1"~ The GasBy Ted Kennedy I Moving natural sas from a well.As to.ld to Tom In90!d~by I in .the field to your burner. tip,it s a SImple malter turnIng the which n~ay be hundreds of Illllestap to draw steaming, hot waleI', i 3'.lay, requires pressure. Pressureor adjusting your thermostat for· from the well itself will carry the Ieither healing or ·cooling of your' gas through the field gathering,-I:l,ouse, 01' lighting the range to' sy'stf2Jll to the be-ginning of trans- IcOok a meal, or to refrigerate miss' :1 li:les' but lJressure must Iyour food.1be muintained to forc'.) it through iBut, did you CHI' stop to think' the Id1-::3 of pipeline from the pro- Iwhat happens when you flip a! dL:d[on area to the con:.umer. For Iswitch to put the gas to work? Ac- ex~;)'p]e, the gas you me in <strong>Ord</strong>!tuaUy you set into motion a chain lj"d to be tran:.por(ed 310 miles to 'reaction which extends all the way , Il".:-\k~ it available for your use!to 01:e !?as produdng area.. I 224. f1:iUion Cy. Feet A OayBnngmg natural gas senIce to 'llns 'IS the Job of compressorOnl, and to homes, farms, busi-' stations. Kans:1s-Nebraska opernt'sses,indmtries and institutions! atEs 30 comi'l"essor stations and"in the Great Plains area is the i field Enits along its system of Iwork of Kansas-~l'braska Natural i1,891 miles of gatherin~ c'lid trans-I, Gas Co., Inc., which is engaged in . mission lines in OkI"noma, Kan.; its production, tran"portation and' sas, Nebraska and Colorado. These'I distribution. ' stations haw a tolal of 45510 II Wlnl Is Natural Gas? hor:'xpo\\'er, and can transmit a IAlthough sdentbts agree it is cap~lc:i1y of 224 million cubic feet principally a combination of l1y- of natura! gas a day. . ' Idrogcll and carboll, they are not' In K-N s sy'stem - where gasyet unallin)ous on the process r.lUst be trc:n,pvrted across Kan-[Mother l'\ature uses to m"ke nat- sas. cU:ll far lI,tO.Nebraska throughlIral gas. T!1('Y theoriLC that it is 1:laml,lJl~ ·:~rtenes':. and di"tribu-!formed by decaying vegetable and tlOn' vell,s compl'l::lng. a nelworkanimal matter but there is a lot of se\l'ral thous:lIld llliles - the \of debJte abou't the materials L'sed, ' gas. m~lst be takc n from thc liry.estheir source and the method of: pel'lodlcally, q:HllJ?ressed to a lughtran-fonnillg them into natunll pl'es::,ure and re-lIljeded into the:ga~ , , llines so it will continue to flow ... Lookii,g For Pay Oi t tow,~nl N.ebraska customers su~hi, h .' h f· I' ~ . as tnose JI1 <strong>Ord</strong>, who are f"r-dls-'. r e, S~a.1 c. ~)I. proc \1 C' 11\1,. gas. or , tant from the gas wells.,oil \\llb IS a tUJtlg, b"ck-DIl',lklllg, lhe F'nal Pha

• , eS12PTEMBER 29, 1960'Edellslo!, NotesV/anls MOt'3I:Ag Nofe~<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr,PAGF SEVENLIME NEEDS OF NEBR!:\SK~\ SC)~ LSindicated by soil samples rece:ved btj Un;v~r:)i1y cf Ncbr. StJill~'~lii:g S~r,:r:\~Ouiz Viani AdsToo Lala to Classify'l , Cal'l C"ri',s ,makc fhe QUll that Ileek i \aluabl~ 111formatlO1) concC'l'lung I of am>lose starc,h and a p,roJcet to, le;c1. ,". " ,l~ ~ullng thc ~,e!lOd 19J! t~, 1958, ~~~?itt.f.Ii:~X\(~1~}flil?~~tP.?,,~1~":~~1~~"'i'i:~i~'f~9~;;'h~.1'tf~JEYE.',Sevei:(,~1good usedTr(u;iors,ORD I-IATC~IERYPhone 324,~[lll~ON32% 36% 4«1 ~oCoo'pe:< Poultry COllcel~irateYou bd the judge of what's the best proglam formaking the top dollar. Thele's a Coop.:r growthpacked cow;enll.lte for e\ClY type of feeding. Eachcontains the nutritional protection you need againstdiseev::e. If you \\ ant more egg money, sec the O. A.Cooper uealer in your cOllununity. He IMS the planand the feedin~ program that Cdll earn you exhaprofit~.EXTRA BO~US I t(~I(C he,lllll nOlI'. bung s::lks and pick upI felt the higl'light of tht:> con- We \\illledH: \\Olc! at the offIce mOHll. R I A I did all~)~.aIgey seae),. I Untdreccntycar~Nc~rdskah,I~1 dilcdor,saidht:>l\ou!dll'CU1l1111,,'lld, your winter suppl;:., Hed Ponti-bclong (0 the A~suciJ(cd Cou,1(ry herd Vi~lt0rs ~le \\l']co:Jle to ; (t' " ( '" ('I e usl Ig 10 ,rat lamb (hls \Hl'k. at Om,lh.l hme on the soil to produce bump- hils (}lIS sumIJ \\oIJpe'lt, the raclld(lOn belt Idllch surrounlls ' remol e allergenIc and tOXIC factors I hes~ falts al e r.epotled lJ1, the, 'I hb, the e:\pllts dC'cl.!) e, IS ~nl;:. ~~ffll - '.:iA'ltl;&;"\!&_..L..