DI-50E Data Sheet - K - Tech, Inc.

DI-50E Data Sheet - K - Tech, Inc.

DI-50E Data Sheet - K - Tech, Inc.


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Setpoint Programming Mode continuedSet Up Timer Delay SettingsProgramming TipIf you do not require anyof the functions in thismode, ensure it is set to:Third digitset to [XX6]Normally OFF /Pulsed ONNormally ON /Pulsed OFFXXNormal Mode1-Shot ON ModeSingle actuationPulse ON ModeSingle actuationRepeat ON ModeMultiple actuation1-Shot OFF ModeSingle actuationPulse OFF ModeSingle actuationRepeat OFF ModeMultiple actuationPPPP PXX XXP P PPResolution settingapplies toSP1/SP2 ONLYP P PPResolution settingapplies toSP1/SP2 ONLYPP P PPResolution settingapplies toSP1/SP2 ONLYP P PPResolution settingapplies to SP1/SP2 ONLYDelay-on-make (DOM)time 0.0 to 6553.5 secsDOM 0.0 to 6553.5 secsDOM 0.0/0.001 to6553.5/65.535 secsOff-time (oFF_t) 0.0/0.001 to6553.5/65.535 secsMinimum off-time (M_of)0.0 to 6553.5 secsOff-time (oFF_t) 0.0/0.001 to6553.5/65.535 secsOff-time (oFF_t) 0.0/0.001to 6553.5/65.535 secsPPDelay-on-break (DOB)time 0.0 to 6553.5 secsPPXXMinimum on-time (M_on) 0.0 to6553.5 secsXXOn-time (on_t) 0.0/0.001 to6553.5/65.535 secsXXOn-time (on_t) 0.0/0.001to 6553.5/65.535 secsDOB 0.0 to 6553.5 secsDOB 0.0/0.001 to6553.5/65.535 secsXXXXXXOn-time (on_t) 0.0/0.001to 6553.5/65.535 secsReset SPC_X to [XX0]Set Up Register Reset and Setpoint Trigger FunctionsThird digitset to [XX7]Select Trigger SettingPSelect Reset Destination RegisterPSelecting [oFF] in theDestination RegisterReset Setup takesyou to Setpoint PrintTrigger SetupSelect Print Triggered by SetpointPSelect Log Triggered by SetpointPPReset SPC_X to [XX0]XXXX[brEAK][244 to 1][diSP][both][LEVEL]Use the andbuttons to cyclethrough the options[tArE][VALEY][PEAK]Use the buttonsto cycle throughthe Registers Menuand Registers (1 to244) to select whichdestination registeris to be reset by asetpoint (also seepage 44).[rESLt][Ch1][Ch2]Select Reset ModePSelecting anydestinationregister takesyou to ModeReset[i-S+C]Select Reset ConstantPSets from 0 to –19999Sets from 0 to 99999[tot_2][Ch3][d+C][tot_1][Ch4]Programming TipIf you do not require anyof the functions in thismode, ensure it is set to:[rEG]Select [rEG] toaccess the sourceparameter to selectthe number of theModbus register inthe meter to becopied to the resetdestination registerP[244 to 1][diSP]Use the buttons[tArE]to cycle throughthe Registers Menuand Registers (1 to[rESLt][VALEY]244) to select whichregister’s contents[Ch1][PEAK]are to be copied intothe destination registerby a setpoint(also see page 44).[Ch2][tot_2][Ch3][tot_1][Ch4]21 June, 2004 <strong>DI</strong>-50 320 Series (NZ300) Texmate, <strong>Inc</strong>. Tel. (760) 598-9899 • www.texmate.comPage 43

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