Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE BLOOD PURGE 737that is <strong>to</strong> say, <strong>to</strong> give the country a new constitution. This 'is perhaps themost important law for Germany's future,' said Goring, the President ofthe Reichstag; and so it was. After the National Socialist deputies hadpassed this revolutionary law in less than three minutes, there was,according <strong>to</strong> the official record, 'a movement of cheerful satisfactionwith this quick work throughout all the rows.'On the same day Hitler wrote Rohm a letter full of strikingly cordialphrases intended <strong>to</strong> honor and pacify the man he had so often disdained.Expressing his desire '<strong>to</strong> thank you, my dear Ernst Rohm, for yourunforgettable services,' he assured the homosexual murderer that he wasextremely 'grateful <strong>to</strong> destiny for having given me the right <strong>to</strong> call a manlike you my friend and comrade-in-arms. In cordial friendship andgrateful respect, your Adolf Hitler.'And on February 2, Frick once more sent a telegram <strong>to</strong> the states, thistime ordering his officials immediately <strong>to</strong> dissolve all the organizationsworking for the monarchy. The Weimar Republic had left a few quaintprivileges of the former princes undisturbed. Thus, the birth, marriage,and death records of the Hohenzollern family were not kept in thepublic registrar's offices, but in a private office which was called the'Ministry of the Royal House'; Frick gave orders that this practice bes<strong>to</strong>pped and that the Hohenzollern family records be transferred <strong>to</strong> thepublic offices, like those of any other Prussian citizen.Urged on by Rohm and Hess, the all-powerful government now saw<strong>to</strong> it that the Uprooted and Disinherited were treated by all publicagencies and particularly by the treasury on an equal footing with WorldWar veterans. In February, 1934, it adopted a law with the clear,unadorned tide: 'Concerning provisions for the fighters of the nationalmovement.' These fighters — that is, members of the National SocialistParty and the Steel Helmets — upon request, were <strong>to</strong> be granteddamages <strong>to</strong> the same amount as victims of the World War for sicknessor injuries 'which they had suffered before November 15, 1933, inconnection with the political struggle for the national movement'; thus, aNational Socialist office clerk could say that he had got s<strong>to</strong>mach troubleas a result of excessive work for

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