WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network

WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network

WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network


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INDUSTRY ARTICLEIndustry Vessel Co-operativeWithin the lastedition the leadarticle highlightedthe importance ofcollaboration in theindustry.With this in mind we featured thework of Offshore Marine Support ingetting together many companiesand organisations to service the windenergy industry by setting up a vesselco-operative.The first event was held in Gt Yarmouthrecently and we now report on theconference – it is also well worth featuringthe progress of the co-operative in futureeditions because of its significance in thewind energy industry.Limited riskThe co-operative market the vessel andsubmit tenders for appropriate jobs, takinga small percentage of the charter rateshould the vessel be successful, thus riskto the owner is minimal. The range ofvessels, and related equipment, availablewithin the co-operative is vast – fromsurvey vessels to jack-up barges.Cost efficientFor the end user, the daily charter ratesare kept to a reasonable level as OMSdo not have the overheads of a largerorganisation.DiversificationThe co-operative has enabled owner/operators of vessels to diversify theirown businesses and work in an industrysector that still displays growth – i.e. manyfishing companies have joined the cooperativeto offer their vessels for guardduties. We have a number of fishermenwho completely endorse the concept ofOffshore <strong>Wind</strong> which has gone a long wayto change the mind-set of those who maypreviously have been against it.Currently, there are offices in Gloucester,Preston and the Isle of Wight andvessels available are at various locationsthroughout the UK and Southern Ireland.About the co-operativeThis co-operative has brought togetherseveral small owner/operators with one ortwo vessels with the aim of presenting amore forceful presence in the RenewablesSector. The co-operative has built upmany senior contacts within the industrywhich enables the smaller operator to gainaccess to people that they may not havebeen able to before by joining the cooperative.There is no charge to join.04www.windenergynetwork.co.uk

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