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<strong>CHATTANOOGA</strong> <strong>STATE</strong> <strong>COMMUNITY</strong> <strong>COLLEGE</strong><strong>CHATTANOOGA</strong>, TENNESSEEENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DIVISIONCourse SyllabusCI 233: Contracts and SpecificationsInstructor: Credit Hours: 3Phone:Semester:Email:Room:Catalog Course DescriptionStudy of engineering contracts and specifications; business and legal issues,engineering ethics, competitive bidding, contracting procedures, general and technicalspecifications, and inspection procedures for contract enforcement. [F]PrerequisitesNoneCorequisitesNoneEntry Level StandardsNoneTextbook/MaterialsCollier, Keith.Construction Contracts, Third Edition. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall,2001. Print.I. Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs)ISLO1.ISLO2.ISLO4.ISLO5.ISLO6.CommunicationCritical Thinking and Analytical SkillsGlobal and Cultural AwarenessCompetence in a SpecialtyWork EthicII.Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)PSLO2. Conduct experiments, collect, analyze, and interpret data.[ISLO2][ISLO5]PSLO6. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.[ISLO5][ISLO6]PSLO7. Ability to communicate effectively. [ISLO1] [ISLO5]

PSLO10. Knowledge of contemporary issues. [ISLO4] [ISLO5]PSL O11. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering toolsnecessary to function as a construction engineering technician.[ISLO5]III.Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs)Upon successful completion of this course, students will demonstrate theability to:CSLO1. Explain the purpose of construction contracts andspecifications.[PSLO7] [PSLO11]CSLO2. Evaluate and analyze various legal issues in construction.[PSLO2][PSLO6] [PSLO7] [PSLO11]CSLO3. Describe examples of commercial projects and residentialefficiency in the workplace. [PSLO10][PSLO11]CSLO4. Evaluate ethical issues as they pertain to contracts andspecifications. [PSLO6] [PSLO11]CSLO5. Describe the processof competitive bidding. [PSLO11]Alignment of Assessments with CSLOs(actual assessments are defined below)CSLOs CSLO1 CSLO2 CSLO3 CSLO4 CSLO5Assessments: a) ClassParticipation/Quizzesb) Assignmentsc) ResearchProjectd)Midterme)Final Exama) ClassParticipation/Quizzesb) Assignmentsc) ResearchProjectd)Midterme)Final Exama) ClassParticipation/Quizzesb) Assignmentsc) ResearchProjectd)Midterme)Final Exama) ClassParticipation/Quizzesb) Assignmentsc) ResearchProjectd)Midterme)Final Exama) ClassParticipation/Quizzesb) Assignmentsc) ResearchProjectd)Midterme)Final ExamIV.Course ObjectivesO1. Outline and detail various aspects of contract administration.[CSLO1]O2. Explain the true purpose of specifications [CSLO1]O3. Identify various types of contracts and associated requirements.[CSLO1]O4. Describe legal and ethical issues as related to constructionprojects. [CSLO2][CSLO4]O5. Identify elements of risk in construction projects. [CSLO2]O6. Identify and prepare appropriate documentation to be used indisputes. [CSLO2]

O7. Describe the role the owner, design professional, contractor, andsubcontractor play in contracts and specifications. [CSLO1]O8. Outline contracting procedures [CSLO1]O9. Explain general and technical specifications [CSLO1]O10. Research the bidding process for a famous construction project[CSLO5] [CSLO3]O11. Evaluate components of a construction project for adherence tocontracts and specifications [CSLO1] [CSLO2]O12. Explain the liens, parts of contracts, and risk management as theyrelate to safety on construction projects. [CSLO2]O13. Explain inspection procedures for contract enforcement.[CSLO1][CSLO2]V. TopicsTopics discussed in this course shall include, but not be limited to, thefollowing:1. Nature of Contracts, Construction Contracts2. Stipulated-Sum Contracts, Cost-Plus-Fee Contracts3. Unit-Price Contracts and Other Conditions to Contracts4. Subcontracts and Supply Contracts, Arrangements of Contracts forConstruction5. Design-Build Contracts, Documents for Contracts6. Bidding for Contracts, Negotiating Construction Contracts7. Introduction to the Administration of Contracts8. Administration of Contracts9. Claims and Disputes10. Change in the Work of Contracts11. Contract Time12. Completion of Contracts and Payments13. The Uncovering and Correction of Work in Contracts14. Research Paper on Famous Construction ProjectsVI.Assessment*Grades will be determined in the following manner:Assessment MethodA1. Class participation/Quizzes= 10% Performance/ProductA2. Assignments = 30% ProductA3. Research Project = 30% ProductA3. Midterm = 15% TestA4. Final Exam = 15% Test100%

