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GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LTD.Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara:390 007(Tender No: CE (TR)/SE (PLCC)/7/<strong>GIS</strong>/1)<strong>TECHNICAL</strong> <strong>SPECIFICATION</strong><strong>FOR</strong><strong>GIS</strong> <strong>Mapping</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong>Transmission lines using modernGPS survey techniques.(PART-II)Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder1

INDEXClause No Description Page No.1.0 Objectives 42.0 Scope <strong>of</strong> work 4-73.0 Conditions <strong>of</strong> contract 84.0 Qualifying requirements 9Annexure-A Documents to be submitted along with the bid 10Annexure-B List <strong>of</strong> Outputs 11Sheet: A Technical Specification for Hand Held GPS 12Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder2

<strong>TECHNICAL</strong> <strong>SPECIFICATION</strong>S <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>GIS</strong>MAPPING OF TRNSMISSION LINES USINGMODERN GPS SURVEY TECHNIQUES.Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder3

<strong>TECHNICAL</strong> <strong>SPECIFICATION</strong> <strong>FOR</strong><strong>GIS</strong> MAPPING OF <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> TRANSMISSION LINES USING MODERN GPSSURVEY TECHNIQUES.Preparation <strong>of</strong> <strong>GIS</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware for <strong>400</strong> kV & <strong>220</strong> kV Transmission Lines <strong>of</strong> GETCO byphysical GPS Survey and integrating them in the <strong>GIS</strong> S<strong>of</strong>tware.1. OBJECTIVES1.1. Creation <strong>of</strong> digital map is the first step in building <strong>GIS</strong> for transmission network. GPStechnology is the best way to survey and create an accurate map <strong>of</strong> the network. Thisspecification includes proposed methodology <strong>of</strong> providing <strong>GIS</strong> <strong>Mapping</strong> using modernGPS survey techniques for GETCO’s all existing <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> transmission lines &its connected Substations. Intent <strong>of</strong> this specification is to appoint agencies to carry outGeographical Information System (<strong>GIS</strong>) mapping using modern GPS survey techniques.The field data collection for the <strong>400</strong><strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong><strong>KV</strong> lines shall be given from the corporate<strong>of</strong>fice at the time <strong>of</strong> issuing A/T.2. Scope <strong>of</strong> work:The scope <strong>of</strong> work for <strong>GIS</strong> <strong>Mapping</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>400</strong>kV & <strong>220</strong>kV Transmission Lines & itsconnected substations using modern GPS survey techniques will be as under:(1) Before starting survey using GPS, bidder should supply & install multi userlicensed S<strong>of</strong>tware for locating <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> line towers and its connectedsubstaions on the google map.(2) To visit location <strong>of</strong> each line & its connected substaions and collect its coordinates.Every 5 kms. Of line or part there <strong>of</strong> 1 no. nearest permanentstructure, identification, latlon should be taken & locate the same on topo-Sheet.(3) Plotting <strong>of</strong> collected co-ordinates on map.(4) Superimposing <strong>of</strong> route map <strong>of</strong> line & Location <strong>of</strong> Sub station on topo-sheet.(5) The successful bidder shall supply 5 nos. <strong>of</strong> GPS instruments free <strong>of</strong> cost <strong>of</strong>the specifications superior or equal to specifications given as per attachedsheet A. Also bidder has to provide demonstration & training <strong>of</strong> GPSinstrument as per the requirement <strong>of</strong> GETCO. The instrument should havefollowing essential features:(a) Capability <strong>of</strong> receiving minimum satellite signal – 12 nos.(b) Accuracy: - All co-ordinates are to be measured with accuracy <strong>of</strong> betterthan or equal to 3.0 meter by GPS.(c) Memory capacity: 128 MB RAM(d) Compatible to various s<strong>of</strong>tware like AutoCAD, PLS CADD along withZOOM feature.(e) In built maps for navigation purpose.(f) All accessories to up load & down load documents.Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder4