~~~.",, 2~~=~":J'Ih0 Nati?IUI eOP1lJiittlc for a I by, our fUiI1ers ami l'ncle Sam' the e~llth, from th~ meal residue left aflel : ~atC'st ,lSS,UC' ,of "!'I~~,l}ska ~arm aboy( one fOdrlh of, t.he 1,lJ11e,Hepll':,en(.lll\c Congle,s, h,ts all- trjlllg to rl' esb1Jltsh gra"s on some ::-._~ __.. the oli IS extracted from thc C,IS' and H,lt1c1~ Econolll~cs ~ubllshed Idllch could ~e uscel,PluJI(ahly, Oil,uO\Il1ced eIlUl!I~I.Jl1eJ,t of tllll'e of our pvorl.r Clupl"tlllS Wc (hink tor beau ~Y the Agncul,tural. r.xlenSlOn Sel'\" all CrOI!,S durlllg a gllen yedr, ,J)c,llocr'ltie and t1l1l'e Hepublic,lI1'th~t \IC as an agt'l1l'Y ~la\e a dC'!- (orn (rop Lower .These new crops \\cre grOI\n Ice at the Unl\Crslty of N~bn\ska, 'Ihe flgUll'S art' baoed .on a SU111- Isenators, Amung the laltt.'r is Carl lIlitc o~ligatio!1 (0 yuu fallllns to ! cxperimen(ally in 1'\cbl aska lids Everett ,t~ Peterson S~1Y s al,1y mal y of thoU>,lnds of soli SellUpIe"Curtis, t\ebld::kol, "eeking re ckc,' detc',fl111nl' the be"t mc(hods of year and results are now being weakness In beef cattlc pl'lces w111 flom thro;ighout lI;c st~te tes~cll,qon, Others on tile> RepulJliedn' gcttlllg &I,',,"S esLlbli,shcd under 10- :Than lin 1959 evalua(ed, , , , be" te,mporal y anel most !lkely \\d,1 by. ~he ,l n~~endy' s SOlI testlJ1g:>lde are Scna(vls ~1,llgdlet Ch,10e cal conlhtJOm: LookIng anll obsc)v, I One of the eompelltl\C faltors o,edll to\I.lrd the,end o~ the YC,a1. Sel,\lCe 111 lelent yeals; , ISmith, !\!.line em.! S(yles BJid;;;('s lng, seC'!l\g \\hat \\olks, is one of I "I' 19G ,(' .l " . "which NeuraskJ has hMI to fight, reecler cattle pl'lces Will dccl1l1c, Somc alh,:ll.l(.:ge to !lmlng areof t\ew IId1111i.biIC, Drll1ocr.l(s'thc be:,t ways \Ie know to help I,ll: ,~n11~na cOIn,clop l.~, Fwigan said, deals \\ith a desire season,llly, but WIll not ?l'Op sharp·, that It conl!J(lOns, the SOLI for bet·nall1cd are Sen:,(ors KefaU\c'r, !'IIe- I ~ou gct this job done, ,noi~ est tlI1'lte t, at 4 bl!ll~n ,18~, on the part of tbe scienti"t who Iy thIS yt::ar as t1H'y dl.d 111 1959 ,tt'r crop prodt,lltlOn; makcs pl.1l1tClellll1 '(HlI HoLut'un of VirginiJ I 1 1111 , IOn I Us1e s - ~r 4 Pl!' c,ent I hale> been conducting thc ex peri· Drough( III thc west lS not yet fooel more a\,lllable for crops and" \" " , , I be,ow .t 1e record 19;)9 productIOn, ments waHtin" the in'i lll'l(ions eausin" dbllc'ss salcs, I ensures a good stand of Ic "umes,,_,---__,--,--- I hlllners \\ho art:> planlllng to Iacc,onling to t.he latest U,S, Crop, moved to th~ Hocky "!\Io~ntain lIo"b prices, will mo\c upward In addition, farmels can "obtain'QUll \\ ,mt Ar.b gct repring pig crop SOLI test shoulll be used to de-~B::~"'~i~m~ptif"~~~~~f1l~ '!he, natlOl1\Hdc ('o:n Ylel:I foy gan is arrangin" n;e~tings' with' next yeM is likely to be, consid-, telilline t1:e amo,unt of,lime to op-JI.';' .~f(iI..b~~- _ ,oj" 19tiO, ."s of Sep.tem:)C'! ,1, :\a~ estJ- Nebl"lska industrial leaders to en-I cr:'lbly abo\e, tbdt of thiS )ear,' pl~" NOIY lS the Ide.!1 tllne (0 hale. ~., ~ ll1d(ed at, 50 ~ushel~ ~el ?l~e, C01;1- courage thcir participation in the: Pctcrson prelllds, ,Is.oll samples, tes(eel and to applypal ed \\ Ith ,?1:5 bl~s,h~ls 111 19:>9, dCIClopll1t:>nt of (he"e crops. I -'--,- - --_.- Ilune for 1961 crops, IACJAiNANDI\GAiN and a lO-ycal aHld"C of 41.6 II I ' k' f 'I 1 0 ' B f --.-------bu~hels. 1 a so l~ as -lUg or \\ll ~r pub- I rIvers. eWQre 0 . J, Production of all \\hcat is esU· hClly for Ncbrask.l rccreatlon fa·' St A k P'II 'Two New Ilenls' J11.l(cd at 1 bl1lion 368 nll11ion eillti,es, and (a'ges (hat the state I ,'?IY- ,":'0 e IS, , Ibushels, the second largcst crop c.on(,mue to ,i111pyo\c the recred': ,Ir~nqUl.11zers,. "st,aj a:'.akc plll~' •larger linn 1939 but p per ccnt ,"~Il onler to aChle\ c SUCCl"S,'" abll' allIs :01 clll~,cl_: and a PCI:o~, n.!less th,m the lccord crop of 1958, FlIl1~an ,aid, "I\e must insure that \\ho dll\cS, aft€! ,takmg ,~ ,dl;l" I I' Ion n:eonl It is more than a fifth tlOnal poten(lJhtJes of the state, ?l ~I u,gs 111 ,any_, fOI,~l1 al e not ~:llt. On Ihe Nebras"a 'Thc composite yield per acre of theoe crops rem,lin in t\ebra,ka, n!aj lead hll.ll~e1f m(o ~ tt~glC '1C- Medical Front28 leading U, S. crops in 19GO is to pre\~n,t any surplus situation ~Id:n(, aC,c~l,cliw~,~?, DI, !'Ioah ,II I , 'now estimatcd to be hiahcr th'm from allslng because of lack of ~lo,ll1, mcdlcal dllcctor of an lll- "I' , ,.' ','l ' "..' Id d " h' 'I ' 'k ,(' 'd 1. I" d 'l SUlancc company I ,I !ey alt' a dll\,C to entllely,ast ye.ll s yIe an sccond 19l· mal c s a1. ~eep t 1e In ustlla ,° f th' " , - . 