cpd/pqsl events - Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

cpd/pqsl events - Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

cpd/pqsl events - Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors


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The <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Surveyors</strong>Room 1205, 12/F, Wing On Centre111 Connaught Road CentralSheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>STANDARD RESERVATION FORMEvent Date(s) : Event Code : _Event Name :_Member detailsSurname : Other names : _Grade <strong>of</strong> membership* : F □ M □ AM □ P □ S □ HKIS no. : _Division* : BS □ GP □ LS □ PD □ PFM □ QS □Postal address (only to be completed if the address is different from your membership record details):___Tel no. : Fax no. : E-mail : _Payment method□ I enclose a cheque payable to "<strong>Surveyors</strong> Services Ltd". Cheque no. Amount HK$ _□ Please charge my HKIS Titanium MasterCard/Visa Platinum Card (Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited)□ Please charge my American Express cardTo: Credit Card Service Department Ref.: [ ____ ]I would like to pay the reservation fee HK$to <strong>Surveyors</strong> Services Limited by charging my Credit Card account as follows:Cardholder Name : HKIS No. : _Card Number : Expiry Date : /_Cardholder's Signature : Date :For Bank Use Only Approved by : Date:Notes1 A separate reservation form is required for each event/ application. Photocopies <strong>of</strong> the form are acceptable.2 Reservations should be returned by post/ by hand to the HKIS <strong>of</strong>fice.3 Payment can be made by cheque or by Credit Card (Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd./American Express)4 A separate cheque or Credit Card payment instruction form is required for each event/ application.5 Reservation by fax, telephone and cash payment is not acceptable.6 For number <strong>of</strong> seats or priority <strong>of</strong> allocation <strong>of</strong> seats, please refer to the individual event details.7 Reservation cannot be confirmed until one week prior to the event.8 An <strong>of</strong>ficial receipt/ admission ticket, which must be presented at the event, will be returned by post upon confirmation <strong>of</strong> reservation.9 Incomplete or wrongly completed reservation forms will not be processed.10 In the event a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted, the event will be postponed and a new arrangement will be announced.Should the aforesaid warnings be lowered 4 hours before the event, the event will proceed as normal.11 If you have not received any reply from our <strong>Institute</strong> within 7 days <strong>of</strong> the event, you may call HKIS at 2526 3679 to check the progress <strong>of</strong> your reservation.12 On line payment is accepted. Please register in our web site before the closing date in each event. You can pay by PalPay after accepted.15FEBRUARY 2013

CPD/PQSL EVENTSCPD/LSD/2013022Land <strong>Surveyors</strong> and the LawSpeakerSr Edmond Cheung, Senior Land Surveyor, Lands DepartmentThe Government <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Special Administrative RegionDate & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Thursday 7 March 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsIn the HKIS CPD talk on “Boundaries – What the Law Says” held in June 2012, Sr Edmond Cheung inspired the audience witha new spectrum on the land surveying and shared a number <strong>of</strong> court judgments related to determination <strong>of</strong> land boundaries.At the end <strong>of</strong> his talk, Mr Cheung kindly agreed to summarise and post the court judgments with explanations in his personalblog for sharing.In <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, the old Government Lease/Grant Plans are inadequate to serve the present day development purpose. However,as shared in Sr Cheung’s blog, the Common Law has provided the legal principles for re-solving the majority <strong>of</strong> the “landboundary problems”, if not all.With the modern and accurate surveying technology today, Sr Cheung opines that the outstanding issues are to re-survey theboundaries <strong>of</strong> old Government Leases and to provide high standard and accurate records <strong>of</strong> land boundaries, contributing tothe certainty and precision <strong>of</strong> land being transacted, and avoiding the costly land boundary disputes.In this talk, Sr Cheung will further elaborate the legal principles <strong>of</strong> the re-solving the “land boundary problems”. He will alsoexplain the law <strong>of</strong> “boundary agreements”.(The URL <strong>of</strong> Sr Cheung’s blog is http://hklandsurveyor.wordpress.com)Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-memberPriority LSD members; First-come-first-servedCPD/GPD/2013015How Do We Balance Between Development and ConservationSpeakerSr Tony Tse, Legislative Councilor (Architectural, Surveying and Planning)Past President <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Surveyors</strong>Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Thursday 14 March 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsOur city is looking for a new meaning <strong>of</strong> "Development and Conservation". It is not an easy task to strike a balance between"Development and Conservation". The conservation battles on public buildings in Central has shown that there has not beena comprehensive conservation policy taking into consideration <strong>of</strong> all factors, such as private right, budgetary consideration andsocial cost and benefit. We need to formulate a long term strategy on comprehensive development and conservation policy.Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed)Priority GPD Members; First-come-first-servedFEBRUARY 201316

