Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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FRANCE IS TO BLAME 715had progressed <strong>to</strong>o rapidly; and who could seriously hope <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p thisprocess by conversations? A conversation, let alone an agreement, wouldhave meant that France was openly abandoning the treaties, whateverthese were worth. But this was the very thing which England now urgedher 'friend across the Channel' <strong>to</strong> do.The direction of France's foreign policy was in the hands of LouisBarthou, who may be considered the last classic statesman of the ThirdRepublic. A white-bearded old man of seventy-two, an adroi<strong>to</strong>pportunist in the domestic field, not exactly a creative mind in the fieldof foreign politics, he was a remarkable mixture of talent and energyand was inspired by a great guiding principle. This principle was hislifelong fear of the German danger. He also had a strong will <strong>to</strong> breakthis danger. He spoke German and was a highly educated man who hadachieved the rare distinction of being elected <strong>to</strong> France's literary society,the French Academy of the 'Forty Immortals.' He had written a bookabout Richard Wagner, and liked <strong>to</strong> quote Heine's gloomy prophecy thatGermany would become a great danger <strong>to</strong> the world once Thor awokefrom his thousand-year-long sleep and began <strong>to</strong> break the churches andthe Cross. Barthou thought that this his<strong>to</strong>ric day had come; he said tha<strong>to</strong>nly two or three years were left in which the danger could beeliminated.England, however, demanded that France negotiate with Germany;this meant that Hitler was <strong>to</strong> have a three-hundred-thousand-man armyif he renounced bombing planes and accepted a transitional period offive <strong>to</strong> ten years. It might be possible <strong>to</strong> accept this plan; but who wouldvouch that Hitler would abide by it? Barthou asked England forgaranties d'execution (guaranties that the plan would be carried out)—which was only a different form of France's eternal demand thatEngland support her if Germany violated the treaties. Embarrassed,England countered by asking what such garanties d'execution meantconcretely; and it was again France's turn <strong>to</strong> reply.What England's idea amounted <strong>to</strong> was: We will grant Hitler his army,and the four of us — England, France, Germany, and Italy — will sitdown around a table. We will determine the future armaments ofEurope; and neither Poland nor Czechoslovakia,

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