Tylo Saunas, Showers and Steam Baths

Tylo Saunas, Showers and Steam Baths

Tylo Saunas, Showers and Steam Baths


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The 2nd Tylö Book

<strong>Showers</strong>.Introduction ................................................................................. 84<strong>Showers</strong> that know no limits ........................................ 86Tylö Felicity Basic .................................................................... 88Tylö Felicity Midi ...................................................................... 90Tylö Felicity Premium ........................................................... 92Tylette Centre hydro-steam cabinet ..................... 98Tylö corner showers ............................................................100<strong>Steam</strong> baths.Introduction ............................................................................... 104Tylö prefabricated steam rooms ............................. 106Tylö Elysée ................................................................................... 108Tylö Excellent ............................................................................ 110Layouts ........................................................................................... 112Tylö steam generators ....................................................... 114<strong>Steam</strong> bath accessories ................................................. 116Doors ................................................................................................ 118Tylö Special ................................................................................ 120Planning a steam room .................................................... 125About Tylö ................................................................................... 126t h e T y l ö b o o k 4 – 5

Warmth <strong>and</strong> water.Warmth <strong>and</strong> water are the basis for all life – <strong>and</strong> for all that we do here at Tylö. Since the early1950s we have been developing, manufacturing <strong>and</strong> marketing high quality products that havehelped raise bathing to the art of relaxation <strong>and</strong> enjoyment.Today Tylö leads the way worldwide in creating inspiring environments for saunas, showers<strong>and</strong> steam bathing, both at home <strong>and</strong> in public facilities. We lead the field in terms of thebreadth of our range, the quality <strong>and</strong> design of our products <strong>and</strong> the degree of technical innovation.And, to ensure that we can always be 100% certain of supplying the high quality thatour customers have learned to expect of Tylö, we manufacture the components <strong>and</strong> assemblethe equipment in our own purpose-built premises.That’s why a Tylö product is always the safest of choices when you want to enjoy thepleasures of warmth <strong>and</strong> water – or a combination of both – to the full.

T h e T y l ö b o o k 6 – 7

Different humidity. Differenttemperatures. Different pleasures.There are many ways to enjoy a bath, each one equally refreshing in its own particular way. When it comes tobathing with Tylö, the common denominators are relaxation <strong>and</strong> a sense of wellbeing for body <strong>and</strong> soul – eitheralone or in the company of family or friends. No matter what your personal preference, we have a wide range ofquality products for you to choose from.A brief description of the various bathing options follows. Simply choose one or more that you would like toenjoy whenever you wish to relax at home.

Traditional sauna.Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian sauna bathing takes two traditional forms. The classicsauna is best enjoyed at temperatures of 75–90°C in a relative humidityof 20–35%. Now <strong>and</strong> then you sprinkle a ladle of water over thehot sauna stones <strong>and</strong> feel the unique, tingling sensation as waveafter wave of heat penetrates deep into your skin. Your pores open,you perspire freely <strong>and</strong> dead skin cells simply disappear in theshower. Rounding off by pouring water over the stones is partof the ritual.A slightly more extreme variation on this theme is the dry saunain very high temperatures (95–110°C) <strong>and</strong> an almost totally dryatmosphere. This form of sauna bathing is popular among thosewho like to feel the searing sensation of heat on their skin, whenperspiration is the only way to cool the body. For devotees of traditionalsauna bathing, we recommend a classic Tylö heater or amodel from the Mega series.<strong>Steam</strong> sauna.A gentler form of sauna in 45–65°C, which many people experienceas the ideal bathing temperature. A continuous <strong>and</strong> automatic supplyof steam ensures constant humidity of 40–65%. The result is amore temperate bathing climate that tempts both young <strong>and</strong> old tolinger a little longer. Just like traditional saunas, steam saunas producethe same sensation of clean, fresh skin <strong>and</strong> give you the sameopportunity to unwind <strong>and</strong> relax both body <strong>and</strong> soul.For that touch of ultimate luxury, you can perfume the air withinvigorating herbs or fragrant essences. If you want to enjoy steamsaunas <strong>and</strong> traditional hot <strong>and</strong> dry saunas, choose Tylö Combi – aningenious solution that combines all the options in one single heater.<strong>Steam</strong> bathing.A steam bath is not to be confused with the steam sauna. To enjoya modern steam bath you leave the realm of the wooden saunacabin <strong>and</strong> relax instead in a specially designed room finished inglass, plastic or tiles. The humidity level is a constant 100%.However, the temperature doesn’t rise above 40–45°C, so youcan enjoy the experience for as long as you like <strong>and</strong> lose yourselfin clouds of soothing steam.If you are thinking of installing a steam bath at home, a practicalsolution is to let the same facilities serve as a conventional showeras well. Just complement your choice of a Tylö VA or VB steam generatorwith a mixer tap <strong>and</strong> a sprinkler. Alternatively, Tylette Centre<strong>and</strong> Tylö Felicity combine shower functions with an integral generatorfor steam bathing.Infra saunas.This form of bathing is based on infrared radiation <strong>and</strong> has little incommon with sauna bathing as such. The equipment Tylö usesemits IR-B <strong>and</strong> IR-C radiation. This penetrates deep into the body<strong>and</strong> is widely used by beauticians the world over to enhance theefficacy of a number of skin treatments. Infrared radiation is alsoused as a medical therapy to alleviate the effects of rheumatism,tense muscles <strong>and</strong> similar aches <strong>and</strong> pains. It is a well-known factthat heat in all its forms stimulates the body <strong>and</strong> enhances the sensationof mental <strong>and</strong> physical wellbeing. So it’s no exaggeration tosay that Tylö infra cabins are in investment in good health, for body<strong>and</strong> soul alike.As Tylö infrared panels are fully-contained separate units, theycan also be installed in existing sauna rooms.Multi-saunas.Installing Tylö infrared panels together with a Tylö sauna heaterin one <strong>and</strong> the same bathroom is the optimum solution. In additionto their other positive effects, infrared heaters heat up the saunaquickly. This means you can start the bathing cycle almost immediately,enabling you to squeeze in a relaxing sauna when youwould otherwise not have had time.Enjoying the benefits of infrared radiation on your body at thesame time as the sauna heater heats up the air in the sauna roomis a solution well worth considering – <strong>and</strong> one which satisfies allthe different preferences of the family for the best possible bathingexperience.T h e T y l ö b o o k 1 0 – 1 1

S a u n a s 1 2 – 1 3

We build – you reapthe benefits.Buying a prefabricated sauna room is not only the simplest <strong>and</strong> swiftestway to turn your dream of a sauna into reality. It’s also the smartest <strong>and</strong>the safest, too. That way you can be sure of a really well-made sauna thatwill serve you well, year after year after year.Building a sauna from scratch is not as easyas it may first seem. A good sauna is a workof craftsmanship. But more than that, it’salso a construction that has to cope witheverything from the extremes of searingdry heat at 100°C to billowing clouds ofsteam <strong>and</strong> 65% humidity. That’s why itmakes sense not only to choose a prefabricatedsauna room, but also to choose onefrom Tylö.We have been building sauna roomssince the 1950s. We know what the hugevariations in sauna bathing climates dem<strong>and</strong>of the design <strong>and</strong> the materials used.We also know what you as a customer expectin the way of finish, function, fit <strong>and</strong>convenience.The list below shows that we have takenall these factors <strong>and</strong> more into consideration.So building your own sauna doesn’thave to be difficult at all. Just make sureyou get a little help from the professionals.Perfect ventilation with air supply <strong>and</strong>exhaust air vents placed in accordancewith the Tylö principle. This makes use ofthe laws of physics to spread heat naturally<strong>and</strong> create different temperature zones inthe sauna.Selected timbers – a proper saunarequires the proper wood. Tylö uses onlygenuine timber of the very highest quality.Robust construction – Tylö saunasare built to cope with all types of bathingclimate.Effective insulation with mineral wool inwall <strong>and</strong> ceiling sections <strong>and</strong> heat-resistantpolyester seals.Perfect fit every time makes assemblingwalls, ceiling <strong>and</strong> fittings simple <strong>and</strong>straightforward.Glazed wall sections give a sensationof space inside the sauna <strong>and</strong> keep bathersin touch with what is going on outside.Tempered safety glass for extra securityin all glazed surfaces.Broad, comfortable benches in solidwood with a sturdy construction <strong>and</strong> velvetsmooth surfaces.Contoured backrests enhance comfortin the sauna <strong>and</strong> help tired musclesto relax.Elegant skirting panels screen off thegaps between benches.Subdued lighting with light fittings concealedbehind backrests or lampshades.Prepared for simple electrical installation– conduits in the wall sections makeelectrical installation work quick <strong>and</strong> easy.The best sauna doors – Tylö has a widechoice of alternatives, all built to cope withthe huge differences in temperatures inside<strong>and</strong> outside the sauna without warping orbecoming deformed.S a u n a s 1 4 – 1 5

