Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE BLOOD PURGE 751opportunity <strong>to</strong> case the sufferings of the German Jews. There is nodoubt that Mussolini, older, successful for a longer time, and outwardlystill more powerful than Hitler, <strong>to</strong>ld him what he disliked in the newGermany. The maxim that a great usurper must trample even upon hisfriends probably was invoked. In his au<strong>to</strong>biography, the Italian dicta<strong>to</strong>rhad written that 'normally, a revolutionary movement can be channeledin<strong>to</strong> legality only by means of forceful measures, directed, if necessary,against the personnel of the movement. ... At certain his<strong>to</strong>rical hours,the sacrifice of those who were the deserving lieutenants of yesterdaymight become indispensable for the supreme interest of <strong>to</strong>morrow.'Hitler left Italy with the feeling that he had seen his rival at the climaxof his power, but that his rival had seen him as a beginner entangled inthe most inextricable difficulties, whose enemies were still <strong>to</strong>o strongand whose own friends were disloyal <strong>to</strong> him. As though <strong>to</strong> confirm thisimpression, upon his return from Italy, on June 17, he was given the tex<strong>to</strong>f a speech in which von Papen, on the same day, had unsparinglyattacked the National Socialist regime before an audience of professorsand students at the University of Marburg; von Papen made only slightefforts <strong>to</strong> present his speech as a friendly criticism. The campaignagainst the 'Heaters' had taken on repulsive forms and filled manypeople with indignation; at times it degenerated in<strong>to</strong> murderouspropaganda against the two Christian churches. The man largelyresponsible for this was Alfred Rosenberg whom Hitler hadcommissioned (on January 31) '<strong>to</strong> supervise all the spiritual andphilosophic training and education of the party,' in order <strong>to</strong> compensatehim for his political disappointments. Now National Socialistphilosophy was being forcibly hammered in<strong>to</strong> the minds of the younggeneration. At the universities, young S.A. or S.S. men gave so-calledlectures on philosophy (Weltanschanung) which the students were compelled<strong>to</strong> attend. Doors were locked, nobody could leave the room; thenthe youthful teachers, who were often completely uneducated,demanded that the students memorize bloody gibberish such as thefollowing verses:Wetzt die langen Messer an dem Buergersteig, dass sie besser flutschenin der Pfaffen Leib!..,

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