1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual

1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual 1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual

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Tire ChainsNOTICE:Use tire chains only where legal and only whenyou must. Use only SAE Class “S” type chainsthat are the proper size for your tires. Installthem on the front tires and tighten them astightly as possible with the ends securelyfastened. Drive slowly and follow the chainmanufacturer’s instructions. If you can hear thechains contacting your vehicle, stop and retightenthem. If the contact continues, slow down until itstops. Driving too fast or spinning the wheelswith chains on will damage your vehicle.Appearance CareRemember, cleaning products can be hazardous. Someare toxic. Others can burst into flame if you strike amatch or get them on a hot part of the vehicle. Some aredangerous if you breathe their fumes in a closed space.When you use anything from a container to clean yourvehicle, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s warningsand instructions. And always open your doors orwindows when you’re cleaning the inside.Never use these to clean your vehicle:GasolineBenzeneNaphthaCarbon Tetrachloride0 Acetone0 Paint Thinner0 Turpentine0 Lacquer Thinner0 Nail Polish RemoverThey can all be hazardous -- some more thanothers -- and they can all damage your vehicle, too.Don’t use any of these unless this manual~says you can.In many uses, these will damage your vehicle:0 AlcoholLaundry SoapBleachReducing Agents6-47

Cleaning the Inside of Your VehicleUse a vacuum cleaner often get to rid of dust and loosedirt. Wipe vinyl or leather with a clean, damp cloth.Your dealer has two cleaners, Multi-Purpose InteriorCleaner and Capture Non-Solvent Dry Spot and SoilRemover. They will clean normal spots and stains verywell. You can get GM-approved cleaning products fromyour dealer. (See “Appearance Care and Materials” inthe Index.)Here are some cleaning tips:Always read the instructions on the cleaner label.Clean up stains as soon as you can -- before they set.Carefully scrape off any excess stain.Use a clean cloth or sponge, and change to aclean area often. A soft brush may be used ifstains are stubborn.If a ring forms after spot cleaning, clean the entirearea immediately or it will set.Using Multi-Purpose Interior Cleaneron Fabric1. Vacuum and brush the area to remove any loose dirt.2. Always clean a whole trim panel or section. Masksurrounding trim along stitch or welt lines.3. Mix powdered cleaner following the directions onthe container label to form thick suds.4. Use suds only and apply with a clean sponge. Don’tsaturate the material and don’t rub it roughly.5. As soon as you’ve cleaned the section, use a spongeto remove the suds.6. Wipe cleaned area with a clean, damp towel or cloth.7. Wipe with a clean cloth and let dry.6-48

Cleaning the Inside of Your VehicleUse a vacuum cleaner often get to rid of dust and loosedirt. Wipe vinyl or leather with a clean, damp cloth.Your dealer has two cleaners, Multi-Purpose InteriorCleaner and Capture Non-Solvent Dry Spot and SoilRemover. They will clean normal spots and stains verywell. You can get GM-approved cleaning products fromyour dealer. (See “Appearance Care and Materials” inthe Index.)Here are some cleaning tips:Always read the instructions on the cleaner label.Clean up stains as soon as you can -- before they set.Carefully scrape off any excess stain.Use a clean cloth or sponge, and change to aclean area often. A soft brush may be used ifstains are stubborn.If a ring forms after spot cleaning, clean the entirearea immediately or it will set.Using Multi-Purpose Interior Cleaneron Fabric1. Vacuum and brush the area to remove any loose dirt.2. Always clean a whole trim panel or section. Masksurrounding trim along stitch or welt lines.3. Mix powdered cleaner following the directions onthe container label to form thick suds.4. Use suds only and apply with a clean sponge. Don’tsaturate the material and don’t rub it roughly.5. As soon as you’ve cleaned the section, use a spongeto remove the suds.6. Wipe cleaned area with a clean, damp towel or cloth.7. Wipe with a clean cloth and let dry.6-48

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