Classic Tylö sauna heatersfor domestic use.Over the years Tylö has pioneered numerous innovations to improve <strong>and</strong> develop the function,safety <strong>and</strong> enjoyment of sauna bathing. Today’s Tylö heaters are the pinnacle of sauna technology,<strong>and</strong> our classic models excel over other br<strong>and</strong>s in one crucial area after the other. You onlyhave to look at the design, the precision <strong>and</strong> the quality of the finish to see that. But the differencein class really begins to show once the heater is switched on – <strong>and</strong> you can begin toswitch off.Our classic Tylö heaters for home saunas are available with a separate wall-mounted controlpanel outside the sauna room, or with dials for controlling time <strong>and</strong> temperature integrated intothe heater itself. Whatever model you choose, you can be sure it includes all the features thathave made Tylö a byword for quality among sauna aficionados all over the world.Record-quickheating-up timeThe unique Tylö construction incorporatestwin side chambers <strong>and</strong> heat directors forthe most effective air circulation.Low energy consumptionThe divided output construction has beena patented feature of Tylö heaters for manyyears. It means the heater automaticallyreverts to st<strong>and</strong>-by as soon as the desiredbathing temperature has been reached<strong>and</strong> then maintains a constant bathingtemperature.Comfortable bathingclimateAn integral humidifier that you fill withwater when you switch on the sauna heaterensures a pleasant, constant level ofhumidity – just as it should be in a trueTylö sauna.100% vaporisationThe large, deep Tylö stone compartment<strong>and</strong> direct contact between the stones <strong>and</strong>the heating elements combine to produce atruly outst<strong>and</strong>ing vaporisation performancewhen water is sprinkled over the stones.Safe <strong>and</strong> reliableTemperature cut-off, thermostat <strong>and</strong> temperaturesensor are just three of the carefullyengineered key components thatensure safety in use.Finest materialsThe stainless steel stone compartment <strong>and</strong>solid-cast aluminium top are two featuresthat reflect our philosophy of using onlymaterials that meet the highest of criteria.Long lifeOur heating elements – the heart of everysauna heater – are manufactured underrigorously controlled conditions to safeguardfunction <strong>and</strong> prolonged durability.

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Classic sauna heaters<strong>and</strong> control panels.Sauna heaters with integralcontrol functionsCompact 2/4 (Art. no. 6210 2000)A heater for small sauna rooms. Stone compartmentfor use with Mini sauna stones.Control panel with thermostat <strong>and</strong> mechanicaltimer integrated into the base of theheater. Max. 3 hours running time. 0–9hour preset. 2.2–4.5 kW convertible forconnection to 230 V (single-phase) or400 V (two-phase with neutral ). For saunarooms 1.5–4.5 cu.m.Sport 6 (Art. no. 6210 3009)With control panel, thermostat <strong>and</strong> mechanicaltimer integrated into the base of theheater. Max. 3 hours running time. 0–9 hourpreset. 6.6 kW output for sauna rooms4–8 cu.m.Sport 8 (Art. no. 6210 4009)As above, but with 8 kW output for saunarooms 6–12 cu.m.

Sauna heaters with flexiblelocationcontrol panelMPE 6 (Art. no. 6310 2009)With an easily accessible electronic controlpanel that shows time <strong>and</strong> temperaturewith light diodes on a scale of 1–10.Max. 3 hours running time. 0–10 hourpreset. 6.6 kW output for sauna rooms4–8 cu.m.MPE 8 (Art. no. 6310 3009)As above, but with 8 kW output for saunarooms 6–12 cu.m.The control panel may be placed inside thesauna room for easy access (max. 1 metreabove floor level) or outside the saunaroom.S a u n a s 5 6 – 5 7

Sauna heaters for use withTS control panelSK 6 (Art. no. 6010 2009)Requires separate thermostatic controlpanel type TS. 6.6 kW output for saunarooms 4–8 cu.m.SK 8 (Art. no. 6010 3009)As above, but with 8 kW output for saunarooms 6–12 cu.m.Sauna heaters for usewith CC control panelSE 6 (Art. 6010 2019)Requires separate electronic control paneltype CC. 6.6 kW output for sauna rooms4–8 cu.m.SE 8 (Art. 6010 3019)As above, but with 8 kW output for saunarooms 6–12 cu.m.

TS thermostaticallycontrolled panelsTS 16-3 (Art. no. 7010 2000)Control panel for SK 6 <strong>and</strong> SK 8 for installationoutside the sauna room (max. distance1.8 m). Robust, reliable construction withtimer, 0–9 hour preset <strong>and</strong> max. 3 hoursrunning time, thermostat <strong>and</strong> pilot lamp.Energy-saving function reduces saunaheater output as soon as the air has beenheated to the desired temperature. Capillarytube: 1.8 m. Size: 195 x 255 mm, depth89 mm (installation size: 167 x 227 x49 mm).TS 16-3 B (Art. 7010 2002)As above, with on/off switch for saunalighting.TS panels are also available with 5-metrelong capillary tubes.CC electroniccontrol panelsCC 10-3B (Art. 7111 3000)Electronic control panel for SE 6 <strong>and</strong> SE 8heaters. Designed for wall-mounted installationoutside the sauna. Simple to operate.Light diodes display time <strong>and</strong> temperaturesettings on a numbered scale. Max. 3 hoursrunning time. 0–10 hour preset. Low-voltageconnection gives more flexibility whenlocating the control panel at a distancefrom the heater. May also be connectedto an external switch or linked to a computerfor remote control operation. Size: 100 x150 mm, depth 30 mm.CC 10-10B (Art. 7111 3002)As above, but with 10 hours running time.No preset.CC 50 (Art. 7111 4005)Display for time <strong>and</strong> temperature, switchfor lighting, <strong>and</strong> security code function.Programmable for 1, 3, 12 <strong>and</strong> 24 hoursor continuous operation. 0–10 hour preset.Add relay box RB to complete when installingfor use with an SD heater. Size: 130 x190 mm, depth 27 mm.CDAEB~FTylö sauna heaters – technically speaking.A word of advice: Always choose the highest recommended output in relation to the volume of the sauna.This is especially important in log saunas <strong>and</strong> saunas with glazed wall sections. The greater the heat output inrelation to the size of the sauna room, the lower the overall energy consumption. This means, for example, thatin a sauna room with a volume of 4 cubic metres, a 6.6 kW heater is a better choice than a 4.5 kW heater.Install on the wall, with the bottomof the sauna heater 270 mm abovethe floor (Compact 170 mm).SaunaheaterOutputkWSaunavolume(cu.m.)Minimumgap to sidewall (mm)Minimum heightto ceiling insauna (mm)Suitablecontrol panelWeightwithoutstones kgWeightof stoneskgASizes in mm(see sketches above)B C D EFCompact 2/42.2 – 4.51.2 – 4.5 *501900Built-in67400310195260135170Sport 66.64 – 81101900Built-in1310435455240410125315Sport 886 – 121101900Built-in1512505455240410170315MPE6.64 – 81101900Included1310435455240410125315MPE86 – 121101900Included1512505455240410170315SK 66.64 – 81101900TS 16 or TS 301310435455240410125315SK 886 – 121101900TS 16 or TS 301512505455240410170315SE 66.64 – 81101900Optional CC1310435455240410125315SE 886 – 121101900Optional CC1512505455240410170315* Max 2.5 cu.m. for 2.2 kW.S a u n a s 5 8 – 5 9

