Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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Chapter XXVIIITHE BLOOD PURGETHE DREAM OF WORLD DOMINATION IS IN THE LAST analysisa dream of the subjects, not of the masters. Innumerable people thinkthis world would be perfect if it were wisely governed by an allpowerfulcentral brain; but who wants <strong>to</strong> be this central brain? At most,men who are aware that for them this can be no more than anirresponsible dream; in practice, the slightest contact with real powerusually destroys the dream, quickly and thoroughly. Few continue theclimb <strong>to</strong> the colder regions where there is no longer any tangibleenjoyment, but where only the pride of the heights can recompensethem for the icy burden of responsibility and the constant fear ofdownfall. Moreover, the real summits of world power are but thinlydistributed in the landscape of world his<strong>to</strong>ry, and demonstrably, none ofthe great world rulers has been happy.All the armed intellectuals had heard that happiness was ignoble;perhaps from Nietzsche, for whom only the 'dangerous life' was worthy;from Goethe, who wrote that man cannot 'rule and enjoy at once,' for'enjoyment makes common'; or more recently from Oswald Spenglerwith his 'joy in the heaviness of human destiny.' But this book-learnings<strong>to</strong>od up poorly under the test of reality; as soon as the warriors becameministers, they wanted <strong>to</strong> live like bank direc<strong>to</strong>rs and enjoyedthemselves with a splendor and publicity unknown <strong>to</strong> any of the leadersof the Weimar Republic in their modest cottages. Hitler, who indulgedhimself in everything, was fortunate enough not <strong>to</strong> be plagued withconspicuous desires. His inclination <strong>to</strong> conceal his private life helpedhim <strong>to</strong> enhance

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