NEWS Bulletin AUGUST-2010 - Goasacs.nic.in

NEWS Bulletin AUGUST-2010 - Goasacs.nic.in

NEWS Bulletin AUGUST-2010 - Goasacs.nic.in


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Vol.-I, No.-9 News bullet<strong>in</strong> of Goa State AIDS Control Society <strong>AUGUST</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>Live Phone-In ProgrammeA Live Phone-In Programmewas telecast on 26 th July <strong>2010</strong> onPanaji Doordarshan, where<strong>in</strong>Dr. Lalitha Umraskar, DD(STD)and Dr Saroj Salelkar, Cli<strong>nic</strong>alOfficer, TSU discussed <strong>in</strong> detailon HIV/AIDS <strong>in</strong> Women. Theyclarified many queries raiseddur<strong>in</strong>g the live programme. Theshow was anchored by Smt.Shubhangi Padgaonkar.

STIDr. Savio Rodrigues, Prof. & H.O.D., Dept. ofMicrobiology, GMC address<strong>in</strong>g the doctorsattend<strong>in</strong>g the C.M.E. programme.A C.M.E. on “Sensitization on Lab. Diagnosis for STI/RTI”was held for Doctors on 6 th July <strong>2010</strong> <strong>in</strong> Library Auditorium,GMC, Bambolim. The programme was conducted by Dr. SavioRodrigues, Prof. & H.O.D., Dept. of Microbiology, GMC andwas attended by 62 doctors <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Medical officers, Ob.&Gy., Consultants, In-charges of Designated STI/RTI Cli<strong>nic</strong>s,attached to Directorate of Health Services, Panaji, Goa,Consultants and Resident Doctors from Dept. of Venereology &Dermatology and Dept. of Microbiology, Goa Medical College.The participants were updated on recent advances <strong>in</strong> Lab.Diagnosis for STI/RTI and the various tests to be performed atPHC/CHC, District Hospital and tertiary level.A refreshers’ tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g programme on “Lab. Diagnosisfor STI/RTI” was held for Lab. Tech<strong>nic</strong>ians <strong>in</strong> 5 batchesfrom 12 th to 16 th July <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>in</strong> Dept. of Microbiology,GMC. The tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g programme was conducted by Dr.Savio Rodrigues, Prof. & H.O.D., Dept. ofMicrobiology, GMC and was attended by 51 Lab.tech<strong>nic</strong>ians from Directorate of Health Services, Panaji,Goa and 20 Lab. tech<strong>nic</strong>ians from various IntegratedCounsel<strong>in</strong>g and Test<strong>in</strong>g Centers of Goa. Theparticipants were updated on recent advances <strong>in</strong> Lab.Diagnosis for STI/RTI <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g RPR and HIV Test<strong>in</strong>gand about the various tests to be performed atPHC/CHC, District Hospital level.Dr. Savio Rodrigues, Prof. & H.O.D., Dept. ofMicrobiology, GMC deliver<strong>in</strong>g a talk to theLab. tech<strong>nic</strong>ians attend<strong>in</strong>g the tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g.Also a Jo<strong>in</strong>t Supportive Supervisory visit was conducted by Dr. Rav<strong>in</strong>dra Nadkarni, CMO,STD Control Programme, DHS and Dr. Lalitha Umraskar, DD, STI, GSACS on 29 th July <strong>2010</strong> toSTD cli<strong>nic</strong>s at Ba<strong>in</strong>a, Vasco and Hospicio Hospital, Margao.

IECActivities undertaken by Goa SACS for IECThe Red Ribbon Club was <strong>in</strong>augurated on 11 th July <strong>2010</strong> atValpoi <strong>in</strong> Guleli. Shri Umakant Sawant, Deputy Director(IEC), Goa SACS; Shri Kalidas Ghatwal, District YouthCoord<strong>in</strong>ator, NYK-North; Shri Umlo Gawade, Zilla.Panchayat Member, Guleli were present dur<strong>in</strong>g the event.Shri Umakant Sawant delivered a talk on HIV/AIDS andvarious services offered by Goa SACS and the importance ofthe RRC, its ma<strong>in</strong> objective and activities that can beconducted by the RRC members.Shri Umakant Sawant, Deputy Director (IEC), Goa SACSaddress<strong>in</strong>g the RRC members.Red Ribbon Club was <strong>in</strong>augurated on 11 th July <strong>2010</strong> atValpoi <strong>in</strong> Bramakarmali. Shri Umakant Sawant,Deputy Director (IEC), Goa SACS; Shri KalidasGhatwal, District Youth Coord<strong>in</strong>ator, NYK-North;Advocate Sameer Dessai, Committee member ofLibrary were present to support the programme.Shri Umakant Sawant Deputy Director (IEC), Goa SACS<strong>in</strong>augurat<strong>in</strong>g the RRC.The RRC and the Blood Donation Camp was organisedby Goa SACS and NYK-North <strong>in</strong> collaboration withSarvan Library, Sarvan Friend Circle at Sarvan LibraryHall, Bicholim on 18 th of July <strong>2010</strong>. Dr. PradeepPadwal, Project Director, Goa SACS; Shri KalidasGhatwal, DYC, NYK-North, Dr. Rupa Jog; Mr. SantoshTalkar and Shri Pondu Sawant, Zilla PanchayatMember <strong>in</strong>augurated the RRC and the Blood DonationCamp at Sarvan, Bicholim. Dr. Padwal stated that aman should keep himself away from unethicalbehaviour, different addictions, thoughts that lead toimmoral acts, <strong>in</strong> order to atta<strong>in</strong> a happy and stable life.Dr. Pradeep Padwal, Project Director, Goa SACS; Shri KalidasGhatwal, DYC, NYK-North, Dr. Rupa Jog, Shri Santosh Talkarand Shri Pondu Sawant, Zilla Panchayat Member <strong>in</strong>augurat<strong>in</strong>gthe RRC and the Blood Donation Camp at Sarvan, Bicholim.Shri Sawant and Shri Ghatwal present<strong>in</strong>g the RRCBoard prepared for Sports & Cultural Club of Sonal,Sattari.

