Microteach Reflection - St. Edwards University

Microteach Reflection - St. Edwards University

Microteach Reflection - St. Edwards University


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EDUC 4333 - Micro-teach 2 template: Differentiated instructionClass: Theater Date: 10/20/2011 Name: Lisa Raymond1. Plan a 10 to 15 minute activity that addresses one classroom element (content, process, product,affect) and one student characteristic (readiness, interest, profile) in your classroom.2. Brief description of Activity: please provide a description of how you will use the 15 minutes inclassActivity: Time Teacher actions/questions <strong>St</strong>udent actions/questionsPrezi presentationpart 1 10minsPhysicalityWorksheet 10minsPrezi PresentationPart 2 10minsFind Your MommyLike a PenguinPhysicality Game14minsTeacher presents information onphysicality through use of prezi.Teacher engages students inclass discussion on the meaningof physicality.Teachers pass out paperwork,explains worksheet and modelsand example. Teacher also walksaround the classroom, monitorsfor sense and answers studentsquestions about their personalchoices. Teacher motivatesstudents and encourages themto use a drawing of their animal.Teacher engages students inclass discussion over theirchoices. Teacher relatesdiscussion back to physicalitylesson.Teacher presents Prezi in frontof class and models to studentsan animal using YouTube videosand self.Teacher provides directions onthe game, models the game withfellow teacher and monitors forsense and participation duringactivity. Teacher engagesstudents afterwards indiscussion about why they were<strong>St</strong>udents engage in classdiscussion and respect theopinions and views of otherstudents.<strong>St</strong>udents fill out physicalityworksheet and answerquestions on what is theirfavorite animal. Whatmovements does this animalmake? How do we portray thison stage? <strong>St</strong>udents discuss inpartners their choices andreasoning. <strong>St</strong>udents also engagein class discussion about theirchosen animal and the actionsthey make.<strong>St</strong>udents provide suggestionson how to create physicalactions of a character that theteacher has chosen based onthe movements of the animalsin the YouTube videos.<strong>St</strong>udents find their partnerbased on physical actions of theanimal they were given.<strong>St</strong>udents engage in individualand class discussions on whythey were able to find theirpartner based on their physical

Closing<strong>St</strong>atementsable to find their partner and askhow this applies to physicalityon stage.5 Teacher models the physicalitychart and reflects on how theactivity and presentation ofinformation applies to theircharacters on stage.actions.<strong>St</strong>udents reflect on material bycreating a chart of theiradjectives describing theircharacters and actions you useto show this on stage for yourcharacter and finally chooses amoment in the script wherethey could perform this action.3. How did you modify or teach in a differentiated manner.We were able to provide oral discussion in the class that included group dynamics as well as largescale class discussions and individual discussion with the teacher. We were also able to providestudents with writing, drawing and physical actions. The students responded in ways that werepositive towards the different materials used and were excited about the choices and decisions thatthey made.Differentiated by classroom element (circle appropriate element?)Content Process Product AffectHow did you differentiate by the circled element?We were able to incorporate all of these elements into our lesson but mainly focused on theprocess for students to be able to understand the different ways of coming to find out how toresearch and analyze a character’s physicality in a play. We were able to provide writing tools,visual tools, physical examples and oral discussion on the ways in which they could explore theircharacters.Differentiated by student characteristic (circle appropriate characteristic)?Readiness Interest Learning profileHow did you differentiate by the circled element?Typically we have a very difficult time getting students to be interested in the content and realizingthat they are learning actual terms and lesson and being motivated to do the work in order to beable to accomplish meaningful play in the theater classroom so we focused on how to really engageour students interest in the process by allowing them to have choice and express themselves inmany different ways which is what theater is all about.

4. <strong>Reflection</strong>: What worked and what were some challenges from this teaching experience?This was a very successful lesson that we had. The prezi worked really well but transitionsbetween teachers could have worked and been run through better. The students were reallyengaged in the lesson and were prepared to take ownership. Establishing our expectations of thestudents beforehand was really helpful in classroom management which we really had to focus lesson this time around than in our first mini-teach. The movement between different forms of learningwas extremely helpful in keeping the students engaged, even students in our other classes whotypically we have more difficulty engaging in were really excited about having personal choices anddrawing. While some of them focused less on vocabulary and making complete sentences othersenjoyed using proper grammar to express themselves. Lastly I feel like the game could have runmore smoothly if we had a different space to perform the game in but I feel maybe a differentphysicality game could be more successful because the game was modified to focus on movementwhen it’s really a game about voice recognition and so another came could be successful in gettingthe message across and instead of having them use animals have them portray real life people.

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