Advancements in Weld Inspections - CB&I

Advancements in Weld Inspections - CB&I Advancements in Weld Inspections - CB&I


Reprinted from:July 2004 issue, pgs 53–55Used with permission.www.HydrocarbonProcessing.comLNG AND GTL DEVELOPMENTSSPECIALREPORTLNG storage tanks: advancementsin weld inspectionsNew inspection method improves jobsite examinationsand verification of weldsR. KRUZIC, CB&I, The Woodlands, TexasThe international liquefied natural gas (LNG) industrycontinues to grow, and moves stranded naturalgas (NG) from countries that have surplus supply toexpanding markets. In order to fulfill global demand, thenumber of facilities being built to export, ship and importLNG has also increased tremendously. LNG storage tanks(Fig. 1) play a prominent role in this process and are typically onthe critical path for constructing LNG terminal projects.Three LNG storage tank designs are available and selectionsare made based on specific project needs: single, double and fullcontainment tanks. All three are designed to store LNG safelyand contain any spills in the unlikely event of a leak in the primaryliquid container. Due to the stored fuel’s nature, all threetank types are designed with an inner and outer wall separatedby insulation materials. The inner wall must be designed forLNG’s cryogenic temperature (–260°F). The material used mostextensively is 9% nickel steel as the material remains ductile atcryogenic temperatures.To construct the inner liquid containing tank, large platesof 9% nickel steel are welded together (Fig. 2). Welding proceduresrequire using appropriate weld filler to achieve therequired mechanical properties and toughness. Applicabledesign codes and standards govern the nondestructive examination(NDE) techniques required to ensure that welds areacceptable.Radiography vs. ultrasonic technologies. Traditionally,full fusion welds on LNG storage tanks have been inspectedusing radiographic examination (RT). Technicians take weldradiographs using either x-ray or gamma ray sources, develop thefilm and then review it to determine if the weld is acceptable. RTis known for its sensitivity to volumetric flows and clearly identifiesslag and porosity flaws that indicate a problem in either theweld itself or welding procedure.Ultrasonic examination (UT) has been used primarily toinspect welds on structures made of carbon or low alloy steels(ferritic metal). Because 9% nickel steel filler metals are ahigh nickel alloy, its structure is austenitic rather than ferritic.Austenitic materials produce a weld deposit that has a coarse,grainy elongated (dendritic) structure. This tends to scattersound waves, thus causing distortions and interference withresults.Furthermore, considerable equipment costs, high skill levelof technicians, and lack of integrated systems performing theprocedures has made using UT for LNG storage tank weldinspections rare. However, recent technological advances haveleveled the playing field between UT and RT technologies. Asa result, UT has emerged as an inspection method equally wellsuitedfor jobsite examination and, in some cases, it provides abetter alternative.Austenitic weld examinations. Recent developmentsin ultrasonic technology have made it practical to develop anexamination methodology designed specifically for austeniticwelds. This process combines multiple UT techniques toeffectively examine the weld joint and detect detrimental flawswithin it.Commercial UT hardware and software has become moresophisticated in its ability to handle multiple transducers andto process and display data. For ultrasonic ferritic weld inspection,transducer arrays have been mounted on rolling carts tiedto computerized data collection systems. This same conceptwas applied in developing a system for austenitic welds. However,highly specialized transducers are carefully selected andassembled on the carriage.The required specialized transducers are determined fromweld schematics. Production weld mock-ups are mandatory todetermine appropriate gain settings and to confirm adequatecoverage. Transducers are then mounted to a carriage and areready for the inspection process. A pump is included on theapparatus to constantly spray water onto the examination surface,ensuring that high-frequency sound waves are successfullytransferred.Semi-automatic UT examination system. A recentdevelopment in methodology and apparatus combines technologyadvancements into a single process designed specifically forUT inspection of austenitic weld joints. The semi-automatedHYDROCARBON PROCESSING JULY 2004