1'(' elnll111ate tuberculosl> and a camestof recOld, exceccled onl>, by fUtll1'C of J!ll'SC, crops ,It thc forc· f' ne fO locI ncccstsal ~ lconll tl?ns, P"I'~ll "gal'11,t lllO'" 1C , , I.ce r:pol s, ec·, rOJl lIn ,r a.ce 0 a CO!1C'cn la cc. Jarly during congested pcriods, is: arc being held rcsponsi:)le for case,;,0I~1 jlelds pel aClc all' e~pec(ed an 1ea\1 y f!n~nced le,~ealch by an aler( relaxed dri\er but er'l of encephalitis in the Lincoln areaI, thiS year for sorghum gl am, pea- the pe(roleum ll1c1UStiy. '1' "I " d ' ~ . , p . A Catholic prieI •• ~ D _ ... ,..... _. ~ .........1 .... iPI c..\..:.l.u.at,.ll 0;). 1W. .. ..Jl.lil~" ... ,,.:....0. .. ~J lJI ...... SEE PETERSON F"~ST180.._---------_._--~._-_.----_._-REGULAR OR ""VG rS8li~':THf KELtY ttyAtJ~~~l~~~..,..,l9.f"f.1').¥~>&:\,fi1f;:' A " '~ " ... ,... ,~tf!}:~~rtL'il:~:~. f~J~ ,,~-'" .. _~\1'~~ .:~ -~._~,~....'''_.........~ ~.:,;,.'." OR '.4E i'H~ '..lV';# ,~- '/.~'/lPAl'tUt/tl-lJI f;J1-P ~Ol.~ CJ~~·f~,*,,,,·, • ,,,,"'1\>~~{: ~)ft*Jfc\~:~~"~ ~:~~, ~ ,_ ~ , nv'" \;: ~!,:">\,:.:;..;..~,,~ ~~~.&;f:k:',~'~_~~~:'~~.('.~ '~-,-.:..: ',-, ,~" ..;;~t,~ , ~.-¥"~Cet more copodiy per doHar invest",d withthe K~lIy Ryan Traifawoy-.or get SUpNcanacity ~ith the Troilaway King. Bothel~vCllors ore products of thE world's lor\)-est Portable Farm Elevator munufuclurcr.Kelly R)'on Elevators arenot"d for thdr d,:pendcbiiity ondser..;cc, as wdl as their INrtub:fity$455and clean cut desig'1. Kelly RYCII'Smoss produdion, as well as th€ir for 36own fleet of deli'iery trvcks, addsup to a bw-IQw pdce. There oremony other reas'~ns why thet e ere75,00 0 1{~tLY RYA~! El~VA1'(}RS IN USE!USED MACHINERYl-l."secl 42' Kelly H> dn Ele\ ator 1-1:sed 28' Elc\ ator1-lIIC Field Chopper 2-1952 #4 !\Ioun(ed COllI Pilkers1-'51 2-row pu1l1Hc Casc PIcker; 2-Woocls Brus, Corn Pickers1-1958 li90 Case 2-lllW PichI' Shell.:r 2--l'scd Wagons2-1951 :'11:'11 2-row pull type 1'icl'C'ls; Wagons· Hobts . Boxes.---.,..----------,--4----'__ANTI·FREEZE. $1.75 GAL - DRING YOUR O\'1N CONrAINERPhone 16Ora

aEld1\\\PAGE EIGHT -----,-_..._._----- ,----, . ",/'Saturday,'October 1\ ...An e~cepfiona"y large, sale last Saturdayand a lof 'of buyers which made a very goodmarket. For next Saturday it looks like:CATTLE55 bucket and numbered calves'42 whiteface steer calv~s ..35 whiteface yearling steers33 whiteface yearling heifers10 whiteface stock cows45 cutter and fat cows8 milk cows Including two just fresh2 registered whiteface breeding bulls2 heavy bol?gi\a bulls .'We are accepting listings now for~ur next Speci~1 Cattle Sale, Sat·urday, October 8.HOGS"Remerrlber the Hog Sale Starts,. at, 10:30, Sharp!\ \165 weanling pt9s and heavy fe~der shoats, 65consigned by one man and vaccinated10 piCJ9Y gilts .4 sows, pigs by slueSeveral boars .'MARKET COMMENTFive buyers made a $17,25 top on No.1 butchers and$15,35 on sows. It was a very aclive market on bothmarket hogs and, p:gs.SALE DATESSEPTEMBER 30 - Clyde Kelley's residence, three loIs,furniture, abo some furniture consig!ied by Pat Fafeita~t his residence on L Street directly west of the motel.OCTOBER 5 - The Davis Creek' School property which, has a mqdern two room schocl building with a pro-'.pane furnace, tank, st .,a, 00, an, ac I' ,,' .. C ' \cr~lty Llo,d Ztkll1und ASC of· Nb k Ed llJ mJy con ac el 1([ • I:;:; en· c I' t' 't :\1 '. 1111" p annll1~ enomee!, e-,' ,,' , eras a ucalors :;en or Mrs !:;l'lley oup e s np l!1 0 . eXllo, an,wants operation of the s(hools cil Eloc, informatIon chief, and 1 flce ll~"n;cCook an eal!i;lgs, \\ l. 500.300 Good and ('hoice cal\ es, \\ t. 300 to 500. Sale Sarts 1:00ERICSON LIVESTOCK MARKET" Ericson, NebraskaL. J. Walthers, Auctioneer O. J. Walthers. ManagerTune to Station KMMJ 'Frid~y Noon at 12:25 for latestinformation.othll' - perhaps too nice - or pay clav as you did the last few the I ot'Jenlal atmosphere. voluntal y ba:;ls \\ as appro\ ed by , lCI~l I'I! ). t f a 1:- \\. f' raisin" $1000 the county unit to·there mioht have beell an argu·' cia)s before. ! T lis year's inst~tute ,with, t!le 1 large majority, , : A.I ~1lL ~c a eSt fOt: 19!'L,Os ~t~lan ,0 • talel $1,20858,'- 0 ,theme - Our Unity wtth Chl'1:;t Another resolutIOn called for'. L11eHmen Ot (j \\ eIe no.11',in the Local Chur~h, \\'as consld· ann~al stale suppott of schools of lnated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ered a Success b)' those attendin" at least $100 per resident student ~lrs. Jack Itomans and :\Irs. :\lel'le~tS well as He\" Robert 1\lille;' in a\l'rage daily a((end~nc-e. BuI, RelS were, ho,lesses ,for refl'(',hpastorof the 1\Iira Valle,' and <strong>Ord</strong> federal aid to educalion was' Illents dunng the SOCial houl',EUB churches, ,frowned on at both sessivns, I --'---- .~-,~-~-- I IIo\I'ever, one. important spe3k· ,##"...."""""""""""""-Mr. and :\Irs, Clark Weckoach' er at Lincoln, Dr. Forrest Conner,ar:d Ed?ie were ho:;ts for Sunda~ 'superinlendent of St. Paul, Minn. •~l1ght dinner at the JIIational Hall schools, declared federal partiei.~mol'gasbord. Guesls were :\!r. anLI pation may become ne(essary it """"""""""""""""":\11':;, Albt;l t Jones and ~Irs, C. J, we rlrc to compl'te IV ith the l}us: Member of Band:\IortCllsrp. , sian competition. I) i l\lal'J' Jean Petska, daughter of2\11'. and :\[rs, Emal1uel Pebka ofEI,Tia, i;;; a member of the 73·piece band at !\ebl'

