Ugovor o studiranju - Panevropski univerzitet Apeiron

Ugovor o studiranju - Panevropski univerzitet Apeiron

Ugovor o studiranju - Panevropski univerzitet Apeiron


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Na osnovu člana 102 Zakona o visokom obrazovanju RepublikeSrpske (Službeni glasnik Republike Srpske br. 73/10) i člana 29Statuta Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a ugovorne strane zaključujuUGOVOR O STUDIRANJUu školskoj 2014/2015. godinibr.zaključen dana__.__.2014. godine u Banjaluci između:1. Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a "APEIRON" sasjedištem u Banjoj Luci Pere Krece 13, kaovisokoškolske ustanove koja pruža obrazovneusluge, sa jedne strane (u daljem tekstu"<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong>") i2. prebivalištena adresiPursuant to Article 102 of the Law on High Education of the Republic ofSrpska (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, No. 73/10 and theArticle 29 of the Pan European University Statute, the following Contractis concluded, by contracting parties:STUDY AGREEMENTin the academic year of 2014/2015No.The contract is concluded on __.__.2014. in Banja Lukabetween:1. Pan-European university "APEIRON" seated inBanja Luka, Pere Krece 13, as the highereducation institution that provides educationalservices, on one side (in further text "Pan-European University") and2. resident inon addressupisan 2014/15. god. na studijskom programukao studenta koji preuzima obrazovne usluge ucilju sticanja odgovarajuće diplome i zvanja ( udaljem tekstu "student")Predmet ugovoraČlan 1Ovim <strong>Ugovor</strong>om uređuju se prava i obaveze izmeđuPanevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a i studenta u cilju obezbjeđenjakvaliteta studija i pruženih obrazovnih usluga u skladu sanormama i standardima kvaliteta propisanim od strane nadležnogministarstva i Pravilnikom o kvalitetu Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a,koje će u konačnom ishodu omogućiti preuzimanje kritične maseznanja, vještina i razvoj sposobnosti studenata za postizanjeodgovarajućih stručnih i naučnih kompetencija, te sticanjeodgovarajuće diplome i zvanja od strane studenta.Osnovni principiČlan 2Studenti Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a uživaju slobodu govora,organizovanja u studentske i druge asocijacije i sloboduokupljanja što može biti ograničeno samo zakonom i što uključujei pravo studenata da kritički razmatraju, ispituju i testirajuprimljena znanja, da nude nove ideje i kontraverzna mišljenja a dase time ne izlažu opasnosti od gubitka svog statusa, ili gubitkadrugih privilegija koje uživaju u okviru Univerziteta.Član 3Student Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a neće biti diskriminisan upogledu opštih i specijalnih ljudskih prava a posebno po osnovurase, vjeroispovjesti, nacionalnog ili etničkog porjekla, životnedobi (nakon punoljetstva), pola, seksualne orjentacije, bračnog iliroditeljskog statusa, invalidnosti ili bilo kojeg fizičkog hendikepa,civilnog statusa i državljanstva, izvora prihoda, te materijalnogenrolled in the school year of 2014/15. in the followingdepartmentas the student who is receiving education services togain specific diploma and academic title (in further text"Student")Subject of the AgreementArticle 1By this contract rights and obligations between the Pan-European University and students are regulated in order to ensurethe quality of studies and educational services, rendered inaccordance with the standards of quality, prescribed under theauthority of the Ministry and the Pan-European UniversityRulebook on quality evaluation and assurance. This, in its finaloutcome, will provide student the critical mass of knowledge,skills and development of student's ability to achieve particularprofessional and scientific competitions, as well as acquiringparticular diploma and profession.Basic PrinciplesArticle 2The students of the Pan-European University enjoy thefreedom of speech, organisation of student's and otherassociations as well as the right to hold public meetings whichmight only be limited by the Law. They are also entitled tocritically discuss, question and test given knowledge, to offer newideas and controversial opinions by which they would not exposethemselves to the risk of forfeiting their status or other privilegesthat they enjoy at the University.Article 3Student at the Pan-European University will not bediscriminated against any of these particular human rights,specially in regard of race, religion, national or ethnicalbackground, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or parentalstatus, disability or any other physical handicap, civil status and

"APEIRON"statusa, a posebno prava na upis na Univerzitet, prava naprodužetak studija i prava na obrazovanje, uslova studiranja iocjenjivanja postignuća studenta, pristupa slobodnim resursimaUniverziteta, tretmana i angažovanja na Univerzitetu odn.mogućnosti zaposlenja na Univerzitetu.Član 4Nastava na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u za sve vidove studijaizvodi se na srpskom ili hrvatskom ili bosanskom jeziku i/ili najednom od svjetskih jezika (engleski, njemački, ruski, francuski).Studenti mogu polagati ispite na jednom od jezika konstitutivnihnaroda, po vlastitom izboru. Na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u su uravnopravnoj upotrebi ćirilično i latinično pismo.Status studentaČlan 5Status studenta stiče se upisom na odgovarajući studijskiprogram Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a. Ostvarivanje prava i obavezastudenta u nastavnom procesu prati se u okviru semestra. Studentje upisan na redovne / vanredne studije (nepotrebno precrtati).Član 6Da bi student upisao narednu godinu studija mora ispuniti sveobaveze iz nastavnog plana i programa predviđene za tekućuškolsku godinu. Student koji ne ispuni navedene obaveze ponovoupisuje tekuću godinu studija, te ponovno plaća troškoveškolarine u skladu sa Pravilima o visini naknade za studiranje icijeni usluga na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u.Član 7Student može tokom školske godine da pređe sa drugevisokoškolske ustanove i da se upiše na Panevropskom<strong>univerzitet</strong>u. Studentu koji u toku godine prelazi sa drugevisokoškolske ustanove, ili studentu koji ima položenih ispita uprethodnom školovanju, priznaju se položeni ispiti odlukomdekana Fakulteta na kojem je upisan, a na osnovu prijedlogaKomisije za priznavanje ispita u skladu sa članom 37 Statuta<strong>univerzitet</strong>a. Student je dužan da u daljem školovanju naUniverzitetu položi svu razliku ispita i da stekne broj kreditbodovapredviđen za upis u naredne godine studija u skladu saodredbama Statuta Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Član 8Student koji posjeduje diplomu iz prethodnog školovanjamože da upiše odgovarajuću godinu studija na Panevropskom<strong>univerzitet</strong>u zavisno od matičnosti prethodnog školovanja a uskladu sa članom 39 Statuta <strong>univerzitet</strong>a. Odlukom dekana,studentu se može odrediti diferencijalni program kojim seupotpunjava njegovo prethodno školovanje i omogućava nastavakškolovanja.Član 9U toku školovanja student može preći sa jednog na drugismjer/studijski program unutar Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Student je dužan da položi sve predmete studijskog jezgra smjerana koji prelazi, a koje nema položene u okviru svoje prethodnestudijske grupe.