1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual

1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual 1998 Buick Riviera Owner's Manual

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The compact spare is for temporary use only. Replacethe compact spare tire with a full size tire as soon as youcan. See “Compact Spare Tire” in the Index. See thestorage instructions label to replace your compact spareinto your trunk properly.SPARE TIRE COVERICompact SDT --- TireAlthough the compact SI e tire was fully inflated whenyour vehicle was new, it can lose air after a time. Checkthe inflation pressure regularly. It should be 60 psi(420 kPa) .After installing the compact spare on your vehicle, youshould stop as soon as possible and make sure yourspare tire is correctly inflated. The compact spare ismade to perform well at speeds up 65 to mph(105 km/h) for distances up to 3,000 miles (5 000 km),so you can finish your trip and have your full-size tirerepaired or replaced where you want. Of course, it’s bestto replace your spare with full-size a tire as soon as youcan. Your spare will last longer and be in good shape icase you need it again.NOTICE:When the compact spare is installed, don’t takeyour vehicle through an automatic car wash withguide rails. The compact spare can get caught onthe rails. That can damage the tire and wheel,and maybe other parts of your vehicle.5-31

Don’t use your compact spare on other vehicles.And don’t mix your compact spare tire or wheel withother wheels or tires. They won’t fit. Keep your sparetire and its wheel together.NOTICE:Tire chains won’t fit your compact spare. Usingthem can damage your vehicle and can damagethe chains too. Don’t use tire chains on yourcompact spare.If You’re Stuck: In Sand, Mud,Ice or SnowWhat you don’t want to do when your vehicle is stuck isto spin your wheels too fast. The method known as“rocking” can help you get out when you’re stuck, butyou must use caution.I A CAUTION:IIf you let your tires spin at high speed, they canexplode, and you or others could be injured. And,the transaxle or other parts of the vehicle canoverheat. That could cause an enginecompartment fire or other damage. When you’restuck, spin the wheels as little as possible. Don’tspin the wheels above 35 mph (55 km/h) as shownon the speedometer.I5-32

The compact spare is for temporary use only. Replacethe compact spare tire with a full size tire as soon as youcan. See “Compact Spare Tire” in the Index. See thestorage instructions label to replace your compact spareinto your trunk properly.SPARE TIRE COVERICompact SDT --- TireAlthough the compact SI e tire was fully inflated whenyour vehicle was new, it can lose air after a time. Checkthe inflation pressure regularly. It should be 60 psi(420 kPa) .After installing the compact spare on your vehicle, youshould stop as soon as possible and make sure yourspare tire is correctly inflated. The compact spare ismade to perform well at speeds up 65 to mph(105 km/h) for distances up to 3,000 miles (5 000 km),so you can finish your trip and have your full-size tirerepaired or replaced where you want. Of course, it’s bestto replace your spare with full-size a tire as soon as youcan. Your spare will last longer and be in good shape icase you need it again.NOTICE:When the compact spare is installed, don’t takeyour vehicle through an automatic car wash withguide rails. The compact spare can get caught onthe rails. That can damage the tire and wheel,and maybe other parts of your vehicle.5-31

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