).,-OTH E... Z'U1Z•\Lessons Ior t11(~ comin: year SOil, aUc11'1d a rood show in Linwer.:;,cll.c'ILl [lied ~[I:;, "",,t'OI1' co.n Sundav. All art' affiliatedprbC'j;(':'ll a l alk on Housr-hol.I with C.lr>;o:I's Ji.;A Market here,Pests. _ . ,1\)1'" A,lriJIl l{Cll1lllgtull will b(,: ,~.I?nd,~Y [mel Tuesday, ,EllIS ~IlJOctober s hostess: I Vt'H L\I ~on, a~d Anton ilell an1llJ t!e a tn~ to Watc rloo and Ornahawhere they attended a see.I1<strong>Ord</strong>i!e Improves: cern Il1l'ctil1".Mrs, Elliott Clement, who has' 0been quite ill the pust several ------.---------jmonths, is reported by her familyto be n'CQ\ ering.Unable to do heavy work aboutthe house, !.\lrs, Clement has onceagain taken over the cooking andliGht duties,To Busiuess Meetings1\11'. and 1I,1r5, Ernie chri~toffer·sen, Ell is Carson and Duane Car-Card of ThanksWe wi-h to take this meansof thanking all those whohelped make our annual bazaara success,St. Wenceslaus ChurchRUBBER ASPHALTj)~jHH7/,;[J(c7J l!f~ '(:ljJ)Ju.j;,!!J(Jml~,lsealer )l ~ It.1o~lern Mrs.1\11 S, D.i\C Wal,,)!) II'[IS hostessto Modern :\!rs, f(11' ifle:r ini\i.,Jfctll lIlcl'tin:£ Lid \\,'..,,,K, !I,~l" GplH;Tudi-en II ill heJ'l the group 1\ ith1s.,1"\;II\C,' l,l' :\.r, Don 1":n'iH'.'\it.:cl.Ji'c,idclll anti :\!r~ DJb ToJ·sen, senetdry·lrl'[i",Ul"t'r,Benda's ME-n's St01(1John JewelryCorson's IGA StoreBvrunok Drug' Storo~uymore for yOU!because you spend" 'em like CA-~HI(MORE CONVENIENT, lOd!)BUYS $2,50 IN MERCHANDISE(, PAYS $2.00 IN CASH .EACH BOOK OR - .'COMMUNITY SAVINGS STAMPSHelen's Dress ShopMisko's Sport ShopOed HardwarePetersen TexacoStutioneuv IT AT YOUR DEALER ~I,SACKLUMBER COMPANYfli.Jl1tfi·'iJ13/:1."_0Phone 93•c*DIRECT REDUCTIONLOANS• iPROMPTSERVICEON LOANS.--HOME LOANS FOR:ll,• New Homo Construction• Purcncs'inq Homes• ,Remodeling' and Repairs.-PROTECTIVESAVINGS & LOANASSOCIATION220 S. 16th <strong>Ord</strong>PM-Phone 5\1Le - -Matousek Music ShopPianos, Band Inst. AccordionsRentals & Ter;ns·St. Paul, Nebraska~(-12IC"'l~nettil Cor'dgt,{- {oreVe - phone 361- dave 8. dixie watson - 'SPORTS~[EN -- Buy your guns and hunting equipment at aSport Shop! bNE STOP at our fino store and you can fill ALLof your hunting needs.\Ve are featuring SU PEH X shotgun shells and the finest in allammunition.\ . \DON'T BE SATISFIED \VITII SECOND I{ATE A~I~llTNITION.Misko Sport Shop'==e!1rnm $" ...·1... • ·.·aza<strong>Ord</strong>• Alums To Meet: ,There will be all Aluinnl Com- \, mittee meeting at the High school:cafeteria Monday, Oct, 3 at 7:30.,p.Ill, The public -is welcome AllI alums are invited whether on the I! committee or not. 'I"II:TURDAIRY FEEDSfor TOP-DOLLARdairy herdsVICTOR W~ COMPltlE DAIRYPELLETS gi'e yOVI' dairy herd on thehealth reqvirements for e,.,ergy andsvsloioed 'production..contains neCessaryprotein, vitamins and minerals _also high in carbohydrates,VICTOR 32% DAIRY SUPPlEMHHprovides the e.trfj ingred;ents necessoryto bclonce groin rotion with mlll

IIChildrenshould beseen"• • •in p0rtlUits byZt\BlOU[)ll..---THE ORD QUIZ. OH D. NFJ-\H ASK"------------~---"'"""""'---:---:_-:..._--------------_.20% EGG & BREEDER GRANULES _,pecio!ly de"gned for peak prod~ct: on ...ml' with groin. high Vitamin conkn'.• 26 ~ POULTRY BALANCER- for nufrilioU';groin-al1d-supplem~nl prog'om. fccd oncea doy . in rna~h, granules or pelfc:s..32% POULTRY MIXING CONCENTRATE- concen'roled source 01 nutrients lor m;,­ing wilh home-ground groin mo,hes forsustained egg production.VICTOR toying Fltlng ~ere the J' WIl! se~ 1 1\1 I 'I - J! '1,. .. f do and Wisconsinothcr rclatl\es III Kebraska. , • r. anS .• r~. , Oln C (',11) a .. I Gardell l1roH" Calif., \\ho ha\ e 1\1onday gue~ts were :\lrs, Bes·Fl IlIlS V Icutiull I bcen guests of Orsl rela(i\ ('s the sic Vacek and Llo~ d Du~ek, sister) ( , " pa~t \\eek, entertallled at dinner and brother of l\Ir~. Bcranek of.}1;: and. 2I.Ir~. C.lI~{. ~ l;nn left, Saturday evening at Harmony' {{a\enna. When they returnedS.l~l~lay. 1Il01.1~Plo ~or ~.~I.Caoo \\ hc~e House. Gue~ts \\'ere ~Ir. and 1\lr5. hon;e Tuesd