Član 10Student ima pravo da provede određeno vrijeme (semestar ilistudijsku godinu) na drugoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi u zemlji ili uinostranstuvu posredstvom programa za razmjenu studenata, ili nabazi bilaterarnih ugovora između visokoškolskih ustanova.U skladu sa bilaterarnim ugovorom studentu se priznaje ostvarenibroj bodova sa visokoškolske ustanove na kojoj je boravio.Status studenta prestaje:Član 11a) završetkom studijskog programa i dobijanjem stepena zakoji se student školuje;citizenship, income status as well as financial status, especiallythe rights to enrol to the University, right to extend studies andthe right of education, conditions of studying and evaluating ofstudent's achievements, access to free resources at the University,treatments for engagement at the University, in other words,possibility of the employment at the University.Article 4Lecturing at the Pan-European University is organized inSerbian, Croatian or Bosnian language and/or in major languages,such as English, French, German, Russian, for all types of studies.Students are allowed to take the exams in any language of threeconstitutional nationalities, as a personal choice. Both, Cyrillicand Latin writing are equally used.Student StatusArticle 5Fulltime student status is acquired through the enrolment atappropriate studying program, of the Pan-European University.Recognition of rights and obligations of students in the lecturingprocess is monitored during the semester. Student is enrolled onregular full-time / part-time studies (strikethrough the option thatis not valid).Article 6To be able to enrol the subsequent year of studies, student hasto fulfil all of the obligations from syllabus anticipated for thecurrent academic year. Student who does not fulfil theseobligations has to enrol the uncompleted academic year again andpay the expenses of tuition fee in accordance with the Rules ontuition fees and prices of services on Pan-European University.Article 7Student is, during the academic year, allowed to transfer fromother Universities/Faculties to the Pan-European University.Student who decides to transfer from the other University orstudent who has successfully completed a certain number ofcourses from the other Institutions will have his/her completedcourses verified by the Dean of the enrolled Faculty in agreementwith the suggestion from the Commission for verification ofcourses and in accordance with the Article 37 of the Statute of theUniversity. During his/her further studies, student is obliged tocomplete the differences in the courses in order to obtainnecessary number of prerequisites for the following year, inaccordance with the Pan-European University Statute.Article 8Student, who attained the diploma from the previousstudying, is eligible to enrol corresponding year of studying at thePan-European University depending on the core study area ofprevious education and in accordance with the Article 39 of thePan-European University Statute. With the Dean's decision,student can be allocated differential syllabus in addition to theregular study syllabus, in order to fulfil his previous educationand continue his/her studies.Article 9During studies, student is allowed to transfer from one toanother studying program/department at the Pan-EuropeanUniversity. Student is obliged to pass all of the compulsorycourses of the chosen department, which he/she did not pass inthe scope of his/her previous department.Article 10Student is entitled to spend some time (semester or academicyear) at other Faculty/University in the country or abroad throughstudents exchange program or based on Learning Agreementbetween Universities. In accordance with Learning Agreement,student will be verified the credit number achieved during his/herstudies at the other Institution.Student status is terminated:Article 11a. by the completion of the studying program andaccomplishing of the corresponding study level for which. 2

"APEIRON"b) ispisom iz visokoškolske ustanove prije završetka studija;c) kada student ne upiše narednu godinu studija ili ne obnoviupis u istu godinu studija, a ne miruju mu prava i obavezestudenta;d) izricanjem disciplinske mjere od strane disciplinskogorgana Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.e) status redovnog studenta prestaje kada redovni studentdva puta obnovi istu studijsku godinu i ne stekne usloveza upis u višu godinu studija.Obaveze Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>aČlan 12<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> se obavezuje da će u školskoj2014/15. godini obezbijediti planirani nastavno-obrazovni processa svim planiranim predmetnim jedinicama, nastavnim modulimai planiranim oblicima pedagoškog i nastavnog rada u skladu sačlanovima 35. i 36. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju RepublikeSrpske i Nastavnim planom studijskog programa kojeg je studentupisao i koji je usvojen na Senatu Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a zaškolsku 2014/15. godinu.Član 13<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> zadržava pravo da u vremenskomrasporedu planiranih aktivnosti može da izvrši manje promjenezbog prilagođenja tekućoj raspoloživosti nastavnog osoblja.Studenti će biti blagovremeno informisani o svakoj promjenirasporeda.Tekuće promjene i prilagođenja rasporeda nastavnihaktivnosti neće mijenjati strukturu nastavnog plana u odnosu nasastav nastavnih predmeta, već mogu da mijenjaju vremenskiraspored nastavnih jedinica. Tekuća prilagođenja rasporeda nećemijenjati kvantitativne parametre različitih nastavnih aktivnosti uokvirima pojedinih predmeta za više od 30 %.Tekuće promjene rasporeda neće promijeniti ukupanoplanirano godišnje opterečenje studenata i planirani iznos od 60ECTS za školsku godinu.Član 14U zavisnosti od vrste srednje škole, te nastavnog plana iprograma koji je realizovan u srednjoj školi koju je završio,student može imati različit raspored obaveznih predmeta u prvomi drugom semestru. Odluku o rasporedu obaveznih predmeta uzavisnosti od prethodnog obrazovanja donosi Rektor Univerziteta.Član 15Student može da postavi posebne dodatne zahtjeve u smislusticanja obrazovanja. U tom slučaju student se pisanimpodneskom obraća Senatu Univerziteta, a zahtjev studentaodobrava Rektor Univerziteta.Član 16<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> se obavezuje da će za izvođenjeobrazovnog procesa obezbijediti potrebnu opremu i učila, teračunarska i informaciono-komunikacionu sredstva, kao ipotrebnu literaturu u skladu sa propisanim standardima kvaliteta.Član 17<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> će planirane nastavne i praktičneaktivnosti vršiti u sjedištu Univerziteta i van sjedišta Univerzitetau skladu sa licencama Ministarstva prosvjete i kulture RepublikeSrpske i nastavnim planovima i programima, odnosnoemitovanjem iz sjedišta u sistemu obrazovanja na daljinu.Za praktičnu nastavu i za predmete čiji karakter to zahtjeva,nastava će se vršiti u prostorima van sjedišta Univerziteta.he/she is studying for.b. by the withdraw from the University prior to thecompletion of the studies;c. by the failure of the student to enrol for the subsequentsemester or to renew the enrolment for the current semesterwhile his/her rights and liabilities are not adjourning.d. by the disciplinary action pronounced by the disciplinaryauthority of the Pan-European University.e. fulltime student status is terminated when fulltime studentrenews the same academic year two times withoutcompleting the prerequisites for the enrolling of thesubsequent academic year.Obligations of the Pan-European UniversityArticle 12The Pan-European University is obliged to ensure, in theacademic year of 2014/2015, planned lecturing process on allplanned course units, lecturing modules and forms of pedagogicaland lecturing work, in accordance with the Articles 35 and 36 ofthe Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska and theSyllabus of the department where student is enrolled, and whichhas been accepted by Pan-European University Senate for theacademic