Annual Report - Northern Health

Annual Report - Northern Health

Annual Report - Northern Health


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chair’s Financial report SummaryRevenue IndicatorsDebtors Outstanding as at 30 June 2012 Under 31-60 61-90 Over 90 Total Total000’s 30 days days days days 30/6/12 30/6/11Private 997 204 73 268 1,542 1,150TAC 5 1 - 4 10 11VWA 117 55 47 129 348 298Oversea’s Visitors 115 91 7 250 463 257Residential Aged Care - - - - - 17Total Debtors 2,363 1,733Average Collection Days 52 days 46 daysFinancial Summary<strong>Report</strong> of Operations Disclosure 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008000’s 000’s 000’s 000’s 000’sTotal Revenue 339,355 316,760 309,506 273,425 252,263Total Expenses 350,855 327,273 306,328 289,039 266,046Operating Surplus / (Deficit) (11,500) (10,513) 3,178 (15,614) (13,783)Accumulated Deficits (51,268) (39,719) (28,394) (31,572) (16,031)Total Assets 310,404 298,404 305,400 305,869 276,029Total Liabilities 89,335 70,599 67,082 70,729 60,678Net Assets 221,069 227,805 238,318 235,140 215,351Total Equity 221,069 227,805 238,318 235,140 215,351246 annual financial report report <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Health</strong> 11/12 11/12

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