Tylö Mega sauna heatersfor domestic use.It’s easy to underst<strong>and</strong> why the contemporary styling of Mega sauna heaters has attractedsuch interest in the market. But another good reason for the success of this new series ofheaters for traditional sauna bathing is the capacious stone compartment that provides theoptimum conditions for prolonged water vaporisation.Mega heaters are made in part from stainless steel, <strong>and</strong> incorporate heating elements<strong>and</strong> other components of the finest quality – your assurance of long life <strong>and</strong> dependability.All Mega models for domestic use have an easily accessible integral control panel to setbathing time <strong>and</strong> temperature.Efficient air circulationMega heaters incorporate the unique AirFlow System – a concept that balances theheat <strong>and</strong> air supply to ensure that the watervaporisation process is gentle <strong>and</strong> relaxing.Long-lasting vaporisationThe deep stone compartment <strong>and</strong> the generousquantity of stones prolong the vaporisationprocess <strong>and</strong> make it gentler <strong>and</strong>more soothing.Large stone compartmentThe inimitable sensation of traditionalsauna bathing is reinforced visually bythe large stone compartment of the Megaheaters. They hold up to 30 kilos of saunastones depending on the model.Top quality materialsThe high quality of Mega heaters is emphasisedby the carefully selected materials.For example, both the inner <strong>and</strong> outercasing <strong>and</strong> the stone compartment itselfare made of stainless steel.Tylö sauna heaters – technically speaking.A word of advice: Always choose the highest recommended output in relation to the volume of the sauna. This is especially important in log saunas <strong>and</strong> saunas withglazed wall sections. The greater the heat output in relation to the size of the sauna room, the lower the overall energy consumption. This means, for example, that in asauna room with a volume of 4 cubic metres, a 6.6 kW heater is a better choice than a 4.5 kW heater.SaunaheaterSO 6SO 8Super 10OutputkW6810Saunavolume(cu.m.)4 – 86 – 1210 – 17Minimumgap to sidewall (mm)5080100Minimum heightto ceiling insauna (mm)190019001900Suitablecontrol panel<strong>and</strong> relay boxBuilt-inBuilt-inBuilt-inDistancefloor – heater(mm)200200200Weightwithoutstones kg111216Weightof stoneskg303022Sizes in mmwidth x depth x height420 x 390 x 480420 x 390 x 480370 x 450 x 590

Sauna heaters withintegral control panelsSO 6 (Art. 6205 3003)Integral control panel with thermostat <strong>and</strong>timer located on the top rear of the heater.Max. 3 hours running time. 0–9 hour preset.For wall mounting. 6 kW output forsauna rooms 4–8 cu.m.Super 10 (Art. 6305 0133)An electronic control panel easily accessibleon the circular heater-guard shows time <strong>and</strong>temperature. Max. 3 hours running time.0–10 hour preset. For wall mounting. 10 kWoutput for sauna rooms 10–17 cu.m.SO 8 (Art. 6205 3013)As above, but with 8 kW output for saunarooms 6–12 cu.m.S A u N A S 60–61

Classic Tylö sauna heatersfor professional facilities.For decades Tylö has been the obvious choice for saunas in hotels, clubs, swimming baths <strong>and</strong> sports facilities.Professionally managed environments like these prioritise reliability <strong>and</strong> low energy consumption, while frequentuse subjects both designs <strong>and</strong> materials to punishing treatment.Thanks to their tried-<strong>and</strong>-tested construction, intelligently conceived functions <strong>and</strong> materials of the very finestquality, our classic SD heaters are more than a match for tough criteria like these. No wonder they’re such a commonsight in public saunas all over the world!Energy-savingst<strong>and</strong>-by functionSt<strong>and</strong>-by is another Tylö innovation thatsaves energy (<strong>and</strong> money, too!) in publicfacilities. During off-peak periods the saunaheater reduces its heating output to ast<strong>and</strong>-by level. This can then be rapidlyincreased to the desired temperaturewhen bathers arrive.Unsurpassed durabilityTylö is the only sauna manufacturer in theworld to make its own heating elements,the most vital component in any saunaheater. This gives us full insight into thequality-controlled manufacturing process– <strong>and</strong> ensures that Tylö elements live up tothe toughest dem<strong>and</strong>s for function <strong>and</strong>durability.Outst<strong>and</strong>ing vaporisationThe unique construction of Tylö heatersmeans that the heating elements are indirect contact with the stones in the deep,generously proportioned stone compartment.This produces the highest possiblesauna stone temperature <strong>and</strong> a super-swiftvaporisation effect that no other heatercan match.Wall-mounted designA wall-mounted heater not only maximisesspace inside the sauna, but it also makesthe room easier to clean <strong>and</strong> more hygienic.Unique seal of approvalTylö heaters are the only ones on the marketthat are approved for use with or withoutsauna stones, which reduces heatinguptimes <strong>and</strong> energy consumption.Unparalleled safetyThe highest quality components <strong>and</strong> materials,backed up by careful tests at everystage of the production process, are justtwo of the reasons why Tylö sauna heatershave been synonymous with good qualityfor more than 50 years.Sauna heaters for use withseparate control panelsSDK 10 (Art. 6410 1009)Requires separate control panel type TS 16, TS 30 or CC with relay boxRB 30. 10.7 kW output. For sauna rooms 10–18 cu.m.SD 16400 V 3-phase (Art. 6410 3000)230 V 3-phase (Art. 6410 3001)Requires separate control panel type TS 30 or CC with relay box RB 30.16 kW output for sauna rooms 15–35 cu.m.SD 20400 V 3-phase (Art. 6410 4000)230 V 3-phase (Art. 6410 4001)As above, but with 20 kW output. Use together with a separate controlpanel type TS 58-12 RB or a CC panel with relay box RB 60. For saunarooms 22–43 cu.m.

Thermostaticallycontrolled panels TSTS 30-03 (Art. 7011 2010)Thermostatically controlled panel for SDK10 <strong>and</strong> SD 16 heaters. For wall installationoutside the sauna room (max. distance1.8 m). Timer for up to 3 hours runningtime. 0–9 hour preset. St<strong>and</strong>ard capillarytube: 1.8 m. Size: 195 x 255 mm, depth 89 mm(installation size: 167 x 227 x 49 mm).TS 30-012 (Art. 7011 2020)As above, but with 12 hours running time.No preset function.TS 58-12 RB (Art. 7011 4001)Mechanical control panel equipped withrelay box. For use with SD 16 <strong>and</strong> SD 20heaters. Timer for up to 12 hours runningtime. No preset. Capillary tube: 5 m.5 metre capillary tubeFor panels TS 30-03 <strong>and</strong> TS 30-012.Locking coversTransparent acrylic. Suitable for all TScontrol panels.Cover A (Art. 9010 1000)Prevents unauthorised access to time<strong>and</strong> temperature settings.Cover B (Art. 9010 1010)Prevents unauthorised access to temperaturesetting.Tylö sauna heaters– technically speaking.Electronic controlpanels CCElectronic models for touch control orremote control of the sauna climate. Mayalso be connected to an external switchor linked to a computer. Energy-savingdivided output function.CC 50 (Art. 7111 4005)Display for time <strong>and</strong> temperature, switchfor lighting, <strong>and</strong> security code function.Programmable for 1, 3, 12 <strong>and</strong> 24 hoursor continuous operation. 0–10 hour preset.Add relay box RB to complete when installingfor use with an SDK/SD heater. Size:130 x 190 mm, depth 27 mm.CC 100 (Art. 7111 5105)As the CC 50 panel above, but with the followingadditional features: multilingual display(7 languages), clock, memory functionwith unlimited back-up power in the eventof electricity cuts, energy-saving st<strong>and</strong>-byfunction, built-in weekly timer where youcan store details of automatic on/off times,day-by-day temperature settings <strong>and</strong> up to4 different bathing programmes per day.Switchable for 3 hours, 12 hours or continuousrunning time. Size: 130 x 190 mm,depth 40 mm.A word of advice: Always choose the highest recommended output in relation to the volume of the sauna.This is especially important in log saunas <strong>and</strong> saunas with glazed wall sections. The greater the heat output inrelation to the size of the sauna room, the lower the overall energy consumption. This means, for example, thatin a sauna room with a volume of 4 cubic metres, a 6.6 kW heater is a better choice than a 4.5 kW heater.Relay boxesRelay box RB 30(Art. 7101 6006)Use with your choiceof CC panel to controlsauna heaters SDK 10 <strong>and</strong> SD 16.Size: 230 x 310 mm, depth 75 mm.Relay box RB 60 (Art. 7101 6007)As above for sauna heater SD 20.Size: 305 x 350 mm, depth 125 mm.o p t i o n a l ac c e s s o r i e sExternal switch (Art. 9090 8040)On/off switch to control sauna from locationsother than where the CC controlpanel is installed.Decorative surroundDecorative aluminium surround for controlpanel in a choice of three finishes:Aluminium (Art. 9000 1050)Stainless steel (Art 9000 1051)Brushed steel (Art. 9000 1052).CEDB~Install on the wall, with the bottomof the sauna heater 270 mm abovethe floor (Compact 170 mm).AFSaunaheaterOutputkWSaunavolume(cu.m.)Minimumgap to sidewall (mm)Minimumheight to ceilingin sauna (mm)Suitablecontrol panelWeightwithoutstones kgWeightof stoneskgASizes in mm(see sketches above)B C D EFSDK 1010.710 – 181501900TS 16, TS 30,CC + RB 303025570650310600165395SD 161615 – 351502100TS 30, CC + RB 303225570650310600165395SD 202022 – 431502100TS 58-12 RB,CC + RB 603225570650310600165395S a u n a s 6 2 – 6 3

