Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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HE IS BOTH TERRIBLE AND BANAL 71has not returned <strong>to</strong> the Home for Men, and s<strong>to</strong>le from me the picture ofparliament, valued at fifty kronen, and a watercolor, valued at ninekronen. The only document of his that I ever saw was the workingbooklet in question in the name of Fritz Walter. I know Hanisch fromthe lodging-house in Meidling where I once met him.(signed) Adolf HitlerThe record bears the same signature as his numerous drawings fromthat time. Today the case does not especially interest us; but it doesconfirm that Hitler lived in the lodging-house and later in the Home forMen, and thus offers an interesting trace of his past over which he laterin his au<strong>to</strong>biography spreads a veil of generalities and high-flownunlikelihoods. One detail must be added: In a trial taking place onAugust 11, 1910, Hitler under oath partly changed his testimony; headmitted he had received money for the second picture ostensiblypurloined by Hanisch.The lawsuit and the whole affair with Hanisch made a great impressionon Hitler. Years later he <strong>to</strong>ld new friends in Munich that theJews in Vienna had wanted <strong>to</strong> defraud him out of the fruits of his labor.Hanisch came of a Catholic working-class family in Sudeten Germany.Hitler spent three whole years in the Home for Men in the TwentiethDistrict of Vienna, and the style of his existence remained unchanged;so much can be gleaned from the extremely meager indications of hisown version, and the sparse data provided by chance acquaintances. Forin those terrible years he seems <strong>to</strong> have had no closer friends. According<strong>to</strong> what he later <strong>to</strong>ld friends in Munich, he seems <strong>to</strong> have spent the yearsafter his break with Hanisch in the most terrible loneliness; <strong>to</strong>tallylimited <strong>to</strong> the most superficial contacts with room neighbors andbusiness friends. His family in Linz and Spital heard nothing of him; foryears they thought him dead.Was there no woman during all this time? This is a special chapter.All sorts of abnormalities have been attributed <strong>to</strong> him, from perversion<strong>to</strong> indifference. In the purely biological or medical sense, he is asnormal as anyone could wish; but here, as in all other

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