Practice Note No. 15 - Water Safety - Division of Local Government ...

Practice Note No. 15 - Water Safety - Division of Local Government ...

Practice Note No. 15 - Water Safety - Division of Local Government ...


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APPENDIX 1REGULATORY ACTIVITIESPower to erect and enforce notices to control activities in a public placeUnder the <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Government</strong> Act 1993, a council may erect notices controlling certain activities in publicplaces, including public beaches and public land near beaches. These activities include:ØØØØØØthe consumption <strong>of</strong> alcohol (s632)controlling animals (s632)the use <strong>of</strong> water-based recreational equipment, including surboards, windsurfers and jet skis (s633)the conduct and costume <strong>of</strong> people on the beach (s633)using the beach for nude bathing (s633)the use <strong>of</strong> skateboards, roller blades and roller skates (s633A)Failure to comply with a notice is an <strong>of</strong>fence, subject to a maximum penalty <strong>of</strong> 5 penalty units (i.e. $550).Councils may delegate the authority to erect water safety signs to members <strong>of</strong> water safety organisations.Any person, including water safety personnel who are not employees <strong>of</strong> the council, may request thatpeople obey any notices erected by the council. However, if any person refuses that request, only anappropriately authorised council employee can enforce compliance. Police help may be sought if the councilemployee is not available.Only authorised council employees, or the police, may take action to prosecute persons who do not complywith a notice <strong>of</strong> the council. However, other water safety personnel may provide evidence in their capacityas witnesses to an alleged <strong>of</strong>fence.Confiscation <strong>of</strong> water-based recreational equipmentConfiscation <strong>of</strong> water-based recreational equipment is a unique situation in that this power may be exercisedby a member <strong>of</strong> a surf life saving organisation who has been appropriately authorised by the council.Under section 681A <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Government</strong> Act, the power to confiscate water-based recreational equipmentmay be exercised by:ØØØan employee <strong>of</strong> the council authorised by the council in writing to carry out this functiona police <strong>of</strong>ficera member <strong>of</strong> a surf life saving organisation who is authorised by the council in writing to carry out thisfunctionIf water-based recreational equipment is being used in contravention <strong>of</strong> notices erected by the council undersection 633 <strong>of</strong> the Act, an authorised person can give a warning that the misuse must stop. If the misusecontinues the authorised person may confiscate the equipment, but may not use force to do so.<strong>Practice</strong> <strong><strong>No</strong>te</strong> <strong>15</strong>: <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Safety</strong>17

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