Tylö Mega sauna heatersfor public facilities.Mega is a new family of sauna heaters that combine the traditional pleasures of sauna bathingwith clean, contemporary lines. One of the heaters’ distinguishing features is the capaciousstone compartment that provides optimum conditions for prolonged water vaporisation.Mega heaters also incorporate the special “Air Flow System” – a unique construction thatbalances the heat <strong>and</strong> air supply to ensure that the water vaporisation process feels extragentle <strong>and</strong> relaxing.Mega heaters for professional use are available with outputs from 10 to 22 kW, as floormodels <strong>and</strong> with a separate control panel. All models are made more or less entirely fromstainless steel, <strong>and</strong> incorporate heating elements <strong>and</strong> other components of the finest quality.That helps to ensure long life <strong>and</strong> dependability, which in turn makes these heaters ideallysuited for use in public bathing facilities.

Energy-savingst<strong>and</strong>-by functionSt<strong>and</strong>-by is a unique Tylö innovation thatsaves energy (<strong>and</strong> money, too!) in publicfacilities. With the help of modern technologythe heating output is reduced to ast<strong>and</strong>-by level during off-peak periods beforebeing automatically increased to thedesired temperature when bathers arrive.Unsurpassed durabilityHere at Tylö we have made the decisionto manufacture our own heating elements– the most vital component in any saunaheater. This gives us full control over theentire manufacturing process <strong>and</strong> ensuresthat Tylö elements live up to the toughestdem<strong>and</strong>s for function <strong>and</strong> durability.Remote controlof the saunaOne of the advantages of complementing aMega heater with a separate control panelis that this enables you to program in a varietyof bathing cycles <strong>and</strong> bathing times.Wide choice of modelsLarge Mega heaters for professional useare available with outputs from 10 to 22kW, as wall-mounted or floor models, <strong>and</strong>with an integral or separate control panel.Floor-mountedMega heaters are floor-mounted to giveyou plenty of layout options, especiallywhen planning <strong>and</strong> furnishing largesauna rooms.Large stone compartmentMega heaters have extra large stone compartmentsto hold between 25 <strong>and</strong> 55 kilosof sauna stones, depending on the model.This ensures a prolonged <strong>and</strong> pleasantwater vaporisation process in the sauna.Top quality materialsThe high quality of the Mega concept isemphasised by the carefully selected materials.For example, both the inner <strong>and</strong> outercasing <strong>and</strong> the stone compartment aremade of stainless steel.S a u n a s 6 4 – 6 5

Mega sauna heatersfor professional use.Sauna heaters with separate control panelMega EP 100 (Art. 6405 0003)Requires separate control panel type TS 16,TS 30 or CC <strong>and</strong> relay box RB 30. Floormounted.10 kW output for sauna rooms10–17 cu.m.Mega EH 150 (Art. 6405 0023)Requires separate control panel type TS 30or CC <strong>and</strong> relay box RB 30. Floor-mounted.15 kW output for sauna rooms 14–34 cu.m.Mega EZ 225 (Art. 6405 0053)Requires separate control panel type TS58-12 RB or CC <strong>and</strong> relay box RB 60. Floormounted.22 kW output for sauna rooms22–45 cu.m.

Thermostaticallycontrolled panels TSMechanical control panels with featuresthat include a timer, temperature dial, on/off switch <strong>and</strong> pilot lamp. Robust, reliableconstruction with energy-saving dividedoutput. Size: 195 x 255 mm, depth 89 mm(installation size: 167 x 227 x 49 mm).TS 30-03 (Art. 7011 2010)Max. 3 hours running time. 0–9 hour preset.For use with Mega EP 100, EH 150 <strong>and</strong>EZ 225 heaters. Capillary tube: 1.8 m.TS 30-012 (Art. 7011 2020)As above, but with 12 hours running time.TS 58-12 RB (Art. 7011 4001)Complete with relay box. Max. 12 hoursrunning time. For use with Mega EZ 225sauna heater. Capillary tube: 5 m.a c c e s s o r i e s5 m capillary tubeFor use with TS 30-03 <strong>and</strong> TS 30-012control panels above.Locking coverTransparent acrylic. Suitable for all TScontrol panels.Cover A (Art. 9010 1000)Prevents unauthorised access to time <strong>and</strong>temperature settings.Cover B (Art. 9010 1010)Prevents unauthorised access to temperaturesetting.Electronic controlpanels CCElectronic models for touch control orremote control of the sauna climate. Mayalso be connected to an external switch orlinked to a computer. Energy-saving dividedoutput function.CC 50 (Art. 7111 4005)Display for time <strong>and</strong> temperature, switchfor lighting, <strong>and</strong> security code function.Programmable for 1, 3, 12 <strong>and</strong> 24 hours orcontinuous operation. 0–10 hour preset.Add relay box RB to complete when installingwith a Mega heater. Size: 130 x 190mm, depth 27 mm.CC 100 (Art. 7111 5105)As the CC 50 panel above, but with the followingadditional features: multilingual display(7 languages), clock, memory functionwith unlimited back-up power in the eventof electricity cuts, energy-saving st<strong>and</strong>-byfunction, built-in weekly timer where youcan store details of automatic on/off times,day-by-day temperature settings <strong>and</strong> up to4 different bathing programmes per day.Switchable for 3 hours, 12 hours or continuousrunning time. Size: 130 x 190 mm,depth 40 mm.Relay boxesRelay box RB 30(Art. 7101 6006)Use with your choiceof CC panel to controlsauna heaters Mega EP 100 <strong>and</strong> EH 150.Size: 230 x 310 mm, depth 75 mm.Relay box RB 60 (Art. 7101 6007)As above, but for sauna heater Mega EZ225. Size: 305 x 350 mm, depth 125 mm.o p t i o n a l ac c e s s o r i e sExternal switch (Art. 9090 8040)On/off switch to control sauna from locationsother than where the CC controlpanel is installed.Decorative surroundDecorative aluminium surround for controlpanel in a choice of three finishes:Aluminium (Art. 9000 1050)Stainless steel (Art 9000 1051)Brushed steel (Art. 9000 1052).Tylö sauna heaters – technically speaking.A word of advice: Always choose the highest recommended output in relation to the volume of the sauna. This is especially important in log saunas <strong>and</strong> saunas withglazed wall sections. The greater the heat output in relation to the size of the sauna room, the lower the overall energy consumption. This means, for example, that in asauna room with a volume of 4 cubic metres, a 6.6 kW heater is a better choice than a 4.5 kW heater.SaunaheaterEP 100EH 150EZ 225OutputkW101522Saunavolume(cu.m.)10 – 1714 – 3422 – 45Minimumgap to sidewall (mm)80100100Minimum heightto ceiling insauna (mm)190023002300Suitablecontrol panel<strong>and</strong> relay boxTS 16, CC + RB 30TS 30, CC + RB 30TS 58, CC + RB 60Distancefloor – heater(mm)–––Weightwithoutstones kg112527Weightof stoneskg254555Sizes in mmwidth x depth x height360 x 420 x 650480 x 540 x 780560 x 550 x 900S a u n a s 6 6 – 6 7