(6) Coding <strong>of</strong> Line & S/s.(7) The Topo-sheet required for timely completion <strong>of</strong> GPS survey work shall bearranged by contractor at its own cost.2.1. The description given here is broad scope <strong>of</strong> work to be carried out by thecontractor. However, any work even if not specifically mentioned but reasonably impliedfor the successful implementation and good performance <strong>of</strong> the system are deemed tobe included.The scope <strong>of</strong> work <strong>of</strong> the bidder shall include following but not limited to:1. Bidder shall prepare the coding <strong>of</strong> all <strong>400</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> S/s & its line & get approvalfrom GETCO.2. Updation <strong>of</strong> Network and Transmission Line added to it during projectimplementation phase and thereafter up to One year is to be done.3. The GPS Survey is to be carried out <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the Tower <strong>of</strong> <strong>400</strong>kV and <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong>Transmission Lines & its connected sub stations comprising <strong>of</strong> approximately31600 Towers.4. Surveyors shall walk along the each locations <strong>of</strong> transmission lines with a GPSrover & capture the co-ordinates <strong>of</strong> the location (Tower). Wherever the linecrosses the <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> line, Railway line, Express highway, National Highway, thecontractor shall record co-ordinates on the points <strong>of</strong> crossing, wherever line routepasses over permanent land marks.5. During the Physical survey, the concern <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the GETCO related to theconcern line being surveyed will guide the contractor for identification <strong>of</strong> theTowers nearby to the entry / exit <strong>of</strong> the line from the respective Sub Station. Theintermediate Towers where only one line is there, the contractor has to completethe survey based on the guidance provided by the concerned GETCO <strong>of</strong>ficer.Wherever multiple lines are combining or crossing, the GETCO <strong>of</strong>ficer will guidethe contractor for identification <strong>of</strong> the each <strong>of</strong> the Tower <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the Lines, asper the timing schedule. The contractor has to keep continuous liasioning withthe concerned GETCO <strong>of</strong>ficer so that he is available for providing guidance foridentification <strong>of</strong> the Towers. The contractor will be provided with all the details <strong>of</strong>the Transmission Lines to be surveyed and the contact details <strong>of</strong> the respectiveGETCO <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the respective lines so that maximum co-ordination can beachieved and the survey can be completed without any errors and in thestipulated time.6. The complete job is to be completed within 10 months from the date <strong>of</strong> issuance<strong>of</strong> AT. The request for extension <strong>of</strong> the completion time will generally will not beentertained however, if the reasons are justified and written request is received,the extension may be granted if the GETCO <strong>of</strong>ficer is satisfied with the reasonsgiven to him. The decision <strong>of</strong> the GETCO <strong>of</strong>ficer regarding this will be final andbinding to the contractor.7. The contractor has to submit the reports for completed work for the number <strong>of</strong>lines every month. The bidder shall collect work completion certificate (WCC)with number <strong>of</strong> locations carried out, Name <strong>of</strong> line & Name <strong>of</strong> S/s from theExecutive Engineer (Telecom), corporate <strong>of</strong>fice. The payment will be made within60 days on pro-rata basis based on the work completed during this 1 month.8. The GPS Survey Equipment shall be from well known & reputed brand.Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder5

9. The GPS survey equipment shall be from well known and reputed brand.10. The owner reserves the right the to split the total work and award the work fordifferent transmission lines mentioned above to more than one bidder withoutany change in terms & conditions as applicable for the complete work.11. The provisional quantities for the scope <strong>of</strong> work are indicated at point no.3. Thefinal quantities will be the actual quantities for which <strong>GIS</strong> mapping using GPSsurvey is done.12. The contractor must note that the owner shall not be responsible for loss ordamage to properties, trees etc due to contractor works during GPS survey. Thecontractor shall indemnity the Owner <strong>of</strong> any loss or damage to properties, treesetc during the GPS survey.13. The contractor should note that owner will not furnish the NRSA satelliteimageries or topographical map prepared by survey <strong>of</strong> India but will makeavailable assistance that may be required in obtaining these providing letters <strong>of</strong>recommendation to the concerned authorities. Further in case the contractor optsfor use <strong>of</strong> ALTM (Airborne Laser terrain Modeling) techniques for detail GPSsurvey, he shall be responsible for obtaining necessary clearances/permission byproviding letters or recommendations to the concerned authorities.14. All the bidders shall present their proposal methodology for execution <strong>of</strong> thework as per specifications and details <strong>of</strong> the equipment & facilities includings<strong>of</strong>tware available with them within 20 days from date <strong>of</strong> invitation <strong>of</strong> bid, basedon which the owner may issue suitable amendments. A pre-bid conference shallalso be held within 20 days from date <strong>of</strong> invitation <strong>of</strong> bid.15. The work shall be carried out by the contractor using modern GPS surveyingtechniques. The bidder shall indicate in his <strong>of</strong>fer, the detailed description <strong>of</strong> theprocedure to be deployed. The details <strong>of</strong> the equipment & facilities includings<strong>of</strong>twares for image processing, computer aided tower spotting etc. availablewith the bidder or his associates shall also be furnished with the bid.16. The contractor shall also engage services <strong>of</strong> a reputed geo-technical consultantor experts from independent educational/research institutions for examiningstability aspects <strong>of</strong> the selected transmission line route/locations in hilly terrainand ualacreble wherever required.17. No Technical deviation whatsoever to certain conditions <strong>of</strong> the biddingdocuments permitted by the Owner and therefore, the bidders are advised thatwhile making Bid proposals and quoting prices these conditions mayappropriately be taken into consideration.The bidder shall complete all the schedules & annexure in the Bid proposal ssheets, Technical data sheets and specification elsewhere.This specification covers the detailing, <strong>of</strong> survey <strong>of</strong> <strong>400</strong>/<strong>220</strong><strong>KV</strong> Transmission lineand handing over to GETCO including a complete data.18. The above transmission lines are in the State <strong>of</strong> Gujarat. Bidders may visit thesite to acquaint themselves with the terrain etc. For this purpose, they arerequested to contact at the following address:Chief Engineer(TR),Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation LTD.Regd Office: Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan,Race Course,Vadodara-390007.Telephone no.:0265-2353089Fax No.: 0265-2351218Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder6

