Octopus Manual - LinPlug Virtual Instruments

Octopus Manual - LinPlug Virtual Instruments

Octopus Manual - LinPlug Virtual Instruments


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Final Envelope Value = Initial Envelope Value * Keyboard Scaling *Velocity Scaling.If the Envelope Keyboard Level Scaling settings and the Envelope VelocityLevel Scaling settings are both set to 1.0 then the envelope is unaffected(because 1 * 1 = 1 ). End Points and Curve Points within the KBD and VELenvelopes are set in the same way as those for the main envelope. Seeabove for more information.MIDI ModulationEnvelopes can be also modulated by an external MIDI controller. Thefollowing controllers are available: , Modulation Wheel, Pitch Bend,Aftertouch (poly), Aftertouch (mono) Breath Ctrl, Foot Ctrl, Expression,CC16 (Control Change 16), CC 17 (Control Change 17), CC 18 (ControlChange 18) and CC 19 (Control Change 19).In this case, the MIDI controller values are first scaled to values between0.0 and 1.0. The scaled result is the multiplied by the envelope's value toproduce the final envelope value. This process can be describedmathematically as follows:Final Envelope Value = Initial Envelope Value * Keyboard Scaling *Velocity Scaling * Scaled MIDI ControllerValueNote that if, for example, you assign an envelope to the Modulation Wheel,and no output is produced, make sure that the Modulation Wheel is not setto 0.TMP SyncThe TMP Sync (Tempo Sync) control enables the envelope to besynchronised with the tempo of the host program. If the TMP Sync control isswitched OFF then the durations of each envelope portion are the durationsshown by the time scale at the bottom of the window. If the TMP Synccontrol is switched ON then the duration of a quarter-note is equivalent to aduration of 1.0 within the Envelope Editor. Note that a duration of 1.0 mayno longer be 1.0 seconds as the actual duration will vary according to thetempo. Also note that when TMP Sync is switched on, the envelope'sKBD/VEL Rate Scaling is deactivated however any level scalings remainactive.26 <strong>Manual</strong>

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