' "", ----;- . ,,' • • Pat',PAGE FOUR , THE (\RD OUIZ, ORD, NEI~R..'Sf(t\ SEPTE0.lBER 29. 1960Norfh Loue..:Card 01 ThanksI v.:ish to, (·xpr.es$ 0nc'::l ethanks to Dr. Miller. Fathu­Gorak. the hospital staff fortheir splendid ('are. and rIa·ti\'es and friends fc,r theirvisits during Ill)' sl::iy in tht.'hospitalMrs. ~. Kominek,," .~urid?YI Oct. 2 1,.'~ Geese Dressed and LiveIPublic'Sale, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30Resid~n.ce1:15 P.M.Clyde' KelleyLots -All Furniture<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr.west 'cH the Motel),-------------------------......------ .• - ..--.----~'ro-;--.:-.. ---~-~-~ -_.------------:-~,~-.----.---~ ..__.._--,..-----_.__ ._~.llEllE'S 1~LY~10U1'l//?Oll 1961f'· '\ " .'" ., ; l' i. ~ ",'r \.,';., .ThreeWest Hi1~'y 11;', tAGross str~et(North Lovp Clvb meets C"lif,"rni~ Visitors ,!NL·S Schocl News l'llby and , SCIIl,Lty gt:c',' s of :III's. horne Oil ]c,I\ e from the U. S.'L'he ;'I;orth Loi.p Business aud ~Jrs. BeuLth EU:1C"t of La ~Ie'J. Fourth Grade Opal Ikc!Jl'. SUIl.by :\irs. Beebe :lIaril:L's.l'lUfc~"io:ldl \\'Ol11C'IlS dub mvt ' Calif, spc nt IlW,t of last II c,d, Linda Shdffer IL,S dh,,'I:l three al: ,hor,e, SI1,O,I:, and . SrJme wry, interestll1g ?esigns, j{obbil1~ have': ,0.', " " . riled !lome bst '.Ieek frulIl .\11.]' tlie "hJ!L~jl'll Ill, 1;, ~'l l~~ ja lCI'~l i t'o S~\lh~' bruthtr, Ollen ,,'hite, died fivl' and HilliS CololJ],w, , 1:'lIe ~le\ers' dilught('ls, :\Irs, CedI time getting fenccs, windmills and goin.; to the. Bud. Kllcwa!d pLce Ion Shl:t"ja y llll";'1 "ee lt1 U h'll' years ago, This was her first trip ~rr, and ~Irs. John CleHry, .\!r,s, '.Knapp 'lind :'lIn. Dale Stine hal e cistC'lns rt.'ady to carl' fur the aL'1'os~ the nH'r II hCl'e Dr, .\!;nk·" l;l g " , '" ,\C on l.l,S: \( a l ., ; [:1''back home. The paI'1y' went 'from, Edith partl and :III'S,. ~ell Helbig.Lt:en spending a gre~lt denl of

L~_.-.~ ~~-----""-_""- ~ __ , _ , • _,_....... _..> - - ...... ~ _.. .~",_~. ~·b.• •• ~ • 'of their mother, She was injured in !" car qcCiu.::nt near YOl k, Sept. 4·1~ev, "and Mrs. Walter' :Smith of ILt\\ tun, Ia., were guests Ihursdayof ,!\Ir. and .\!rs. Charley \\'dbrd. I!\fl'. 'a.nd 1\1rs, Dl!ll FO;I}k dr~\C:to Hastings on business I hursday. ,Mrs., Hub)' Wolft.' was hostess in 'Iher farm' home Tuesday for theWilling Workers club, Eleven memo Ibel'S were present and il pot luckdinner \\'3S se f\'~(l ' " I-Mr. and Mrs, TL\111 Davlin of IOmaha I isitcd his mother, Mrs":\Iary Din lin and al,so altC'}:ded th~:Iuneral of P.llIIO Neill I hursdayIat Spalding, ' .Mrs. Dick Foster visited herIather, J::llI1l'l' Hallock, at Ihe <strong>Ord</strong>Hospital. '" , ;~frs.Clara Allbon left t.lle lastof the \\ cek for her home IJ1 Monro{'ia,Calif. Sh·c spent the sum­Iller in bel' home in Ericson,l\lollda~" supper guests in theEd Booth home were Ed Gibbs ofAmes, la" Il'lU3 Woods of Logan, ~1J, and Pearl Pierce. IA guest in the home of :\11', and IMrs. Art Seun and family' the past Iweek \VaS their aunt, Mrs. wm'l :F:-a-rell of Torrington, Wyo. ' ' 'A family dinner was held Sun- l', •day Sept. 18th in the home pf Mr.] " .and ~II s. :\Ial\ in Robinson '~nd '.r"1\1rs, EJizabdh Cliffton.' Their I 'guests included .\11'. and :'III'S, \V.lC. Claire, 1\11', and 11.11'';, LawrenceHoltz of Claire, la. !\Ir. and :'IIrs, iEmil lIal1llik of VerdeI, Ncbr",)11'. and .\V,. Jimmy 13arrett of:lIull1phn'y, Mrs. K. S, Johmon ofSpin:,nl, Alaska,!\Ir.and !\Irs. Walt Field, .\11'.and :\lrs, Ken Kasselder shoppcdin Grand Island, Wednesd~y,.\11'. amI !\Irs, Leonard 13uL'klesand Ha: monll Li!chenberg dr'u\'(' to Sp(llt:er,' Xebr., We91lcsday and IattendL'd the funel al sen!ccs of afriend, LaVern HLbt. ' IRalph ILu ggit( of Lincoln \ isi(ed'friends in EricsOll Saturll"y', 1\11'.1Harggitt is an e111ployee of .the 113u1'lington Railroad

.."e:JfflW:~"V'Wt~~"'D~.,,--..\Wr1!rIi.~~"lii!53 .......,\""'~ "._--==....yi~ 'TTIF ClIH) nUIZ. ORD. NFHIL\~rC\ PAGE SEVEN. I:I' a hand tooled saddle; ~nd prize a ~L1Jis B,)Pi at the piano, Each at t1:

I I II\/I9GJ._---'--!Duck CallsAll Types OfAmmunitionClothing & ShoesGUNSREPAIRE~Rifles & Shot GunsWe Sell Hunting &Fishing LicensesSee Us ForHunting Supplies.- ----- - ~ --- -----,Breast & Hip WadersDuck & Goose DecoysWE HAVE A FULLLINE OF-Ard any other items you'llneed this season.SEPTEl\mU{ 29,Dart-Lancer & Dar(pickup Friday•~.-- ~r::---------- -J-- 1:00 to 6:00 P.M.,Brothers MotorsBurwell. Nebr.-===cSargent LivesJock (om~lis~ionCo.CATTLE SALE WEDNE~DA'( -HOGS & SHEEP THURSDAYSARGENT,NEBRASKAWednesday, Sept. 28 we will have 950 to 1050or more head of catlle.- early consignments as of Friday noon - I2,13 head \ earIl11g sterl's, 7UO to 750 Ills; 40 head WI" steers800 Ibs; 6f) 'head Crossbred steers, 700 Ips; 65 head choice>earlll1g WF heifers, guaranteed open; 40 heall \\'1" yearlingheifers; 52 WF COIlS and 52 cahes; 60 head WF steer and heiferfallc,lhes: 28 head Shortholl1 steers, 600 Ibs; 42 head Angus­Hereford cro,s steers and heifU's, 550 to 600 Ibs , 50, ht:ad \V1"steers and heifers, 700 Ibs ; 25 head Angus Shorthorn steers, 700Ibs; 8 head Bru\\n S\\iss CO\\S, 16 heat! WF stock CO\\S, 6 to 8) ears old; 'many 1l10r~ consignments by sale day.Wednesday we had 971 cattle with the marketsomewhat lower on all classes.- These are some of our representative sales40 \VF steers, 677 Ibs, 2295, 14 B1k steers. 260 Ibs, 2750;12 \\ F ~teers 310 Ibs, 2750, 8 Blk steers, 355 1bs., 27 10, 7 Redstcen;, 280 Ibs, 2700, 2 \VF steers, 550 Ips, 2700, 5 WF s(ecl's,265 Ibs, 26.75; 12 \Vf steers, 275 Ibs, 26.75; 4 Roan steers, 380Ips, 2650, 10 Blk steers, 375 Ibs , 26.00, 13 :\llxed steers, 360 Ibs,26.00; 8 Shorthorn steer~, 383 Ibs , 25.70; 10 WF steers, 445 Ibs,2500 10 Blk steers, 655 Ibs, 2400; 31 Blk steers, 675 Ibs, 2360;12 \\'1:-' steers, 515 Ibs, 2330; 18 \\ 1" sterrs. 510 Ibs, 2255; 60 \V1"steelS, 716 Ib~, 2303, 58 \\'1' steers, 7:50 Ius, 2050.100 WF heifers, 627 Ibs, 2270, 12 Hoan heifers, 530 Ibs,24.25, 41 \VI" helfln, 400 Ibs, 24.10, 10 \\'1" heifrrs, 195 Ibs,2380 12 Blk heifers, 420 Ibs , 2370; 13 Blk helfer~, 330 Ills, 23.60;5 B1k heifrrs, 240 Ib~, 23 W; 10 B1k heifci s, 465 Ibs, 2300; 17WF heifers, 550 Ibs, 2290, 10 \VF heifers, 590 Ibs, 2270. 26 WFhClfc-rs, 605 lI)s, 2270; 35 WF heifers, 580 Ibs, 2260;14 \V1"·heifo'J'~, 410 Ibs, 2200; 3 W1" hdfel" 410 Ills, 2170; 10 \\'1"heifers, 4tiO llis, 21 70, 21 13lk \\'1" heifers, 3GO lbs, 21.60; 13WF heifels, 505 Ibs, 21.502 W1" cows, 870 Ibs. 15.40; 6 WI' COliS, 905 Ibs, 14 90, 12 W1"CO\\ s, 1070 Ius., 14 50, 20 W1" CO\\ s, 1195 Ibs, 14.53: 7 I3lk COli s,1170 los, 11 30, 9 W1" CO\\-S, 985 llls, 14 00; 8 Blk CO\\ s, 893 Ibs,1390; 7 WF CO\\ s, 1205 Ibs I 1385; 1 Holstein co\\', 1225 Ibs, 1380;5 Blk CO\\ s, 12:25 lbs, 1370; 10 Hoan CO\\ s, 1090 Ibs, 13.60; 111\o'1n CO,,\ s, 1145 Ib" 13 50Last Thursday we had 1052 hogs,The terminal market quoted an extreme top of 1750. We hadse\Cral bunches selling here for 17.35 to 17.70One full trailerload brought an a\erage of 17.46 (a\g. \\t 220 Ibs). A\CrageNo l's and 2's, 1685 to 17.50; 240 to 280 Ibs, 15.75 to 16.50;2;)0 to 350 Ib so\\'s, 14.75 to 1550; 350 to 600 Ibs, 1325 to 14.75;Pigs \\ ere about steady \\ ith pl'e\ ious \\ eeks at 900 to 2000per'headCOMING SALES -. .* MONDAY, OCT. 3 - We will ho~d a sale at Brewster, Nebr.,for Hannah and HlJghes ~vrebl fd Registered Bulls, several headof breedin'3 stock, and 2S head of club calves. .* TUESDAY, OCT. 4 - Farm Clean-up Sale for Fred Hicken,bottom, -' ,* WEDNESDAY, OCT. S - We will hold our First Calf andYearling Special Sale. At this time we ha\e A 400 steer and heifercalves, both An9uS and Hereford, and 40... h~ad 'of ye~rlings,We have some of the choice cattle of the territory to be offeredat auction at th;s $ale, ' " '.* TUESDAY, OCT. 11 - Farm Clean-up Sale for Vern Dailyat Milburn, Nebr. \...--_......------...---....--...----_-------.....-.l-=---the new 1961Dodgeat Burwell.. Nebr.SHOP AT .,,"mft-PETE'SLIQUORAndersonTHE DAHT is Dodge's incrcasingly popular enhy in the lo\V-pric~ field. EconoqlYhas been she::!sed in e\"Cry component of the 1961 models. The \lew hn:s give 15 percent mOle mileage. The six- and eight-cylindcr engines operate on It:gular glade fuel.An altelnator plo1ongs b.i-1HelY life. The all-rustploofctl Uni\)ody and high-qualityenamel a"sure a longer life and a btiphter fini3h.FOR THEBest LiquorsFine WinesYour Favorite DeerAnd MixesCOME IN AND VISITPHONE 3S -Come~eeSept. 30thFree RefreshmentsPETE'S SAKEGrand IslandSTRAN-MASTER. ANDRIGID FRAME"Meet Your Friends AtCentral Nebraska'sFun Sp~t"Stran-Sfeel-ALLSTEELALL PURPOSEROWBAL stEELBuilding Co.\\cst on lIi·\\.} II Phune 172"Kich"1(0\0 L.