<strong>Steam</strong> saunas at home.<strong>Steam</strong> saunas are a variation on the traditional sauna concept that we can warmly recommend. The difference is thatyou enjoy a steam sauna at a lower temperature, but with much higher humidity (up to 70%). In practice, this meansa more gentle, more relaxing bathing sensation – a “soft sauna” as it is sometimes described.To enjoy the relaxing properties of a steam sauna at home, simply choose a Tylö Combi heater. It’s the perfectchoice for all types of sauna bathing – dry, wet, or in clouds of soothing steam. And you can enhance the experiencewith the fragrance of natural herbs or liquid essences. For the same effect in public facilities, simply complement aTylö SD sauna heater or a floor-mounted Mega heater with a separate VA steam generator.State-of-the-art featuresThe Tylö Combi is a sophisticated heaterthat you can use for all types of sauna bathing:a dry sauna at temperatures of 70–110°C in a relative humidity (RH) of 5–35%;a traditional sauna at temperatures of 75–90°C in 20–35% RH; or a gently relaxingsteam sauna at 45–65°C in 40–65% RH.And with built-in dispensers for naturalherbs <strong>and</strong> liquid essences, Tylö Combi addsyet another dimension to your sauna.Tylö Combi includes all the hallmarkfeatures of other high quality Tylö heaters– <strong>and</strong> more besides! Innovations include:• 3 hours running time, 0–10 hour preset• light diodes indicating time, temperature<strong>and</strong> bathing mode• integral humidifier for a pleasant bathingclimate during the heating-up time• stainless steel water tank with integral,replaceable heating element• electronic low-water cut-off function• automatic drying function after completionof the steam sauna cycleTransform your old saunainto a br<strong>and</strong> new steamsauna!You can easily upgrade an ordinary saunainto a steam sauna by replacing the oldheater with a new Tylö Combi. To add evenmore style <strong>and</strong> sophistication, select yourfavourites from the wide range of doors,glazed sections, interior fittings <strong>and</strong> saunaaccessories in the extensive Tylö range.

Combi 4 RC (Art. 6210 5000)With separate electronic control panelwhich can be installed on a wall inside thesauna room (max. 1 m above floor level)or at any height outside the sauna room.4.5 kW output. 400 V (two-phase <strong>and</strong> neutral).For sauna rooms 1.2–4.5 cu.m.Combi 6 RC (Art. 6210 5049)As Combi 4 RC, but with 6.6 kW output forsauna rooms 4–8 cu.m.Combi 8 RC (Art. 6210 5069)As Combi 4 RC, but with 8 kW output forsauna rooms 6–12 cu.m.CDAThe control panel may be placed insidethe sauna room for easy access (max.1 metre above floor level) or outside thesauna room.B~ETylö sauna heaters – technically speaking.A word of advice: Always choose the highest recommended output in relation to the volume of the sauna.This is especially important in log saunas <strong>and</strong> saunas with glazed wall sections. The greater the heat output inrelation to the size of the sauna room, the lower the overall energy consumption. This means, for example, thatin a sauna room with a volume of 4 cubic metres, a 6.6 kW heater is a better choice than a 4.5 kW heater.Install on the wall, with the bottomof the sauna heater 270 mm abovethe floor (Compact 170 mm.)SaunaheaterOutputkWSaunavolume(cu.m.)Minimumgap to sidewall (mm)Minimum heightto ceiling insauna (mm)Suitablecontrol panelWeightwithoutstones kgWeightof stoneskgSizes in mm(see sketches above)A B C d ECombi 4 RC4.51.2 – 4.5501900CC 20 (included)127400310375245225Combi 6 RC6.64 - 81101900CC 20 (included)1610435455405310315Combi 8 RC86 – 121101900CC 20 (included)1812505455405310315S A u N A S 68–69

<strong>Steam</strong> saunas for public facilities.For large steam saunas in a hotel, spa or public swimming pool, you can combine a Tylö sauna heater witha Tylö VA steam generator. This enables you to offer traditional sauna bathing <strong>and</strong> the gentler sensation of asteam sauna in one <strong>and</strong> the same room.Another advantage of steam saunas is that this bathing form eliminates the problems associated withscorched panels that are such a common headache in public facilities. In other words, a steam sauna not onlyoffers bathers more alternatives, it also helps minimise maintenance costs.Choosing the desired bathing mode is simple. Just key in the temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity values (for example,45–65°C <strong>and</strong> 40–65% RH for steam saunas) on the control panel. These settings will then remain constantduring the entire bathing cycle. Afterwards, an automatic air-drying function is activated to reduce humidityto a normal level.

The principle behind a steam sauna installationControl panels CCelectronic model for remote or touchcontroloperation. May also be connectedto an external switch or computer, or usedto turn the sauna on <strong>and</strong> off via a phoneline. Features include an energy-saving dividedoutput <strong>and</strong> automatic drying functionafter a steam sauna. Control panels mustbe combined with a suitable sauna heater,relay box <strong>and</strong> steam generator as shownin the table below.A VA generator may belocated anywhere upto 15 metres from thesauna. Set the desiredrelative humidity levelon the control panel.<strong>Steam</strong> pipewith an outletin the sauna.Inside the sauna roomyou need a Tylö SE, SDKor SD sauna heater ora floor-mounted Megaheater. Enter the desiredbathing temperature onthe control panel.CC 20-3 (Art. 7111 3010)light diodes indicate temperature, humidity<strong>and</strong> time settings on a 1–10 scale. Max.3 hours running time. 0–10 hour preset.Size: 100 x 150 mm, depth 30 mm.CC 20-10 (Art. 7111 3012)As above, but with 10 hours running time.The control panel regulatesboth the sauna heater <strong>and</strong> thesteam generator, for example,from the reception area. Thesauna can also be remotecontrolledfrom other locationsor via a central computer.Read more about Tylö sauna heaters <strong>and</strong> steam generators for professionaluse under the relevant section.CC 200 (Art. 7111 5113)Switchable between 3 <strong>and</strong> 12 hours runningtime or continuous operation. 24-hourpre-programming facility. Display for tem-perature, humidity <strong>and</strong> time with instructionsin 7 languages. Also features switchfor sauna lighting, clock with unlimitedback-up power in the event of electricitycuts, security code, plus an energy-savingst<strong>and</strong>-by function (see description onright). The CC 200 also has a built-inweekly timer that stores details of automaticon/off times, day-by-day temperature/humiditysettings <strong>and</strong> up to 4 differentbathing programmes per day. Size: 130 x190 mm, depth 40 mm.St<strong>and</strong>-byfunction savesenergy – <strong>and</strong> money!During off-peak hours the sauna canbe set at st<strong>and</strong>-by heat. This can thenbe rapidly increased to the desiredtemperature when bathers arrive.St<strong>and</strong>-by operation savessubstantial sumsevery year.Combination tableSauna volumemin/max (cu.m.Sauna heatertype (kW)Relay box(see page 63)<strong>Steam</strong> generator(see pp. 114–115)type (kW)Control panel(see above)6 – 1210 – 1815 – 3522 – 43SE 8 (8)SDK 10 (10,7) or EP 100 (10)SD 16 (16) or EH 150 (15)SD 20 (20) or EZ 225 (22)–RB 30RB 30RB 606 VA ( 6 ) or 6 VB ( 6.6 )6 VA ( 6 ) or 6 VB ( 6.6 )9 VA ( 9)12 VA (12)CC 20orCC 200S A u N A S 70–71

