Masked phonological priming effects in English - Center for Reading ...

Masked phonological priming effects in English - Center for Reading ...

Masked phonological priming effects in English - Center for Reading ...


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K. Rastle, M. Brysbaert / Cognitive Psychology 53 (2006) 97–145 141Appendix B (cont<strong>in</strong>ued)Relationship Condition E1: target E1: prime E2: target E2: primePhonological SSD bick bique hed heddPhonological SSD sech setch stear stierPhonological SSD lum lumb pek pecPhonological SSD lod lodd beaf beaphPhonological SSD shick shique kuff kuphGraphemic DDD pess daich stey blieGraphemic DDD frew bleigh pach shirlGraphemic DDD yarm poarb snoe frurGraphemic DDD jark soub gurl wheffGraphemic DDD derd coib boes nirlGraphemic DDD yight fairn leed shaitGraphemic DDD rarp veed beed marfGraphemic DDD jurse taid cill vachGraphemic DDS bup meep kave soivGraphemic DDS chupe vaip whif yarfGraphemic DDS mome hoarm whove firvGraphemic DDS y<strong>in</strong>e wo<strong>in</strong> whide broidGraphemic DDS vart seight ratt chettGraphemic DDS leck dack rane gienGraphemic DDS hile jairl saive pheevGraphemic DDS shan kn<strong>in</strong> mutch zatchGraphemic DSD te<strong>in</strong> peith wede cheleGraphemic DSD yome chope kub zumGraphemic DSD nim thipp whish vittGraphemic DSD lerge serne dimb pidgeGraphemic DSD cose wroke phole sofeGraphemic DSD lub humb rale vafeGraphemic DSD thock jong pauze thauleGraphemic DSD louch thoudd voat toadgeGraphemic SDD jass jeeth laim leethGraphemic SDD hade ho<strong>in</strong>n dene daipGraphemic SDD meem mairt whill whoirGraphemic SDD nush naid chude chaitGraphemic SDD sares searth kool kibGraphemic SDD youch ya<strong>in</strong> wheek wha<strong>in</strong>Graphemic SDD tol teave trey taichGraphemic SDD curn caidd lide leedgeGraphemic DSS jone chone wod dodGraphemic DSS jave yave peech zeechGraphemic DSS yeared meared hirt lirtGraphemic DSS beve cheve mard thardGraphemic DSS mib hib wrood shoodGraphemic DSS gowd sowd rhice siceGraphemic DSS petch hetch wrace haceGraphemic DSS meck veck lews gewsGraphemic SDS beash baish kap kepGraphemic SDS zile zel buss bissGraphemic SDS sheed shad boch buchGraphemic SDS shog sheeg yooth yiethGraphemic SDS darred deighed whoze whoizGraphemic SDS degg dagg mame meim(cont<strong>in</strong>ued on next page)

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