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Mobile Banking For Inclusive Growth - Punjab National Bank ... Mobile Banking For Inclusive Growth - Punjab National Bank ...


e-trackstTable: 2 Employments (Direct) in SEZ (as on 31 Dec.2007)Employmentas on Feb 2006Table: 3 Sector Wise Distribution Of Approved SEZPresent employeeson Dec 31 st 2007Incremental Employmentgenerated since coming intoforce of SEZ Act ’057 SEZs set up by the Central 122236 183354 61118govt.SEZ set up by the State12468 364630 23995Govt/Pvt SEZ during theperiod 2000-05.SEZ notified under the SEZ --- 61015 61015Act 2005Total Employment 134704 280832 146128Incremental employment generated in SEZs on whole 1, 46,128 persons.Sectors Formal Approvals In-principle approvals Notified SEZsIT/ITES/Electronic Hardware 147 31 40Textiles 13 14 1Pharma 13 6 3Multi-products 9 54 4Bio-tech 9 4 1Engineering 5 8 1Multi-Services/Services 6 9 1Electronics 2 4Auto 3 4 1Footwear 4 1 1Gems and Jewellery 3 3 1Power 3 3 -FTWZ 2 4 -Stainless steel 2 1 -Food processing 2 2 -Non-Conventional Energy 1 - 1Petrochemicals 1 - 1Agro 1 - -Portbased-multiproducts 4 - -Others 4 14 7Grand Total 234 162 63January-March-201020

FormalIn -Principlee-trackconceptualized and planned carefully according tosustainability principles keeping in view economic,social and environmental factors.Foreign companies have emerged to establishtheir presence in the territories and therefore varioussops are provided to foreign investors, for setting upexport oriented units (EOUs), Special EconomicZones (SEZs) or industrial and electronics hardwareparks. SEZs in India have increased theirperformance, size, road and port connectivity andIndian government should try to fulfill its agenda ofcommon reform as the multiplier effects on theeconomic activities triggered by SEZ materializes.Sharma, Manoranjan, Atlantic Publishers andArguments against SEZ Distributors, New Delhi, 2005.People protest against displacement caused by Agrawal, A.N., “Indian Economy ProblemsSEZs implementation are already intense and it of Development and Planning, 32nd Editionsometimes led to violence as witnessed in Nandi Articlesgram and Singur in West Bengal.. However theKennedy, M. Maria John and Vennila,ndgovernment has thought to drop the idea till Jan 22K.,”Special Economic Zones: Problems andth2007 but soon it was regained on April 15 2007 by prospects”, Southern Economist, Vol.47, no.2,the empowerment group of Union Ministers. pp 43-44, May15th 2008.It is thought that SEZ will acquire thousands of Sampathlakshmi N, “Special Economichectares of land with minimum land ceiling Zones “, Kisan World”, Vol.35No.3 pp23-25.provisions which will disrupt the livelihood of May 2008.people and therefore stiffly resisted by peasants andSampat Preeti,” Special Economic Zones infarmers. Therefore, desirability and feasibility ofIndia “Economic and Political Weekly”each project should be judged in terms of cost andVol.XLIII No.28, pp-25-29 July12-18, 2008.benefit that will accrue to the society at large.WebsitesGenerally, projects should be set up on wasteland,degraded or unirrigated land and acquisition of land should be avoided.http://www.accomodationtimes,comConcluding Observations have strong linkages with the globalmarket which attract latest technology and businessknow-how. This information and flow of knowledgehas ultimately improved the economic and socialwell being. It may generate sustainable value ifReferencesBooks Singh is a Research Fellow atFaculty Of Commerce. B.H.U., Varanasi-221005She can be contacted

<strong>For</strong>malIn -Principlee-trackconceptualized and planned carefully according tosustainability principles keeping in view economic,social and environmental factors.<strong>For</strong>eign companies have emerged to establishtheir presence in the territories and therefore varioussops are provided to foreign investors, for setting upexport oriented units (EOUs), Special EconomicZones (SEZs) or industrial and electronics hardwareparks. SEZs in India have increased theirperformance, size, road and port connectivity andIndian government should try to fulfill its agenda ofcommon reform as the multiplier effects on theeconomic activities triggered by SEZ materializes.Sharma, Manoranjan, Atlantic Publishers andArguments against SEZ Distributors, New Delhi, 2005.People protest against displacement caused by Agrawal, A.N., “Indian Economy ProblemsSEZs implementation are already intense and it of Development and Planning, 32nd Editionsometimes led to violence as witnessed in Nandi Articlesgram and Singur in West Bengal.. However theKennedy, M. Maria John and Vennila,ndgovernment has thought to drop the idea till Jan 22K.,”Special Economic Zones: Problems andth2007 but soon it was regained on April 15 2007 by prospects”, Southern Economist, Vol.47, no.2,the empowerment group of Union Ministers. pp 43-44, May15th 2008.It is thought that SEZ will acquire thousands of Sampathlakshmi N, “Special Economichectares of land with minimum land ceiling Zones “, Kisan World”, Vol.35No.3 pp23-25.provisions which will disrupt the livelihood of May 2008.people and therefore stiffly resisted by peasants andSampat Preeti,” Special Economic Zones infarmers. Therefore, desirability and feasibility ofIndia “Economic and Political Weekly”each project should be judged in terms of cost andVol.XLIII No.28, pp-25-29 July12-18, 2008.benefit that will accrue to the society at large.WebsitesGenerally, projects should be set up on wasteland,degraded or unirrigated land and acquisition of land should be avoided.http://www.accomodationtimes,comConcluding Observations have strong linkages with the globalmarket which attract latest technology and businessknow-how. This information and flow of knowledgehas ultimately improved the economic and socialwell being. It may generate sustainable value ifReferencesBooks Singh is a Research Fellow atFaculty Of Commerce. B.H.U., Varanasi-221005She can be contacted

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