Operation Manual - Mrclab.com

Operation Manual - Mrclab.com

Operation Manual - Mrclab.com


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Auto Hematology Analyzer User’s <strong>Manual</strong>10.2.13 Stop useIf the instrument will not be used for more than two weeks or to be packed for transportation,please conduct in following steps:a) In “Service” menu, select “Stop Use”, <strong>com</strong>plete operations according to themessage given by system, when screen displays it’s ready to shut down, shut offinstrument power.b) For the remaining diluent, cleanser, Lyse, cover the bottles and turn tight, store asper reagent instruction.c) Power cables and adapters are to be cleaned with clean cloth dipped with neutraldetergent, put in cool place, let dry, and pack in plastic bags.d) Put instrument and plastic bag packed <strong>com</strong>ponents in instrument packing carton.10.2.14 Replace reagentIn order to make the system monitoring the using of reagent, when you are replacing thereagent, please input the volume of reagent you replaced in. System will record this volumeand monitor the using of reagent, when the remaining volume is not enough, it will give amessage.48

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