WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network

WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network WORKING AT HEIGHTS - Wind Energy Network
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specialist surveying featureSpecialist supportto the wind industryAn average day’s work at one ofthe UK’s windfarm sites involves adiverse range of activities including;construction, diving, cable-layingand survey, however, an increasinglycommon addition is bomb disposal,as a result of improved UnexplodedOrdnance (UXO) awareness andincreasing footprints of the windfarmsites. Thus, the need for competentand qualified specialist bomb disposalteams has never been greater.Ensuring competence andexpertiseWhen handled incorrectly, or due to lackof understanding surrounding risk, UXOrelated incidents can result in significantunnecessary costs (£M). Recent incidentshave highlighted the importance ofadequate risk assessment and verificationof the UXO contractor’s capabilities toenable them to undertake this work.Increasingly, some maritime contractorsoffer this as a bolt-on service derivedfrom a scratch team with minimal qualityor safety assurance and track record.This trend has been acknowledged by anumber of larger operators, hence,comprehensive vetting measureshave been introduced to ensuremore extensive levels ofcompetence and expertise.ExperienceAlthough historically a military deliverable,the disposal of UXO items offshore bycommercial companies is now wellproven. Ramora UK have been deliveringsuch services since 2005 and haveundertaken more UXO disposals inthe past three years than their militarycounterparts. The techniques used arefar more technologically based and allowgreater flexibility alongside client costsavings.Additionally, advancements allowfor the removal of personnel from the risk,thereby enhancing the safety profile ofsuch operations.Alongside a team of former Royal NavyClearance Divers, Ramora UK offersclients access to reactive bomb disposalservices, including the Remote ExplosiveOrdnance Disposal System (REODS)which can be deployed against UXOtargets using the majority of ROV’s inservice today.Prioritising riskThe continued success of wind generationprojects alongside exploration intopreviously untouched areas, resultsin further UXO discoveries. The onlyremaining question for operators is howthey prioritise the UXO risk during the earlystages of projects. Historically, those whoinitially invest wisely, and entirely, in a UXOsolution will reap financial reward duringproject progression. Whereas, those whochoose to save early on, by neglectingrisk management, invariably encountersignificantly elevated costs and riskthroughout the project.Ramora

specialist surveying featureSpecialist supportto the wind industryAn average day’s work at one ofthe UK’s windfarm sites involves adiverse range of activities including;construction, diving, cable-layingand survey, however, an increasinglycommon addition is bomb disposal,as a result of improved UnexplodedOrdnance (UXO) awareness andincreasing footprints of the windfarmsites. Thus, the need for competentand qualified specialist bomb disposalteams has never been greater.Ensuring competence andexpertiseWhen handled incorrectly, or due to lackof understanding surrounding risk, UXOrelated incidents can result in significantunnecessary costs (£M). Recent incidentshave highlighted the importance ofadequate risk assessment and verificationof the UXO contractor’s capabilities toenable them to undertake this work.Increasingly, some maritime contractorsoffer this as a bolt-on service derivedfrom a scratch team with minimal qualityor safety assurance and track record.This trend has been acknowledged by anumber of larger operators, hence,comprehensive vetting measureshave been introduced to ensuremore extensive levels ofcompetence and expertise.ExperienceAlthough historically a military deliverable,the disposal of UXO items offshore bycommercial companies is now wellproven. Ramora UK have been deliveringsuch services since 2005 and haveundertaken more UXO disposals inthe past three years than their militarycounterparts. The techniques used arefar more technologically based and allowgreater flexibility alongside client costsavings.Additionally, advancements allowfor the removal of personnel from the risk,thereby enhancing the safety profile ofsuch operations.Alongside a team of former Royal NavyClearance Divers, Ramora UK offersclients access to reactive bomb disposalservices, including the Remote ExplosiveOrdnance Disposal System (REODS)which can be deployed against UXOtargets using the majority of ROV’s inservice today.Prioritising riskThe continued success of wind generationprojects alongside exploration intopreviously untouched areas, resultsin further UXO discoveries. The onlyremaining question for operators is howthey prioritise the UXO risk during the earlystages of projects. Historically, those whoinitially invest wisely, and entirely, in a UXOsolution will reap financial reward duringproject progression. Whereas, those whochoose to save early on, by neglectingrisk management, invariably encountersignificantly elevated costs and riskthroughout the project.Ramora

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