Wood-fired sauna stoves.Imagine the inviting scents of wood <strong>and</strong> resin <strong>and</strong> the relaxing crackle of the fire. Then add the occasional sizzleof water on the stones <strong>and</strong> billowing clouds of steam that bathe the windows in mist <strong>and</strong> set the air shimmeringwith deep-penetrating waves of heat…There’s something special about a wood-fired sauna, <strong>and</strong> as we know how to appreciate sauna bathing in allits forms here at Tylö, we have a wide range of wood-fired sauna stoves for you to choose from as well. They allshare the same high quality <strong>and</strong> unique heat-retaining construction that means you can linger a little longer in thesauna. At home, in the country, or on the shores of a tranquil lake you can enjoy the advantages of a wood-firedsauna in a class of its own.Tylö leads the way in woodfiredtechnology.There’s much that speaks for a Tylö woodfiredsauna stove.First of all, we are as uncompromising inour ambitions here as with all our otherproducts. The high quality is immediatelyobvious from the weight <strong>and</strong> thickness ofthe steel. The materials are also the bestpossible: stainless steel, alu-zinc steel <strong>and</strong>sturdy structural steel.Secondly we have developed a long listof technical features to increase your enjoymentboth during <strong>and</strong> after your sauna.For example, the rear panel of the stove isprotected by a baffle that directs the airflow to maximise the combustion effect<strong>and</strong> minimise wood consumption. Stovesalso incorporate our patented Co<strong>and</strong>aheat-retention concept.And last but not least, once you’ve bathedwith a sauna stove from Tylö, you’ll noticethe biggest difference of all. Pure bliss!Outst<strong>and</strong>ing vaporisation. Tylö saunastoves have large, deep stone compartments.This makes them a firm favouriteamong bathers who revel in the sizzling hotsensation of water sprinkled over heatedsauna stones.Save on wood – not on enjoyment.Normally, stoking the fire just once isenough to heat the air from +20°C to thedesired bathing temperature. Thanks to ourpatented Co<strong>and</strong>a technology, the stove retainsits heat, so you can enjoy your sauna<strong>and</strong> even continue to sprinkle water on thesauna stones long after the fire has dieddown.Large water tank. Tylö sauna stoves arealso available with a stainless steel watertank. This fits safely inside the mantle of thestove <strong>and</strong> has a large opening for easier filling.An extra touch of glass. All Tylö saunastoves (except the K-007) have a hatch ofCeram special-grade glass, which canwithst<strong>and</strong> temperatures of up to 800°C.The fire casts a warm glow through theglass, creating a wonderfully cosy atmospherein the sauna.All our wood-fired sauna stoves have anash hatch, grate shuttle <strong>and</strong> optional rear/top flue connections. Most models are alsoavailable with the water tank on the lefth<strong>and</strong>side, or with twin tanks. (Prices on request.)Please see the page opposite fordetails of suitable sauna stove chimneys.K-007 (Art. 6405 2000)Compact model for smallsauna rooms.KL-12 (Art. 6405 1010)With large glass hatch.KL-12 V (Art. 6405 1011)As above, with water tank onright-h<strong>and</strong> side.KL-16 (Art. 6405 1020)With glass hatch.KL-20 (Art. 6405 1030)With large glass hatch.KL-20 R (Art. 6405 1033)As above, but with outer mantlein stainless steel.To see more wood-fired sauna stoves, take a look at the Tylö website – www.tylo.comKL-20 V (Art. 6405 1031)Water tank on right-h<strong>and</strong> side.

Choose the right size stove for the jobThe table below shows the optimum sauna stove heating outputs in relation to the volume of the sauna. To compensate for the effect ofbrick walls, add 3 cubic metres for every square metre of brick (or single-glazed glass) over 2 square metres in size. In log-cabin saunaswith uninsulated timber walls, increase the volume by 25%. In borderline cases, always choose the larger of two possible sauna heaters.Sauna stovemodelSaunavolumecu.m.OutputkWW x D x HmmWatertank(litres)Flueopening(dia. mm)Distance from floorto bottom edge ofrear flueWeightwithoutstones kgStoneweightkgK-0073 – 77330 x 430 x 600–104410 mm3225 – 30KL-125 – 1012410 x 500 x 660–104450 mm4840 – 45KL-12 V5 – 1012575 x 500 x 66025104450 mm5340 – 45KL-169 – 1615435 x 490 x 710–104505 mm5540 – 45KL-208 – 2018480 x 500 x 780–104513 mm6260 – 65KL-20 R8 – 2018480 x 500 x 780–104513 mm6260 – 65KL-20 V8 – 1718645 x 500 x 78028104513 mm6760 – 65Sauna chimneys.We offer complete chimney kits specially developed for use with Tylöwood-fired sauna stoves. All chimney kits are based on an easy-to-assemblemodular system.These modular chimney systems are of high quality <strong>and</strong> are used primarilyfor stoves in sauna rooms without an existing chimney <strong>and</strong> for conversions<strong>and</strong> new constructions. All chimneys have flues of acid-resistantsteel, with high-grade ceramic insulation on the outside. (Approved by theSwedish National Testing <strong>and</strong> Research Institute under certificate SP0204/02.)Sauna chimney kit:100 mm diaEasy-to-assemble kit with 100 mm flue forTylö wood-fired sauna stoves. Comprisesinsulated top module with stainless steelchimney cowl, synthetic rubber storm collar,insulation sleeve S 251, sleeve collarS 27, <strong>and</strong> a 1-metre length of uninsulatedextension pipe. May be extended with aseparate chimney module (insulated oruninsulated).Ø 100-2800 (Art. 6505 2020)Length 2800 mm (insulated section1800 mm).Insulated extensionmodules:S 6-100 (Art. 6505 3199)Insulated intermediate section 900 mm.Ø 100 mm.S 7-100 (Art. 6505 3219)Insulated intermediate section 450 mm.Ø 100 mm.Uninsulated extensionmodules:S 301-100 (Art. 6505 2140)Length 1000 mm. Ø 100 mm.Adapter for both diameters included.S a u n a s 7 2 – 7 3

T H E R M O M E T E R S& H Y G R O M E T E R SSauna accessories.H O U R G L A S S E SLittle details can make a big difference.A few well chosen products from the Tylö range of accessories will soon give your sauna rooma distinctive character all of its own. You can choose everything from classic, rustic sauna style tothe very latest in design – three comprehensive series unique to Tylö, all with the same contemporarylook. There is an all-aluminium version, <strong>and</strong> versions with decorative wooden detailing in alderor aspen – two finishes that are the perfect match for our prefabricated sauna rooms. An insignificantdetail, you may say. But, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, attention to details like this is the hallmark ofTylö thinking.Our range for public bathing facilities includes a unique solution for water sprinkling, a highlysophisticated fragrance dispenser <strong>and</strong> a new series of essential accessories in carefully selectedmaterials.Our previous accessory range, exp<strong>and</strong>ed <strong>and</strong> amended over the years, has been replacedby a carefully composed selection of br<strong>and</strong> new accessories, each of the very highest quality.H Y G R O M E T E R S

T O W E L R A C KL A D L EB U C K E TL I Q U I D T H E R M O M E T E RS a u n a s 7 4 – 7 5

Classic accessoriesWooden bucket <strong>and</strong> ladle in a classic design. The bucket has a practicalplastic insert that holds 4 litres. Hemp h<strong>and</strong>le <strong>and</strong> loop.Ladle Classic(Art. 9012 1025)Bucket Classic(Art. 9004 1010)Accessories SCA series of accessories in beautifully finished American alder. Bucket <strong>and</strong>ladle in an octagonal design <strong>and</strong> an all-in-one precision instrument combiningthermometer, hygrometer <strong>and</strong> hourglass. The bucket has a moulded plasticinsert (holds 4 litres) <strong>and</strong> a hemp h<strong>and</strong>le.Ladle SC(Art. 9012 1012)Bucket SC(Art. 9004 1012)Collage SC(Art. 9007 1012)

