Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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FRANCE IS TO BLAME 717<strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> say in hard and unfriendly words that it was impossible — whileHitler still was speaking of peace and reconciliation. The decision <strong>to</strong>negotiate or not <strong>to</strong> negotiate with Germany involved for France thechoice between England and Russia as her ally. Now she had chosen,and rejected England; yet in the end she was unable <strong>to</strong> retain her alliesin the East.A year and a half before, Hitler had demanded that if the disarmamentnegotiations collapsed again, France should be considered guilty of theirfailure in the eyes of the world — that is <strong>to</strong> say, of England andAmerica. This was the case now. Germany was rearming, but Francewas considered responsible for it. The estrangement between France andEngland had begun before that seventeenth day of April, 1934; but nowit was <strong>to</strong> be final for years <strong>to</strong> come.At the beginning of June, 1934, Doc<strong>to</strong>r Cosmo Lang, Archbishop ofCanterbury, in an address <strong>to</strong> the Convocation of Canterbury, made anumber of political remarks. Among other things he said that 'he couldnot but deplore the attitude taken by M. Barthou,' and rebuked Francefor having 'almost contemptuously rejected the most reasonableproposals put forward by Germany.' As for Germany herself, Doc<strong>to</strong>rLang, while expressing his concern over the growth of 'paganism' underthe influence of the National Socialist Movement, said that nevertheless'he had the very greatest sympathy with the immense, undoubted, and,on the whole, beneficent awakening which had come <strong>to</strong> Germany andGerman life in every aspect, in the remarkable revolution associatedwith the name of Herr Hitler.'About the same time Schacht began <strong>to</strong> set up so-called 'control posts'for raw materials throughout Germany. Questionnaires were sent out <strong>to</strong>businessmen, who were invited <strong>to</strong> state before the middle of May, 1934,the amount of aluminum, lead, chromium, copper, magnesium,manganese, quicksilver, wolfram, zinc, and tin they had in s<strong>to</strong>ck. Alsothe s<strong>to</strong>cks of wool, cot<strong>to</strong>n, skins, and hides were <strong>to</strong> be listed. Germanybegan <strong>to</strong> take a census of her raw materials, <strong>to</strong> test her economicstrength, and everyone knew that henceforward aluminum, quicksilver,cot<strong>to</strong>n, and skins were no longer merchandise, but weapons. This wasthe first step <strong>to</strong>ward rearmament 'beyond the limits of economic reason.'

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