A1. Class Participation and Quizzes Students will be evaluated dailythrough class participation, which will include but not be limited to discussion,inquiry, and quizzes. Quizzes will cover only information presented in classor assigned reading prior to the quiz. Students must be in class to earn classparticipation points (attendance will be taken). Points will not be awarded tostudents that are not in attendance. [CSLO1-5]A2. Assignments Assignments will be in the form of problems, reading, andresearch. These assignments will allow students to apply what is covered inclass or prepare students for upcoming topics. Each assignment will have aspecified due date. Assignments turned in after the due date will have pointsdeducted for each day late. These assignments will allow the student toapply what is covered in class. Assignments may need to be uploaded to theproper dropbox(include initials in file name) in Elearn or turned in at thebeginning of class as instructed. [CSLO1-5]A3. Research Project A research project will be assigned at the end of thesemester. The project will include researching a famous construction projectand detailing the construction process from identifying the problem todesigning a solution to bidding and building the final product. [CSL01-5]A4 and A5. Exams A midterm and a final will be given during the semesterthat will require students to demonstrate a working knowledge of theprinciples taught in class. There will be no makeup tests unless previousarrangements have been made. The final exam will be comprehensive. Thedate and time of the final exam will be posted on Elearn. [CSLO1-5]*Professionalism Students will be evaluated for professionalism in all oftheir assessments. Assignments will be reviewed for clarity (legibility,presentation of ideas), completeness, honesty (avoid plagiarism), andgrammar. Points will be deducted for lack of professional presentation.[CSLO1-5]VII.Grading ScaleLetter grades will be assigned in accordance with the Academic Regulationsin the Chattanooga State catalog as follows:90-100 A80-89 B70-79 C65-69 D

Below 65 FVIII.Course Delivery FormatStandard Format – This format is the traditional format and may use an onlineformat (eLearn) to provide access to “static” materials which include thesyllabus, course material, contact information, and presentations. Facultymust make available, when requested, a copy of the syllabus and any otherinstructor provided course materials, including instructor contact information.Faculty may require on-line activities and assignments to include on-line testsand submission of all written and on-line communications. The extent of onlineactivities/assignments may vary by course but will be specified on thesyllabus.IX.College PoliciesThis class is governed by the policies and procedures stated in thecurrent Chattanooga State Student Handbook. Additional or morespecific guidelines may apply.ADA StatementStudents who have educational, psychological, and/or physical disabilitiesmay be eligible for accommodations that provide equal access to educationalprograms and activities at Chattanooga State. These students should notifythe instructor immediately, and should contact Disabilities Support Serviceswithin the first two weeks of the semester in order to discuss individual needs.The student must provide documentation of the disability so that reasonableaccommodations can be requested in a timely manner. All students areexpected to fulfill essential course requirements in order to receive a passinggrade in a class, with or without reasonable accommodations.Disruptive StudentsThe term “classroom disruption” means – student behavior that a reasonableperson would view as substantially or repeatedly interfering with the activitiesof a class. A student who persists in disrupting a class will be directed by thefaculty member to leave the classroom for the remainder of the class period.The student will be told the reason(s) for such action and given an opportunityto discuss the matter with the faculty member as soon as practical. Thefaculty member will promptly consult with the division dean and the collegejudicial officer. If a disruption is serious, and other reasonable measureshave failed, the class may be adjourned, and the campus police summoned.Unauthorized use of any electronic device constitutes a disturbance. Also, ifa student is concerned about the conduct of another student, he or sheshould please see the teacher, department head, or division dean.

Affirmative ActionStudents who feel that he or she has not received equal access toeducational programming should contact the college affirmative action officer.Academic Integrity/Academic HonestyIn their academic activities, students are expected to maintain high standardsof honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty is prohibited. Such conductincludes, but is not limited to, an attempt by one or more students to useunauthorized information in the taking of an exam, to submit as one's ownwork, themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes, computer programs, orother products prepared by another person, or to knowingly assist anotherstudent in obtaining or using unauthorized materials. Plagiarism, cheating,and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Students guilty ofacademic misconduct, either directly or indirectly through participation orassistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. Inaddition to other possible disciplinary sanctions, which may be imposedthrough the regular institutional procedures as a result of academicmisconduct, the instructor has the authority to assign an "F" or zero for anactivity or to assign an "F" for the course.ChildrenIt is Tennessee Board of Regents policy that children are not permitted in theclassrooms or laboratories. If you have children who must stay home forsome reason, you must make other arrangements for their care than bringingthem with you to class.CommunicationTigermail is the official communication for students.The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus in writingduring the course of the semester.X. Instructor PoliciesCell PhonesActivation of these devices represents a distraction and their use duringlectures and labs (including instant messaging, games, and etc.) will beconsidered extremely disruptive to the learning environment. Please turn off(or set to vibrate) all such devices before entering the classroom. Pleaseexcuse yourself from the room if an emergency requires you to make orreceive a phone call during class. If your cell phone goes off during a testingperiod, five points will be deducted from your test.

Use of Computers/PrintersThe use of a computer is mandatory for all students. Students will haveaccess to the computers in C24, C33, C54, C84, & C87. These computersare connected to the ET server and can be used to access Microsoft Officeand other software. There may be times when one of the computer roomswill not be available; these times will be posted with as much advance noticeas possible. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his or herusername and password are working properly and that his or herpassword is protected. It is also the student’s responsibility to back-upneeded files. The school will not be responsible for any computer files thatget “lost” or damaged.Back-up documentation for this class (such as the class syllabus, handouts,description of class assignments, etc.) will be available to the studentsthrough eLearn. Printers are to only be used by Engineering Technologystudents for assignments related to engineering and engineering technologyclasses or labs. Paper availability may be subject to print managementactivities and will be requested through assigned faculty. Please helpconserve paper.Classrooms & LabsFood and drinks are prohibited in all Engineering Technology classrooms andlabs located in the Branch Center for Technology. Only plain water in asealable container is permitted. Any form of tobacco products are alsoprohibited in accordance with College and TBR policy.To Log-in C24, C33, C54, C84, & C87: Username: ET_last name first initialmiddle initial (no spaces)Password: studentDomain (log-in): CSTCCNote: Be sure to change your password after your initial log-in.

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