Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE BLOOD PURGE 767opened their shirts over their chests and drew a black circle around theleft nipple with a piece of charcoal: this was the target. Five <strong>to</strong> six yardsfrom the wall s<strong>to</strong>od eight S.S. men with rifles. Four of the rifles wereallegedly loaded with blank cartridges so that no one knew whether hisbullet was the deadly one.Then the order <strong>to</strong> fire rang out. Here, <strong>to</strong>o, it was: 'The Fuhrer wills it.Heil Hitler! Fire!'Among the men s<strong>to</strong>od against the wall at Lichterfelde was Karl Ernst.When he left the cellar he was still firmly convinced, just as hiscomrades were, that Hitler himself was a prisoner. Whether he heard,unders<strong>to</strong>od, and believed the order <strong>to</strong> fire, no one will ever be able <strong>to</strong>say. At any rate, he threw up his arm and shouted 'Heil Hitler!' He diedwith his Fuhrer's name on his lips.The shots, from a distance of five <strong>to</strong> six yards, <strong>to</strong>re out the flesh of thevictims. Especially the spot where the bullet left the body under the leftshoulder was transformed in<strong>to</strong> a gaping hole, and the bullets draggedout parts of the body. The observers in the cellar could see bloodypieces of flesh stuck <strong>to</strong> the wall after the victims had dropped, and thedarker heart fragments were clearly discernible. The wall was notcleaned in the intervals between the executions; hence, after a shorttime, it was completely covered with blood and human flesh.Among the men in the cellar was Standartenfuhrer Gehrt — 'littleGehrt,' as our account calls him. In the World War he had been a captainin the air force; he had been decorated with the highest Prussian order,'Pour le Merite'; during the last years of the war he had belonged <strong>to</strong> theRichthofen squadron commanded by Goring.Gehrt's name was called out and he left the cellar, but apparently wasnot taken <strong>to</strong> be executed. Had Destiny intervened at the last moment?Those remaining inside assumed that Goring's personal friendship hadsaved him. But two hours later, Gehrt returned <strong>to</strong> the cellar, completelybroken, and <strong>to</strong>ld the following s<strong>to</strong>ry:An S.S. officer <strong>to</strong>ld him: 'Go home, wash and shave, put on your galauniform with all your medals, and report <strong>to</strong> Prime Minister Goring!'Gehrt left the barracks. He was free. Overwhelmed by this apparent lastminuteescape, he went home, did as he had been <strong>to</strong>ld, washed, shaved,put on his gala uniform with all his

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