year of 2014/2015.Article 13The Pan-European University reserves the right to performminor changes in the schedule of planned actions, due toadjustment of availability of teaching stuff. Student will bepromptly informed about every change in the schedule.Existing changes as well as the adjustment of the schedule oflecturing activities will not affect the structure of syllabus inregard to content of the courses, although they can modify theschedule of lecturing units. Existing adjustments of the schedulewill not modify quantitative parameters of different lecturingactivities, in the scope of some courses, for more than 30 %.Present changes of schedule will not modify annual plannedstudent's obligations and planned ECTS credits in amount of 60per academic year.Article 14In dependence on high school type as well as syllabus whichhas been completed in the high school student has finished, he/shemight have different schedule of compulsory courses during thefirst and second semesters. The decision on compulsory coursesschedule, in dependence on previous education, will be made bythe Rector of the University.Article 15Student is allowed to set particular additional requests relatedto his/her educational needs and expectations. In this case studentmust address the Pan-European University Senate with the writtenrequest. Student's request is permitted by the Rector of theUniversity.Article 16The Pan-European University is obliged to provide necessaryequipment and teaching aid needed for performing of thelecturing processes, as well as computer and informational -communicational resources and required literature in accordancewith legal quality standards.Article 17The Pan-European University will provide planned lecturingand practical activities in main campus of the University andother premises in accordance with licenses issued by the Ministryof Education and Culture Republic of Srpska and provisions ofthe University Curriculum and Syllabus, and by the emission andbroadcasting from the University seat for the Distance Learning.For practical and clinical exercises and courses with specialdemanding, lectures will be held in the spaces outside the main. 3

"APEIRON"Prostor u kojem se obavljaju nastavne aktivnosti ćezadovoljavati propisane uslove i standarde.Prava i obaveze studentaČlan 18Student ima pravo da koristi sve prostore sistemaPanevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a namjenjene za specifične vrste rada iaktivnosti studenata, i da učestvuju u svim vidovima nastavnih,van-nastavnih, izbornih, fakultativnih i slobodnih aktivnosti.Student ima pravo da učestvuje u naučno-istraživačkom radu ina stručnim projektima Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a. Usloviuključivanja studenata u istraživačkim i stručnim projektimaregulisani su posebnim aktom Senata.Student ima pravo da ostvaruje studij i da preuzme specifičnuedukativnu uslugu uključujući i pristup ispitnim aktivnostima usvim organizacionim jedinicama za ostvarivanje obrazovnih idrugih edukativnih djelatnosti Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a ukojima se takve aktivnosti organizuju, bez obzira na mjesto ukojem je obavio neposredni upis na Univerzitetu (fakulteti i/ilistudijski programi, instituti, katedre, odjeljenja-filijale i strukovneakademije).Student ima pravo da učestvuje u radu funkcionalnih jedinicaUniverziteta (biblioteka, laboratorija za informacionokomunikacionetehnologije i učenje na daljinu, centar zaizdavačku djelatnost, business inkubacioni centar, business klub,centar za vođenje karijere, centar za odnose sa javnošćuUniverziteta, sportski centar Univerziteta), u skladu saPoslovnicima i pravilima o radu tih organizacionih jedinica.Član 19Student ima pravo da Senatu Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>apodnese prigovore i prijedloge koji se odnose na kvalitetnastavnog procesa, na organizaciju i način izvođenja nastave, tena povredu bilo kojih specifičnih i opštih prava koja proizilaze iznjihovog statusa.Senat <strong>univerzitet</strong>a dužan je da razmotri prigovore, odnosnoprijedloge iz stava 1. ovog člana i pismeno obavjesti podnosiocaprigovora o svom stavu u roku koji ne može biti duži od 30 dana.Član 20Student može podnijeti prigovor odn. podnesak neposrednodekanu Fakulteta u okviru kojeg je upisan na <strong>Panevropski</strong><strong>univerzitet</strong>:‣ na ocjenu dobijenu na ispitu ako smatra da ispit nijeobavljen u skladu sa Zakonom i Statutom <strong>univerzitet</strong>a;‣ na akt kojim mu nije dozvoljen upis u narednu godinustudija, ako smatra da isti nije donijet u skladu sa Zakonomi Statutom <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.‣ zahtjev za mirovanje prava i obaveza u slučaju teže bolesti,upućivanja na stručnu praksu, njege djeteta do godinu dana,održavanja trudnoće i u drugim slučajevima u kojima seocjeni opravdanost.Dekan donosi rješenje po prigovoru studenta u roku od petdana od dana prijema prigovora odn. donosi rješenje o podneskuu roku od 10 dana od dana prijema podneska.Univerzitet odnosno organizacione jedinice Univerzitetapostupaju po Zakonu o upravnom postupku kada rješavaju opojedinačnim pravima i obavezama studenata.Član 21Student odgovara za povredu obaveze u skladu saPravilnikom o disciplinskoj odgovornosti studenata kojim sepružaju pravični i nepristrasni mehanizmi rješavanja disciplinskihpitanja, definišu lakše i teže povrede obaveza studenata,disciplinski organi i propisuje disciplinski postupak.Za lakše povrede obaveza studenata izriče se disciplinskaUniversity campus.The space, where the lectures will take place, fulfils legalconditions and standards.Students Rights & ObligationsArticle 18Student is entitled to use all premises and spaces of the Pan-European University system, which are intended for specific typesof work and student's activities, as well as to participate in alltypes of lecturing, extracurricular, optional, and open activities.Student is entitled to participate in scientific and researchwork as well as professional projects of the Pan-EuropeanUniversity. The conditions for participation of students inresearch and professional projects are regulated by particularSenate Act.Student is entitled to study and to have a benefit of a specificeducational service, including the access to evaluation and examprocesses in all organizational units for accomplishingeducational and other activities of the Pan-European Universitywhere these activities are organized, disregarding the place whereenrolment to the Pan-European University took place (faculties,departments, institutes, sections, professional academies).Student is entitled to participate in the work of functionalunits of the university (Library, Laboratory for informational -communicational technologies and distance learning, Centre forpublishing, Business incubator centre, Business club, Careerbuilding centre, PR centre of the University, Sports centre of theUniversity) in accordance with the Rule Books of thoseorganizational units.Article 19Student is entitled to raise an objection and to make proposalon the quality of the lecturing, organization and the way ofperforming the educational process, to the Pan-EuropeanUniversity Senate, as well as to object on violation of anyparticular and general rights which originate from their status.Senate of the University is obliged to consider objections /proposals from the previous paragraph of this article and toinform the submitter of the objection / proposal about its positionin a period not longer than 30 days.Article 20Student is able to raise an objection of request directly to theDean of the Faculty where the student is enrolled:‣ on the grade he/she was given at the exam if he/sheconsiders that the exam was not completed inaccordance with the Law and the Statute of theUniversity;‣ on the document which prevents him/her to enrol thesubsequent year of studies, if he/she believes that it hasnot been made in accordance with the Law and theStatute of the University;‣ on the request for adjournment of the rights andobligations in the case of serious illness, performing ofprofessional practice, infant care, pregnancy, and anyother cases which are found justified.The Dean will make a decision on student's objection in aperiod of five days since the day of receiving the objection, or in aperiod of 10 days since the day of receiving the request.University or the organizational units of the University willact in accordance with the Law on administrative procedure,when deciding on individual rights and liabilities of the student.Article 21Student is responsible for the violation of an obligation inaccordance with the Rulebook on disciplinary accountability ofstudents, which proposes fair and objective processes of decisionon disciplinary questions, defines minor and severe violation ofstudent's obligations, as well as discipline bodies and regulates. 4

