1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual

1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual 1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual

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If none of them is true, use the long triphighwaymaintenance schedule. Change the oil and filter every7,500 miles (12 500 km) or 12 months -- whicheveroccurs first. Driving a vehicle with a fully warmedengine under highway conditions causes engine oil tobreak down slower.What to Do with Used OilDid you know that used engine oil contains certainelements that may be unhealthy for your skin and couldeven cause cancer? Don’t let used oil stay on your skinfor very long. Clean your skin and nails with soap andwater, or a good hand cleaner. Wash or properly throwaway clothing or rags containing used engine oil. (Seethe manufacturer’s warnings about the use and disposalof oil products.)Used oil can be real a threat to the environment. If youchange your own oil, be sure to drain all free-flowing oilfrom the filter before disposal. Don’t ever dispose of oilby putting it in the trash, pouring it on the ground, intosewers, or into streams or bodies of water. Instead,recycle it by taking it to a place that collects used oil. Ifyou have a problem properly disposing of your used oil,ask your dealer, a service station or a local recyclingcenter for help.Air CleanerAs you face the front of the vehicle, the air cleaner is inthe front right section of the engine compartment. Thereis a filter inside the air cleaner.6-15

Remove the air cleaner assembly as follows:1. Remove the air duct clamp and separate the hosefrom the air cleaner cover. Rotate the hose on thethrottle body upward so it is out of the way.2. Detach the electrical connector and remove the aircleaner cover by flipping the two latches on thebottom inboard side of the cover.3. Tilt and pull the cover toward the engine todisengage it from the assembly.4. Remove the old filter and install the new one.5. Reinstall the air cleaner cover by sliding the tabs intothe base of the air cleaner and locking the twolatches. Reinstall the electrical connector.6. Rotate the inlet duct into position and slide it ontothe air cleaner outlet, then tighten the clamp.Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine when toreplace the air filter.See “Scheduled Maintenance Services” in the Index.Operating the engine with the a11 cleaner oi :ancause you or others to be burned. The air cleanernot only cleans the air, it stops flame if the enginebackfkes. If it isn’t there, and the enginebackfires, you could be burned. Don’t drive withit off, and be careful working on engine the withthe air cleaner off.NOTICE:If the air cleaner is off, a backfire can cause adamaging engine fire. And, dirt can easily getinto your engine, which will damage it. Alwayshave the air cleaner in place when you’re driving.6-16

If none of them is true, use the long triphighwaymaintenance schedule. Change the oil and filter every7,500 miles (12 500 km) or 12 months -- whicheveroccurs first. Driving a vehicle with a fully warmedengine under highway conditions causes engine oil tobreak down slower.What to Do with Used OilDid you know that used engine oil contains certainelements that may be unhealthy for your skin and couldeven cause cancer? Don’t let used oil stay on your skinfor very long. Clean your skin and nails with soap andwater, or a good hand cleaner. Wash or properly throwaway clothing or rags containing used engine oil. (Seethe manufacturer’s warnings about the use and disposalof oil products.)Used oil can be real a threat to the environment. If youchange your own oil, be sure to drain all free-flowing oilfrom the filter before disposal. Don’t ever dispose of oilby putting it in the trash, pouring it on the ground, intosewers, or into streams or bodies of water. Instead,recycle it by taking it to a place that collects used oil. Ifyou have a problem properly disposing of your used oil,ask your dealer, a service station or a local recyclingcenter for help.Air CleanerAs you face the front of the vehicle, the air cleaner is inthe front right section of the engine compartment. Thereis a filter inside the air cleaner.6-15

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