CPD/GPD/2013017<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Competition OrdinanceCPD/PQSL EVENTSSpeakersMr John Hickin and Mr Philip MonaghanJohn has been a partner <strong>of</strong> Mayer Brown JSM since 2005 and is co-head <strong>of</strong> the firm's Competition Law Group in Asia, whichwas ranked by Chambers Asia 2011 as one <strong>of</strong> only five top tier international practice teams for China/<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> antitrust.He was involved in the consultation with the HKSAR Government regarding the region's cross-sector Competition Bill andnow advises a number <strong>of</strong> clients regarding compliance activities following the introduction <strong>of</strong> the new law. Chambers Asia hasrecognised John's work in this practice area in their 2012 rankings for China/<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> antitrust lawyers.Philip Monaghan is a senior associate with Mayer Brown JSM based in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>. Philip is an experienced antitrust/competition and trade lawyer with expertise in all areas <strong>of</strong> competition law including compliance, restrictive agreements andcartel practices, abuse <strong>of</strong> market power, merger control and market investigations. Philip has extensive experience actingfor Asia-based companies in respect <strong>of</strong> competition issues arising under antitrust laws globally. Equally, he advises globalmultinationals on competition and transactional concerns under the Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law and <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> companieson the implications <strong>of</strong> the new Competition Ordinance.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday 12 March 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsOn 22 June 2012, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>'s first cross-sector competition law was gazetted as an Ordinance. The new law applies to anticompetitivebehaviour affecting markets in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, whether that behaviour takes place in or outside the jurisdiction. Asinfringements will attract significant penalties, and a new Competition Commission will be empowered with wide-ranginginvestigatory powers, the law is set to dramatically alter the business landscape.The 1.5-hour seminar will include a summary <strong>of</strong> the law and timetable for enforcement and an explanation <strong>of</strong> what the lawwill mean in practice.Our presenters will discuss fundamentals <strong>of</strong> competition law and the steps <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> business should consider taking toprepare for the new regulatory environment.• Update and status <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Ordinance• Three competition rules• Defences• Institutions• Risks, issues and scenarios• Compliance stepsLanguage English Fee HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-member (HK$30 walk-insurcharge for all pricings listed)Priority GPD Members; First-come-first-served17FEBRUARY 2013

