Annual Report - Northern Health

Annual Report - Northern Health

Annual Report - Northern Health


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<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Board cont’dMr Leigh HockingLeigh Hocking’s background is inmanagement and human resourcesconsulting and corporate governance;fields in which he has over 25 years ofexperience.He is a Director of Magellan ConsultingPartners, an organisational developmentconsulting firm that specialises in majororganisational change, team coaching andleadership development. In those roles MrHocking has worked extensively in both thepublic and private sectors in industries asdiverse as utilities and infrastructure, miningand energy, transport, manufacturing anddefence, emergency services and highereducation to mention some.Mr Hocking is a director Westernport WaterCorporation and also serves on the Auditand Risk Committee of that Board. He wasformerly the Chair of the Board of RuralAmbulance Victoria and was the MinisterialDelegate on the Board of AmbulanceVictoria. He is a Fellow of the AustralianInstitute of Company Directors.Mr Brian JoyceBrian Joyce is a Certified PracticingAccountant and Master of Administration(Monash.) He has extensive experience inHospitals and <strong>Health</strong> Services managementand financing.Until 2008 Mr Joyce was Regional Directorof the North and West Metropolitan Regionof the Department of Human Services(DHS). During his career with DHS Mr Joyceheld a number of senior executive positionsincluding Director, Primary and Community<strong>Health</strong>, Executive Director Operations, andRegional Director, Southern MetropolitanRegion. Mr Joyce also held the positionof Deputy Chief General Manager of theformer State Department of <strong>Health</strong>.Prior to joining the Public Service Mr Joyceheld the positions of Finance Director,Box Hill Hospital and Manager, Financeand Services, of the Victorian Branch ofthe <strong>Health</strong> Insurance Commission andMedibank Private.Since retiring from the Public ServiceMr Joyce has served as the governmentappointed Administrator of WesternEducation Support and Training Network(WestNet) and Advisor to a Youth JusticeCustodial Services Taskforce. Mr Joycealso undertakes service review work in theHuman Services sector.Professor Gab KovacsProfessor Gab Kovacs is a sub specialist inreproductive gynaecology and has been amember of the Monash IVF team since hisreturn from postgraduate training in the UKin 1978.He has been President of The FertilitySociety of Australia, Family PlanningAustralia, Family Planning Victoria, andChairman of The IVF Directors’ Groupof Australia. Professor Kovacs was aCouncillor of the College of Obstetricsand Gynaecology for a period of six yearshaving chaired its Continuing Educationand Women’s <strong>Health</strong> Committees. He isa director of ACCESS, Australia’s nationalinfertility network.He is professor of Obstetrics andGynaecology at Monash University and haspublished more than 130 scientific papers,over 30 chapters in textbooks, and haswritten five books for the public and editedfour textbooks.Professor Kovacs interests and expertiseare in IVF, Ovulation induction, PCO, DonorInsemination, infertility surgery, male subfertility, contraception and sterilisation.11/12 <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Health</strong> annual report 7

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