Repr<strong>in</strong>ted from:July 2004 issue, pgs 53–55Used with permission.www.HydrocarbonProcess<strong>in</strong>g.comLNG AND GTL DEVELOPMENTSSPECIALREPORTLNG storage tanks: advancements<strong>in</strong> weld <strong>in</strong>spectionsNew <strong>in</strong>spection method improves jobsite exam<strong>in</strong>ationsand verification of weldsR. KRUZIC, CB&I, The Woodlands, TexasThe <strong>in</strong>ternational liquefied natural gas (LNG) <strong>in</strong>dustrycont<strong>in</strong>ues to grow, and moves stranded naturalgas (NG) from countries that have surplus supply toexpand<strong>in</strong>g markets. In order to fulfill global demand, thenumber of facilities be<strong>in</strong>g built to export, ship and importLNG has also <strong>in</strong>creased tremendously. LNG storage tanks(Fig. 1) play a prom<strong>in</strong>ent role <strong>in</strong> this process and are typically onthe critical path for construct<strong>in</strong>g LNG term<strong>in</strong>al projects.Three LNG storage tank designs are available and selectionsare made based on specific project needs: s<strong>in</strong>gle, double and fullconta<strong>in</strong>ment tanks. All three are designed to store LNG safelyand conta<strong>in</strong> any spills <strong>in</strong> the unlikely event of a leak <strong>in</strong> the primaryliquid conta<strong>in</strong>er. Due to the stored fuel’s nature, all threetank types are designed with an <strong>in</strong>ner and outer wall separatedby <strong>in</strong>sulation materials. The <strong>in</strong>ner wall must be designed forLNG’s cryogenic temperature (–260°F). The material used mostextensively is 9% nickel steel as the material rema<strong>in</strong>s ductile atcryogenic temperatures.To construct the <strong>in</strong>ner liquid conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g tank, large platesof 9% nickel steel are welded together (Fig. 2). <strong>Weld</strong><strong>in</strong>g proceduresrequire us<strong>in</strong>g appropriate weld filler to achieve therequired mechanical properties and toughness. Applicabledesign codes and standards govern the nondestructive exam<strong>in</strong>ation(NDE) techniques required to ensure that welds areacceptable.Radiography vs. ultrasonic technologies. Traditionally,full fusion welds on LNG storage tanks have been <strong>in</strong>spectedus<strong>in</strong>g radiographic exam<strong>in</strong>ation (RT). Technicians take weldradiographs us<strong>in</strong>g either x-ray or gamma ray sources, develop thefilm and then review it to determ<strong>in</strong>e if the weld is acceptable. RTis known for its sensitivity to volumetric flows and clearly identifiesslag and porosity flaws that <strong>in</strong>dicate a problem <strong>in</strong> either theweld itself or weld<strong>in</strong>g procedure.Ultrasonic exam<strong>in</strong>ation (UT) has been used primarily to<strong>in</strong>spect welds on structures made of carbon or low alloy steels(ferritic metal). Because 9% nickel steel filler metals are ahigh nickel alloy, its structure is austenitic rather than ferritic.Austenitic materials produce a weld deposit that has a coarse,gra<strong>in</strong>y elongated (dendritic) structure. This tends to scattersound waves, thus caus<strong>in</strong>g distortions and <strong>in</strong>terference withresults.Furthermore, considerable equipment costs, high skill levelof technicians, and lack of <strong>in</strong>tegrated systems perform<strong>in</strong>g theprocedures has made us<strong>in</strong>g UT for LNG storage tank weld<strong>in</strong>spections rare. However, recent technological advances haveleveled the play<strong>in</strong>g field between UT and RT technologies. Asa result, UT has emerged as an <strong>in</strong>spection method equally wellsuitedfor jobsite exam<strong>in</strong>ation and, <strong>in</strong> some cases, it