Your guide to heating your home - Npower

Your guide to heating your home - Npower

Your guide to heating your home - Npower


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<strong>Your</strong> <strong>guide</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>heating</strong> <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong>

The average household could save £250by being more energy efficient around the <strong>home</strong>.(Source: Energy Saving Trust)Why it pays<strong>to</strong> save energyIt’s perfectly natural <strong>to</strong> want <strong>to</strong> feel snug and cosy in <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong>. Whether you’rerelaxing in the evening or taking a hot bath or shower, there’s no better feeling thanthe warm glow of a comfy house.In the UK, providing heat and hot water in <strong>home</strong>s accounts for around 65% of domestic CO 2emissions, source: Energy Saving Trust. There are lots of things that you can do <strong>to</strong> stay warmwithout hitting the environment hard. By using the right boiler for example, you won’t justhelp cut CO 2 emissions, you’ll cut <strong>your</strong> bills down <strong>to</strong> size <strong>to</strong>o.That’s where this <strong>guide</strong> can help, featuring advice on finding the right boiler and tips on<strong>heating</strong> <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong> efficiently. So don’t let <strong>heating</strong> <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong> put a freeze on <strong>your</strong> finances.Stay warm, cut costs and start saving energy straightaway.All energy savings facts and figures are provided by the Energy Saving Trust, are current at thedate of going <strong>to</strong> print, May 2010 and are based on a typical 3 bedroom semi detached houseand paying a gas price of 3.67p/kWh and an electricity price of 12.50p/kWh.This <strong>guide</strong> has receivedthe Wallace and Gromitseal of approval for<strong>to</strong>p tips on saving energyHot spotsThese symbols show where you can get theenergy saving measures ifyou decide <strong>to</strong> give them a try:From most DIY s<strong>to</strong>resFrom most supers<strong>to</strong>resFrom npower1

Imagine using more gas than you needjust <strong>to</strong> heat up <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong> and water.If <strong>your</strong> boiler is over ten years old, that’sprobably exactly what you’re doing.Heating bills can be reduced by up <strong>to</strong>a quarter when replacing an old boilerand upgrading <strong>heating</strong> controls.(Source: Energy Saving Trust)New condensing boilers are much moreefficient, converting around 90% or moreof fuel in<strong>to</strong> <strong>heating</strong> <strong>your</strong> house and hotwater. That’s better for the environmentand great news for <strong>your</strong> bills. And becauseyou’ll start saving money from day one,<strong>your</strong> new boiler could soon pay for itself.(Source: Energy Saving Trust 2010)Heatingand hot waterDid you know?If everyone in the UK with gas or oilcentral <strong>heating</strong> installed a highefficiency condensing boiler with fullsets of <strong>heating</strong> controls, we wouldsave enough energy <strong>to</strong> heat nearly1.7 million <strong>home</strong>s for a whole year andsave around 3.8 million <strong>to</strong>nnes of CO2.(Source: Energy Saving Trust)Need a new boiler?If you’re thinking of replacing <strong>your</strong> boiler andinstalling <strong>heating</strong> controls, call the npower<strong>home</strong>team. <strong>Your</strong> new boiler will come with aFREE two or five-year warranty* and we can offer you easyways <strong>to</strong> pay.To find out more, call0800 072 8601 †Lines are open Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday 8am<strong>to</strong> 8pm, and Saturday 9am <strong>to</strong> 5pm.or visit npower.com/<strong>home</strong>team* please see page 11.How willyou spend<strong>your</strong> savings?By replacing an old G rated boiler witha new high efficiency condensing boilerand improving <strong>your</strong> <strong>heating</strong> controls,you will significantly cut <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong>’scarbon dioxide emissions and couldsave as much as £225 a year – aroundthe price of a pampered break for two ina country hotel.(Source: Energy Saving Trust May 2010)23

