WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network

WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network
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SPONSORS OF TYNE & TEES FEATURESMD deliver an HD3 Plough ahead ofschedule to Reef SubseaSoil Machine Dynamics Ltd (SMD),subsea equipment designer andmanufacturer, succeeded in the earlydelivery of an HD3 inter array cableplough to Reef Subsea’s subsidiarycompany, Reef Subsea Power &Umbilical Ltd (RSPU).The vehicle which RSPU have named theirHDIA (Heavy Duty Inter Array) Plough willsoon be mobilised onto the Polar Princesubsea construction vessel.Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind FarmThe HD3 cable plough, which is scheduledto go straight onto the Gwynt y Môr offshorewind farm, is well suited to the simultaneousor post-lay burial of large bend radiusproducts up to 200mm diameter.SpecificationsIt can be towed with up to 150 tonnesin consolidated soils, has on-boardjetting to boost performance in sands,and is equipped with subsea loadingand unloading capabilities. It has anunique feature allowing it to cut a trenchat shallow trench depths (1 to 1.5m)or at deep trench depths (2.4m) withminimal risk to the product compared to aconventional plough.Q1000 jet trencherThe HD3 plough follows the delivery of theQ1000 jet trencher in October 2012. TheQ1000 has now successfully completedsea trials and her maiden scope of work inthe North Sea.HD3 cable ploughPaul Davison, SMD Trenching Manager,said: “We are particularly pleased withthe successful build and delivery ofthis plough. To meet and exceed achallenging schedule is a testament tothe SMD and Reef Subsea project teams.We look forward to supporting the ploughtrials and subsequent operations. Interarray cable burial with the HD plough isan enhancement to previous operationson the Polar Prince with the SMD MD3Plough. Ploughing inter array cables isa step change in process and we lookforward to supporting such innovation tohelp our clients improve assurance andreduce installation time.”Reef Subsea Power & UmbilicalTim Sheehan, Reef Subsea ChiefOperating Officer, said: “These latestacquisitions to Reef Subsea Power &Umbilical positions the Group at thetop of its sector. The new HDIA cableplough, added to the Q1000 TrenchingROV delivered last year, allows us toanswer the needs of our clients in a largerange of soil conditions. Both tools canbe easily mobilised onto any of ReefSubsea’s subsea construction vessels aspart of our integrated subsea services.”Daryl Lynch, Managing Director of ReefSubsea Power & Umbilical, said: “Thelaunch of the new Heavy Duty Inter-Arraycable plough is sure to place Reef SubseaPower & Umbilical as a leader in subseainstallation and trenching sectors. Weare extremely pleased to have securedthe plough work for the next year as itwill play a fundamental role in the Gwynty Môr offshore wind farm, and will thencomplete a workscope in 2014 on theGrane Life of Field project in Norway.With the introduction of the new ploughand the jet trencher, we are well preparedto handle forthcoming wind farm and oil &gas developments in the UK, as well as inEuropean and Nordic waters.”Soil Machine Dynamics to view more info= Click to view videoReef Subsea Power & Umbilicalwww.reefsubsea.comClick to view more