Blood Donation Camp conducted at Sarvan, Bicholim.Sessions were given to the NSS Programme Officers and the Pr<strong>in</strong>cipals of + TwoLevel on HIV/AIDS and the Goan Scenario at the Annual Meets organized by Directorate ofSports and Youth Affairs at Conference Hall, Miramar Residency on 16th July <strong>2010</strong> and 23 rdJuly <strong>2010</strong> respectively. They were also requested to establish the Red Ribbon Club <strong>in</strong> theirrespective <strong>in</strong>stitute for their students. They were told to contact the Consultant (YouthAffairs) at the Goa SACS office for further details. Letters and Red Ribbon Club brochureswere distributed to them at the end of the session. The Project Director also requested thePr<strong>in</strong>cipals who have already established the Club to cont<strong>in</strong>ue conduct<strong>in</strong>g activities togenerate awareness about HIV/AIDS <strong>in</strong>to the community.Dr. Pradeep Padwal, Project Director, Goa SACS address<strong>in</strong>g the NSS Programme Officers of +Two Level organized by Directorate of Sports & Youth Affairs.

RRC <strong>in</strong>auguratedat New English Higher Secondary School,Mandrem-PernemRRC was <strong>in</strong>augurated at New English Higher SecondarySchool, Mandrem-Pernem on 29 th July <strong>2010</strong> at 3:30 pm. with thetraditional light<strong>in</strong>g of the lamp and cutt<strong>in</strong>g of the red ribbon to declarethe club open for the students. Shri Ramdas Kelkar, Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal, ShriRaghuvir Sawant, Jo<strong>in</strong>t Treasurer of Pednem Vikas Parishad / Guest ofHonour, Dr. Babu Kerker, Medical Officer at CHC Pernem / ChiefGuest, Shri Ajay Desai, In-charge, Ms. Jeunesse D. Fernandes,Consultant (Youth Affairs), Goa SACS, Staff and 60 Students from the11 th and 12 th Standard <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>stitute attended the program. TheProgram started with a song and later the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal’s address. Theresource persons gave a talk on HIV/AIDS, Modes of Transmission,Prevention, Care & Support, Treatment and STIs. Ms. Jeunesse spoke tothe students on RRC and club activities to spread the message of HIVprevention. They were also told to have a positive attitude to PLHAs andhave more community programs for residents liv<strong>in</strong>g near the school. Allthe posters on HIV/AIDS awareness were expla<strong>in</strong>ed to them. The Vote ofthanks was given by Ms. Rima R. Dhargalkar, School Teacher.RRCs established <strong>in</strong> July <strong>2010</strong>51 st Red Ribbon Club <strong>in</strong>augurated <strong>in</strong> the State of GoaThe N.S.S Unit and the Red Ribbon Club was <strong>in</strong>augurated at Fr. Agnel College of Arts, Commerce and B. C. A, Pilar-Goa on14 th July <strong>2010</strong>. The Chief Guest was Dr. Elmira Pereira, Deputy Director (Surveillance) at Goa SACS -Panaji. She addressedthe students and gave <strong>in</strong>formation on HIV/AIDS, Prevention, Care & Support and Treatment services provided by Goa SACSand answered the queries of students and staff too. Ms. Jeunesse D. Fernandes, Consultant (Youth Affairs) also spoke to thestudents on the importance of RRC, role of students as RRC members and activities to be undertaken. Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues,Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal of the College, Shri Jayesh A. Raut, NSS Program Officer and Shri Anthony D’Souza, Professor were also presenton the dais. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the function, a Konkani Book authored by Shri Jayesh A. Raut on Goan Freedom Struggle was released.The students of the <strong>in</strong>stitute performed various dance programs <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a special dance spread<strong>in</strong>g awareness on HIV/AIDSprevention. The function was held <strong>in</strong> the college hall at 11:00 am and was attended by 250 students <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g staff.Dr. Elmira Pereira, Deputy Director, Goa SACS-Panaji deliver<strong>in</strong>g the talk on HIV/ AIDS.Ms. Jeunesse D. Fernandes, Consultant (YouthAffairs), Goa SACS <strong>in</strong>form<strong>in</strong>g the students onthe importance of RRC.Fr. Agnel College of Arts, Commerce andB.C.A, Pilar students perform<strong>in</strong>g a specialdance program on spread<strong>in</strong>g awareness onHIV/AIDS prevention.