provides abetter alternative.Austenitic weld exam<strong>in</strong>ations. Recent developments<strong>in</strong> ultrasonic technology have made it practical to develop anexam<strong>in</strong>ation methodology designed specifically for austeniticwelds. This process comb<strong>in</strong>es multiple UT techniques toeffectively exam<strong>in</strong>e the weld jo<strong>in</strong>t and detect detrimental flawswith<strong>in</strong> it.Commercial UT hardware and software has become moresophisticated <strong>in</strong> its ability to handle multiple transducers andto process and display data. For ultrasonic ferritic weld <strong>in</strong>spection,transducer arrays have been mounted on roll<strong>in</strong>g carts tiedto computerized data collection systems. This same conceptwas applied <strong>in</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>g a system for austenitic welds. However,highly specialized transducers are carefully selected andassembled on the carriage.The required specialized transducers are determ<strong>in</strong>ed fromweld schematics. Production weld mock-ups are mandatory todeterm<strong>in</strong>e appropriate ga<strong>in</strong> sett<strong>in</strong>gs and to confirm adequatecoverage. Transducers are then mounted to a carriage and areready for the <strong>in</strong>spection process. A pump is <strong>in</strong>cluded on theapparatus to constantly spray water onto the exam<strong>in</strong>ation surface,ensur<strong>in</strong>g that high-frequency sound waves are successfullytransferred.Semi-automatic UT exam<strong>in</strong>ation system. A recentdevelopment <strong>in</strong> methodology and apparatus comb<strong>in</strong>es technologyadvancements <strong>in</strong>to a s<strong>in</strong>gle process designed specifically forUT <strong>in</strong>spection of austenitic weld jo<strong>in</strong>ts. The semi-automatedHYDROCARBON PROCESSING JULY 2004

SPECIALREPORT LNG AND GTL DEVELOPMENTSTABLE 1. RT vs. UT nondestructive exam<strong>in</strong>ationFIG. 1Typical storage tank for LNG at a term<strong>in</strong>al site.apparatus, which has been patented <strong>in</strong> the US as well as a numberof other countries, <strong>in</strong>cludes hardware (transducers, carriage,computer equipment, etc.) and software systems needed toperform exam<strong>in</strong>ations and capture the results <strong>in</strong> the field. Itis automatic <strong>in</strong> that the computer software captures ultrasonicdata as it exam<strong>in</strong>es the weld jo<strong>in</strong>t while the carriage is mov<strong>in</strong>galong the weld seam.The computer is monitored as data is collected, ensur<strong>in</strong>g thesystem is function<strong>in</strong>g correctly. The operator, who is a qualifiedLevel II UT NDE technician, can also screen data as it is be<strong>in</strong>gcollected—thus, proactively address<strong>in</strong>g any weld<strong>in</strong>g problemsdetected immediately, rather than wait<strong>in</strong>g for f<strong>in</strong>al reports tobe reviewed.Computer hardware, which has become smaller and moreportable, is <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong>to the system and can be used easily<strong>in</strong> the field without cumbersome restrictions. Operator tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gfor the equipment and procedures is provided <strong>in</strong> a laboratoryenvironment utiliz<strong>in</strong>g tank mock-ups. The equipment is thentransported to the construction site and put <strong>in</strong>to production.Item RT Semi-automated UTwith computer-baseddata acquisition methodsSensitivity for Strength Moderate to highvolumetric flaws(slag and porosity)Sensitivity for planar flaws Moderate High(cracks and non-fusion)Provide permanent record Yes Yes(basel<strong>in</strong>e)Multiple copies of results No YesData on flaw length Yes YesData on flaw depth No Yes(ferritic material)Data on flaw depth No Yes, with<strong>in</strong> limits(austenitic material)Th<strong>in</strong> material No limitation Limited to 9 mmSafety Isotope/radiation hazard No hazardSchedule Work restricted to Work can be donenonproduction work <strong>in</strong> unison withtime unless