Aspen accessoriesA br<strong>and</strong> new series in aluminium with decorative wooden detailing inblonde aspen.Towel rack Aspen(Art. 9015 2070)Ladle Aspen(Art. 9015 2010)Bucket Aspen(Art. 9015 2000)Hourglass Aspen(Art. 9015 2050)Liquid thermometer Aspen(Art. 9015 2060)Thermometer Aspen(Art. 9015 2020)Hygrometer Aspen(Art. 9015 2030)Thermometer/Hygrometer Aspen(Art. 9015 2040)Alder accessoriesA complete new series in aluminium with decorative wooden detailing in alder.Towel rack Alder(Art. 9015 2170)Ladle Alder(Art. 9015 2110)Bucket Alder(Art. 9015 2100)Hourglass Alder(Art. 9015 2150)Liquid thermometer Alder(Art. 9015 2160)Thermometer Alder(Art. 9015 2120)Hygrometer Alder(Art. 9015 2130)Thermometer/Hygrometer Alder(Art. 9015 2140)S a u n a s 7 6 – 7 7

Aluminium accessoriesA complete series of all-aluminium accessories in an elegant contemporary design.Towel rack Aluminium(Art. 9015 2270)Ladle Aluminium(Art. 9015 2210)Bucket Aluminium(Art. 9015 2200)Hourglass Aluminium(Art. 9015 2250)Liquid thermometer Aluminium(Art. 9015 2260)Thermometer Aluminium(Art. 9015 2220)Hygrometer Aluminium(Art. 9015 2230)Thermometer/HygrometerAluminium(Art. 9015 2240)

Accessories for publicbathing facilitiesBucket Pro (Art. 9004 1005)Stainless steel. Capacity: 8 litres.Ladle Pro (Art. 9012 1020)Stainless steel with a wooden h<strong>and</strong>le.Hygrometer/Thermometer Pro(Art. 9070 1030)Thermometer <strong>and</strong> hygrometer in stainless steelwith fitting to fasten securely to the sauna wall.Other sauna accessories.Heater guardsHeater guard 6–8 V(Art. 9000 1002)Wall-mounted construction forheaters 6.6–8 kW.Heater guard 10–20 V(Art. 9000 1012)As above, for heaters 10.7–20 kW.Heater guard 6–8 H(Art. 9000 1003)Corner-mounted construction forheaters 6.6–8 kW.Heater guard 10–20 H(Art. 9000 1013)As above, for heaters 10.7–20 kW.Custom-designed interiorsThis picture gives a glimpse of how Tylöcan produce interior fittings to meet yourexact requirements. Please contact Tylöfor consultation <strong>and</strong> a free estimate.Sauna stonesSauna stones (Art. 9014 1000)Natural stones of igneous dolerite rock(black diabase) that withst<strong>and</strong> rapid heating<strong>and</strong> cooling. One carton (approx.14 kg) is sufficient for heaters with outputsof 6.6–8 kW. Heaters with outputs of10.7–20 kW require two cartons.Mini sauna stones (Art. 9014 1005)As above, but with stones of a suitable sizefor the smaller Compact <strong>and</strong> Combi Compactheaters. One carton (approx. 7 kg)per heater.Olivine stones (Art. 9014 1020)Recommended only for public facilities <strong>and</strong>with frequent water sprinkling. Not suitablefor Compact <strong>and</strong> Combi Compact. Lowdensity means quicker heating-up time.One carton: 25 kg.S a u n a s 7 8 – 7 9

Lightinghigh-quality light fittings with glass shade<strong>and</strong> ceramic base in a splashproof design.Opus 100 H100 (Art. 9001 1090)Sauna lamp. Wall-mounted. Grey lampholderG9, 25 W, 230 V, IP57, matt opalescentglass. Ø 100 mm, height 100 mm.Opus 100 H125 (Art. 9001 1091)Sauna lamp. For wall/ceiling. Grey lampholderG9, 25 W, 230 V, IP57, matt opalescentglass. Ø 100 mm, height 125 mm.Light On Halogen (Art. 9001 1003)Sauna lamp. For wall/ceiling. Grey Gu10,35 W, 230 V, IP44. Ø 100 mm, height115 mm.Sauna lamp 40 W (Art. 9001 1000)Wall-mounted. White lamp-holder e14.Max 40 W. Ø 90 mm, height 170 mm.Lampshade Aspen-V (Art. 9009 1010)Decorative, aspenwood shade that spreadsa gentle, subdued light in the sauna. For wallmounting. Suitable for use with our 40 Wsauna lamp. 50 x 28 x 15 cm.Lampshade Aspen-H(Art. 9009 1011)As above, but for corner lamps.50 x 34 x 8 cm.Opus 100 H175 (Art. 9001 1092)Sauna lamp. For wall/ceiling. Grey lampholdere27, 40 W ceiling/60 W wall, 230 V,IP57, matt opalescent glass. Ø 100 mm,height 175 mm.Opus 100 H175 (Art. 9001 1093)Sauna lamp. For wall/ceiling. Grey lampholdere27, 40 W ceiling/60 W wall, 230 V,IP57, clear glass. Ø 100 mm, height175 mm.Opus 200 H135 (Art. 9001 1094)Sauna lamp. For wall/ceiling. Grey lampholdere27, 40 W ceiling/60 W wall, 230 V,IP57, matt opalescent glass. Ø 100 mm,height 135 mm.Sauna lamp 60 W (Art. 9001 1004)As above, max 60 W. Ø 205 mm,height 105 mm.Lighting stripsMay be cut to size <strong>and</strong> installed behind thebackrest to cast a pleasant, subdued lightin the sauna. 12 V. Connect to our 12 Vtransformer.Lighting strip 38 (Art. 9001 1040)length 38 cm. 12 W.Lighting strip 50 (Art. 9001 1050)length 50 cm. 15 W.Lighting strip 90 (Art. 9001 1060)length 90 cm. 27 W.Lighting strip 190 (Art. 9001 1070)length 190 cm. 57 W.Lampshade Alder-V SR(Art. 9009 1015)exclusive design with narrow slats of Americanalder. For wall mounting. Suitable foruse with our 38 cm lighting strip.54 x 24 x 6 cm.Lampshade Alder-H SR(Art. 9009 1016)As above, but for corner lamps.54 x 22 x 4 cm.Lampshade Aspen-V SR(Art. 9009 1017)Lampshade Aspen-H SR(Art. 9009 1018)Lampshade 40/60 (Art. 9009 1002)Wall-mounted pine shade for use with 40 W<strong>and</strong> 60 W sauna lamps. 25 x 25 x 14 cm.

Lampshade Asp-GL (Art. 9009 1003)elegant design in specially selected aspenfor corner lamps. Suitable for use with our40 W sauna lamp. 50 x 36 x 4 cm.Optical fibre lightinghalogen lighting for atmospheric lighting inall sorts of settings. The lighting source isin a projector placed outside the saunaroom. The length of the optical fibres determinesthe maximum distance between theprojector <strong>and</strong> the light points.Fiber Light St<strong>and</strong>ard (Art. 9001 1100)42 W with 6 light points (2 x 2 m, 2 x 2.5 m<strong>and</strong> 2 x 3 m).Fiber Light Public (Art. 9001 1120)42 W with gilded fittings <strong>and</strong> 8 light points(2 x 2.5 m, 3 x 3 m <strong>and</strong> 3 x 3.5 m).Fiber Light Colour S (Art. 9001 1125)75 W with 9 light points (1 x 0.5 m, 2 x 1 m,3 x 1.6 m, 2 x 1.9 m, 1 x 2.3 m) <strong>and</strong> a rotatingdisc for fixed or changing colours.Fiber Light Colour (Art. 9001 1130)75 W, as above but with 9 light points on2.5 metre cables for large rooms.Downlight (Art. 9001 1081)effective spotlighting for recessed installationin, for example, a soffit outside the sauna.(Not suitable for use inside the sauna!)12 V/5 W. Connect to our 12 V transformer.Transformer 12 V/210 W(Art. 9090 1015)200–240 V~/12 V max. 210 W. For use withup to 7 metres of lighting strips or 42 x 5 Wbulbs (downlight).Transformer 12 V/60 W(Art. 9090 1020)As above, but for max. 60 W.length 190 cm. 57 W.S A u N A S 80–81