SPONSORS OF TYNE & TEES FEATURE6 figure investmentfor BarrierBarrier Ltd, which is part of the BarrierGroup, has completed a significantnew investment to support thetransference of skills and technologyinto the offshore wind sector.steam that spreads and bonds therubberto Risers and J-Tubes. The vulcanisedrubber protects the componentsfrom corrosion and provides abrasionprotection.Barrier Group was formed in 1975 to carryout painting of structures to be installed aspart of the growing North Sea oil industry.The company has gone on to completemore than 200 major contracts, totallingmillions of square metres of surfaceprotection and has worked for most of theworld’s major oil companies.Further expansionMore recently the company has expandedits operations beyond the oilsector and the group now carriesout passive fire protection, metalspraying, powder coating andsub-sea insulation across theaerospace, marine and offshorerenewable energy sectors.The Wallsend-based company hasexpanded its Coatings Division to be ableto deliver neoprene coatings and rubberclamps for offshore wind towers.InvestmentAs part of a six-figure investment, Barrierhas introduced a 14 metre x 3 metrevulcanising vessel, which enables theprocess of applying rubber to externalRisers and J-Tubes, which are fitted tocollector platform jackets and larger deepwater wind turbines.The steam-driven vessel generatesconsiderable amounts of high-pressureIn addition, Barrier also has the capabilityto apply ribbed rubber to the internal partsof clamps, which are welded onto jacketsor wind turbines to hold the J-Tubes andRisers in place.Proven corrosion protectionprocessThe corrosion protection process usingvulcanised rubber is already used inthe oil & gas market, particularly in theNorwegian market. However, Barrierhas diversified the process to meet therequirements of the offshore wind sector,which has included up-skilling a team offifteen of its engineers.Paul Harriman, Managing Directorof Barrier Ltd, said: “While thisis a relatively new market for us,the principles of delivering highquality engineering solutionsare the same as we have beenapplying for nearly 40 years. Theability to diversify our productsand services is essential asenergy generation opportunitiesemerge and grow.“The offshore wind sector hasseen a lot of transference in its supplychain from the oil & gas sector. This hasbeen due to the technical expertise andextensive experience of companies likeBarrier, which have a proven track recordof successfully meeting the requirementsof contractors and operators.”He added: “We are very pleased with theinvestment we have made as it will openup new opportunities for the business andhelp establish a position in the offshorerenewables supply chain.”Barrier

SPONSORS OF TYNE & TEES FE<strong>AT</strong>URE6 figure investmentfor BarrierBarrier Ltd, which is part of the BarrierGroup, has completed a significantnew investment to support thetransference of skills and technologyinto the offshore wind sector.steam that spreads and bonds therubberto Risers and J-Tubes. The vulcanisedrubber protects the componentsfrom corrosion and provides abrasionprotection.Barrier Group was formed in 1975 to carryout painting of structures to be installed aspart of the growing North Sea oil industry.The company has gone on to completemore than 200 major contracts, totallingmillions of square metres of surfaceprotection and has worked for most of theworld’s major oil companies.Further expansionMore recently the company has expandedits operations beyond the oilsector and the group now carriesout passive fire protection, metalspraying, powder coating andsub-sea insulation across theaerospace, marine and offshorerenewable energy sectors.The Wallsend-based company hasexpanded its Coatings Division to be ableto deliver neoprene coatings and rubberclamps for offshore wind towers.InvestmentAs part of a six-figure investment, Barrierhas introduced a 14 metre x 3 metrevulcanising vessel, which enables theprocess of applying rubber to externalRisers and J-Tubes, which are fitted tocollector platform jackets and larger deepwater wind turbines.The steam-driven vessel generatesconsiderable amounts of high-pressureIn addition, Barrier also has the capabilityto apply ribbed rubber to the internal partsof clamps, which are welded onto jacketsor wind turbines to hold the J-Tubes andRisers in place.Proven corrosion protectionprocessThe corrosion protection process usingvulcanised rubber is already used inthe oil & gas market, particularly in theNorwegian market. However, Barrierhas diversified the process to meet therequirements of the offshore wind sector,which has included up-skilling a team offifteen of its engineers.Paul Harriman, Managing Directorof Barrier Ltd, said: “While thisis a relatively new market for us,the principles of delivering highquality engineering solutionsare the same as we have beenapplying for nearly 40 years. Theability to diversify our productsand services is essential asenergy generation opportunitiesemerge and grow.“The offshore wind sector hasseen a lot of transference in its supplychain from the oil & gas sector. This hasbeen due to the technical expertise andextensive experience of companies likeBarrier, which have a proven track recordof successfully meeting the requirementsof contractors and operators.”He added: “We are very pleased with theinvestment we have made as it will openup new opportunities for the business andhelp establish a position in the offshorerenewables supply chain.”Barrier

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