Atmel QTouch Library User Guide

Atmel QTouch Library User Guide

Atmel QTouch Library User Guide


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• The touch_qm_sensors_calibrate API needs to be called whenever burst length isupdated for one or more channels before starting a new Touch measurement using thetouch_qm_sensors_start_acquisition API.touch_qm_update_global_paramtouch_ret_t touch_qm_update_global_param( touch_global_param_t *p_global_param )Arguments Type Commentp_global_param touch_global_param_t Pointer to user global parameters structure forQMatrix.• This API can be used to update the QMatrix global parameters, with values different fromthe ones initialized using touch_qm_sensors_init API.touch_qm_get_global_paramtouch_ret_t touch_qm_get_global_param( touch_global_param_t *p_global_param )Arguments Type Commentp_global_param touch_global_param_t Pointer to user global parameters structure forQMatrix.• This API can be called to retrieve the QMatrix global parameters.touch_qm_sensors_calibratetouch_ret_t touch_qm_sensors_calibrate( void )Arguments Type CommentVoid -• This API can be used to calibrate all configured Sensors.• Calibration of all Sensors must be performed when –ooAll the Sensors have been configured using touch_sensor_config API afterinitialization of the Touch <strong>Library</strong>.A sensor or a group of Sensors have been disabled or re-enabled.touch_qm_sensors_start_acquisitiontouch_ret_t touch_qm_sensors_start_acquisition(touch_time_t current_time_ms,touch_qm_dma_t *p_touch_dma,touch_acq_mode_t qm_acq_mode,void (*measure_complete_callback)( touch_measure_data_t *p_measure_data ))Arguments Type Comment157

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