Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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722 DER FUEHRERing,' Hitler declared in 1933, 'assume an entirely different and compellingmeaning as soon as men of different value clash or mingle and acommon purposive bond is created by the stronger part. The higher race— higher primarily in the sense of organizing ability — subjects a lowerrace, and thus enters in<strong>to</strong> a relation which henceforth comprehendsunequal races. From this results the subordination of a multiplicity ofmen <strong>to</strong> the will of a few, deriving simply from the right of the stronger,a right which is seen in nature and which can be regarded as the soleconceivable, because solely rational, right.'This is the rational, expedient, organized nation: the domination of aminority of good race over a majority of inferior race. According <strong>to</strong> thisdoctrine, the Germans are not a master race, but a people <strong>to</strong> be led by amaster race; as foreseen by Hous<strong>to</strong>n Stewart Chamberlain: 'Only thefew,' said the crea<strong>to</strong>r of the National Socialist racial theory, 'canconceive great politics and execute them with iron logic; it is absurd <strong>to</strong>think that a whole nation can carry on "politics" and particularly thatpolitics of which only Germany is capable and which alone befits it.Today there is much talk of "people" and in the last analysis it is alwaysby certain circles who want <strong>to</strong> seize power and use it in their selfishinterests. Germany must not become an industrial, financial, or agrarianstate; she must be ruled by circles standing outside all parties andspecial interests; only under this condition is a truly scientific policypossible.'The independence of the new leader class from special economicinterests is what Hitler calls 'socialism'; and it is this economic independencewhich safeguards for the 'state-forming master race' itsdomination over the 'born slaves.' In a speech which Hitler delivered inFebruary, 1934, at Berlin he made no bones about his social concepts:The primitive man will have no understanding for the needs of thespirit, but he begrudges them <strong>to</strong> no one. All the millions of small andhard-working citizens of a nation do not demand that the wise manshould adapt himself <strong>to</strong> their knowledge or that the man blessed withartistic gifts should prefer their culture. They always grant him what ishis, but they also demand, and righdy so, that in return for their cooperationin the community they be

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