PAW40 MSDS - Duro Dyne

PAW40 MSDS - Duro Dyne PAW40 MSDS - Duro Dyne


Sources of Exposure Limit Data:AIHA: American Industrial Hygience AssociationWorkplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL)9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESOdor, Color:Typical acrylic odor, white color.Boiling Point:-15ºF (-26ºC)Vapor Density:Not DeterminedVapor Pressure:Not DeterminedSpecific Gravity:1.00 to 1.04 gms/cc (8.3 to 8.7 lbs/gal)Solubility in Water:SolublePercent Volatile:

Sources of Exposure Limit Data:AIHA: American Industrial Hygience AssociationWorkplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL)9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESOdor, Color:Typical acrylic odor, white color.Boiling Point:-15ºF (-26ºC)Vapor Density:Not DeterminedVapor Pressure:Not DeterminedSpecific Gravity:1.00 to 1.04 gms/cc (8.3 to 8.7 lbs/gal)Solubility in Water:SolublePercent Volatile:

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