WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network

WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network

WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network


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SPONSORS OF legal eaglesBOTTLE NECKThis would not be to advocate anyless robust a review of applications,but would ensure they are reviewed byappropriate specialists and would avoidwind applications and any other planningapplication becoming bottle-necked in thesame queue.Continental edgeOur European neighbours are trailblazersin renewable energy use. In Germany,planning law restrictions are reduced asincentives are increased. Japan’s Fukushimanuclear disaster encouraged the Germangovernment to take action. It has uppedthe pace at which it is phasing out nuclearenergy in favour of renewable power.GermanyThe process of closing power plants, namedEnergiewende, led to the closure of eightplants last year. The glaring effect of thisactivity is that wind turbine suppliers withbases on the continent have a growingmarket in their back yard and have lessreason to ship to the UK.The German renewables market is matureand developed. The country is a majorplayer in renewable energy, ranking in thirdplace after only China and the USA. Ahealthy number of large renewable energyfirms have operations there, with the focuson future growth.SpainFor the first time ever, Spanish wind farmsproduced more electricity during the lastthree months than any other variant form ofpower source. Over six terawatt hours ofelectricity was delivered in January accordingto the Spanish <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Association,Red Electrica de Espana. These resultsindicate the Spanish government is followingthrough on its ambitions to reduce carbonemissions by boosting wind power.The UK can emulate the success of the likesof Germany and Spain lessening loopholesin the application process and increasingfunding available.<strong>Wind</strong> of changePlanning hold-ups are hampering the UKfrom becoming a centre for renewablesexcellence.Trade body RenewableUK indicated moreapplications for onshore turbines are beingpassed by local authorities. While this is ahugely positive development, there is roomfor improvement.The country is blessed with a wealth ofnatural resources which must be utilisedto our advantage. In order to convert ourrenewable capability into energy, localand national authorities should lessenthe administrative burden for applicantsto ensure the UK does not miss out on aunique opportunity to change the energylandscape.Tim PittCMS Cameron McKennawww.cms-cmck.comHelpful illustrationThis case is a helpful illustration of thefact that the court, even when faced witha change of position by the Secretary ofState at a late stage of the proceedings,will focus on the merits of the argumentsput to it. Hopefully this will provide somecomfort to anyone faced with a similar setof circumstances in the future.Eversheds’ Will Densham and Kate Pooleadvised RES UK & Ireland Limited in itssuccessful defence.Evershedswww.eversheds.comwww.windenergynetwork.co.uk83

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