Multi User S<strong>of</strong>tware specifications for <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> kV Line Tower location & itsconnected substations displays:1. The multi user s<strong>of</strong>tware will be used to display / locate the <strong>400</strong> kV 200 kV LineTowers & its connected substations on the map.2. Application and data base will be installed on server. Application can be run onClient machines using intranet/internet.3. Tower details will be stored in the data base. User with specific rights will beable to add/edit/delete Tower details.4. The <strong>GIS</strong> application s<strong>of</strong>tware should be capable <strong>of</strong> digitizing transmissionnetwork. On completion <strong>of</strong> digitization the system should be ready for studywithout any further interventions.5. Multi Circuit Representation: On a tower more than one OH line may be running.These line will be <strong>of</strong> same voltages. The application programme should providefor the digitizing and the display <strong>of</strong> this multi circuit lines. On Clicking <strong>of</strong> multicircuit line, the configuration <strong>of</strong> a line should be displayed.5. Users’ rights will be assigned while generating user details.Add / Edit the Tower definitiono Tower Locationo Longitudeo Latitudeo Tower typeo Rated voltageo Type <strong>of</strong> ckt(S/C,D/C)• View the Grid in Google Map, whenever any operation takes place, a messageshould appeared on the screen guiding the user how to proceed further or toindicate the current status <strong>of</strong> his selection.• Once data is entered, user can view complete grid on the Google map.• Navigation tool will allow user to view complete map.• User can also view/find a specific Tower on the map• Find out the distance between two Towers / lines.• Using this feature user can find distance between two selected Towers / lines.• Addition / deletion / modification <strong>of</strong> additional Towers shall be possible only bythe authorized persons.• Editing shall be password protected.Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder7

3.0 Conditions <strong>of</strong> contract3.1 The bidder shall be an Indian private or public limited Company registered underIndian Companies Act 1956.3.2 The bidder shall give the full technical details and write up for the GPSequipment to be used for GPS Survey work.3.3 The successful bidder shall have to give training to the Board's personnel at theirworks to at least 5 persons free <strong>of</strong> cost. Training shall be arranged at the works <strong>of</strong>bidder and the training shall cover following requirements:(1) Complete description <strong>of</strong> GPS equipment regarding the use <strong>of</strong> it for the GPSSurvey work and getting the <strong>GIS</strong> Co-ordinates to and from the PC.(2) Integrating the <strong>GIS</strong> Co-ordinates in the <strong>GIS</strong> S<strong>of</strong>tware for <strong>400</strong>kV & <strong>220</strong>kVLines.3.4 The bidder must have done GPS Survey job in any <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> Gujaratorganization or any <strong>of</strong> the company or board formed by the Gujarat Government.The bidder shall give full details <strong>of</strong> order executed. The copy <strong>of</strong> the work order forGPS Survey work done is to be enclosed with the <strong>of</strong>fer in the EMD cover.Technical bids <strong>of</strong> bidders, who have not enclosed copy <strong>of</strong> the work Orders asmentioned above in EMD cover, will not be opened.3.5 The bidder shall clearly indicate the optional items/charges <strong>of</strong>fered.3.6 A detailed technical literature shall be provided by the bidder with full technicalparticulars and technology used without which <strong>of</strong>fer shall not be accepted. Thetechnical particulars shall be furnished in the form <strong>of</strong> schedule and deviation in theform <strong>of</strong> separate statement.3.7. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> bidder to co-ordinal & obtain approval <strong>of</strong> statutoryauthorities like forest, aerodrome etc. to get clearance for work.3.8 No compensation for ROW shall be paid by GETCO.3.9 The completed Map <strong>of</strong> all transmission lines & its connected substations on toposheet& relevant Data should be property <strong>of</strong> GETCO. The utilazion <strong>of</strong> same will bethe right <strong>of</strong> GETCO.Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder8