Bright little thoughtson boilersWhich boiler is rightfor meAll of our boilers are energyefficient and you choosewhich one is right for youand <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong>.Every <strong>home</strong> and family is different. So it’simportant <strong>to</strong> pick a boiler that’s right foryou. Too small, and it might struggle <strong>to</strong>keep you warm. Too big, and it might bringyou high energy bills. This handy <strong>guide</strong> willhelp you choose…Look out for the logo...If you’re upgrading <strong>your</strong> boiler, look out forthe Energy Saving Trust Recommended logo.This is <strong>your</strong> guarantee you’ve chosen a greatmodel that will help you save money andenergy. All npower approved boilers carrythis logo.COMBI BOILERCombining an efficient water heaterwith a central <strong>heating</strong> boiler, thesespace-saving boilers give you instant,on-demand hot water. Because theydon’t use an extra hot water tank,they don’t need <strong>to</strong> heat a cylinder orreheat cold water. Which means they’reeconomical <strong>to</strong>o.Ideal if...…you live in a small house or flat, oryou’re short for space. They also makean excellent choice if you currently havea cold water tank in <strong>your</strong> loft but youwant <strong>to</strong> convert <strong>your</strong> loft in<strong>to</strong> a room.SYSTEM BOILERA system boiler heats <strong>your</strong> water ands<strong>to</strong>res it in a separate cylinder. This meansyou’ll need an airing cupboard or otherspace for the tank. However, they needless space than traditional open vent or<strong>heating</strong>-only boilers. The boiler also letsyou run hot water all over the housewithout the others running cold.Ideal if...… you have a larger <strong>home</strong> or family.You can also keep <strong>your</strong> loft space free,although you’ll need an airing cupboard.You can set <strong>your</strong> <strong>heating</strong> system so thereis normally hot water available when youneed it.The exception would be when youuse more than expected or at differenttimes from normal, when you might have<strong>to</strong> wait for it <strong>to</strong> heat up more water.OPEN VENT BOILERThis type of system uses twowater tanks in the loft and a hot watercylinder in the airing cupboard. So itcan take up a lot of space. You can runshowers, taps and baths at the sametime, but the cylinder will take a littletime <strong>to</strong> reheat cold water.Ideal if...... you already have an open vent boiler,because it’s relatively cheap <strong>to</strong> switch <strong>to</strong>a more efficient open vent sealed system.The water pressure is low though, andyou may only have drinkable water fromone outlet.45

Heating systemsIt takes more than a new boiler <strong>to</strong> heat <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong> efficiently. Heating controls alsohelp you save money and energy, installing a room thermostat can save you around£55 a year (Energy Saving Trust).Get the right system in place• Room thermostat. <strong>Your</strong> room thermostatallows you <strong>to</strong> set the temperatureyou want and the ideal location for<strong>your</strong> thermostat should be in thehall. It responds <strong>to</strong> the temperaturearound it, so when the room is warmenough, the thermostat will send a signal<strong>to</strong> the boiler <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p supplying hot water <strong>to</strong><strong>your</strong> radia<strong>to</strong>rs.• Time switches and programmers let youcontrol when <strong>your</strong> <strong>heating</strong> and hot waterswitches on and off. They can bemechanical or digital. Time switchescan only control one function,such as <strong>heating</strong> hot water, whileprogrammers can control both <strong>heating</strong> <strong>your</strong><strong>home</strong> and <strong>heating</strong> <strong>your</strong> water.• Boiler thermostat. You’ll find this type ofthermostat on <strong>your</strong> boiler. It controls thetemperature of water leaving <strong>your</strong> boiler forthe radia<strong>to</strong>rs and hot water cylinder.It also s<strong>to</strong>ps the boiler over<strong>heating</strong>.If you have a room thermostat, youcan set <strong>your</strong> boiler thermostat <strong>to</strong>a high setting in winter and a lower settingin summer. You can then control <strong>your</strong> roomtemperatures using individual thermostaticradia<strong>to</strong>r valves or room thermostat.• Cylinder thermostat. If you do not have acombi boiler, then <strong>your</strong> hot waterwill be s<strong>to</strong>red in the hot watercylinder or tank, which is normallyfound in <strong>your</strong> airing cupboard.The thermostat will control howhot <strong>your</strong> hot water is. It is best <strong>to</strong> set thethermostat at 60 o C. This will keep <strong>your</strong>water hot enough <strong>to</strong> prevent the growth ofpotentially harmful bacteria, but any hotterwill use more energy than you really need.• Thermostatic radia<strong>to</strong>r valves, situated on<strong>your</strong> radia<strong>to</strong>rs, these allow you <strong>to</strong> control thetemperature in individual rooms.Each thermostatic radia<strong>to</strong>r valvesenses the air temperature around itand works <strong>to</strong> maintain <strong>your</strong> chosentemperature. It’s easy <strong>to</strong> fit thesevalves and you can use them <strong>to</strong> turn <strong>your</strong>radia<strong>to</strong>rs on or off.Other <strong>heating</strong> systems• S<strong>to</strong>rage heaters are a good way <strong>to</strong> heat <strong>your</strong><strong>home</strong> using electricity, especially if <strong>your</strong> areadoesn’t have a gas supply. They run on offpeakelectricity tariffs, such as Economy 7. Theheater switches itself on during off-peak hours– usually at night – s<strong>to</strong>ring the heat <strong>to</strong> releasethe next day.• Direct electric <strong>heating</strong> includes systemssuch as electric fires, panel heaters and ceiling<strong>heating</strong>. However, they’re not economical <strong>to</strong>use for all <strong>your</strong> <strong>heating</strong> needs, and they’re notgreat for the environment either, so it’s a goodidea <strong>to</strong> use them sparingly.67