heavy shield<strong>in</strong>g production workOperator skill level Moderate HighAcceptance basis Workmanship Fracture mechanicsAPI approved Yes YesUT benefits for LNG storage tanks. There are a numberof advantages <strong>in</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g UT to <strong>in</strong>spect 9% nickel steel weld jo<strong>in</strong>tsfor LNG storage tanks. These <strong>in</strong>clude safety considerations,quality factors, time and cost sav<strong>in</strong>gs, and space allocations(Table 1).Safety considerations. Safety is the primary considerationon every LNG project. By elim<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g radiation usage <strong>in</strong> theNDE process, UT <strong>in</strong>spections remove radiation hazards as asafety concern.The UT process also elim<strong>in</strong>ates the need to handle anddispose of chemicals associated with RT technology. Anotherimportant safety consideration is the elim<strong>in</strong>ation of the NDEoperators work<strong>in</strong>g dur<strong>in</strong>g off-hours to perform <strong>in</strong>spections.Isolat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>spectors to perform RT exam<strong>in</strong>ations is necessaryto protect other workers <strong>in</strong> the area, which poses risks for thoseperform<strong>in</strong>g the exam<strong>in</strong>ations.Quality factors. While RT is normally better at detect<strong>in</strong>gthree-dimensional volumetric flaws, such as slag and porosity,UT is normally better at detect<strong>in</strong>g two-dimensional planarflaws, such as cracks and non-fusion occurrences. In weld<strong>in</strong>g,these two-dimensional flaws are those that cause the greatestconcern. Detect<strong>in</strong>g and correct<strong>in</strong>g detrimental two-dimensionalflaws is essential to ensur<strong>in</strong>g the LNG storage tankstructure <strong>in</strong>tegrity.For RT exam<strong>in</strong>ations, acceptance criteria are based on consensusstandards, which <strong>in</strong>spectors are tra<strong>in</strong>ed to read. For UTexam<strong>in</strong>ations, eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g calculations derived from fracturemechanics are used to set the acceptance standard. This providesfor a much more precise methodology for <strong>in</strong>terpret<strong>in</strong>g resultsand provid<strong>in</strong>g a sound structure.Other ways that UT contributes to the <strong>in</strong>spection qualityprocess is by provid<strong>in</strong>g a permanent electronic exam<strong>in</strong>ationrecord that can be easily copied or transmitted. Thus, test resultscan be displayed and analyzed on a computer monitor.The UT test output is more consistent than a correspond<strong>in</strong>gRT exam<strong>in</strong>ation. Output quality with RT, like otherphotographic techniques, can vary depend<strong>in</strong>g on the time theshot is taken, film placement, chemical quality used <strong>in</strong> filmprocess<strong>in</strong>g and film development techniques. UT providesa consistent view that is not dependent on these variations.Furthermore, the semi-automated UT exam<strong>in</strong>ation system,with its advanced data acquisition systems, places less relianceon the <strong>in</strong>dividual technician’s skill s<strong>in</strong>ce other tra<strong>in</strong>ed<strong>in</strong>spectors can easily review records.Time and cost sav<strong>in</strong>gs. UT <strong>in</strong>spections can provide time andcost sav<strong>in</strong>gs that can be significant over the course of a project.The UT procedure is a l<strong>in</strong>ear scann<strong>in</strong>g process, as opposed toraster scan techniques employed <strong>in</strong> manual procedures. Theprocess allows both sides of the weld to be exam<strong>in</strong>ed at the sametime. Once weld<strong>in</strong>g is completed and cooled, UT <strong>in</strong>spectioncan follow beh<strong>in</strong>d the welders and <strong>in</strong>spect jo<strong>in</strong>ts immediately.The <strong>in</strong>spection time for the UT process is less than that spentperform<strong>in</strong>g RT exam<strong>in</strong>ation.HYDROCARBON PROCESSING JULY 2004