3 Qualifying Requirements:i.) In order to qualify and be eligible to submit Bid Proposals, the bidders shall haverequisite resources in terms <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional competency (including adequatelyqualified staff and Electrical/IT Engineers and financial soundness to complete thewhole package within the stipulated time period. To this extent, the bidder(s) shallenclose the necessary documentary evidence with the bid.ii.) The Bidder shall not be anticipating any ownership change or change <strong>of</strong> consortiumpartners during the period from Bid submission to at least two years after successfulcommissioning <strong>of</strong> the contracted job and acceptance <strong>of</strong> the same by the GETCO.iii.) The bidder should have done similar type <strong>of</strong> work for at least 5000 locations <strong>of</strong> anyvoltage class within last 5 years including GPS survey & plotting <strong>of</strong> collected coordinateson Map & superimposing <strong>of</strong> route map <strong>of</strong> line on topo-sheet.iv.) The bidder should produce certificate <strong>of</strong> successful utilization regarding projectimplementation and application is to be produced invariably.Functional Requirements:The bidder shall have requisite resources in terms <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional competency, qualifiedstaff and shall be fully conversant with electricity rules & regulations to ensure thatadequate safety measures are adopted while carrying out the above work.Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder9

ANNEXURE- ADOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH <strong>TECHNICAL</strong> BID.Sr No Description1 Details <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware provided to be used for viewing <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> linetower locations & its connected Sub stations in the google map2 Methodology proposed for detailed GPS survey along with list <strong>of</strong> equipments.3 Training programme details4 List <strong>of</strong> GPS survey work done and sample documentsSeal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder10

ANNEXURE – BLIST OF OUTPUTSr NoDescription1 Co-ordinates <strong>of</strong> each locations <strong>of</strong> <strong>400</strong><strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> lines & its connectedSubstaions & plotting <strong>of</strong> collected co-ordinates <strong>of</strong> map2 Superimposing <strong>of</strong> route map <strong>of</strong> line on a topo sheet3 Supply <strong>of</strong> multi user licensed S<strong>of</strong>tware for locating <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> & <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> linetowers & its connected substations on the google map.4 All observations which the contractor thinks would be useful to the futureplanning <strong>of</strong> the transmission lines are to be reported5 EHT line consisting name <strong>of</strong> line, voltage class and crossing section andtype <strong>of</strong> towers <strong>of</strong> all existing line6 Whenever Transmission line crosses Railway , River, Express highway ,National Highway/<strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> line crossing , co-ordinates should be taken &locate the same on Topo-sheet.7 Forest area: Details <strong>of</strong> forest area through which transmission line is passing8 Digital Map Of Network <strong>of</strong> project area with full details including code no.(1) <strong>400</strong> <strong>KV</strong> – 3 set.(2) <strong>220</strong> <strong>KV</strong> – 3 set.Seal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder11

Sheet: A<strong>TECHNICAL</strong> <strong>SPECIFICATION</strong>S <strong>FOR</strong> HAND HELD GPSDESCRIPTION<strong>SPECIFICATION</strong>SGeneral: (1) Should have position format in Lat/Lon, UTM/UPS, Maiden head, MGRS & user grid.(2) GPS receiver should be high sensitivity receiver. WAAS enable.GPSChannels12 (L1 Code only)Integrated Real timeSBASUpdate Rate1 HzTime to first Fix30 seconds (typical)Protocols SiRF, NMEA -0183AntennaCasingInbuiltGPS, Antenna and Controller in Single CasingAcquisition time:ACCURACYAccuracySYSTEMOperating SystemWarm: Approximately 15 sec.Cold: Approximately 45 sec.Auto Locate: Approximately 5 Minutes.3 meter or betterMicros<strong>of</strong>t Windows Mobile V 6.1 for Pocket PC includes:- word mobile, excel mobile, internet explorer, outlookmobile.Processor533 MHz processor128MB RAMData Storage128 MB non-volatile flash data storage/2GB Expandablewith SD CARD (2 GB SD Card should be supplied bysupplier.)Camera Integrated Digital Camera (color,3 megapixel )DisplayBluetoothLANBattery LifeOutdoor color displayBluetooth Wireless802.11 b/g wireless LANAll-day internally rechargeable batteryPHYSICALPowerLow (no GPS or backlight)Normal (with GPS and backlight)BatteryTemperatureOperatingStorageBack Ground MapsSeal & Signature <strong>of</strong> Bidder14 hrs8 hrsInternal 2600 mAh lithium-ion, rechargeable in unit0 Deg to +60 Deg C-20 Deg to +70 Deg CInclude high resolution photos with your <strong>GIS</strong> datacollection, Uploading & Downloading <strong>of</strong> direct AutoCADdrawing.12

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