WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network

WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network
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SPONSORS OF TYNE & TEES FEATURETAG Energy SolutionsThe story continues...TAG Energy Solutions have beenfeatured within our publication for anumber of years now we have beenfollowing their progress with interest.They are one of the leading companiesin the industry who have invested heavilyin the future of offshore wind energy andare already reaping the rewards. Not onlythis but they have been instrumental, withthe assistance of NOF Energy, in settingup the ‘Energi Coast’ group in the NorthEast to ensure the area, as a whole, takescommercial advantages which the industrycan provide.We feature a number of initiatives withinthis extended article on the company, itsmanagement and its progress...Mike Fosterexperienced engineeringprofessional Mike Fosterbecomes tags new ChairmanHe was, until 2011, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of FTSE 250 company, CharterInternational plc where he had been onthe board since 2000, initially as a Non-Executive Director, before becoming CEOin 2006.Mike has been the Chairman of listedcompanies in India and South Africa, andis now active in a range of Non-Executiveroles and industrial early stage companies.A University of Cambridge graduate inEngineering and Electrical Sciences, asolicitor and a Fellow of the Associationof Corporate Treasurers, Mike has anextensive background in engineeringmanagement.After graduating he qualified as a lawyerand worked for GKN plc in law andcorporate finance, before moving toTrafalgar House and Kvaerner wherehe was responsible for the KvaernerEngineering and Construction Division.During his tenure as an executive withCharter International plc, the company’sturnover trebled and the profitabilityincreased more than 500% in the periodup to 2008.Bringing a wealth of experienceAlex Dawson, Chief Executive of TAGEnergy Solutions, said: “Mike brings awealth of operational and board-levelexperience, which will be a huge asset toTAG Energy Solutions. Working with ourboard and the management team, Mikewill support our ambitions to becomea preferred supplier to the offshorerenewables and oil & gas sectors.”Mike Foster said: “I am very pleasedto become Chairman of TAG EnergySolutions. Alex and his team haveestablished innovative engineering andmanufacturing systems that are attractiveto the energy industry and I am lookingforward to being part of the future of thebusiness.“In particular, the offshore renewablessector has the potential to be verysuccessful for companies such asTAG, which offer effective supply chainsolutions. As activities in the sectorgain momentum the opportunities forUK suppliers should grow considerablycreating a positive future for our industry.”Working together with PrinciplePower (Europe) LtdThe company is working alongsideinternational renewable energy technologydeveloper Principle Power (Europe) Ltd,who is developing innovative floatingsupport structures for offshore windturbines.WindFloat System awardPrinciple Power Ltd has been awarded£689,630 from the Department of Energyand Climate Change to advance thedevelopment of its innovative WindFloatSystem for the use in the UK market.TAG Energy Solutions will provideengineering and manufacturing supportfor the project, which will identify andaccelerate the suitability of the UK offshorewind supply chain to construct and deployUK-specific WindFloat

SPONSORS OF TYNE & TEES FEATUREIt primarily produces monopiles, transitionpieces and jacket foundations for offshorewind turbines and has recently beenawarded a contract to deliver 16 x 60metre foundations and transition pieces forE.ON’s Humber Gateway wind farm.Innovative featuresThe innovative features of the WindFloatdampen wave and turbine inducedmotion, enabling wind turbines to be sitedin previously inaccessible locations wherewater depth exceeds 40m and windresources are superior.The project is expected to identify aregion-specific WindFloat design for theUK market, rather than a design whichchanges for individual projects.In addition, the project will develop serialmanufacturing processes which will resultin an industrial construction schemecapable of producing the WindFloatdesign to meet the cost needs of themarket.Teesside-based fabricationfacilityThe engineering and serial manufacturingstudy work will be undertaken at TAGEnergy Solutions’ 170,000sq metreTeesside-based fabrication facility,which utilises state-of-the-art productionprocesses.Alex Dawson said: “Our facilitydemonstrates our desire to be at theleading edge of manufacturing for theoffshore wind industry and we aredelighted to work alongside PrinciplePower (Europe) Ltd on the developmentof its WindFloat innovation.“This project is important as it’s essentialthat the sector maximises opportunitiesto exploit innovation and advances intechnology that can increase the energyharnessed from offshore wind resourcesin deeper waters, in a cost-effectivemanner.”Principle Power’s CEO, Alla Weinsteinsaid: “This DECC funding will allowPrinciple Power to advance the designof the WindFloat specifically for theUK market, with focus on meeting theOffshore Wind Task Force levelised costof energy targets.“The WindFloat’s innovative features allowoffshore wind installations, independent ofwater depth, where the wind is strongerand more consistent. The WindFloateliminates the need for seabed-disturbingfoundation structures and can be sited toavoid conflicts with other marine uses.“The WindFloat offers considerableeconomic advantages becauseit is suitable for serial productionmanufacturing and on-shorecommissioning of the a fully assembledsystem - floating foundation and theturbine.”CONTINUED...>

SPONSORS OF TYNE & TEES FE<strong>AT</strong>UREIt primarily produces monopiles, transitionpieces and jacket foundations for offshorewind turbines and has recently beenawarded a contract to deliver 16 x 60metre foundations and transition pieces forE.ON’s Humber Gateway wind farm.Innovative featuresThe innovative features of the <strong>Wind</strong>Floatdampen wave and turbine inducedmotion, enabling wind turbines to be sitedin previously inaccessible locations wherewater depth exceeds 40m and windresources are superior.The project is expected to identify aregion-specific <strong>Wind</strong>Float design for theUK market, rather than a design whichchanges for individual projects.In addition, the project will develop serialmanufacturing processes which will resultin an industrial construction schemecapable of producing the <strong>Wind</strong>Floatdesign to meet the cost needs of themarket.Teesside-based fabricationfacilityThe engineering and serial manufacturingstudy work will be undertaken at TAG<strong>Energy</strong> Solutions’ 170,000sq metreTeesside-based fabrication facility,which utilises state-of-the-art productionprocesses.Alex Dawson said: “Our facilitydemonstrates our desire to be at theleading edge of manufacturing for theoffshore wind industry and we aredelighted to work alongside PrinciplePower (Europe) Ltd on the developmentof its <strong>Wind</strong>Float innovation.“This project is important as it’s essentialthat the sector maximises opportunitiesto exploit innovation and advances intechnology that can increase the energyharnessed from offshore wind resourcesin deeper waters, in a cost-effectivemanner.”Principle Power’s CEO, Alla Weinsteinsaid: “This DECC funding will allowPrinciple Power to advance the designof the <strong>Wind</strong>Float specifically for theUK market, with focus on meeting theOffshore <strong>Wind</strong> Task Force levelised costof energy targets.“The <strong>Wind</strong>Float’s innovative features allowoffshore wind installations, independent ofwater depth, where the wind is strongerand more consistent. The <strong>Wind</strong>Floateliminates the need for seabed-disturbingfoundation structures and can be sited toavoid conflicts with other marine uses.“The <strong>Wind</strong>Float offers considerableeconomic advantages becauseit is suitable for serial productionmanufacturing and on-shorecommissioning of the a fully assembledsystem - floating foundation and theturbine.”CONTINUED...>

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