CPD/PQSL EVENTSCPD/QSD/2013005「 看 透 員 工 — 意 識 形 態 」 座 談 會講 師 蕭 一 龍 博 士 Dr Henry Shiu( 當 代 管 理 學 ‧ 文 學 博 士 ; 資 深 管 理 顧 問 ; 暢 銷 作 家 )著 名 管 理 顧 問 、 國 家 級 檢 定 企 業 培 訓 師 的 蕭 一 龍 博 士 , 是 一 集 多 門 專 業 於 一 身 的 全 才 。 他 以 優 異 成 績 畢 業 於 香 港 理 工 大 學 ,主 修 社 會 工 作 ; 先 後 從 事 社 工 、 地 產 銷 售 與 市 場 管 理 、 物 業 收 購 、 課 程 拓 展 、 管 理 教 育 及 顧 問 等 工 作 ; 對 績 效 提 升 、 商 業 談判 、 員 工 指 導 、 激 勵 和 銷 售 管 理 等 , 頗 具 心 得 。蕭 博 士 擁 有 超 過 20 年 的 管 理 、 教 育 及 培 訓 經 驗 , 並 具 多 項 資 歷 , 包 括 : 英 國 特 許 市 務 師 (Chartered Marketer)、 香 港 註冊 社 工 (RSW)、 國 家 高 級 商 務 職 業 經 理 人 資 格 認 證 、 英 國 城 市 專 業 學 會 管 理 學 高 等 資 格 (GCGI)、 英 國 皇 家 師 範 學 院 院士 (FCollT)、 英 國 特 許 市 務 學 會 資 深 會 員 (FCIM)、 英 國 特 許 管 理 學 會 資 深 會 員 (FCMI)、 英 國 領 導 管 理 學 會 創 會 資 深 會 士(FInstLM)、 英 國 管 理 專 才 學 會 最 資 深 會 員 (CompIMS) 等 。蕭 博 士 經 常 爲 港 澳 及 內 地 企 業 , 提 供 商 管 諮 詢 、 培 訓 、 行 政 人 員 個 別 指 導 和 歷 奇 訓 練 , 口 碑 載 道 ; 工 餘 時 亦 不 遺 餘 力 , 除 積極 為 各 大 院 校 作 管 理 實 務 講 學 及 培 訓 外 , 還 「 以 文 倡 管 」, 著 有 :《 管 理 漫 談 ‧ 做 個 3F 管 理 人 》、《 管 理 漫 談 2‧ 做 個 高明 管 理 人 》、《 管 理 漫 談 3‧ 做 個 一 等 主 管 》、《 管 理 漫 談 ‧ 做 個 頂 尖 管 理 人 》 等 系 列 叢 書 。 無 論 是 寫 作 或 培 訓 — 他 的 手 法生 動 有 趣 、 發 人 深 省 , 知 識 與 實 踐 兼 容 , 深 受 讀 者 及 學 員 的 愛 戴 和 歡 迎 ! 他 很 樂 意 與 學 員 , 分 享 其 豐 富 的 管 理 經 驗 !日 期 及 地 點 2013 年 3 月 19 日 ( 星 期 二 ) 晚 上 7:00-8:30香 港 上 環 干 諾 道 中 111 號 永 安 中 心 12 樓 1207 室內 容您 的 主 管 是 否 覺 得 , 某 些 員 工 / 下 屬 難 以 管 理 — 做 事 既 不 認 真 、 又 不 問 責 或 主 動 , 凡 事 「 得 過 且 過 」? 又 , 他 們 是 不 是 不知 , 員 工 的 所 思 所 想 、 意 欲 何 在 , 以 致 難 以 激 發 員 工 積 極 工 作 ? 究 竟 , 員 工 / 下 屬 為 何 會 有 這 樣 , 或 那 樣 的 工 作 表 現 呢 ?資 深 管 理 顧 問 暨 暢 銷 作 家 及 大 學 講 師 蕭 一 龍 博 士 , 為 您 的 主 管 逐 一 解 開 以 上 疑 團 , 使 其 「 脫 胎 換 骨 」, 從 而 管 理 員 工 「 得心 應 手 、 水 到 渠 成 」!有 關 「 座 談 會 」 的 內 容 如 下 :1. 何 謂 「 意 識 形 態 」?2. 員 工 的 「 意 識 形 態 」 可 分 為 哪 幾 類 ? 即 : 心 高 功 高 、 心 高 功 低 、 心 低 功 高 、 心 低 功 低3. 如 何 「 管 理 」 或 「 對 待 」 不 同 「 意 識 形 態 」 的 員 工 ?此 講 座 主 要 對 象 為 中 層 及 高 層 管 理 人 , 或 有 興 趣 加 深 對 管 理 員 工 認 識 者 。語 言 廣 東 話 費 用 港 幣 $120( 會 員 ); 港 幣 $150( 非 會 員 ); 港 幣 $20 附 加 費( 如 未 經 報 名 人 士 ); 免 費 ( 全 日 制 大 學 生 ; 但 要 視 乎 尚 餘 名 額情 況 。)截 止 日 期 2013 年 3 月 12 日 名 額 工 料 測 量 組 優 先 ; 先 到 先 得 , 滿 額 即 止 。CPD/GPD/2013033Introduction <strong>of</strong> the HKIS Valuation Standards 2012SpeakerSr Joseph C. Ho, FHKIS FRICSJoseph is the Managing Director <strong>of</strong> LCH (Asia-Pacific) <strong>Surveyors</strong>. He is the convenor <strong>of</strong> the HKIS GPD Valuation Standards Panel.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday 20 March 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsThe aim <strong>of</strong> this CPD is to introduce the new HKIS Valuation Standards with updates on the valuation reporting development <strong>of</strong>the International Valuation Standards in Cantonese.Language Cantonese Fee Free <strong>of</strong> chargeDeadline 13 March 2013 Priority GPD Members; First-come-first-servedFEBRUARY 201318

CPD/GPD/2013010<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>'s Asset Prices: How High is too High?CPD/PQSL EVENTSSpeakerMr Chi Lo, Senior Strategist, BNP IP AsiaMr Lo is currently a senior strategist <strong>of</strong> BNP IP Asia based in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>.Before joining BNP, Chi Lo was a CEO <strong>of</strong> HFT Investment Management (HK) Ltd, which is a JV partner <strong>of</strong> BNP IP, and head <strong>of</strong>Overseas Investment and Chief Economist at Ping An <strong>of</strong> China Asset Management (<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>) Company Limited.He is the author <strong>of</strong> seven books and has published research work in international periodicals and newspapers, and appearedas commentator on international media and speaker at international seminars by the World Economic Forum and the House <strong>of</strong>Lords <strong>of</strong> the British Parliament.Before working in Asia, Mr Lo was an economic advisor to the Canadian Treasury in Canada. His other experience includesinternational research firms in North America, regulatory bodies for securities trading in Toronto and London, and blue-chipinternational investment banks in America, England and Asia.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Thursday 21 March 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>Details• <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>'s market outlook under the world <strong>of</strong> quantitative easing• How high is too high for <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>'s property prices?• Future <strong>of</strong> the HK dollar pegLanguage Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-member (HK$30 walk-insurcharge for all pricings listed)Deadline 14 March 2013 Priority GPD Members; First-come-first-servedCPD/QSD/2013007Frequent Problems Encountered by Consulting QS in MEP WorksSpeakerSr Raymond Kam, MSc, FHKIS, MRICS, RPS(QS)Raymond Kam is a qualified QS with over twenty four years <strong>of</strong> quantity surveying experience and in particular building servicesinstallation contracting. He is well conversant with the contract administration <strong>of</strong> building services works both in local andneighbourhood region including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Dongguan and Macau. He has provided lectures andseminars on the building services measurement to the building services engineers and quantity surveyors <strong>of</strong> a local statutoryauthority and to the post-graduate and undergraduate students <strong>of</strong> a local university.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday 26 March 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsThis seminar will provide an overview <strong>of</strong> the common problems encountered by Consulting QS in providing service in buildingservices installations. The MEP works nowadays constitute a significant portion <strong>of</strong> the overall contract sum especially for largescale sized projects. The MEP systems have also been under constantly improvement and upgrading and which have posedcertain amount <strong>of</strong> difficulties to the practicing QS.In this seminar, Raymond will discuss the common problems, the normal practice, and the various observations that arecommonly found in the day-to-day administration <strong>of</strong> MEP Works by Consulting QS.Language Cantonese Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$20 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free <strong>of</strong> charge forfull time University students (subject to availability)Deadline 19 March 2013 Priority QSD Members; First-come-first-served19FEBRUARY 2013