"APEIRON"mjera "opomena" ili "ukor", a za teže povrede izriče sedisciplinska mjera "strogog ukora" ili "isključenja" saPanevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Pedagoške obaveze studenataČlan 22Godišnja nastava se zavisno od studijskih programa i izbornihprograma organizuje u najviše devet nastavnih blokova i/ili u dvasemestra. Nastavna godina je određena metrikom studija kojazadovoljava uslove iz člana 23. Statuta <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Član 23Univerzitet će radno opterećenje studenata i obračunodgovarajućih ECTS bodova pojedinih predmetnih jedinica vršitina osnovu slijedećih parametara metrike studija: Ukupno sedmično angažovanje studenata ............................. 40 sati Broj časova nastave (kontakt-sati) semično ............... 20 < čas < 25 Trajanje nastavnog bloka ............................................ ≤ 6 sedmica Trajanje semestra ...................................................... ≤ 15 sedmica Ukupno radnih sedmica u školskoj godini .................... 45 sedmica Ukupan fond sati školske godine .................................... 1.800 sati Ukupno sati rada po jednom ECTS ...................................... 30 sati Standardni godišnji broj ECTS bodova ............................. 60 ECTS Standardni semestralni broj ECTS bodova ........................ 30 ECTS Intenzivan studij (pune kalendarske godine) ................. ≤ 75 ECTSČlan 24Vrijeme i način ostvarivanja planiranih oblika nastave idrugih pedagoških aktivnosti te polaganja ispita i evaluacijeznanja studenata u toku školske godine utvrđuje se godišnjimrasporedom rada koji se definiše za svaki studijski programzasebno.Član 25Pri upisu školske godine student se opredjeljuje za obaveznepredmete iz upisanog studijskog programa a prema Nastavnomplanu tog studijskog programa. Student je dužan da položi sveobavezne predmete iz upisanog studijskog programa i da zajednosa izbornim programom za kojeg se opredjelio, ostvari najmanje60 ECTS bodova u školskoj godini.Obavezni, izborni, diferencijalni i fakultativni program,zajedno čine jedinstven studijski program akademske godinestudija.Član 26Student Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a, tokom jedne školskegodine, po svim programskim i studijskim osnovama (redovniprogram, izborni program, fakultativni program, diferencijalniprogram) u režimu intenzivnih studija ne može steči više od 75ECTS kredit-bodova uvečanih za alikvotni dio kredit-bodavazadnjeg ispita položenog te studijske godine u skladu sa članom58 Statuta.Član 27Student slobodno bira izborne predmete iz studijskogprograma za kojeg se opredjelio, ili iz drugih studijskih programaorganizovanih na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u, ukoliko sumeđusobno kompatibilni. Student koji ne položi izborni predmetmože ponovo upisati isti ili se opredjeliti za drugi izbornipredmet.Student može da ostvaruje izborni program i iz drugih izvorau skladu sa Nastavnim planom izbornog i fakultativnog programastudija na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u koji je za tekuću školskugodinu donio Senat Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Student koji na propisani način (putem anketnog obrasca, ilineposredno u studentskoj službi) ne izvrši izbor i ne prijaviodabrane izborne predmete u predviđenim rokovima, dužan je dadisciplinary action.For minor violations of student's obligations, a disciplinaryfine such as "warning" or "reprimand" is pronounced, but for thesevere violations of student's obligations, a disciplinary fine suchas "strict reprimand" or "expelling" from the Pan-EuropeanUniversity is pronounced.Pedagogical obligations of studentArticle 22Annual lecturing is organized in maximum nine modulesand/or two semesters depending on compulsory and electivestudy-programs. Academic year is defined by metrics of studieswhich fulfils clauses from the article 23 of the University Statute.Article 23The University will decide on the student's workload andcalculation of appropriate ECTS credits of particular courses onthe basis of following parameters of metrics of studies: total weekly student's engagement ................................... 40 hours; number of contact lectures per week ....................... 20 < class < 25 enduring of modules ........................................................ ≤ 6 weeks enduring of semester ..................................................... ≤ 15 weeks working weeks per academic year in total ........................ 45 weeks total workload per academic year ...................................1.800 hours workload per 1 ECTS in total ............................................ 30 hours standard number of ECTS per academic year .................... 60 ECTS standard number of ECTS credits per semester ................. 30 ECTS intensive studies (full calendar year) ............................ ≤ 75 ECTSArticle 24Period and method of completion of planned lecturing andother pedagogical activities as well as exam taking and evaluationof student's knowledge during academic year is defined byAnnual Work Schedule which is created for every studyingprogram individually.Article 25When enrolling academic year, student decides oncompulsory courses from chosen studying program according tosyllabus of that studying program. Student is obliged to pass allcompulsory courses from enrolled studying program and, togetherwith elective program, to realize minimum 60 ETCS credits peracademic year.Compulsory and elective courses together with differentialand facultative syllabus create unique studying program ofacademic year of studying.Article 26Student of the Pan-European University, during one academicyear, on all curricular and studying basis, can not accomplishmore than 75 ECTS credits, increased with the aliquot of thecredits of the last exam, in accordance with the Article 58 of thePan-European University Statute.Article 27Student decides on elective courses from the curriculumwhich he/she has chosen or from other studying programsorganized at the Pan-European University, if they are compatible.Student who does not pass elective subject can sign up for thesame course again or chose another elective course.Student is able to achieve the elective program and coursesfrom the other academic sources according to the Curriculum andSyllabus of the elective and facultative program applied at thePan-European University for the current school year which isbrought by the Senate of the University.Student who does not select and register elective courses ontime, according to regulated procedure (by questionnaire or. 5

