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Layout 1 (Page 1) - Catalina Island Conservancy


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The following is a selection of the <strong>Conservancy</strong>’s conservation, education and recreation achievementswithin the last decade, made possible in large part thanks to generous supporters like you.Fox Recovery Program Launches(2000)<strong>Island</strong> foxes near extinction aspopulation plummets from 1300 to 100due to a distemper outbreak.<strong>Conservancy</strong> launches a programincluding captive breeding,vaccination against distemper,and wild fox monitoring.First Fox Release(2001)Successful captivebreeding programbegins producinghealthy pups andfirst six foxes arereleased into wild.Flora Mapping (2002)A complete native vegetation mapof the <strong>Island</strong> is completedand incorporated into a GeographicInformation System (GIS) to betterinform the future protection andrestoration of native habitats.Bison Study (2003)A 3-year scientific studyconcludes that a herd of150-200 bison can bemanaged to meet social,cultural and economic needsof the <strong>Island</strong> communitywhile minimizingenvironmental impacts.Fox Captive Breeding Ends (2004)Due to its 4-year success, the captive breeding phaseconcludes with the release of 8 additional foxes into the wild;37 pups total were reintroduced thanks to program.The <strong>Catalina</strong> <strong>Island</strong> fox is listed as aFederally Endangered Species.Bison Repatriation (2004)Ninety eight bison are relocated to aLakota tribe in South Dakota to live outthe rest of their lives. This leaves 150 – 200bison on <strong>Catalina</strong> for all to enjoy. (In 2009,another 149 bison were also repatriated.)REGI Interns Established(2003)In honor of former<strong>Conservancy</strong> President andlong-time <strong>Island</strong> resident,Rose Ellen Gardner,an internship fundis created to supportlocal high school studentsto learn aboutcareers in conservationand land management.Launch of CHIRP (2004)<strong>Catalina</strong> Habitat Restoration and ImprovementProgram (CHIRP) is initiated as amulti-year effort to control and eradicateinvasive plants on the <strong>Island</strong>.As of 2010, 38 of the most dangerousinvasive species have been reducedor eradicated, including over 400 acres(all known populations outside of Avalon)of “Flax-leaved broom” or Genista.Rediscovery of<strong>Catalina</strong> Grass (2005)<strong>Conservancy</strong> plant ecologistrediscovers this rarenative grass(Dissanthelium californicum)thought to be extinctfor nearly 100 years.

Debut of Isla Earth (2006)The <strong>Conservancy</strong> launches a radio seriesexploring environmental issues of localand global importance. (As of 2010, thisaward-winning series reaches more than6.5 million people each weekacross 256 radio stations in 48 states.)Eagles Naturally Born (2007)Four bald eaglets hatch without humanintervention for first time in nearly 50 yearson <strong>Conservancy</strong>-stewarded lands.Program’s success grows each year, with9 natural hatchlings in 2010. <strong>Catalina</strong> nowboasts 20-25 bald eagle residents.Opening of Nature Center (2006)Inaugurated on Earth Day, the newNature Center at Avalon Canyonbecomes an educational gatewayto <strong>Island</strong>’s wild interior.Stop the Spread (2008)Serving up to 70,000 youth annually,this partnership educates all on how toprotect their individual coves againstthe spread of invasive plants. (As of 2010,7 channel-side coves are participating inthis important restoration program.)Post Fire Success (2008)The installation of 8 miles of fencingprotects more than 400 acresof most sensitive plant habitats fromnon-native mule deer browsing,allowing beautiful native andrare plant communities to recover.Launch of Given Fundfor Ocean Conservation (2007)In honor of lifetime <strong>Conservancy</strong>Benefactor, Robert R. Given, Ph.D.,this fund was created to supportoutreach and research activitiesrelated to the ocean.Rediscovery of Rare Plants(2007)After the May 2007 fire,<strong>Island</strong> rush rose(Helianthemum greeni)was found in 18 places on the<strong>Island</strong> where it had never beenmapped before. Ocean spray(Holodiscus discolor) blossomedfrom 1 known location pre-fire,to 5 healthy populations post-fire.Opening ofTrans-<strong>Catalina</strong> Trail (2009)Annually, more than 9,000 hikersnow enjoy segments of the37.2-mile continuous trail acrossthe <strong>Island</strong>’s wildlands fromits east to west tips.Endemic Species Count Grows (2010)To date, more than 50 endemic species foundon <strong>Catalina</strong> and nowhere else in the worldhave been recorded. The <strong>Island</strong> is partof one of the world’s 34 Biodiversity Hotspotsdefined by Conservation International.Airport in the Sky’s50 th Anniversary (2009)More than 150 planesand 400 peoplecelebrate at the Airportwith a BBQ,aircraft displays,fly-overs and more.Fox Count Estimated at 1,000 (2010)Recovering from a population of just100 foxes in 2000, this 10-year milestonerepresents one of the fastest recoveriesof an Endangered Species on record.Imagine <strong>Catalina</strong> (2010)Architect selected to assistthe <strong>Conservancy</strong> in planningthe next phase of itsstewardship of <strong>Catalina</strong> <strong>Island</strong>.Bison Contraception (2009)A scientific first to better managethe free-roaming bison herd, yearly“inoculations” of non-hormonalPorcine Zona Pellucida (PZP),a contraceptive, are initiated andadministered to all female bisonof more than two years old.The <strong>Conservancy</strong> looks forward to another decade of extraordinary milestones with your help.www.catalinaconservancy.org

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