Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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696 DER FUEHRERthan a noble attitude; actually France could not expect any advantagefrom a free decision of the Saarlanders, while a passionate plebiscitemeant useless vexations and dangers <strong>to</strong> her.On January 21, 1933, however, German and foreign fascism moved alittle closer <strong>to</strong> each other in another quarter. Marshal Pilsudski approvedthe project of a treaty of reconciliation between Germany and Poland,which had been under consideration for months. The treaty did notimply that Germany recognized the Polish-German frontier, but shepromised not <strong>to</strong> change that frontier by force. The real meaning of theagreement lay in the fact that both parties renounced the help of theLeague in setding their mutual affairs. 'Both governments,' ran thePolish-German declaration published on January 26, 'desire <strong>to</strong> setde bydirect negotiations all questions of whatever nature which concern them.In the case of disputes which cannot be solved by direct negotiations, asolution shall be sought by other peaceful means, without prejudice <strong>to</strong>other methods such as are laid down in existing agreements. In no caseshall there be an appeal <strong>to</strong> force.' The treaty also declared that noproblems shall be discussed 'which, in accordance with internationallaw, should be regarded exclusively as internal affairs of either state' —in these ambiguous terms Germany perhaps renounced the protection ofher minority in Poland; Poland certainly wished <strong>to</strong> place that interpretationon the phrase. The treaty was <strong>to</strong> remain in force for ten years,and <strong>to</strong> be au<strong>to</strong>matically extended unless denounced. That it wasdesigned <strong>to</strong> end the hostility between the two countries and therebydetach Poland from the French system of alliances, for all practicalpurposes, was confirmed a few days later by a so-called 'propagandaagreement,' in which Germany and Poland pledged themselves '<strong>to</strong> cooperateon all questions concerning public opinion in their respectivecountries <strong>to</strong> the end that mutual understanding may be increasinglyawakened and that a friendly atmosphere may thereby be assured.'On the same day on which Poland made peace with National SocialistGermany, she ceased formally <strong>to</strong> be a democracy. This was the result ofa parliamentary procedure which was curiously similar <strong>to</strong> the suicide ofthe Austrian democracy on March 7, 1933. A new constitution whichabrogated equal and universal suffrage

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