"APEIRON"polaže standardni izborni program za tekuću školsku godinu kojije za svaki studijski program određen na Senatu Panevropskoguniverztiteta.Finansijske obaveze studentaČlan 28Student je dužan da za obrazovne i druge intelektualne iedukativne usluge odn. servise koje studentu isporučuje<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong>, odn. njegove ovlaštene organizacionejedinice, izvrši plačanje u iznosu i prema uslovima Fakture zaškolarinu i za ostale obrazovne usluge u školskoj 2014/15. godini.Faktura za školarinu i za ostale obrazovne usluge ispostavlja sestudentu prilikom upisa školske godine i čini sastavni dio ovog<strong>Ugovor</strong>a. Cijene usluga koje se fakturišu usklađene su saPravilima o visini naknade za studiranje i cijeni usluga naPanevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u. Cijene usluga ažurira i donosiUpravni odbor a potvrđuje Senat Panevroposkog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a zasvaku školsku godinu.Student uplačuje neposredno jednokratne usluge koje se nefakturišu, u skladu sa Pravilima o visini naknade za studiranje icijeni usluga koje se naplaćuju na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u.Naknade za školarinu i druge edukativne usluge zavise odstudijskog programa kojeg je upisao student, tipa studija, obimadopunskih obrazovnih usluga, godine studija, geografske regije ukojoj se nalazi mjesto boravka studenta ili drugih parametara kojiutiču na tržišnu poziciju Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a i njegovihorganizacionih jedinica u kojima se organizuje studijski proces.Naknade za školarinu i druge edukativne usluge u tekućojgodini mogu da se razlikuju u odnosu na ranije školske godine.U slučaju promjene kursa KM u odnosu na EURO u tokustudija, <strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> zadržava pravo da sve preostaleobaveze studenta preračuna u EURO valutu prema srednjemkursu CBBiH koji je bio važeći na dan sklapanja <strong>Ugovor</strong>a o<strong>studiranju</strong>, a student se obavezuje da sve dalje uplate obaveza naime školarine vrši u KM valuti primjenjujući srednji kurs CBBiHza EURO na dan izvršene uplate.Član 29Student može da uplati školarinu i/ili druge uslugeUniverziteta u ratama u skladu sa Pravilima o visini naknade zastudiranje i cijeni usluga na Univerzitetu.Ukoliko student obaveze po osnovu školarine uplaćuje uratama, dužan je da alikvotne iznose uplaćuje prema dinamicipredviđenoj u Pravilima o visini naknade za studiranje i cijeniusluga na Univerzitetu. Izmirenje obaveze uplate prve rate jeuslov upisa školske godine. Izmirenje obaveza uplate srednje rateje uslov za ovjeru prvog semestra i produžetak studija u drugomsemestru. Izmirenje obaveze uplate zadnje rate je uslov za ovjeru iza završetak tekuće školske godine.Studentu neće biti dozvoljeno polaganje ispita u pojedinimispitnim rokovima ukoliko nije izmirio obaveze uplate svih rataprispjelih prije datuma zakazanog ispitnog roka.Student ne može da upiše narednu školsku godinu ukolikonije izmirio sve finansijske obaveze prema Univerzitetu izprethodnih godina.Član 30Za upisanu godinu studija po osnovu prelaska sa drugevisokoškolske ustanove, ili po osnovu produžetka školovanja,student plaća punu naknadu školarine.Član 31Talenti koji su postigli visok uspjeh u prethodnomškolovanju, studenti koji na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u studirajuviše obrazovnih ciklusa u kontinuitetu, studenti koji uplateukupan iznos školarine tekuće školske godine ili cjelokupnogškolovanja, prije početka tekuće školske godine, studenti izporodica iz kojih na Panevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u studira više odjednog člana uže porodice, kao i druge kategorije korisnika uslugadirectly in student's service), is obliged to pass standardizedelective curricula for the current academic year which has beendefined for every studying program by the Pan-EuropeanUniversity Senate.Financial obligations of studentArticle 28Student is obliged to make a payment for educational andother intellectual services provided by the Pan-EuropeanUniversity in the amount defined by the authorised body of Pan-European University and according to the conditions of theTuition Fee Invoice for the academic year 2014/2015. The TuitionFee Invoice is issued to the student when enrolling the Universityand composes integral part of this Contract. The costs of theservices which are invoiced are in accordance with the Rules ontuition fees and prices of services, to be charged at the Pan-European University. The costs of services are defined andbrought up to date by the Managing Board and ratified by thePan-European University Senate for every academic year.Student makes payment immediately for the servicesoccurring once which are not invoiced, in accordance with theRules on tuition amounts and prices of services charged at thePan-European University.Compensations for tuition fee and other educative services inthe current year can differ from the previous years depending onthe type of the study program, amount of the additionaleducational services that are delivered, study year, region of thestudent residence and other parameters that influence on theUniversity market position.If the exchange rate of KM currency was modifiedtowards EURO, Pan-European University reserves the right torecalculate the students' remaining liabilities, according to themiddle exchange rate applied in Central Bank BiH valid for theday of the conclusion of this contract. In this case the furtherstudents' payments will be executed in KM currency appling theEURO middle exchange rate of the Central Bank when thepayment was done.Article 29Student can make a payment on tuition fee and/or otherservices provided by the Pan-European University in instalments,in accordance with the Rules on tuition fees and prices of servicescharged at the Pan-European University.If student makes his/her payments on tuition fee ininstalments, he/she is obliged to pay the consecutive instalmentsby the dynamics anticipated in the Rules on tuition fees and pricesof services charged at the Pan-European University. Fulfilling ofobligations of paying the first instalment is a condition forenrolment in the current school year. Fulfilling of obligations ofpaying the middle instalment is a condition for attesting of thefirst semester and enrolling the second. Fulfilling of obligations ofpaying the last instalment is a condition for attesting and endingof current academic year.Student will not be allowed to take the exams in particularperiods if he/she did not fulfil his/her obligations of paying allinstalments which were due before that exam period.Student will not be allowed to enrol the following academicyear if he/she did not fulfil his/her obligations of paying allinstalments from the previous years.Article 30For the enrolled academic year, on the basis of transferringfrom other University/Faculty, or on the basis of extending thestudies, student has to pay for the whole tuition fee.Article 31Talented students who have achieved a high accomplishmentin their previous education, students who study severaleducational cycles in continuity at the Pan-European University,students who make a payment of the whole tuition fee of the. 6