LNG AND GTL DEVELOPMENTSSPECIALREPORTIn contrast, RT exam<strong>in</strong>ations cannot occur dur<strong>in</strong>g productionhours unless shield<strong>in</strong>g or distance is provided which allows workers<strong>in</strong> the area to work safely. Normally, a second shift comes <strong>in</strong>at night or on weekends to take radiographs. The film must thenbe developed and results analyzed. This can cause considerabledelay <strong>in</strong> resolv<strong>in</strong>g any identified weld issues. RT also constra<strong>in</strong>sthe contractor when faced with add<strong>in</strong>g extra shifts because timeis already devoted to tak<strong>in</strong>g weld radiographs.With UT, there is no delay; the results can be viewed andimmediate action taken if necessary. While UT equipmentis more expensive to purchase, the time sav<strong>in</strong>gs and scheduleimprovements may well offset the higher equipment costs.Space allocations. Less area is needed to store the UT <strong>in</strong>spectionresults than that needed for stor<strong>in</strong>g radiographs producedby RT exam<strong>in</strong>ations. Once RT film is developed, it must bestored onsite for reference. UT results must also be stored. However,s<strong>in</strong>ce the data is captured electronically, the results can bedownloaded onto a CD or computer. From there, the results arereviewed for a f<strong>in</strong>al report and can be easily stored, backed up andtransmitted from a desktop computer.Test<strong>in</strong>g and implement<strong>in</strong>g UT <strong>in</strong>spections. Afterdevelop<strong>in</strong>g the semi-automatic UT methodology and equipment,the new procedure was tested extensively <strong>in</strong> a weld<strong>in</strong>glaboratory. Third-party process validation was sought, as well asAPI acceptance of UT <strong>in</strong> lieu of RT based on fracture mechanicscriteria.An <strong>in</strong>dependent third party has validated the procedure andthe API Standards Committee has approved us<strong>in</strong>g UT <strong>in</strong> lieu ofRT based on fracture mechanics acceptance criteria. UT will bepermitted as an alternative to RT <strong>in</strong> Appendix U of Addendum1, API 620 Tenth edition (publication pend<strong>in</strong>g).FIG. 2Technician weld<strong>in</strong>g steel plates together for a componentof an LNG storage tank.Mov<strong>in</strong>g forward. As LNG projects proliferate globally, newconstruction technologies are emerg<strong>in</strong>g that will help makethese projects safer, technically superior and more cost-effectiveto build. Companies cont<strong>in</strong>ue to develop and evolve thesetechnologies, br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g them to the field as soon as they areadequately tested and approved for use.The development of a patented UT methodology and apparatusto <strong>in</strong>spect austenitic welds for LNG storage tanks isone example of how research, creativity and experience canhelp improve safety, shorten the work schedule and producea higher-quality exam<strong>in</strong>ation process for LNG projects <strong>in</strong> thefield. HPRon Kruzic is a senior weld<strong>in</strong>g eng<strong>in</strong>eer, Corporate NDT Level III, and has beenwith CB&I for 33 years. After develop<strong>in</strong>g the process for austenitic UT weld <strong>in</strong>spection,he patented the method and apparatus. He earned his BS degree <strong>in</strong> metallurgicaleng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g and an MS degree <strong>in</strong> science from the University of Ill<strong>in</strong>ois,Champaign-Urbana. He currently is an ASNT ACCP Professional Level III <strong>in</strong> themagnetic particle (MT), liquid penetrant (PT), radiography (RT), ultrasonic (UT) andvisual (VT) exam<strong>in</strong>ation methods. Mr. Kruzic is also an NDT Level III <strong>in</strong> leak test<strong>in</strong>g (LT)and a member of ASME’s Section V Code Subcommittee on nondestructive test<strong>in</strong>g.Article copyright © 2004 by Gulf Publish<strong>in</strong>g Company. All rights reserved.Pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> U.S.A.

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