52 nd Red Ribbon Club <strong>in</strong>augurated <strong>in</strong> the State of GoaThe Red Ribbon Club was <strong>in</strong>augurated at Bhumika Higher SecondarySchool, Parye Sanquelim on 17 th July <strong>2010</strong>. Shri Shankar L. Chari, Ex-Sarpanch and Shri Kash<strong>in</strong>ath Majik, P.T.A Chairman was the guest ofhonour for the function. Shri Ratnadeep Vernekar and Shri Pandar<strong>in</strong>athSawant were selected as the RRC convener on this occasion. Also presentwas Smt. Sunita Verekar, Professor of the HSS.The Chief Guest was Dr. Pradeep Padwal, Project Director of Goa StateAIDS Control Society-Panaji. He addressed the students and gave<strong>in</strong>formation on HIV/AIDS, Prevention, Care & Support and Treatmentservices provided by Goa SACS and answered the queries of students andstaff too. He also spoke to the students on the importance of RRC, role ofstudents as RRC members and activities to be undertaken. The functionwas held <strong>in</strong> the college hall.Dr. Pradeep Padwal, Project Director, Goa SACSlight<strong>in</strong>g the lamp. Shri Ratnadeep Vernekar, ShriPandar<strong>in</strong>ath Sawant & Smt. Sunita Verekar were alsopresent on the occasionDr. Pradeep Padwal, Project Director, Goa SACS address<strong>in</strong>g the audience.SURVEILLANCECOMPARATIVE STUDY OF HALF YEARLY DATA FOR CORRESPONDING MONTHSJAN-JUNE(2009-<strong>2010</strong>)Comparative No. of HIV positives among Generalclients 2009 v/s <strong>2010</strong> (Jan-June)25002000150010005000JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNTested <strong>2010</strong> 2029 2172 1842 1610 1401 1675Tested 2009 1378 1593 1691 1480 1659 2272HIV Positive <strong>2010</strong> 76 79 70 67 58 58HIV Positive 2009 67 100 85 80 73 88months1<strong>2010</strong>0806040200Comparative No. of HIV positives among ANC cases 2009v/s<strong>2010</strong> (Jan-June)14009120081000768005600440032200100JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNTested <strong>2010</strong> 1031 987 930 988 1028 1058Tested 2009 970 952 987 1008 915 1185HIV+ve <strong>2010</strong> 4 4 2 2 3 9HIV Positive 2009 7 5 6 8 3 910

TARGETED INTERVENTIONSTRAINING ON USAGE OF IEC TOOLSA two days tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g programme on the use of IEC material for HRG group wasconducted on 28 th and 29 th July, <strong>2010</strong> at Caritas Goa Holiday Home, St. Inez,Panaji-Goa. Goa SACS <strong>in</strong> collaboration with Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s University, Centre forCommu<strong>nic</strong>ation Programme (JHUCCP) and Avert Society conducted this tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gprogramme. Shri Abhijit Aher, P.O. (JHUCCP) and Shri Narayan Gondal, Streetplay expert were the Resource persons for this workshop.Dr. Pradeep Padwal, Project Director, Goa SACS and ShriAbhijit Aher, P.O. (JHUCCP) light<strong>in</strong>g the lamp. S/ShriNarayan Gondal, Street play expert, Umakant Sawant, DD(IEC), Goa SACS & Ramesh Rathod, AD (TI) are also seen.Shri Abhijit Aher, P.O. (JHUCCP) tak<strong>in</strong>g a sessionwith NGO representatives on usage of IEC material.NGO representatives actively participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g on usage of IEC material.GOA STATE AIDS CONTROL SOCIETY1 st Floor, Dayanand Smruti Build<strong>in</strong>g, Swami Vivekanand Road, Panaji, Goa - 403 001.Tel: (0832) - 2427286/2421381/2422519. Fax: (0832) - 2422518E-mail us: goaaids@dataone.<strong>in</strong>, goaaids@gmail.com.Website: www.goasacs.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong>

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