"APEIRON"Univerziteta koje utvrdi Upravni odbor Univerziteta svojimposebnim odlukama, imaju pravo na odgovarajuće popuste ipovlastice u plaćanju obaveza prema Univerzitetu u skladu sakriterijumima razrađenim u Pravilima o visini naknade zastudiranje i cijeni usluga na Univerzitetu.Član 32Student koji se ispisuje sa Univerziteta ima pravo na povratuplaćene školarine prema sljedećim pravilima:o Povrat uplaćenog iznosa školarine, umanjenog za iznosmanipulativnih troškova vezanih za izradu indeksa iažuriranja matičnih podataka zbog ispisa, ako se zahtjevza ispis podnese u roku od mjesec dana od dana početkaškolske godine;o Povrat polovine uplaćene školarine, umanjene za iznosmanipulativnih troškova u skladu sa Pravilima o visininakande za studiranje i cijeni usluga na Panevropskom<strong>univerzitet</strong>u, ukoliko je student uplatio cjelokupni iznosgodišnje školarine i ako se zahtjev za ispis podnese dokraja prvog semestra;Student koji obnovi školsku godinu zbog ispunjavanjazaostalih ispitnih obaveza iz prethodne školske godine odn. izprethodnog školovanja, po osnovu upotpunjavanja redovnogprograma studija ili izvršavanja diferencijalnog programa, ili zbogizvršavanja obaveza po osnovu fakultativnih studija, ili zbogpauze u studiju odn. zamrzavanja studija u tekućoj školskojgodini plaća 50 % školarine za školsku godinu koju obnavlja(odn. oslobađa se 50 % školarine).Student koji završi cjelokupan studijski program predviđen uodgovarajućem studijskom ciklusu i obnavlja školsku godinuzbog polaganja diplomskog odn. specijalističkog ispita oslobađase uplate školarine za obnovljenu godinu.Član 33Student je dužan da se pismenim podneskom obratiUpravnom odboru Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a radi ostvarivanjapopusta i povlastica u finansiranju studija, povrata školarine iliprava po osnovu završetka školovanja.Ispiti i evaluacija znanjaČlan 34<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> je obavezan da obezbijedikontinuirano praćenje uspješnosti studenata u savlađivanjupojedinih predmetnih jedinica i da vrednuje rezultate ukupnograda studenta tokom obrade odnosnog predmeta u skladu saZakonom o visokom obrazovanju i odredbama StatutaPanevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Predmetni nastavnik je obavezan da studente na početkunastave upozna sa specifičnim zahtjevima i metodologijomorganizacije nastave, praćenja i ocjenjivanja, karakterom isadržinom završnog ispita, struktorom ukupnog broja poena inačinom formiranja ocjene.Student stiče pravo da polaže ispit iz nastavnog predmetakada izvrši sve predispitne obaveze utvrđene nastavnimprogramom, ovjeri semestar i ispuni druge uslove propisaneStatutom <strong>univerzitet</strong>a i Nastavnim planom i programom. Provjeraznanja studenata u toku školske godine vrši se na način utvrđenprogramom nastavnog predmeta.Član 35Studentu su omogućena najmanje tri polaganja ispita izsvakog predmeta i to: dva polaganja u terminima redovnih rokovai najmanje jedan termin u opštem septembarskom roku koji seorganizuje za sve predmete. Student polaže ispit u redovnom rokuu dva ispitna termina neposredno po završetku nastave iz togpredmeta odn. u zakonskim ispitnim rokovima. Drugi ispitnicurrent school year or the College education in whole, before thebeginning of the school year, students from the families who havemore than one member studying at the Pan-European Universityand other categories of users of services of the University whichare defined by the Managing Board of the University with itsparticular decisions, are entitled to appropriate discounts andbenefits in regard of fulfilling the financial obligations at the Pan-European University in accordance with the criteria defined byRules on tuition amounts and prices of services, to be charged atthe Pan-European University.Article 32Student who withdraws the University, is entitled toreimbursement of the tuition fee, according to the following rules: reimbursement of the whole tuition fee paid by thestudent, reduced for the amount of operational expenses ifthe requirement for the withdrawing is submitted in aperiod of 30 days since the beginning of the academicyear; reimbursement of a half of tuition fee, reduced for theamount of operational expenses according to the Rules ontuition fees and prices of services applied on the Pan-European University, if the payments of the tuition feewas made in total, and if the requirement for thewithdrawing is submitted until the end of the firstsemester.Student who resumes the academic year, due to fulfilment oflagged exams from the previous education, or on the basis offulfilment of lagged regular studying curricula or fulfilment of theregular or differential program, or due to fulfilment of obligationof elective studies, or because of the adjournment of study, will beexempt of the 50 % of tuition fee.Student who completes whole studying program anticipatedfor the appropriate studying cycle and resumes the study yearonly to defend the diploma or specialist work will be exempt ofthe tuition fee in whole for the in resumed study year.Article 33Student is obliged to address the Managing Board of the Pan-European University in written form, in order to realize thediscount and benefits in payment of tuition fees, partly refundingof the tuition fee or reimbursements based on completing theeducation.Exam and knowledge gradingArticle 34The Pan-European University is obliged to providecontinuing monitoring of student's success in accomplishingparticular lecturing units and to evaluate the results of student'swork on particular course in total in accordance with the Law onhigher education and the regulations of the Pan-EuropeanUniversity Statute.The professor on a particular course is obliged to introducestudents, at the beginning of the lectures, with specific demandsand methodology of organization of the lectures, monitoring andevaluating, character and content of the final exam, the structureof the total number of points and the method of grade forming.Student is entitled to take the exam from a particular courseonce he/she finishes all prerequisites given in the syllabus, toverify a semester and fulfil other obligations stated in the Pan-European University Statute and syllabus. Testing of student'sknowledge during academic year is performed in accordance withprovisions defined in syllabus.Article 35Student is enabled with at least three exam terms for eachcourse: two regular terms and at least one term in Septemberexamcampaign which is organized for all the courses. Student isable to take the exam in two regular terms immediately after thefinalisation of course lectures and according to the legal exam. 7

"APEIRON"termin se organizuje ne ranije od 7 dana i ne kasnije od 15 dananakon prvog ispitnog termina.Student snosi troškove svih naknadnih polaganja istog ispitaprema Pravilima o visini naknade za studiranje i cijeni uslugakoje se naplaćuju na Univerzitetu.Član 36Poslije tri neuspjela polaganja istog ispita, student ima pravona lični zahtjev polagati ispit pred ispitnom komisijom kojuimenuje Rektor <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Student ima pravo da podnese prigovor ako smatra da ispitnije obavljen u skladu sa zakonom i opštim aktom visokoškolskeustanove. Ako se usvoji prigovor studenta, student ponovo polažeispit pred ispitnom komisijom.Student snosi troškove komisijskog polaganja ispita premaPravilima o visini naknade za studiranje i cijeni usluga koje senaplaćuju na Univerzitetu.Član 37Student koji je nezadovoljan visinom pozitivne ocjeneutvrđene u redovnom ispitnom roku, može izraziti svojeneslaganje sa visinom ocjene neposredno nakon završetka ispita itražiti da se pozitivna ocjena ne uvaži. Student je obavezan daispit iz predmeta iz koga mu je poništena ocjena ponovo polažedo kraja tekuće akademske godine i da snosi troškove vanrednogpolaganja.Studenti koji nisu položili pismeni dio ispita imaju pravouvida u svoj rad neposredno poslije objavljivanja ispitnihrezultata.Član 38Istoga dana student može polagati najviše dva ispita iz istogstudijskog programa.