Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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758 DER FUEHRERbe the victim of <strong>Hitler's</strong> Reichswehr policy; it is true that he had beendisobedient in this sense again and again in the course of the last fifteenyears.But <strong>Hitler's</strong> decision implied more than this personal settling ofaccounts. He put an end <strong>to</strong> the weakness in himself, the weakness ofhaving a friend who considered himself the Fuhrer's equal; by a deedwhich went beyond normal human standards he definitively raisedhimself above normal human beings. His belief that he was a sort ofProvidence given <strong>to</strong> his people in human form was no trifling matter;his sincerest admirers <strong>to</strong>ok this belief in deadly earnest. Baldur vonSchirach, the leader of the 'Hitler-Youth,' declared that his altar was notthe church, but the steps of the Feld-herrnhalle drenched in blood in1923, and he indicated that in his opinion this was the altar where Hitlerhad made his divine appearance. Only a few days before, Hess had onceagain proclaimed: 'We believe that the Fuhrer follows a higher call <strong>to</strong>shape the destiny of Germany. . . . He has always been right, he alwayswill be right.' A man as mundane as Goring, speaking on Hesselbergmountain in Franconia, an old pagan place of worship, before thousandsof people, shouted contemptuously in the face of the churches: 'Whenwas there ever deeper and more passionate faith in Germany than thereis <strong>to</strong>day ? What faith was ever aroused more strongly than our faith inthe Fuhrer? Never has a greater miracle happened than in our time. TheAlmighty made this miracle through Adolf Hitler!' At the beginning of1934, when Hess swore in the entire party <strong>to</strong> Hitler in a mass spectaclewhich brought millions of people in thousands of German <strong>to</strong>wns andvillages <strong>to</strong> the microphones, he said <strong>to</strong> them, before administering theoath: 'By this oath we again bind our lives <strong>to</strong> a man, through whom —this is our belief — superior forces act in fulfillment of Destiny. Do notseek Adolf Hitler with your brains; all of you will find him with thestrength of your hearts. Adolf Hitler is Germany and Germany is AdolfHitler.' — And, in <strong>Hitler's</strong> own words, 'Germany is our God on thisearth.'Twelve years earlier, when he had <strong>to</strong> serve a month in prison, he hadsaid that he went <strong>to</strong> his place of punishment like Christ <strong>to</strong> Golgotha.Now he had gone farther than Golgotha, farther than

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