\ISaturdayI Oct. 1EI Millsand his fineOrchestra()'~ 1 )IN 2000 A D. your grandchildrenwlll hi.tve a Ieglble copy of clipIpings 01' important papers if )OUha\ e them copied now! Only'takes a fllinute; 25e per COP)'. I •<strong>Ord</strong> Quiz.'I-, - - -- -- - ~ - -, ---- I •~11}1J LWl"'~ I :BALLROOm I ,-------'---------------FarmsFor RentTHF ()H r')()III'IAndersenP~'~!:'\~U~,~,tExperiencedFarm Manc1CJementReal Estate LoansRepl esentinll le"ding 1.0 a nCOnl!Jd111eS and also PIl\ atemone) to loal\Prvlllpt selvice\\ lth 1t:d:JOl1c1ble rate~ andttllnS2 se 'v{-l1lOael n houses) S:;S andS30 per monthApal't.1H I1t forllnt - ~"'alln for lent80 aCles \\llh altmodcm hOl"eWith pictlile windo\\s bu.l\,ins. full baoel1lent, on g'o\dload, mall luute, tekphone and3 Ipdes to Old - 111lplOHd,ill igakd 160, 3 miles to cotln·ty ,eat to'\11 , gld\el road. '.mile to going school, HE,\, ph'. mlf,am hiwayIrnplO\~d al1d llriga:ed 240aeles 9 mtlcs to Old - 4S0aCI eS17 nules to <strong>Ord</strong>, 2 odsilllplV\e,ututs, on glcnel lOd.d,rn,111loute, REA, gOll1g ,choolau o's the load v-ith po,",',' iO,1Mar 1. S2GG50 - 1.1'1'10\ ed 240,1 lUI to ArcadIa, grd\el ro"d.mall louIe. REA and 1 1111:eto a going school, $46 per ­RIVER FF\O;-;rAGE 81 aCleSall modeln 3 b~dl UU'nhouse,30 aoes ill iga'ed frUJl1 Dl~~tnet. 39 aCle w,,\cor light. ISaclt.'S pastul €', bdlance cult i ...\atcd, pell'lIt 10 pli.n\> humr,,~rincluded, 8 1111I"s 10 Old.2 Imles frupl bI,cktop hi~h­"ay $150 per acte - 1m.'Plo\ed 240, 16 mdes to Old ­l'n1l11ploHd IGO aetes south ofOld in Da\ is CI1.\1._1110:.\1 S 'pt 30 and Oct 1 1- - l"OR SAl E _ All modern horne Neblask a In the M"tt< I' of the Est.1ie of I \\ ea rer anc vall us 0 LI I e I Joe Bartos at Burwell, Monday.:velyn Doncheskl at Cotesrteld. j "" t. . 28-ltc 1"OR SA.LE -~ Rugged meat t\pe With 2 'car garage. $550000, $1. Crawford Jd~ Mortensen D.e~l',u,eQ I)1C' ings . the, atlendd~l,e. '>,Va~ poor. Mr. Bartos is on the sick .lJst.:CLASSlf'IEJ) P'HOME '17 - Hampshire boars. H. C. Fisher "0 00 d . t bal: I :>t~,e of Nebraska On September ~O , Marvin Collins, the president, con- Bobby and Debbv spent the timen h f v U. 0\\ n pa) men, a ance 1060, the Executor of said Estate LIeu du ted a short bu mess me 'Un ,,' I I I' .' ,Miscellaneous 8 & son, Nort Loup, 28t c 011 terms See Wozab Agency Itdl.1l "'CO,,.\\ a.io PetitIOn fur DlStr.bu- 1 ~ " '. t:t: 0, Wll e t 1l'lr pJrenls \\ere gone,Penonals ------~- -.. - -------- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - . 25-4t tlOll Hl'~ll)lg thel(Ull is Onleled hdd 1.\lIrs. ErwlU SOhl'\\led \las III charge wlth their grandparents :\Ir andfOR SALE - Septic tank and WANTED - Cattle for pasture., e. 111 lh" Coun,y ~OUI\ Houm In Old, Ne· lof games. l\1r" Donald Clement' Mr~. Dan Cook ' i....."\.1.' ,\RI'ESTL:D our drillkill!! Cessj)Qol Cleanll1g $15-25 ) car Ha\ e 480 acres \\ hich ha\ e been c'OR S'\LL' 1-1' d It' I b,aska at 10 0 clock A 1\1 .Octob(\' 11, wd Mr, \Valter Fuss \\ ere on the ,"1;1 ... \ 1~ - d . I I' l' 'D -. ous~ an 0 s In 11960 ' • . . , Mr. and :\lrs. Donald Clementproblem. DQ iOU know someont: round. 1 )'ear guarantee Id e t liS )ear. :\lrs. Carl Soren· north <strong>Ord</strong>, Wlt~ frUIt trees, roo:?11 ElI,\\olth Ball Jr .ood COlllllllltel. and family \\ere hosts for a belatwcul\.J.nghelp? Phone <strong>Ord</strong> 17 Or Emmett Smith, 1810 S. Locust sen. 28-2tc for cow or ~hlckens. Ralph \\1·1 Counl> Juc,ge ed weddino> anni\ersary supper2ti~ or v,nle Box 50S, Bunl ell, DU-285u2, Grand Island, Nebr, FOH-S-.\LE -~- II~lst~;~ -b~~I'-~om. berg. 24 tel' lSEAL). Guests of six )Car old Martin Sdlurday c\oening in honor of MrNebr, ConfidenLJal. ALCOHOL· 16 tf~ iug 2-)ear old from Paul Holfs- -- - --- -- - - --- -: ~!_:3tc Ht~ffma!1 . Salunli,ly . af~er~oon at and :\irs. George Clement :\Ir ~ndIe::) AN,?NYMUL~. 12-tfp ~;-OR- s\i~'~-"':: \- I -S I B g meier's here!. Leo Butts, Burllell FOR SALE - Impro\Cd 160 acre, E L v~)g,~lt'Ull._At~OtlHY. hls !mtnddY parl: \\ere. Janet ~~d I :\1rs Kennl'lh Clement anu chtl-DON'T BAKE ~'~id;~-;nd Saturd~ I El~rta' " pp es ) 2~'~~~ DI6-7172. 28-ltp form known as the "lIa\\kins" :\0110-; to,R PltESt_;Iif,\1I0:-: JedIle~te, Lavelnt: and Lmda l;~n~e dren \\ere guests also" -- -- -- - - - - plate 39 acres in igated with 50' ,Ot ({.,\DIS and hl? blother l\Ianon and sbll'r, Mrs. Edwin Lenz and' Janet \\ ere- Buy It at the Fall Roundup PEAK Permanenl Anti-Freeze _ 1"OH SALE Fint calf heifers acre \\ater right. See Woz,1b I __ If1 lhke (vtllll> Coull of Valle> Count,) .HarJo. fhey pla)ed ganws an,l la-, ll1 Grand Isl"n Theresa Uement trcdted her I" on. ad K I~h)' t. la,r:r all', th~I.1-gree n pain! Fal1ner~ Ele\ator 1.. 28-ltc bull. Robert Vogeler, BY 6-1780 -- ~ - - - COt1lt at 10 o'clork A M at the Count) 'classmates and teaeher, Mi~S Sev- cy a d l1 el s a)I;; Wit 1 clrVl'd.· 27-2tJ - - - - - -~-- 27-2te FOR SALE - 320 acre impro\ ed COUll Room 111 01U, Nebl ",k", Janual> I erence and the cooks Il~l \Vednes- ,gran pal ents, :\lr and :\lrs. WtllFOR SAl E - Wlllte eIHmeled 2· f "I I:\lrs. Harry Williams in Bur,lellSERVICE ' pipes l\h-- ,V J Ura\\brid"e t"ct Darrell Lahll, North Loup. :\OfIU at H:oi.