CPD/BSD/PFMD/2013031Introduction <strong>of</strong> the HK-Zhuhai- Macao Bridge ProjectCPD/PQSL EVENTSSpeakerIr Ken Lee Kwai-wing, Senior Engineer, HK-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeHighways DepartmentDate & Venue 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Wednesday 27 March 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsThe HZMB has a very important strategic value to further enhance the economic development <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, Macao and theWestern Pearl River Delta region. It will significantly reduce the cost and time on traveling on the flow <strong>of</strong> people and goodsbetween <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> and the Western PRD, accelerate the economic integration <strong>of</strong> the PRD and its neighbouring provincesand increase its competitiveness vis-à-vis countries <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong> Southeast Asian Nations and other economic zonessuch as the Yangtze Delta region. As such, it has always been the common goal <strong>of</strong> the three Governments to go full streamahead with the project, to minimize any risk <strong>of</strong> possible delay to its programme, and to realize its economic benefits as soon aspossible.The presentation will brief the scope, difficulties encountered, and current progress <strong>of</strong> the HZMB project.Language Cantonese (Supplement with English) Fee HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-member (HK$30 walk-insurcharge for all pricings listed)Deadline 20 march 2013 Priority BSD/PFMD Members; First-come-first-servedCPD/BSD/2013016How to avoid/ manage conflicts in our day-to-day work?All about mediation skills …SpeakersIr Tsang Ping Chiu, PacoIr Tsang is a Civil Engineer by pr<strong>of</strong>ession with more than 30 years’ experience in construction industry. He is a past President <strong>of</strong><strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Mediation Centre, Founding Director <strong>of</strong> Joint Mediation Helpline Office. Currently, he is a council member <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong><strong>Kong</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Construction Managers and <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Value Management.He is an accredited mediator <strong>of</strong> Chartered <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arbitrators, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> International Arbitration Centre and <strong>Hong</strong><strong>Kong</strong> Mediation Centre. He has substantial experience in conducting mediation workshops for Government Departments andeducational institutions, and partnering workshops for large scale government projects.Mr Chow, Lam Fai, KennethMr Chow is the Chief Claims Officer who heads the claims function at foreign insurance company. He has over 20 years <strong>of</strong>experience in claims management in the general insurance industry. His experience ranges over all lines <strong>of</strong> business with aspecialisation in liability claims and litigation cases.He is an accredited mediator, instructor and assessor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Mediation Centre. In his spare time he lectures onmediation at various educational and pr<strong>of</strong>essional institutions. He is a past Vice President <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Mediation Centre, afounding convener <strong>of</strong> the Claims Committee under the Employees’ Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Hong</strong><strong>Kong</strong> Federation Insurers and a member <strong>of</strong> Personal Injury – Medical Negligence Law Association.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Monday 8 April 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsThis seminar provides an overview <strong>of</strong> different approaches to the Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (ATNA). The speakerswill demonstrate how ATNA and mediation skills can be applied to the followings and with case sharing session:-1. Make negotiation more effective;2. Make communication more effective, improve interpersonal relationship and avoid conflicts/ disputes; and3. Communicate with frontline workers to eliminate accident.Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for HKIS/ HKICM members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed)Deadline 1 April 2013 Priority HKIS BSD/ HKICM Members; First-come-first-servedFEBRUARY 201320

