Lesson 16:Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce!

Lesson 16:Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce! Lesson 16:Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce!

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y Sarah HughesILLUSTRATION CREDIT: Ruth FlanaganPHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: Cover © Roy McMahon/Corbis. 1 Lel<strong>and</strong> Bobbe/Digital Vision/Getty Images. 2 © RoyMcMahon/Corbis. 3 Lel<strong>and</strong> Bobbe/Digital Vision/Getty Images. 4-5 Lottie Davies/Getty Images. 8 © Digital Vision.9 © #582111 Index Stock Imagery, Inc. 10 © Rudy Sulgan/Corbis.Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of thecopyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. With the exception of nonprofittranscription into Braille, Houghton Mifflin is not authorized to grant permission for further uses of this work. Permissionmust be obtained from the individual copyright owner as identified herein. Address requests for permission to make copiesof Houghton Mifflin material to School Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company, 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 021<strong>16</strong>.Printed in ChinaISBN-13: 979-0-547-02148-5ISBN-10: 0-547-02148-81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RRD 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08

Why Do People Hug Trees?There are people who are called “treehuggers.” They don’t really hug trees,but they do something important. Theywork to keep Earth safe. You can helpkeep Earth safe, too.

What Can I Do?You can clean up your community.Cleaning up helps stop pollution.Pollution is when Earth is not clean.Pick up rubbish with your friends. Itis hardly complicated. In fact, it’s veryeasy! Have a contest to see who picksup the most.Cleaning up places is a good thing to do.3

This park is nice <strong>and</strong> clean.How did it get so clean? We pickedup egg cartons <strong>and</strong> papers. We planteda tree. It will give people shade fromthe hot sun. We put newspapers <strong>and</strong>bottles in boxes. We will recycle orreuse them.4

Let’s look at some other ways wework to help Earth. There are manysimple things to do that are also a lotof fun. Projects like these help Earth.They can help make global changes. Solet’s be a green team.A clean park is much more fun to play in.5

<strong>Recycle</strong> ThingsThere’s another way to recycle. Youcan find new ways to use things. Makeyour own drum.You will need:• an empty coffee can with a lid• two pencils with erasers• scissors, paper, <strong>and</strong> glue• glitter (if you want to be fancy)What to Do:1Cut the paperto fit theoutside ofthe can.6

2Glue the paperto the can.3Decorate the paperby pouring glitteron dripping glue.It makes aninteresting design.Now make music. Put the top backon the can. Turn your pencils intodrumsticks. Tap your feet, bob yourhead, <strong>and</strong> go, man, go.7

<strong>Reuse</strong> ClothesAnother good thing to do is to reuseold clothes. You can turn long pantsinto shorts. Just cut the legs. Or youcan turn long sleeves into short sleeves.These kids are using old clothes in a new way.8

<strong>Reduce</strong>Try to reduce or cut down on howmuch of Earth you use. Walk placesinstead of going in a car. Ride your bikewhen you can, too.Turn off the faucet while youare brushing your teeth. Take shortshowers. Turn off lights.

Keep Earth GreenRecycling can be fun. Have a contestwith your friends. See who can cleanup a park the fastest. Make instruments<strong>and</strong> form a b<strong>and</strong>. Make cool things towear out of old clothes.When you reduce, reuse, or recycle,you are helping to keep Earth green.Many people work hard to save greenplaces on Earth.10

RespondingTARGET VOCABULARY Word BuilderMake a chart about how to recycle. Listthings we recycle <strong>and</strong> how we recycle them.Copy the chart <strong>and</strong> add words.What We<strong>Recycle</strong>glass??How We<strong>Recycle</strong> Itmake newvases fromold glass??Write About ItText to Self Write a short paragraph abouthow you recycle. Tell what you recycle <strong>and</strong>how you do it. Use the text <strong>and</strong> chart tohelp you write.11

cartoncomplicateddrippingglobalhardlyTARGET VOCABULARYpollutionprojectrecyclerubbishshadeTARGET STRATEGY Monitor/Clarify As youread, find a way to clear up what doesn’tmake sense.you ride.Remove the re <strong>and</strong> you have something12

Level: KDRA: 20ScienceStrategy:Monitor/ClarifyWord Count: 4453.4.<strong>16</strong> Build VocabularyHOUGHTON MIFFLINOnline Leveled BooksISBN-13: 978-0-547-02148-5ISBN-10: 0-547-02148-81032043

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