EN7.pdf - WALDNER Inc.

EN7.pdf - WALDNER Inc.

EN7.pdf - WALDNER Inc.


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Safe and cost-effective workingalso under special conditionsWe are a leading supplier in the field of laboratoryequipment and laboratory fume cupboards because weare constantly developing ourselves and our products.To achieve this, we combine our constructive knowhowwith the results of systematic investigation andtesting of the flow technology of laboratory fume cupboards.Energy efficiency and optimum ergonomicsmake our fume cupboards safe and comfortable for thepeople working with them.For years now, we have been introducing our expertisein laboratory design and construction to standardisationcommittees in order to improve the safety inlaboratories even further. In our own certified testinglaboratory, we test our fume cupboards in accordancewith EN 14175 – Part 3, 4, 6 and 7, but also inaccordance with further standards, for example BSR/ASHRAE Standard 110P-2005.We have always been searching for solutions thatwill make our fume cupboards even safer and moreenergy efficient. The energy consumption is extremelylow, whilst high safety standards are maintained, dueto the continual optimisation of our flow technology.

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