Absorbable Screw Fixation - The Podiatry Institute

Absorbable Screw Fixation - The Podiatry Institute

Absorbable Screw Fixation - The Podiatry Institute


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CHAPTER 11 65ADDITIONAL REFERENCESAxelson PB: Fkation of cancellous bone and physeal fractures in dogsand cats. A comparison of the use of self-reinforced biodegradabledevices to the use of metallic devices and extemal fixaiion.Acta Vet Scand 30:259-65, 1989.Barfod G, Svendsen RN: Synovitis of the knee after intra-afiicularfracture fixation with Biofix. Report of two cases. Acta OltbopScand 63(.6) ;680-681, 1992.Beiser IH, Kanat IO: Biodegradable internal fixation. A literarurereview. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 80(.2):72-75, 1,990.Dijkema AR, van der Elst M, Breederweld RS, Verspui G, patka p,Haarman HJ: Surgical treatment of fracture-dislocations of theankle joint with biodegradable implants: A prospective randomizedstudy. / Trauma 34(1):82-84, 1,993.Eitenmiiller J, David A, Muhr G: Treatment of ankle fractures withcomplete biodegradable plates and screws of high molecularweight polylactide. Proc p2ru1 Congres Francais de Cbirurgie,Paris 1990.Frid6n T, Rydholm U: Severe aseptic synovitis of the knee afterbiodegradable internal fixation. A case repofi. Acttl Otthop Scdnd63(.L):94-97, 1.992.Frokjaer J, Moller B: Biodegradable fixation of ankle fracrures.Complications in a prospective study of 25 cases. Acta Or"thopS c an d 63(.4) : 43 4-436, 1992.Gerbert J: Effectiveness of absorbable fixation devices in Austinbunionectomies. J Am Podi.ttr Med Assoc 82(4):189-195. 1992.Lavery LA, Higgins KR, Ashry HR, Athanasiou KA: Mechanical characteristicsof poly-L-lactic acid absorbable screws and stainless steelscfews in basilar osteotomies of the first metatarsal. .l Foot AnkleSurg 33(3):249-254, 1991.Niskanen RO, Lehtimaki MY, Hzimzilziinen MM, Tormilzi p, RokkanenP U: Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint in rheumatoidafihdtis. Biodegradable rods and Kirschner-wires in J! cases.Acta Ofihop Scand 61(1'):100-1.02, 1993.Pafiio EK, Hiruensalo E, Bostman O, Patiala H, Vainionpzizi S, VihtonenK, Helevirta P, Tormdli P, Rokkanen P: Broches et vis bioresorbables:Une nouvelle methode de flxation des fractures del'olecrane. Etude clinique prospective sur ,11 malades. Int Ofibop(SICOD 76:250-254. 1992.Pihlajamiki H, Bostman O, Hirvensalo E, Tomala P, RokkanenP:<strong>Absorbable</strong> pins of self reinforced polyJJactide acid forflration of fractures and osteotomies. J Bone Joint Surg (.Br).74(8):853-857 , 1992.Rokkanen P: Biofix symposiums in Italy. Question and Answersession. Bioscience Limitecl Tar;lpere, Finland, 1993.Yen RG, Giacopelli JA, Granoff DP, Steinbroner RJ: <strong>The</strong> Biofkabsorbable rod. A preliminary repoft. ./ Am podiatr Med Assoc81(2);62-67 , 7997.

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