FinancesSolar hot waterSwitch <strong>to</strong> gas <strong>home</strong> <strong>heating</strong>and you could save money!Here is a quick re-cap on how <strong>to</strong> savemoney and energy while staying warm:Get a gran<strong>to</strong>f up <strong>to</strong> £1500<strong>to</strong>wards the cost ~Call 0800 072 0221quoting ‘EE Literature’ or visitnpower.com/fuelswitching~ see page 15• Don’t overheat – lowering <strong>your</strong> thermostatby just 1°C could save you around £55 ayear. (source: Energy Saving Trust).• Stick <strong>to</strong> 60˚ - if you have a hot watercylinder thermostat, keep it at 60˚C.• Keep them closed – if you’re <strong>to</strong>o warm,turn the <strong>heating</strong> down rather than openingthe windows.• Switch off – Have <strong>your</strong> <strong>heating</strong> and hotwater on only when necessary, also, onlyuse direct electric <strong>heating</strong> systems whenneeded.• The right setting – set <strong>your</strong> boilerthermostat on a high setting in winter and alower setting in summer.How willyou spend<strong>your</strong> savings?Insulating <strong>your</strong> hot water pipescan save you £10 a year * – thecost for two <strong>to</strong> go ten pin bowling.*Source: Energy Saving Trust• Go for the middle – turn <strong>your</strong> radia<strong>to</strong>rthermostat <strong>to</strong> the middle setting, thenturn up and down a notch until you’recomfortable.• Changing rooms – use <strong>your</strong> radia<strong>to</strong>rthermostat <strong>to</strong> keep the temperature higherin the rooms you use a lot and lower in therooms you don’t.• Wrap in a jacket – a thick insulating jacketfor <strong>your</strong> hot water tank costs around £15,but can save you around £35 a year (source:Energy Saving Trust). It should be at least75mm (3 inches) thick.Enjoying renewable energydoesn’t have <strong>to</strong> cost the earth.With npower Solar Thermal,you can enjoy hot water,courtesy of the sun’s energy. We’ll takecare of installing a system that couldsupply you with a third of <strong>your</strong> annual hotwater needs. With npower solar pricesstarting from around £5,000, it’s moreaffordable than you might think. Financemay also be available.To find out more,call 0800 072 7604 †and quote npm 5972Lines are open Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday 8am<strong>to</strong> 8pm, and Saturday 9am <strong>to</strong> 5pm.or visit npower.com/solarTake a shower..Taking a shower instead of abath can use as little as a thirdof the water. However, be awarethat many power-showers willuse more water than a bath, if you tend<strong>to</strong> shower for more than 5 minutes. To bereally savvy you could swap <strong>your</strong> powershower’s head for an aerating shower head.This type of shower mixes air in<strong>to</strong> the flow<strong>to</strong> keep pressure high but reduce the waterused. Believe it or not, the bubbles feel fab.By replacing their inefficient shower headwith an aerated shower head a four personfamily could save around £50 a year in gasbills, and around £75 in metered water bills.89

New boiler lad?That’ll save some pennies.npower <strong>home</strong>team only install energy efficient boilers.In fact each A-rated boiler is so energy efficient youcould save up <strong>to</strong> £225 * (22,500 pennies) year after yearon <strong>your</strong> gas bill when installing <strong>heating</strong> controls <strong>to</strong>o.To find out more call FREE on0800 072 8601 †or visit npower.com/<strong>home</strong>team10©Aardman Animations Ltd. 2010 * 5 year Warranty: Offered in Worcester Bosch boilers. That is 3 years more than <strong>your</strong> statu<strong>to</strong>ry warranty periodof 2 years. †Calls: Calls may be recorded and moni<strong>to</strong>red for training and security purposes. Lines are open from 8am <strong>to</strong> 8pm Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday and9am <strong>to</strong> 5pm Saturday. *£225 saving source: Energy Saving Trust for a 65% efficient boiler replaced with an A rated boiler and a full set of <strong>heating</strong>controls. Any actual savings depend on individual circumstances.npower and <strong>home</strong>team are registered trademarks and npower is the trading name of <strong>Npower</strong> Northern Limited (registered in England and Wales No.3432100) and associated companies. Registered office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 6PB11