Fragrant essencesEssential oilsProduced from natural ingredients especiallyfor use with Tylö Fresh fragrancedispenser in saunas <strong>and</strong> steam rooms.Supplied as a concentrate in 25 cl plasticbottles.Fragrances:Eucalyptus 25 (Art. 9002 2030)Peppermint 25 (Art. 9002 2031)Pine 25 (Art. 9002 2032)Lavender 25 (Art. 9002 2033)Cinnamon 25 (Art. 9002 2034)Citrus 25 (Art. 9002 2036)Tylö sauna fragranceA pure natural product. A drop or two in aladle of water will release an invigoratingscent when sprinkled over the sauna stones.Fragrances:Sauna fragrance 10 ml Eucalyptus(Art. 9002 1000)Sauna fragrance 50 ml Eucalyptus(Art. 9002 2000)Sauna fragrance 10 mlPeppermint(Art. 9002 1010)Sauna fragrance 10 ml Lavender(Art. 9002 1012)Sauna fragrance 10 ml Cinnamon(Art. 9002 1014)Concentrated fragrancesTo be diluted with water. For use withearlier models of Tylö fragrance dispensers– Sauna Fresh <strong>and</strong> <strong>Steam</strong> Fresh. Plasticbottles containing 250 ml of concentrate.Also available in packs of 24 <strong>and</strong> in 5-litrecontainers.Fragrances:Eucalyptus 250 (Art. 9002 0000)Eucalyptus 250/24-pk (Art. 9002 0005)Eucalyptus 5 litres (Art. 9002 2007)Lemon 250 (Art. 9002 0010)Lemon 250/24-pk (Art. 9002 0015)Lemon 5 litres (Art. 9002 2012)Pine 250 (Art. 9002 0020)Pine 250/24-pk (Art. 9002 0025)Pine 5 litres (Art. 9002 2017)Peppermint 250 (Art. 9002 0030)Peppermint 250/24-pk(Art. 9002 0035)Peppermint 5 litres (Art. 9002 2022)Menthol 250 (Art. 9002 0040)Menthol 250/24-pk (Art. 9002 0045)Menthol 5 litres (Art. 9002 2027)HygieneDisinfectant(Art. 9002 9100)For effective saunaroom hygiene. 5-litreplastic container.Solvent (Art. 9090 3000)Powder for descaling the water tank in TylöCombi sauna heaters <strong>and</strong> Tylö steam generators.Totally odourless <strong>and</strong> harmless.Fragrance dispensersTylö Fresh (Art. 9090 8005)Fragrance dispenser for saunas, steambaths <strong>and</strong> wherever else Tylö’s aromaticessences may be needed. Silent, automaticoperation. Installation distance: max. 2metres between fragrance dispenser <strong>and</strong>nozzle. up to four fragrance dispensersmay be connected to a single control panelfor varying the fragrance in one or morerooms. Size: 350 x 200 mm.CC Fresh (Art. 9090 8006)electronic control panel for easy, automaticoperation of the Tylö Fresh dispenser. Suppliedcomplete with transformer. May beinstalled at any distance from the fragrancedispenser. Size: 130 x 190 mm, depth27 mm.Tylö Fresh Basic (Art. 9090 8007)As Tylö Fresh above, but with transformer<strong>and</strong> simple on/off function for manual controlof the fragrance intensity. May also beconnected to lighting, etc. For domesticsaunas only.Solvent 50 (Art. 9090 3007)As above, in a pack of 50.Sulfamic solvent (Art. 9090 3010)An extra effective descaling agent for professionaluse only in public facilities. Sold ina 5-kilo pack.Sauna oil (Art. 9002 2050)For treating benches <strong>and</strong> other woodensurfaces inside the sauna. Makes cleaningeasier <strong>and</strong> protects wood with a specialwater-repellent film. 1-litre plastic bottle.(Sufficient to treat approximately 6 squaremetres.)

TextilesBath-robeLuxurious Jacquard weave in 100% cottonterry. The perfect garment to wrap up <strong>and</strong>relax in after bathing.Normal (Art. 9016 1014)Loudspeaker A (Art. 9080 2000)<strong>Steam</strong> <strong>and</strong> heat-resistant construction forinstallation recessed into the sauna roomwall or under the lower sauna bench. 50 Woutput. Installation size: 120 mm diameter,depth 55 mm. Sold in pairs.Loudspeaker B (Art. 9080 3000)As above, 50 W, but for surface mounting.Size: 177 x 114 mm, depth 125 mm.Sold in pairs.Sauna clock(Art. 9011 1020)Electric 230 V.Size: 24 x 24 cm.Large (Art. 9016 1016)Bath slippersSoft, comfy cotton.Lady’s size (Art. 9016 1010)Men’s size (Art. 9016 1011)Bath sheet (Art. 9016 2008)70 x 150 cm.Towel (Art. 9016 2009)40 x 60 cm.Wooden headrestsWater sprinklerWater sprinkler (Art. 9034 1000)An innovative solution for sprinkling waterover hot sauna stones. Connect to hot orcold water. Consists of a 7-metre twinedhemp rope running through brass eyebolts,a sprinkler head, a valve box withlever <strong>and</strong> a rope bolt, together with plumbingconnections. Supplied in a gift packagewith an exclusive bronze plaque.Adjustable headrest, alder(Art. 9008 1012)Height adjustable to help you relax evenbetter in the sauna.VentilationAdjustable headrest, aspen(Art. 9008 1010)As above.CBAABSauna headrest, alder (Art. 9008 1016)Narrow strips of wood in a fixed, gently contouredshape.Sauna headrest, aspen (Art. 9008 1014)Narrow strips of wood in a fixed, gently contouredshape.Ventilation grille A (Art. 9017 1000)Fits over the outside of the air inlet/outlet.Size: 10 x 22 cm (installation size: 8 x 16cm).Ventilation grille B (Art. 9018 1020)In wood. 14 x 22 cm.Ventilation grille C (Art. 9018 1009)For sauna rooms over 25 cu.m. in volume.Vent opening 300 sq.cm. Size: 24.5 x25.5 cm.Vent hatch A (Art. 9018 1003)For sauna rooms over 25 cu.m. in volume.Hatch opens 0–300 sq.cm.Size: 24.5 x 25.5 cm.Vent hatch B (Art. 9018 1014)Fits over the air outlet inside the sauna toregulate air flow. Size: 14 x 37.5 cm.S a u n a s 8 2 – 8 3

About Tylö.The Tylö name is a registered trademarkin 74 countries all over the world. The companywas founded in 1949 by Sven-OlofJanson.Tylö AB is a well-established manufacturerwith considerable market shares <strong>and</strong>all the resources necessary to ensure stablegrowth. This provides the foundationthat makes Tylö AB a secure partner for thefuture.Our highly successful concept is built onoffering products of high quality which promoterelaxation, enjoyment <strong>and</strong> the pleasureof bathing. All the products that bearour name have been developed <strong>and</strong> manufacturedby Tylö. Today our products areexported to more than 80 countries on everycontinent, <strong>and</strong> export sales currently accountfor more than 75% of our total production.The Tylö factory is located in a modernindustrial area close to the centre of Halmstad,Sweden. The factory has been extendedmore than a dozen times since 1959,most recently to give a factory floor area of30,000 sq.m. The company has enjoyed anAAA credit rating (Dun & Bradstreet) formany years <strong>and</strong> all investments in l<strong>and</strong>,buildings <strong>and</strong> machinery have beenfinanced with internal resources.

T h e T y l ö b o o k 1 2 6 – 1 2 7

Registered office, factory <strong>and</strong> warehouse: Svarvaregatan 6, SE-302 50 Halmstad, SwedenTel: +46 35-299 00 00 • Fax: +46 35-299 01 98 • E-mail: info@tylo.se • Website: www.tylo.com

Distributed in the UK by Golden Coast Ltd www.goldenc.com Tel. 01271 378100 www.tylo.com

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