CPD/BSD/2013019Visit to the First Zero Carbon Building in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>CPD/PQSL EVENTSSpeakerRepresentative from Zero Carbon BuildingDate & Venue 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Saturday 6 April 2013Zero Carbon Building, Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>.DetailsItinerary:1:45 pm: Gather at Zero Carbon Building Reception3:30 pm: Dismiss at Zero Carbon BuildingIn order to combat the increasing pressure from climate change, the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Government has proposed targets forgreenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction. Buildings are the major contributor to GHG emissions in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> and aretherefore both a challenge as well as an opportunity for GHG emissions reduction. As such, the construction industry has asignificant role to play in GHG emissions reduction. Within the ambit <strong>of</strong> the Construction Industry Council Ordinance, one <strong>of</strong>the functions <strong>of</strong> Construction Industry Council (CIC) is to promote good practices in the construction industry in relation toenvironmental protection, sustainable construction and other areas conducive to improving construction quality. On this basis,CIC, in collaboration with the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Government, is developing the first Zero Carbon Building in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>.Language Cantonese Fee HK$120 for HKIS members; $150 for non-membersDeadline 30 March 2013 Priority HKIS BSD Members; First-come-first-served with payment(with maximum quota <strong>of</strong> 49)DECLARATION FORMCPD Event: Visit to the First Zero Carbon Building in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>Saturday, 6 April 2013I,_______________________________ , confirm that I fully understand and accept the risk <strong>of</strong> entering into a site for the above visit. Under nocircumstances shall <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Surveyors</strong> (HKIS), their staff or agents be held liable for the consequence <strong>of</strong> any accidents whetheror not they are caused by the negligence <strong>of</strong> HKIS, their staff and/or agents.Signature: ____________________________________________ Membership No: _________________________________________________Address : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile : ___________________ Fax/ Email: ________________________________________Remarks :1. Members who apply for participating the above visit shall be in good health conditions.2. Members shall consider to procure an appropriate insurance policy to cover their own risks before attending the event.21FEBRUARY 2013

CPD/PQSL EVENTSCPD/QSD/2013021Negotiation Styles <strong>of</strong> Construction Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>SpeakerSr Thomas HoThomas was the Chairman (2011-12) <strong>of</strong> the Quantity Surveying Division <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Surveyors</strong>. He is theManaging Director <strong>of</strong> TLS & Associates Ltd. and has worked as a quantity surveyor for over 30 years both in building andinfrastructure works. Thomas is also an accredited mediator <strong>of</strong> HKIAC and HKIS/HKIA.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday 9 April 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsNegotiation is a very important method in settlement <strong>of</strong> disputes and differences in the construction industry. In this seminar,Thomas will share his experience in different styles <strong>of</strong> negotiation commonly used by construction pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and theinfluencing factors to be considered before choosing and employing an appropriate style <strong>of</strong> negotiation in settling disputes/differences with their counterparts.Language Cantonese Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$20 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free <strong>of</strong> charge forfull time University students (subject to availability)Deadline 2 April 2013 Priority QSD Members; First-come-first-servedCPD/QSD/2013009New Generation QS S<strong>of</strong>tware for Cost Analysis, Budgeting and ControlSpeakerMr Ken Leung, Product Specialist <strong>of</strong> Exactal Asia Ltd.Ken Leung received a bachelor degree in Construction Economics from the University <strong>of</strong> Technology, Sydney in 2003 and amaster degree in Real Estate from the University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> in 2007. Before he joined his present company Exactal as aProduct Specialist in 2010, he had worked as a Quantity Surveyor for more than 10 years with experience in a full range <strong>of</strong> preand post-contract Quantity Surveying Services for Quantity Surveying Firms and International Main Contractors.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday 16 April 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsThe event rundown as below:1. History <strong>of</strong> automation s<strong>of</strong>tware for QS measurement2. New generation s<strong>of</strong>tware for QS3. 5D cost estimating methodology4. Benefits and risks <strong>of</strong> BIM5. Future prospects <strong>of</strong> BIM for QSLanguage Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members (HK$20walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free <strong>of</strong> charge for full timeUniversity students (subject to availability)Deadline 9 April 2013 Priority QSD Members; First-come-first-servedFEBRUARY 201322

