• NGT Dec 08.indd - Nimbin Good Times

• NGT Dec 08.indd - Nimbin Good Times

• NGT Dec 08.indd - Nimbin Good Times


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Teeth, necks, feet and backsSeventh in a series byTonia HaynesBowen therapist and Pranic healerPhone 6689 9284One would thinkfrom the title that Iam all over the shopthis month. Why should aBowen Therapist who alsopractices basic kinesiology,pranic healing, remedialmassage and emotional fieldtherapy, but is not a dentistor podiatrist, be chattingabout teeth and feet?Well, if you have an ongoing and mysterious muscleor skeletal problem thatkeeps reoccurring, yourpractitioner is remiss if theyhaven’t addressed those twoparts of your anatomy to seeif there is any malfunction ineither or both of those areas.There are times whenbody therapists of alldenominations will saysomething like, ‘Geez mateyour duvalaki keeps goingout on the whatsit, with anaccompanying shrug andrighteous expression thattells one loud and clear. Itmust be your fault!So instead of asking, ‘why ismy duvilaki so disobedient?’We humbly return for moretreatment that may or maynot bring our duvilaki intoline, or at least persuade it tofeel a little more in harmonywith our whatsit. Or we leavedespondently, thinking, “Ohwell I guess I had better learnto live with it.”A good practioner will doeverything in their power tofind out why your duvalakiwon’t do as it’s told, becauseyou came to them withhope and your hope is asimportant to them as youare.I have learnt through longexperience that a continuingneck problem may be comingfrom a teeth problem.This is due to a hinge inthe jaw called the TMJ ortemporomandibular joint.This joint is a junction fornerves that run all over thebody. It particularly affectsthe neck area, which canaffect shoulders, arms andeven lower back and legs. Badteeth which are in a continualstate of low infection, canhave a huge negative effect onthe TMJ and also directly, onthe vertebrae in the neck.The feet are thefoundations of the temple,(our body). Like anybuilding, if the foundationsaren’t right the body willslump somewhere and noamount of propping up thetemple will fix the problem.So, if your practitioner’swealth of knowledge did notimprove your feet and yourback is still not right, it maybe that podiatry assistanceis needed. I remember oneclient in particular who hadseen everyone including me,to no avail. The back was stillcrook. We finally discoveredshe was slightly (only slightly)flat-footed. After a couple ofvisits to the podiatrist andinserts for her shoes, herback surrendered to goodhealth.Make sure when you see aprofessional practitioner thatyou tell them everything,when they ask for yourhistory. Feet and teethproblems included. It givesthem more of an opportunityto assist you.If your teeth needattention.Public dental health isappalling in Oz as we allknow and dentists areexpensive, but healthy teethand a healthy you are worthit. If you are really out on alimb financially, it is betterto have the teeth removed,rather than let them rotin your head. The healthimplications of rotten teethcan be huge.I know, dentures are thepits, particularly bottomdentures that fly out of one’smouth with gay abandonwhen one is attemptingto verbally impress animportant opinion uponothers. Or during thatpassionate embrace, theyleap into the mouth of theloved one and there you are.Attempting to prove to ouruniformed protectors thatthe death of your love bysuffocation from denture wasan accident, rather than premeditatedmurder.I hope I haven’t ruinedanyone’s future plans.All jokes aside, teeth orlack of are an important partof one’s health. Rememberthe hassle it was to get them?A last word about feet.My mother made me wearlace up shoes until the ageof twelve. I loathed them,but I thank her now. Duringthe years when my feetwere growing they werewell supported and I haveno trouble with them as anadult. Putting supportiveshoes on our kids will givethem well formed feet inadulthood. Bare feet are greatand often preferred in thisarea, but kids all wear shoesto school. Let’s make surethey are good ones.Have a good Christmas andI am sure 09 is going to bevaried and exciting, Let’s doour best to see the positivein these times. I know themedia are doing their bestto let us know daily howdreadful things are, butpetrol prices are down at themoment and so are interestrates. The weather is stillgifting us with rain albeitrather forcefully at times, butat least we are not frying inthe heat or dying of thirst,thanks to the wonderfulbuffer and water retainingskills of our beautiful trees.Planting another tree wouldbe the best of Christmaspresents for mother earthand for ourselves.Love, light and for goodnesssake, remember to laugh. It’sgood medicine.<strong>Nimbin</strong> Crossword2008-12by 5ynicAcross1. (and 7 down) orbitalplatform for transmittingRupert Murdoch’s contentacross the globe8. Small person?10. Second Life (innit.)11. Bird’s feathers12. This is paid on capital,sometimes13. (3,4) drilled to extractcrude15. Anything containing thehallucinogenic fungus ergot18. Rough (like sandpaper?)20. Bogan fashion icon? Softcotton fabric, with nap onlyon one side21. Head nurse (innit.)22. Picture?24. Complete change, suchas we’ll need in our energysources to avoid planetarydeathSolution Page 23.Down2. Not a Hindu symbol ofthe absolute, but a unit ofresistance3. Canadian tree? Syrupgood on pancakes4. Chunk of gold5. Hidden- ? Methodto prevent data beingeavesdropped upon6. Mexican agave spirit7. See 1 across.9. Posable artist’s model fordrawing the human figure10. 1960s Kids TV puppetshow? Flat, barbed fish12. Flawed? Past tense14. “Watch out in <strong>Nimbin</strong>mate, it’s full of _______ ”16. English plain wovencotton or muslin cloth17. (Sexual?) climax19. Single page? Bed linen23. Wrote “Little Red Book”,killed tens of millions,enjoyed calligraphyCreative writers Re-PlacedA new anthology, Re-Placement,featuring the work of some ofAustralia’s top emerging creativewriters will be launched in Lismoreby Jeni Caffin, director of the ByronBay Writers Festival, on Thursday,<strong>Dec</strong>ember 4 at The Alleyway/NextArtGallery in Magellan Street.The anthology covers prose andpoetry – from creative non-fiction topersonal essays and short stories. Itbrings together the work of writersfrom universities around Australia,and Dr Janie Conway-Herron, a seniorlecturer in Southern Cross University’sSchool of Arts and Social Sciences, isexecutive editor.Re-Placementfeatures the work ofundergraduate andpostgraduate studentsand includes well-established writers as wellas others who are beingpublished for the firsttime.“We were very pleasedto be asked to edit thisanthology,” Dr Conway-Herron said. “It’s a real mark of respectfor the writing program at SCU.”<strong>Nimbin</strong> resident Dr Nell Cook, whohas just completed a PhD, is one of fourSCU students whose work was selected.“Writing is a reflectionof culture and thecontemporary worldand knowing the theorygives you the techniquesto really understandthe different layersof meanings and toincorporate those in yourown writing,” Nell said.“This anthology is acelebration of the craftof writing, particularlyfor new and emergingwriters. It’s very excitingto be part of that.”Re-Placement is published by SouthernCross University Press in associationwith Australian Association of WritingPrograms. It is available from theUniversity Co-Op Bookshop.Fashionating!Cullen Street <strong>Nimbin</strong>STEAL A CAMPER TRAILERAussie Swag, Lightweight Off-Road TrailerKing-sized bed,Hard floor, opensto 6’ x 14’ + 8’x 14’ awning,wired 240 & 12volt, 40 litreswater tank.Ready to roll wherever you want to go.Only $2200. Details phone Doug 6689-9242www.nimbingoodtimes.com <strong>Dec</strong>ember 2008 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong> Page 21

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