The next steps...We hope this <strong>guide</strong> has given you some tips onways you can save money and energy. If you’d like<strong>to</strong> find out more about cutting costs and reducingenergy use, our Energy Efficiency Helpline is ready<strong>to</strong> take <strong>your</strong> call.Climate Copsfighting <strong>to</strong> save the planetFor more free advice, call theEnergy Efficiency Helpline freeon 0800 02 22 20 †Lines are open Mon - Fri 8am - 8pmand Sat 8am - 6pmYou can also email the team onenergy.efficiency@npower.comor visit npower.com/savingenergyWhy not get <strong>your</strong> kids involved inhelping you save money and energy?Climate Cops is a great websitefor kids aged 7 <strong>to</strong> 11, packed withgames, challenges and bright ideason energy efficiency.Visit the site atclimatecops.com† Calls may be moni<strong>to</strong>red and recorded for training and security purposes. Price of call may vary depending on <strong>your</strong> opera<strong>to</strong>r, please check forexact charges.©Aardman/Wallace and Gromit Limited (2010).npower Solar Thermal, Climate Cops, npower and <strong>home</strong>team are registered trademarks and npower is the trading name of <strong>Npower</strong> Northern Limited(registered in England and Wales No. 3432100) and associated companies. Registered office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 6PB.12

Useful numbersFor advice on saving energy in <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong> call0800 02 22 20 †Or visit npower.com/savingenergyFor insulation enquiries and <strong>to</strong> find out if you are eligible forFREE* <strong>home</strong> insulation call0800 980 2135 †and quote ‘EE Literature’Or visit npower.com/insulationTo find out about our great value DIY Loft Insulation and order online visitnpower.com/diyloftinsulationFor gas boiler service and installation call npower <strong>home</strong>team on0800 072 8601 †Or visit npower.com/<strong>home</strong>team(Terms, conditions and geographical restrictions apply)For information on grant funding when you switch from coalor electric <strong>to</strong> gas <strong>home</strong> <strong>heating</strong>, call0800 072 0221 †and quote ‘EE Literature’Or visit npower.com/fuelswitchingThe Energy Saving Trust is a non-profit organisation providingfree, impartial advice <strong>to</strong> help you s<strong>to</strong>p wasting energy andmoney and help fight climate change.To find out what you can do <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p wasting energy visit ourwebsite at energysavingtrust.org.uk or give <strong>your</strong> local EnergySaving Trust advisor a call on 0800 512 012It’s easy <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p wasting energy.visit energysavingtrust.org.uk or call 0800 512 012Our advisors will:• Give you personalised advice on what’spractical for <strong>your</strong> <strong>home</strong>• Explain any technical or planning issues• Tell you about grants and offersavailable in <strong>your</strong> area† Calls may be recorded and moni<strong>to</strong>red for training and security purposes. Price of call may vary depending on <strong>your</strong> opera<strong>to</strong>r and calls from mobiles may be considerably higher,please check with <strong>your</strong> opera<strong>to</strong>r for exact charges. Lines are open from 8am <strong>to</strong> 8pm Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday and 9am <strong>to</strong> 5pm Saturday (9am <strong>to</strong> 6pm on Saturday for insulation enquiries).* FREE <strong>home</strong> insulation: In addition <strong>to</strong> the above terms, <strong>to</strong> be eligible for free <strong>home</strong> insulation you or someone you live with must be at least 70 years of age or in receipt of one ormore of the following: Attendance Allowance, Child Tax Credit (where the relevant income is £16,040 or less), Working Tax Credit (where the relevant income is £16,040 or less),Council Tax Benefit, Disablement Pension which includes Constant Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Housing Benefit, Income Based Job Seekers Allowance,Income Support, State Pension Credit or War Disablement Pension which includes either a Mobility Supplement or Constant Attendance Allowance.npm5970/02.11Printed on recycled materials

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