CPD/PQSL EVENTSCPD/QSD/2013011Different Roles <strong>of</strong> QS in ContractorsSpeakerSr Thomas C.W. TseSr Tse is a pr<strong>of</strong>essional quantity surveyor with more than 30 years working experience in the construction industry. He workedwith local and overseas consultants, and had taken up senior and management positions <strong>of</strong> local and international contractors.He is now the Secretary General <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Construction Association (HKCA).Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday 23 April 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsQuantity <strong>Surveyors</strong> are pr<strong>of</strong>essionally trained to become experts in various fields throughout the different stages <strong>of</strong> thedevelopment process. There are many roles within the construction companies that demand the expertise <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalquantity surveyors. This briefing intended to give an overview <strong>of</strong> the local market and highlight some <strong>of</strong> those roles incontractors that are suitable for pr<strong>of</strong>essional quantity surveyors to develop their career.Language Cantonese Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$20 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free <strong>of</strong> charge forfull time University students (subject to availability)Deadline 16 April 2013 Priority QSD Members; First-come-first-servedCPD/QSD/2013018Adaptations to become a Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Project ManagerSpeakersMs Marian Kwok, HKIA, Registered Architect, Authorized Person (Architect), PMP, Senior Project Manager <strong>of</strong> AECOM Asia Co LtdSr Chris Fung, FHKIS, FRICS, MCIArb, RPS(QS), PMP, Executive Director <strong>of</strong> AECOM Asia Co LtdMs Kwok is an accredited Project Management Pr<strong>of</strong>essional (PMP), Registered Architect and Authorized Person (Architect) withover 14 years experience in project management and architectural practice. In addition to the newly completed Zero-CarbonBuilding, Ms Kwok’s project management pr<strong>of</strong>ile covers the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Convention and Exhibition Centre Expansion and theon-going HK$8 billion United Christian Hospital Expansion.Sr Fung is a qualified Quantity Surveyor and an accredited PMP, with over 25 years experience in quantity surveying andmore focus in project management practice in the last decade. Sr Fung performs a pivotal role in leading the project and costmanagement arm <strong>of</strong> AECOM and has witnessed the project life cycle <strong>of</strong> Science Park Phase 2 from cradle to grand opening byacting as the Project Manager throughout.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Monday 29 April 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsIn this talk, the speakers will share their experience and knowledge on the following:- What is Project Management?- Attributes <strong>of</strong> a Project Manager.- Common tools and techniques for Project Management.- Adaptations <strong>of</strong> Architect/QS to become a Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Project Manager.- Case studies <strong>of</strong> Project Management for Zero-Carbon Building and Science Park Phase 2.Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$20 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free <strong>of</strong> charge forfull time University students (subject to availability)Deadline 22 April 2013 Priority QSD Members; First-come-first-served23FEBRUARY 2013

CPD/PQSL EVENTSCPD/QSD/2013012Contract Formation and InterpretationSpeakerMr Damon SoDamon is a Partner with the Projects (Engineering and Construction) Group <strong>of</strong> the international law firm Hogan Lovells. Heinitially qualified as a Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer and is a Member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Institution <strong>of</strong> Engineers.Since he subsequently also qualified as a solicitor, Damon has undertaken a wide range <strong>of</strong> construction related legal work andhas had occasion to consider many <strong>of</strong> the issues which typically arise in respect <strong>of</strong> various construction projects. He has beeninvolved in advising and drafting construction, joint venture, consultancy and other related contracts for contractors, employersand consultants in respect <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> building and civil projects using different forms <strong>of</strong> contract including <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>Government forms, HKIA/HKIS form, FIDIC, NEC3, IChemE, Australian Standard Form and standard forms <strong>of</strong> major statutorybodies in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday 14 May 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsWhether one likes it or not, consciously or unconsciously, everyday construction activities are governed and regulated bycontracts. Contract formation and interpretation is therefore at the heart <strong>of</strong> the skills that construction pr<strong>of</strong>essionals especiallythose running construction projects need to master. This is a timely discussion <strong>of</strong> these important issues in light <strong>of</strong> recentinteresting legal developments in both <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> and the UK.Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$20 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free <strong>of</strong> charge forfull time University students (subject to availability)Deadline 7 May 2013 Priority QSD Members; First-come-first-servedCPD/QSD/2013014FIDIC ContractsSpeakerMr Nicholas Longley, Partner <strong>of</strong> Holman Fenwick WillanNicholas Longley has been in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> for 14 years. Nick specializes in construction and construction insurance law. Headvises governments, employers, main contractors, specialist subcontractors, construction pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and insurers on allaspects <strong>of</strong> construction law including procurement, contract production and negotiation and claims preparation and disputeresolution. He has wide experience <strong>of</strong> claims under the FIDIC Red Book, Yellow Book and Silver Book. He is a Fellow <strong>of</strong> theChartered <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arbitrators, as well as being on <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> General Panel <strong>of</strong> Mediators, the HKIAC list <strong>of</strong> Arbitrators andan IAMA Arbitrator.Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Thursday 16 May 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsFIDIC Contracts are commonly used in the Asia Pacific Region for infrastructure projects. This presentation will:1. Provide an introduction to FIDIC and FIDIC Contracts2. Explain the main features <strong>of</strong> the FIDIC Red Book (1999) used for traditional construction only contracts3. Provide a useful comparison between the Red Book and the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Government Standard Form Civil EngineeringContractLanguage English Fee HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members(HK$20 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free <strong>of</strong> charge forfull time University students (subject to availability)Deadline 9 May 2013 Priority QSD Members; First-come-first-servedFEBRUARY 201324

