Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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708 DER FUEHRERbattle lasted three days; those sections of the workers, who weredetermined <strong>to</strong> resist, fought much more vigorously than, for instance,the National Socialists in Munich in 1923. But only a small part of themresisted. In contrast <strong>to</strong> what happened in Germany in 1920, the his<strong>to</strong>ricweapon of the working class, the general strike, this time failed: thewheels did not stand still, the trains ran on schedule, and the electriclights burned as before. A few prominent leaders fled <strong>to</strong>Czechoslovakia; others, like Seitz, the Mayor of Vienna, remaineddefiantly in the city; several of the real leaders of the battle were hangedby the government, which had neither human feeling nor respect fortheir magnificent courage. This blood-bath seemingly broke the politicalpower of the Social Democracy; but the movement was not destroyed, itcontinued as a brilliantly organized 'underground,' which even managed<strong>to</strong> hold Communist competition down. It may be doubted whetherDollfuss wanted all of these horrors; but it is a fact that he did no<strong>to</strong>ppose them. Amidst the life-and-death struggle the Austrian governmentwas waging against National Socialism, the destruction andalienation of the strongest anti-Nazi force in the country was a model ofpolitical short-sightedness.Dicta<strong>to</strong>rship continued <strong>to</strong> make headway in Europe. Its semicircle,extending from Moscow <strong>to</strong> Rome, was solidly filled during that year;first Germany, then Austria, were added <strong>to</strong> the ring; in Poland,terrorism, which hither<strong>to</strong> had been only an instrument of the Fascistrulers, had been raised <strong>to</strong> the dignity of a constitution. The Hungariansemi-dicta<strong>to</strong>rship came closer <strong>to</strong> fascism when Julius Goemboes, anavowed Fascist and anti-Semite, became Prime Minister — this actually<strong>to</strong>ok place four months before <strong>Hitler's</strong> accession <strong>to</strong> power. The westernend of the semicircle, formed by the Spanish dicta<strong>to</strong>rship, had at firstbeen broken off by the resignation of Primo de Rivera in 1929 and thedeposition of King Alfonso in 1931; but within a few years Spanishfascism, bloodier than ever, was <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> power. And the EuropaFascista, prophesied by Mussolini, had even raised its head in Paris. InEngland, <strong>to</strong>o, Lord Rothermere supported Sir Oswald Mosley'smovement which openly called itself 'Fascist.'With half of Europe won for fascism, how could international

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