Član 39Student nema obavezu da izradi diplomski rad u prvomtrogodišnjem bachelor ciklusu školovanja.Student ima obavezu da izradi diplomski rad i da ga odbrani učetverogodišnjem bachelor ciklusu školovanja.Mrežni marketingČlan 40Student koji je upisan na <strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> i kojiobezbijedi upis drugih novoupisanih studenata po bilo komosnovu (po osnovu upisa u prvu godinu studija, po osnovuprelaska sa drugih visokoškolskih ustanova ili po osnovuprodužetka školovanja), ostvaruje pravo na odgovarajuće popusteu cijeni školarine vlastitih osnovnih studija za tekuću školskugodinu, prema sljedećoj tabeli:regulations. Complementary term is organised not earlier than 7days after the regular term, and not longer than 15 days after theregular term.Students bare the expenses of all supplemental passing of theexams according to the Rules on tuition amounts and prices ofservices, to be charged at the Pan-European University.Article 36If student does not pass the exam the third time he/she isentitled to take the exam in the presence of exam commissionappointed by the Rector of the University.Student is entitled to submit the written objections if theexam, by his/her opinion is not performed according to the law orthe university regulations. If the objection is justified by theauthorised University body, student is entitled to take the exam inthe presence of exam commission.Student bears the expenses of taking the exam in the presenceof exam commission according to the Rules on tuition amountsand prices of services, charged at the Pan-European University.Article 37Student who is not satisfied with the grade earned in regularterm is allowed to object immediately after the exam and to askcancellation of that particular grade. Student is obliged to pass theexam, for the grade he previously revoked, until the end of thecurrent academic year and to bear the expenses of additionalpassing.Students who did not pass the written part of the exam areallowed to examine their paper after the results are announced.Article 38Student is allowed to take maximum two exams in the sameday from the same studying curricula.Article 39Student is not obligated to write a final diploma work in thefirst – three years bachelor study cycle.Student is obliged to write final diploma and specialist workand to pass final examination in the four years bachelor studycycle.Network marketingArticle 40Student who is enrolled on the Pan-European University andwho provides the enrolment of other new students on any basis(on the bases of enrolling the first year, on the bases oftransferring from other Universities/Faculties, or on the bases ofextending the studies) is entitled to certain discounts of the tuitionfee for the current academic year.Student who provides the enrolment of other new students isentitled to the following discounts:BrojnovoupisnihstudenataProcenat umanjenja vlastiteškolarine3 10 %4 20 %5 40 %6 60 %7 80 %≥ 8 100 %Dokaz o posredovanju kod upisa za ostvarivanje prava napopust je potpisan ugovor od strane novoupisanog studenta,Number of newstudentsDiscount of the fee inpercentage3 10 %4 20 %5 40 %6 60 %7 80 %≥ 8 100 %The evidences of intervening in enrolment, which entitles thediscount, are Study Agreement signed by the new student,payment of tuition fee or the instalment of the tuition fee by the. 8

"APEIRON"uplata školarine ili rate školarine od strane novoupisanog studentai potvrda o licu koje je posredovalo ovjerena od stranenovoupisanog studenta u odgovarajućoj sekciji osnovnog ugovorao <strong>studiranju</strong>.Član 41Studentu koji obezbjijedi novoupisane studente, neće seobračunavati popust ukoliko se novoupisani student ispiše prijeisteka semestra kojeg je upisao, ili ukoliko ne uplati bar dvije rateškolarine. Obračun efekata popusta vrši se krajem prvog odn.drugog semestra.Novoupisani studenti ne mogu da se pojave u uloziposrednika pri upisu novih studenata.Popusti ostvareni po osnovu novoupisanih studenata odnosese samo na tekuću školsku godinu.Član 42Student koji posreduje kod upisa drugih studenata neostvaruje druge benificije u svom studiju osim finansijskihefekata posredovanja koji su navedeni u članu 40 ovog ugovora.Ukoliko student-posrednik ostvaruje popuste na školarinu i ponekim drugim osnovama, obračun popusta će se obračunati nakorigovanu osnovicu, tj. na osnovnu školarinu umanjenu zaprethodno odobrene popuste.Tranzicione studijeČlan 43.Studenti stiču akademske titule odn. stručna zvanja premanazivima koji su propisani i utvrđeni Nastavnim planom iprogramom školske godine u kojoj su upisali studij.Član 44.Student ima pravo da tokom studija kontinuiteta naPanevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u produži studij na istom‚ ili na višemstepenu u okviru istog studijskog programa. Studentima jeomogućeno da odgovarajućim odabirom diferencijalnih predmetau okviru izbornog programa steknu specijalistička znanja u okviruodgovarajućih specijalističkih usmjerenja tokom studija prvogciklusa u četverogodišnjem trajanju.Da bi stekao pravo na specijalistička usmjerenja, student je uobavezi je da se odgovarajućim zahtjevom obrati rektoratuUniverziteta na početku četvrte godine studija, a najkasnije dokraja novembra mjeseca tekuće akademske godine.Da bi ostvario tranziciju trogodišnjeg studija studijskogprograma kojeg je student upisao na četverogodišnji studij uistom stepenu, student je dužan da se obrati rektoratu <strong>univerzitet</strong>asa odgovarajućim podneskom. Ukoliko student ne vrši promjenustudijskog programa ima pravo da produži školovanje na istojgodini studija u kojoj je trenutno upisan odn. upisuje narednugodinu studija u odnosu na godinu koju je završio.Član 45.Studentima je omogućeno da u režimu intenzivnog studijakroz izborni program, ili u kombinaciji izbornog programa safakultativnim programom, steknu dopunsku diplomu u tokuredovnog školovanja ili proširenog redovnog školovanja(redovno školovanje dopunjeno sa jednim dodatnim semestrom).Uslov za sticanje dopunske diplome u određenom studijskomprogramu je savladavanje obaveznog plana i programa u tojstudijskoj oblasti.Student može da u izbornom programu svoga studija polažerazliku predmeta matičnog jezgra ciljne studijske grupe tokomredovnog studija ukoliko je taj studijski program kompatibilan saupisanim studijskim programom u smislu razmjenjivosti predmetaprema Matrici matičnosti kompatibilnih studijskih programaPanevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a koja je sastavni dio Pravilnika otranzicionim studijima Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a.Član 46.Student može da u dodatnom fakultativnom programu urežimu intenzivnih studija polaže razliku predmeta matičnognew student and the record on the person who intervened verifiedby the newly enrolled student in the exact section of the StudyAgreement.Article 41Student who provides the enrolment of other new studentswill not be calculated the discount, if new student withdrawsbefore the end of the semester he/she enrolled to, or if he/she doesnot pay for minimum two instalments of the tuition fee. Theaccount of the provision is accomplished at the end of first andthe end of the second semester.New students can not appear in a role of enrolment provider.Discount realized on the basis of enrolment of the new studentsrefer only to current year.Article 42Student who intervenes in enrolling of other students does notrealize other benefits in his studies except financial effects ofintervening which are state in the Article 40 of this Agreement.If the student–provider who is enrolling on the basis ofintervening of other student realizes any other discounts andbenefits it will be calculated on the corrected and updated tuitionfee that is reduced for the approved discounts.Transitional studiesArticle 43.Students will earn the accademic and vacational titlesaccoridng to the terms that are verified in the Study Syllabus oftheir starting school