CPD/PQSL EVENTSPQSL/GPD/2013030GPD APC Part I - Structured Learning 2013SpeakersLouie Chan, Edward Au, Francis Ng, Lennon Choy, TC Wong, Thomas Tang, Joseph HoDate & VenueDetails9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pmRoom 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>For the purpose <strong>of</strong> assisting candidates in meeting the APC requirements, GPD Education Committee proposed to organize a17 Sessions (51 hours) SLP for APC Candidates. Candidates are expected to complete at least 40 hours <strong>of</strong> the lectures out <strong>of</strong>this 51 hours programme. At the same time, this SLP also serves as CPD <strong>events</strong> for members.Date Topics Details Speaker1. Laws and Surveying (12 hrs)2013030A17 May 2013 (Friday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm1.1.1 General practicesurveying Law (Lecture 1)An overview on various topics <strong>of</strong> land law;Registered Land/ Unregistered LandPriorities; MortgageLouie Chan2013030A17 May 2013 (Friday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm1.1.2 General practicesurveying Law (Lecture 2)Constructive Trusts and Proprietary EstoppelAdverse Possession and reform <strong>of</strong> the lawLand Covenant, EasementLouie Chan2013030A18 May 2013(Saturday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm1.1.3 General practicesurveying Law (Lecture 3)Landlord and Tenant;Alternative Dispute Resolution;Torts Law, and Lliability <strong>of</strong> General Practice <strong>Surveyors</strong>Louie Chan2013030A18 May 2013(Saturday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm1.2 Land Acquisition &CompensationResumption under Ordinance(a) the Lands Resumption Ordinance, Cap 124(b) the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance, Cap 370(c) the Mass Transit Railway (Land Resumption and Related Provisions)Ordinance, Cap 276(d) the Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance, Cap 127Resumption under Lease :(e) Resumption clause;(f) Voluntary surrender <strong>of</strong> lotEdward Au2. Agency Practice and Asset Management and Property Development and Management (12 hrs)2013030B1 June 2013(Saturday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm2.1 Transaction by privatetreaty, Sale and letting,Auction & tenderProperty Transactions by direct investment or via company vehicleTitle Requisitions; Preliminary Agreement; S & P Agreement;Assignment; Requirements under EAO (Cap. 511)Louie Chan2013030B1 June 2013(Saturday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm2.2 Planning andDevelopmentAn comprehensive review on the planning and development processfor both development and redevelopment site in urban and NT(excluding small house) The statutory and non-statutory framework onland development through lease modification and land exchangeFrancis Ng2013030B2 June 2013 (Sunday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm2.3 Asset Management Corporate Governance and Compliance (Listed / Private Companies);Lease management; enforcement;Louie Chan2013030B2 June 2013 (Sunday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm2.4 Property Management Property management practice; DMC and its interpretation;Management <strong>of</strong> Buildings under BMO (Cap. 344)Louie Chan25FEBRUARY 2013

CPD/PQSL EVENTS3. Urban Land Economics and Analysis ( 12 hrs)2013030C13 July 2013 (Sunday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm3.1.1 Urban land economics(Lecture 1)a) Fundamental Economics Conceptsi. Price theoryii. Land Rentiii. Positive vs Normative economicsb) Property Prices and Indicesi. Hedonic Price Indexii. Repeat Sales IndexLennon Choy2013030C13 July 2013 (Sunday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm3.1.2 Urban land economics(Lecture 2)d) Location Theoriesi. Bid Rent Theoryii. Central Place Theoryiii. Henderson Urban Systemiv. New Economic GeographyLennon Choy2013030C10 August 2013(Saturday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm2013030C20 July 2013(Saturday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm3.1.3 Urban land economics(Lecture 3)3.1.4 Urban land economics(Lecture 4)e) New Institutional Economics Approach to Urban and Land Problemsi. Property Rightsii. Externalitiesiii. Land use Control Zoningiv. CO2 / Road pricingf) Selective Urban and Land Issuesi. Information Asymmetryii. Urbanization and Sustainabilityiii. Urban Renewal and Conversationg) Wrap Up (by Thomas Tang)Lennon ChoyLennon Choy4. Valuation (15 hrs)2013030D20 July 2013(Saturday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm4.1.1 General ValuationPrinciples (Session 1)a) Direct Comparison Approach, Adjustment Factors and MarketSegmentationb) Valuation <strong>of</strong> Shop, Office & Industrial properties etc.c) Residual ValuationTC Wong2013030C10 August 2013(Saturday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm4.1.2 General ValuationPrinciples (Session 2)d) Investment Approach (incl. Term & Reversion)e) YP formulasf) Valuation <strong>of</strong> Terminable Interest and Leasehold Interestg) Investment Appraisal and DCFTC Wong2013030C17 August 2013(Saturday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm4.1.3 General ValuationPrinciples (Session 3)h) Valuation <strong>of</strong> urban land parcels, site merger and marriage valuei) Discussion <strong>of</strong> previous exam questionsThomas Tang2013030C7 September 2013(Saturday)9:00 am – 12:00 pm4.2 Statutory Valuation –Ratingj) The general rule on rating, S.7(2) Rating OrdinanceTBAk) Principles <strong>of</strong> assessment: vacant and to let, “rebus sic stantibus”,admissibility <strong>of</strong> evidence (rule under Garton v. Hunter)l) Definition <strong>of</strong> tenement: boundary <strong>of</strong> assessment, combine assessmentm)Rateable occupationn) Valuation on existing use, S.7A(2)o) Date <strong>of</strong> valuation and “Tone <strong>of</strong> the List”p) Methods <strong>of</strong> valuation and choice <strong>of</strong> methodology2013030C7 September 2013(Saturday)2:00 pm – 5:00 pm4.3 Business Valuation q) Engagementr) Valuation Approaches and Methods, Income, Market, Adjusted NetAssets) Reporting standards, IVS, HKIS &HKBVFt) Filing and ReferenceJoseph HoRemark 1. No paypal is accepted for this event.2. First come first served with paymentLanguage English / Chinese Fee HK$4,800 for all sessions / HKD $400 per subject (3 hours)Deadline One week prior to the event date Priority GPD Probationers and Students; First-come-first-servedFEBRUARY 201326

