Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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688 DER FUEHRERfrontier question outstanding: that of the Saar Basin and its eighthundred thousand inhabitants. Legally — as not even the peace treatiesdenied —it was German terri<strong>to</strong>ry; but the Treaty of Versailles providedthat it was <strong>to</strong> be governed for fifteen years by a League of NationsCommission with headquarters in Saarbrucken; economically, it wasincluded in the French cus<strong>to</strong>ms zone; the currency was French, Frenchgoods dominated the markets; the coal mines, which constituted thechief industry, were administered by a French government consortiumand French officials. The <strong>to</strong>tally German terri<strong>to</strong>ry was strangelypermeated by the French language and French cus<strong>to</strong>ms, and the FrenchTricolors waved over the coal shafts. The ultimate fate of the terri<strong>to</strong>rywas <strong>to</strong> be decided by a plebiscite <strong>to</strong> be held in 1935 at the earliest. TheSaarlanders were unquestionably Germans and wanted <strong>to</strong> be Germans;the majority of the population of Alsace-Lorraine probably did not; nowHitler said:As a National Socialist, I, along with all my supporters, decline, on thebasis of our national principles, <strong>to</strong> acquire people of a strange nation, whocannot be made <strong>to</strong> love us, with the blood and life of those who are dearand precious <strong>to</strong> us. It would be a gigantic event for all mankind if bothnations, once and for all, should banish force from their mutual relations.The German nation is willing! Just as I freely invoke the rights whichare given us in the treaties themselves [he meant Versailles andLocarno] I will just as freely declare that, as far as Germany is concerned,there are no further terri<strong>to</strong>rial conflicts between the two countries. Afterthe return of the Saar <strong>to</strong> Germany, only a madman could conceive thepossibility of war between the two countries; from our point of viewthere can be no morally or reasonably justifiable ground for one. For noone could demand that, <strong>to</strong> achieve a correction, dubious in value as well asscope, of the present frontiers, a million human lives should be sacrificed.These declarations of peace were now submitted <strong>to</strong> the German voter,and it was <strong>to</strong> them that the question referred which he was <strong>to</strong> answer atthe polls: Do you, German man, do you, German woman, approve thispolicy of your government? Again Hitler drove and flew up and downGermany, and everywhere his word <strong>to</strong> the masses

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