year.Article 44.Student is entitled to continue his studies on the same level oron the higher level within the continuity of the study process onPan-European University in the enrolled study curriculum.Students are able to gain the specialist knowledge and skillsthrough the selection of specific differential curriculum within theframe of elective program in the specific study orientation at thefirst study cycle that endures 4 study years.To earn the right on specialist study orientation, student mustsubmit at the beginning of the fourth study year, but not later thanthe end of November of the current academic year, the writtenrequest to the rector office.To realize the transition from the three-years bachelorprogram towards the four-years study program in the same studycycle, student is obliged to admit the request to the Rectors office.Student who did not change the enrolled study program is entitledto continue the study on the same school year that is currentlyenrolled or on the next study year related to the year he alreadyfinalized.Article 45.Students are able to gain the additional diploma during theregular or the extended study within the intensive study programthrough the elective study curriculum or in combination with thefacultative curriculum. Requirements for the additional diplomain the second study program are the finalization of thecompulsory study syllabus.Student is entitled to pass the course difference of the corestudy area of the targeting study program within his electiveprogram during the regular studies, if the targeting program iscompatible with the enrolled study curriculum, meaning thepossibility of course interchange according to the Matrix of thecompatible core study areas on Pan-European University thatconsist the part of the Rulebook on transitional studies.Article 46.Student is entitled to pass the intensive study courses of thecore area of the additional facultative curriculum under thefollowing conditions:accurately and successfully fulfills the requirements relatedto the completion of the curricular obligations of the regular. 9

"APEIRON"jezgra ciljne studijske grupe po uslovom da: ažurno i uspješno ispunjava sve obaveze vezane zaostvarivanje plana i programa svojih redovnih studija nema zaostalih ispitnih obaveza iz prethodnih godina,Intenzivne studije sa predloženim fakultativnim programomodobrava rektor <strong>univerzitet</strong>a na osnovu formalnog zahtjevastudenta uz analizu postignuća studenta u prethodnom studiju iukupnih sposobnosti i kapaciteta studenta za uspješnosavladavanje intenzivnih studija i fakultativnog programa.Prelazne odredbeČlan 47.Student neće polagati autorska prava na radove koje je izradiokao dio procesa evaluacije znanja tokom studija i dozvoljava dase navedeni radovi publikuju od strane Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>au elektronskom i u pisanom obliku. Student je dužan da svepisane radove dostavi u elektronskom obliku u biblioteciPanevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a. <strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> nemaekskluzivna prava na studentske radove.Studentski radovi moraju zadovoljiti sve zahtjeve vezane zaprevenciju plagijarizma na Pan-Evropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u.<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> može da koristi slike, video-snimke idruge multimedijalne materijale na kojima se nalazi student, akoji su napravljeni u prostorima <strong>univerzitet</strong>a, ili u drugimprostorima u kojima se odvija nastavno-naučni proces, zaedukativne, promotivne i marketinške potrebe <strong>univerzitet</strong>a, beznovčanih i drugih naknada i bez traženja posebnih odobrenjastudenta.Član 48.Prilikom regulisanja međusobnih odnosa ugovornih stranakoji nisu definisani ovim <strong>Ugovor</strong>om primjenjivat će se Zakon ipodzakonski akti koji regulišu oblast visokog obrazovanja, teStatut i ostali opšti i pojedinačni akti koji su donešeni naPanevropskom <strong>univerzitet</strong>u.U slučaju prestanka rada Panevropskog <strong>univerzitet</strong>a„APEIRON“ Banja Luka ili prestanka izvođenja studijskogprograma na koji je student upisan, <strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> ćeobezbijediti studentu nastavak školovanja na srodnom studijskomprogramu koji se i dalje izvodi u okviru Panevropskog<strong>univerzitet</strong>a, ili na srodnom studijskom programu na drugojlicenciranoj ili akreditovanoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi sa kojom je<strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong> sklopio sporazum.Član 49.Sve sporove po ovom <strong>Ugovor</strong>u ugovorne strane će rješavatisporazumno, a za slučaj da to ne bude moguće obje ugovornestrane priznaju nadležnost Osnovnog suda u Banjoj Luci.Član 50.<strong>Ugovor</strong> je izrađen u dva primjerka od kojih jedan primjerakzadržava student a jedan primjerak <strong>Panevropski</strong> <strong>univerzitet</strong>.studies;has no remaining exams from the previous study years,Intensive studies of the proposed facultative curriculum willbe approved by the Rector of the University based on the formalstudent request and the analysis of the student achievements inforegoing studies. Analysis will include the estimation of theoverall student capacities and competences for the successfulfinalizing of the intensive study program.Transitional provisionsArticle 47Student will not lay copy rights to the works he/she does as apart of process of evaluation of knowledge during the studies andallows these works to be published by the Pan-EuropeanUniversity in electronic and written form. Student is obliged tohand out the works for publishing in electronic form to the libraryof the Pan-European University. The Pan-European Universitydoes not have exclusive rights to student's works.Student works must satisfy requirements of the Policy ofpreventing the plagiarism on the Pan-European University.Pan-European University is entitled to use the pictures, videoclipsand other multimedia materials taken in the universitypremises or in the other premises used for lecturing and scientificprocess, where the student is recorded, for education, promotionaland marketing purposes, without any financial or otherallowances to the student and without specific approval of suchaction from the student.Article 48Relations of the contracting parties which are not defined bythis Agreement, are regulated by the Law and other legaldocuments provided in the field of higher education and the Pan-European University Statute and other Rulebooks and specificacts brought on the University.In the case of closing Pan-European University „APEIRON“Banja Luka or closing of a certain department attended by astudent, Pan-European University will provide students witheducation on the similar study programme that exists within thePan-European University, or similar study programme at otherlicensed or accredited institution of higher education which thePan-European University signed a contract with.Article 49All disputes according to this Contract will be settled bymutual consent, by the contracting parties. In the case that is notpossible, both contracting parties recognise jurisdiction of BanjaLuka District Court.Article 50The contract is created in two copies from which one copybelongs to student and other to the Pan-European University.Broj/No: ______________Dana/Date: __.__.2014.Student___________________/ /d i r e k t o r____________________________Siniša AleksićMr prava/LL.M.IZJAVA studenta o posredovanju prilikom upisa:Lice koje je posredovalo kod upisa:dana:(Person who intervenes in enrolment) (prezime i ime / name) (date) (Potpis studenta/Student'ssignature). 10

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