CPD/PQSL EVENTSPQSL/QSD/2013025QSD APC Part I WorkshopSpeakersExperienced Assessors <strong>of</strong> QSD APCDate & Venue 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm Thursday 25 May 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsWith the introduction <strong>of</strong> the new APC System in July 2011, there are 2 parts <strong>of</strong> assessment in the QSD APC System.The Part I APC is a relatively new concept. In this workshop, an introduction on the requirements <strong>of</strong> the Part I APC, samplequestions, and the assessment criteria will be briefed. A review <strong>of</strong> the questions and expected answers <strong>of</strong> the Part I APC held in2012 will also be conducted as a supplementary introduction.There will be a session for floor questions.Probationers and Student Members who wish to attempt the Part I APC are encouraged to attend this workshop.Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$150 per person (additional charge <strong>of</strong> HK$20 for walk-in)Deadline 18 May 2013 Priority QSD Probationers and Students; First-come-first-servedCPD/BSD/2013023The Devil <strong>of</strong> Common Parts – Waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing Membrane <strong>of</strong> the Main Ro<strong>of</strong>SpeakersSr Pr<strong>of</strong> James Kenneth PongBSc, FHKIS, FRICS, MRTPI, FCIS, FCS, FCIArb., F.PFM, MBEng., RPS (BS), AP (<strong>Surveyors</strong>), Certified Tax Advisor, BarristerSr David ChanBSc, FHKIS, FRICS, RPS(BS), AP(<strong>Surveyors</strong>), RI(S)Date & Venue 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Thursday 30 May 2013Room 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>DetailsWhat is the construction detail <strong>of</strong> waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing membrane at the main ro<strong>of</strong>? Who is responsible for the repair <strong>of</strong> the mainro<strong>of</strong> and its waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing membrane? Can a pr<strong>of</strong>essional surveyor rely on Building (Construction) Regulations Cap. 123B toidentify the repair responsibility <strong>of</strong> the waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing membrane? Recent updated court decisions will be used for illustrations.Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$120 for HKIS members; HK$200 for non-members (HK$30walk-in surcharge on all prices listed)Deadline 23 May 2013 Priority BSD Members; First-come-first-served27FEBRUARY 2013

CPD/PQSL EVENTSPQSL/QSD/2013026QSD APC WorkshopSpeakerDate & VenueDetailsExperienced Assessors <strong>of</strong> QSD APC2:30 pm – 5:30 pmRoom 1207, 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>The workshop aims to assist candidates to have a better understanding <strong>of</strong> the requirements and techniques in solving thewritten practical problems <strong>of</strong> the APC using critical and analytical thinking. It also aims to provide a forum for candidatesto know more about the assessor’s expectation in assessing candidates’ practical experience and pr<strong>of</strong>essional competenceachieved through the written assessment, diary & logbook and PQSL. The workshop will focus on discussing the ways inidentifying the key issues in different types <strong>of</strong> questions and on expected answers from previous papers, and the focus on thediary & logbook and PQSL. Discussions will be held in small groups, each headed by an experienced assessor. Interaction isexpected between assessors and candidates. Topics will include both pre- and post contract issues.With the implementation <strong>of</strong> the new APC system in July 2011, a general introduction <strong>of</strong> the QSD Part I and Part II assessmentwill be provided. Candidates are encouraged to attend the workshop to get familiarize with the new Part I and Part IIassessment.Date CPD Code Topic1 22 June 2013 (Saturday) 2013026A QSD APC Workshop 12 29 June 2013 (Saturday) 2013026B QSD APC Workshop 1Remark Candidate should attend the workshop either on 22 June 2013 or 29 June 2013.Language Cantonese supplemented by English Fee HK$150 per person (additional charge <strong>of</strong> HK$20 for walk-in)Deadline One week prior to the event date Priority QSD Probationers and Students; First-come-first-servedFEBRUARY JANUARY 201328

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