\L SUTu_m.:\f Sunda} \1 N th Lo ~, .. 20 ~t' 'BY 6-4543 Darrell Connor <strong>Ord</strong> .Counly COlll t of Valley Count>, :'i'~,I' •..oy mOwer. Cleaning and repair. or up. ,,.,.:.. (' 1914 or 0;\ ille Connor, Bu'n\ ell: Prh ate and Company Il)Oney On br"ska E,tatc of Guy E BUll U\\ 5. de-' lIIrs Walter Jo\I~S accompaniedhg. Aulhorized Clinton Service fOR Sl\LE :..:.. -St~i-er - 500 lb. bin Dl 65121 27- 3t l) real estate, Woza)) Agen('y. 44 tic : ceTH:~ ST,\H O~' NEI3HASK.\ (0 al)I ~1r .and :\lrs Elmer Bredth.mer totngines. 2 to 103 hp_ ~' h t j t Lo t d _ _ _ _ - - --- - -,cOnCeln(J Koike IS hellb> gl\t.D that Scotia \\here they \lslted 1\11' andH.rry Kramer Service· <strong>Ord</strong> ~- p. 1110 or comp e e. ca e i I' fOH A LO;\G-T!'~H;\I, LOW-COST a petItIOn h", beC'll foled for flllal ,cttle. ~lrs 11. D. Dl'~'clth,lllcr and their, 6tfc at North Loup-Scotia Elemental') \;ANTED --- ~ho combming Ken- 10.111 on ~our falm or ranch, seel,nC'nl helein, deiutlliJ Itun of hell>l',p' bUl'~tS, :llr. al:d :\Ir~. :'I1arcc Long-;-"------- - - - - - -- ----~-- - School bulldmg. 28-lte heth Kirby, North Loup, BY 62~~f~ OF call James B. OI!Js,,:\!anager I~~~~~111~ta2i,ell :t~ri~n 8l~f' o~:t\t~f ,;.~t d~~: I o~ Long Beach, Ca!Jf. 1 he: allC;lrs and Trucks ',4 f"OH -SAL}.; :..:..- ApplC'd I'" cAtbion, Nebr. EX 5-2170 1"OR S.-\U~ ---' Four pups. 418 82786 28-2tp a1folfa hay. LeHoy Noll, p~()ne 'ILe SI~te of Keblds',a to all can· Mr. and :\lrs. Harrv l"oth \\el e, S th ?Otl ?8 It, I 3704. ' '. 2o-31p ctltlCd !\O\lCl' IS hellb> gl\t.·n that 611 S d . d', , t - f h" ,.!'. . Open E\er}day ou ~. I . ~ ~ c, -::, .", , ---- - - - claHllS agaiJ.st said eS(d(,' mu,t be fIled un a~ Inncr gUl, s, 0 , 1;;1 V.II·-.,-'-~------ ----- - --- - -- I:illNE I PL\;\O - full ke) board un or bd'Jle lhe IGth d~> of J,mUdl Y. 'ents, ~lr and :\ll's Ed Coqk24-Hc r'OR S_\L1'; - Special on Violets, I - looks like new - pay only 1961. or be fOI~Hr b.ll'l ed. and tha' a' 'I" R C'l' /'1' I 111"----- "0 .1 75 St It h J k t I' he~till" on claml, "111 be held in this "IS. . ale '- emen, • l~SL'OR SALE _ "52 Dodge M~a,lo\V- "c anu r. 1 o\e ac e s ba ance clue. Ju~t continue small FOR SALE COUlt ~n Janudl> 17 1961 at 1000 \l\l Georgene Kelley, and :.IIiss Slllrlt'Y4 14 and Coats for SOc and $100, pa)ments $1600 do\\n will han- Ells\\ulth Ball. Jr. I Se\erence, teachers at Valle),ide,. brook 4 door. Reasonable. 1\1rs. Wolfe's New and l'sed clothing die deal. Write Mid" est Piano lSEAL) Counl> Judge IattenLied the 1UI al teacher's ill~l!-Bonnie Keo\\ n, BY 6 4891'28_2tc .~ , . __ _ _28-lt: Co, Grand Island, Nebr. 28-2te 1 Homes !7-3tc tute 01) ('onsel'\ alion at the <strong>Ord</strong>Fa Ma hi e y 91 -------. - ----------I/Iigh School Thur,Lldy and Frid.ly.rm c1' n r -- - -- - - ---- - NIce 6 loom huu~e inc1udmg L \\. C10llk, L'",>Ld Ia' I o\ers. .., an a a, nOme Furn s ngs on h,ghw.,y _ Neatly new all THE STAlE O~' NEBRASKA. to allEnL'sol1. 26-5tp U-';';D--- -1--I0-l-=-S-E-:-I-IOL-D mode'lll 2 beOIOUjll huuse. bUIlt rOllCell1l,d Nvtlce is hue',> given lhat'-- -----..,L appliances Ie", than 5 ) e"l> ago. g.1S fur- .1 petllon h8s bcen blcd for lhe ap.'r'OH SALE - A 2·:\IE IIll' cOl'n- \Va~hing machines. Gas or elee- nace, bullt'lls, h,ud\Oooa tIOU1'. 1)Oln(nte,,( of Anlld Bot,); ka 's admini,-picker with grease bank EI- imulatecl - ApaltlllU1t hou.c rall;" of ,aid ~,Iate \I h'ch "!ll be for. J I 3 0 d 3 tnc stO\ es. Refrigerators. Priced sho\\ing good ldums on the ',e tnn..: \'1 thiS cowt all October 14,WlIl _0 1n~On, Rt. , l' 26 tp to sell! Gambles. ll-lfc ill\e,tlmnt wit h imn.Nh;,tc i960, at 1000 o'clock A ~t- - - - -- - - - \,oSSl'"ion --IN NORlll LOU? Ell,\\oltl1 J;ldII. Jr.r'on SALE - 1700 bu. Duncan 'Nanted to B-u-y---- --------16 a 4 bedruolll hou,e in a choke C~'Ullty Judgesteel corn cnb complete \\ith location (SOLD) - IN AR· SL\LI1100r. L 'o ll l a ~ t Rl'~hal'd Lola, Bur. --- ~ - - - - - - - - - ---- ,-,-- " CADIA a 6 loum sUll!·nlOdeln !7·3tc~ ~ \VANT1'~D - Old coins. Interestecl house near high school SllOO",ell, phone <strong>Ord</strong> 6008 bet\\een 8 in bu)ing old C.S. Coin~ .Boll - Hou,,,. barn and lot "s ISa III and 6 pm 28-ltc Noll 2Hfc ~GoQ Locatecj in OldLi~~s-!~~~n_d-S~~i~~~-=_~ 10 ,V.-\NTEOTO-il-C,y --=--~\\-i~ ~~d. ~ots'fOH S.\Lg - Cah es and mon Ph01IC 238Y ,27·2tp In C'h"i~,' !OCdt'UllS' - :\car__ _ __ _ __ _ C.,thullc Chulch, in \\"t.,llldgecahes, big ones and little one, Add,.lOn ;n Suuth Old, ea.t- 1, 10 or 100 \\hltefaCL', blad ,VA:--

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