DI-50E Data Sheet - K - Tech, Inc.

DI-50E Data Sheet - K - Tech, Inc.

DI-50E Data Sheet - K - Tech, Inc.


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Setpoint Programming Mode continuedDeviation (passband) is the programmableband around the setpoint in which thesetpoint can be programmed to energizethe relay inside or outside the deviationband.The deviation setting can be any valuebetween 1 and 65535 counts. The numberof counts selected act both positivelyand negatively on the setpoint, forming adeviation band around the setpoint.For example, if the setpoint setting is 1000 counts and the deviation settingis 35 counts, the deviation band around the setpoint setting is 70counts starting at 965 counts and ending at 1035 counts.Initial Start-up Inhibit.On power-on, start-up inhibit preventsthe relay from energizing on the firstsetpoint activation cycle. Depending onhow the meter has been programmed,initial start-up inhibit either functionsduring a falling input signal, or during arising input signal.Relay Time Control ModesThe following time control mode settings can cover almostevery relay timer application.All setpoints can be individually programmed to operate a relayin one of the following time control modes above or below thesetpoint value.Normal ModeThis mode individuallyprograms a relay’ssetpoint with delayon-make(DOM) anddelay-on-break (DOB)settings.Page 40SP ONSP OFFRLY ONRLY OFFAdj.DOMAdj.DOBNormally OFF / Pulsed ON ModesThese are delay modes were the relay is normally off andpulses on when the setpoint activates.Repeat ON ModeMultiple actuation,programmable on andoff time settings.SP ONSP OFFRLY ONRLY OFFAdj. Adj. Adj.ON-T OFF-T ON-TPulse ON mode (Programmable ON-time)Single actuation, programmableDOM andon time settings.SP ONSP OFFRLY ONRLY OFFAdj.Adj. MAXDOM ON-TDeviation+SP–+SP–SPSPDeviationBandEnergized InsideDeviationBandEnergized OutsideHytseresis+–+–HysteresisBandEnergized BelowHysteresisBandEnergized Above1-Shot ON mode (Programmable Minimum ON-time)SP ONSingle actuation, programmableDOM and SP OFFminimum on timeRLY ONsettings.RLY OFFAdj.DOMNormally ON / Pulsed OFF ModesAdj.MIN ON-TThese are delay modes were the relay is normally on andpulses off when the setpoint activates.1-Shot OFF mode (Programmable Minimum OFF-time)Single actuation, programmableminimumoff time and DOBsettings.SP ONSP OFFRLY ONRLY OFFAdj.DOBAdj.MIN OFF-TTexmate, <strong>Inc</strong>. Tel. (760) 598-9899 • www.texmate.comPulse OFF mode (Programmable OFF-time)Single actuation, programmableoff timeand DOB.Repeat OFF ModeMultiple actuation,programmable off andon time settings.SP ONSP OFFRLY ONRLY OFFSP ONSP OFF`RLY ONRLY OFFAdj. Adj.DOB MAXOFF-TAdj. Adj. Adj.OFF-T ON-T OFF-TEach setpoint can be individually configured for basic toadvanced operations in the following three levels. Each operationallevel is designed to provide only the required relevantsetpoint and relay functions.The modes at Level 2 and Level 3 can be set to OFF for eachindividual setpoint, ensuring that no other functions are programmedto influence the setup.Level 1Setpoint & Relay Basic ModeThis is an easily programmable mode for users who require thefollowing basic setpoint and relay functions:First Digit – Relay Energize FunctionsRelays programmed to energize above or below thesetpoint value.Second Digit – SP Activation SourceSetpoints programmed to activate from selectablemeter registers or one of six external switched inputs.Third Digit – Setpoint LatchingRelays programmed with latching and manual resetoptions.Level 2Setpoint & Relay Intermediate ModeLevel 2 uses all Level 1 functions and is further extended bythe following programmable modes. The functionality of therelay energize functions are extended by allowing the relaysto be programmed with or without initial start-up inhibit.Hysteresis, Deviation & PID ModeThis mode adds extra functionality to the basic mode by providingprogrammable hysteresis or deviation settings for allsetpoints, or PID control from setpoints SP1 and SP2.Timer ModesThese modes add even more functionality to the basic andintermediate mode by providing each setpoint with a choiceof one of seven resident programmable timers.Level 3Setpoint & Relay Advanced ModeLevel 3 uses all Level 1 and Level 2 functions combined withreset and trigger functions to provide an extremely powerfuladvanced mode.Level 3 enables you to program all setpoints individually foroperations normally requiring sophisticated controllers.21 June, 2004 <strong>DI</strong>-50 320 Series (NZ300)

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